Growth and Annealing of CIGS Thin Films

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J. Php. D:Appl. Phys. 26 (1993) 1787-1792.

Printed in the UK

I Growth and annealing of Culn,,,Ga,,,Se, 1
1 thinfilms
E Ahmedt, A E Hill, R D Pilkington and R D Tomlinson
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University of Salford,Sallord
Received 24 February 1993, in final form 17 June 1993

Abstract. Culno75G&25Se2(CIGS). a promising materlal for solar cell applications,

was produced in the form of thin films by the evaporation of pre-reacted
polycrystalline c GS material onto glass substrates. The deposits were
characterized using x-ray dinraction (XRD) and scanning electron m croscope
(SEM) techniques. They were found to have a strong preterred orien!at.on with tne
(112) plane parallel to the substrate. Results from energy dispersive analysis w:th
x-rays (EDAX) and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RES) indicated that the
as-grown films were slightly deficient in selenium, otherwise the composition was
comparable tne stan ng polycrystalline material. Electr;cal measurements
revealed both n- and p-type COndJClivIikS with surtace resist:v:ty values in the
range of lO-'-lO3 Q cm. A two-stage post-deposition heat treatment of tne films
was performed to improve tne composition and crystal structure and to optimize
the eledrica. properties. It was observed that the first annealing stage produced
an excelsentimprovement in the compos:tion of the films. An increase in tne film
grain size (to > 2 pm) was observed when the lilms were sLbsequently annealed
in a 9:l mixture of N2:Hz. StructJra. ana compositional characteristics are usea to
explain obsewed changes in electrical propenies.

1. Introduction than 16% efficient CIGS solar cells have recently been
reported [3].
Considerable interest in copper temary and quatemary Post-deposition heat treatments can considerably
semiconductor compounds has been stimulated by their improve the properties of thin films and hence the
application in high-efficiency thin film photovoltaic parameters of photovoltaic devices based on these
devices for use in both terrestrial and space environments films [9]. Good cell performance has been shown to
[ 1,21. Thin film solar cells based on a polycrystalline be related to the stoichiometry and structure of the
Cu(In,Ga)Sez (CICS) absorber have proved to be absorber material [IO]. Current studies on chalcopyrite
extremely stable and efficient; 15.4% efficient cells have thin film CIGS deposition techniques have involved
been reported for CuInSez (CIS) [3]. Copper gallium flash evaporation 1111, elemental co-evaporation 1121,
&selenide (CGS)has also been investigated but to date laser ablation 1131, molecular beam epitaxy 1141 and
has shown less promise in stand-alone devices, with only sputtering 1151. It has been observed that films
6% efficient solar cells having been fabricated 141. grown on substrates at room temperature are amorphous
Both single-crystal and thin film forms of CIS have while films deposited at temperatures above 500 K
been extensively researched for over two decades due are polycrystalline with a (1 12) preferred orientation
to its distinctive properties [5] such as direct band [16]. It has been shown that films produced by the
gap, high absorption coefficient (IO5 cm-'), moderate above techniques nearly always require post-deposition
surface recombinations velocities and radiation hardness annealing to optimize the film properties. Mooney et a1
[61. Unfortunately, the energy band gap value of [ 171 performed a systematic study and used rapid thermal
approximately 1.02 eV (for thin film CIS) is smaller than annealing for recrystallization of co-evaporated CIS.
the theoretically optimum value of 1.5 eV for solar cells Enhanced grain growth was observed in polycrystalline
[71.The band gap of thin film CuGaS@ is of the order CIS using this technique [MI.Laude eta1 [I91illustrated
I .68eV and therefore, by partially substituting gallium the synthesis of polycrystalline films of CIS by laser
for indium, the band gap can be adjusted to this optimum irradiation of vacuum evaporated multi-layer sandwiches
value [SI. The resultant CuInt-,GaxSe2 (CIGS) can have of Cu, In and Se. They observed no phases other than
any band gap value between 1.02 and 1.68 eV. More the desired chalcopyrite.
This paper reports the growth, compositional,
t Permanent address: Physics Department, B Z University, structural and electrical properties of CuIno,,sG~.&ez
Multan. Pakistan. thin films prepared by the flash evaporation technique.

0022-3727/93!101787+06$07.50 @ 1993 IOP Publishing Lld 1787

E Ahmed et a/

This thin film deposition method is well known and very

convenient for deposition of alloys and compounds in
which dissociation would normally be a problem. We
have recently demonstrated [ 111 that thin films of CIOs
with compositions close to the starting material can be
produced by this simple and straightforward technique.
Particular emphasis has been given to the effects of
post-deposition heat treatments on the film properties
and we have shown that a two-stage annealing process
can be used to improve the composition, grain size and
electrical properties.

0 ,
90U 1000 il00 1200 1300 DQ

2. Sample preparation and experimental Figure 1. The effect of source temperature on the
CulnlGaSe2film composition.
Thin CuIn0,,~Ga&3e~films were deposited by flash
3. Results and discussion
evaporation using an apparatus developed at Salford
[ZO]. The fine grain (150-2.50 pm) starting material To orepare homogeneous and stoichiometric thin
was made by repeated grinding and sieving of polycrys-
films- b; the flash evaporation technique, the source
talline C U I ~ , , , ~ ~ G Q . ~prepared
$ ~ ~ , using 99.999% pure temperature must be controlled carefully and should be
constituent elements, which had previously been etched high enough to evaporate all the constituent elements. A
and cleaned. Preparation details have been given pre- systematic study of the effect of the source temperature
viously [ l l ] and will not be repeated here. on the composition of CIGS thin films was carried out and
Both flat tungsten strip and molybdenum twin the results are summarized in figure 1. It is evident that
chimney boats were used as the evaporation source. the films deposited at source temperatures < 1050°C
The temperature of the source was varied between were deficient in copper, whereas, at approximately
900°C and 13OO"C,as measured by a Pt-646 Rh/Pt- 1300"C, the copper content in the films was comparable
30% Rh thermocouple placed directly below the source. to that of the starting material. At temperatures >
A precise measure of the source temperature was 1100°C analysis revealed a slight excess of indium
established using an optical pyrometer, as reported in and a small deficiency of selenium. This selenium
our previous paper [l 11. The continuous feeding of fine deficiency was probably due to its higher vapour
grain CIGS onto the hot source was established by means pressure. Under our experimental conditions, a source
of a motor-controlled vibrating hopper and a specially temperature of approximately 1300 "C (measured by the
designed feeder tube. A source-to-substrate distance of source thermocouple) was found to be the minimum
12 cm and a measured pressure better than lo-' Torr evaporation temperature for successful deposition of
were found to be optimum for successful growth of CIGS thin films with a composition comparable to that
CIGS thin films. Films were deposited onto ultrasonically of the starting material. Films in the thickness range
cleaned Corning 7059 glass substrates, the temperature 6000-13000 A were prepared.
of which was varied between room temperature and Figure 2 shows the CIGS compositional triangle with
200°C. data for as-grown and annealed samples. The as-grown
Three different annealing regimes were adopted, samples, produced at a source temperature of 1300"C,
henceforth referred to as regime 1, regime 2 and regime 3 (labelled 'a' in figure 2) were always slightly rich in
indium and deficient in selenium. Apart from these
consisting of 1, annealing in vacuum; 2, annealing in an
deviations, the values for copper and gallium (within
ambient gas of a 9:1 mixture of Nz:H2; and 3, annealing
the measurement error of 4%) are very close to those
in a selenium atmosphere. Post-deposition annealing of the starting material composition. Dramatic changes
experiments were carried out in a sealed glass ampoule, in atomic composition resulted when the samples were
whose shape allowed the sample and the selenium to be exposed to specific post-deposition heat treatments.
separate. The influence of various temperatures in the Annealing of samples using regime 1 (labelled 'b') and
range 200°C to 500°C was investigated. regime 2 (labelled 'e') showed no appreciable change
The structural properties of the as-deposited and in the composition. Other authors have reported partial
annealed films were investigated by SEM and XRD, using loss of selenium after annealing in vacuum 1211. Our
Cu Ka radiation. The composition was evaluated using measurements did not confirm this, as a very small
EDAX and was cross checked by RBS. The electrical selenium loss could not be detected, due to the accuracy
parameters, including resistivity and conductivity type, of the EDAX technique (i4%). When annealing the films
were determined by the four-point and hot-pint probe at a temperature of 300°C in a selenium atmosphere,
techniques respectively. an improvement in the composition (labelled 'c') was

Growth of Culno.75Gao&e2thin films

Reported CIS cell

efficiencies [23]

- %CU
Figure 2 The effectof annealing (various regimes) on the CulnIGaSe film composition.

always observed. It can be clearly seen that the resulting

film composition is approaching that of the source -
material 025%. In+Ga 25%, Se 50%) from which
solar cells with 10.5% efficiency have been fabricated
I Cu
. . . .. Annealed in Se

1221. When samples were subjected to a higher

temperature anneal (500°C) in a selenium atmosphere,
the Se:Cu:(In+Ga) ratio changed with an increase in the
percentage of selenium and a corresponding decrease in
the percentages of copper and indiumlgallium (labelled
The RBS technique is very useful for observing the
surface composition as well as the homogeneity of the
films. The RBS spectra also gives information regarding
the film thickness. This technique makes use of a
2 MeV He+ ion beam from a Van de Graaff generator

in conjunction with a multi-channel energy analyser
with a resolution of 5 kelr per channel. Figure 3 Figure 3. Rutherford backscattering spectra of (-)
shows the difference between the RBS spectra of CIGS as-grown and (. .. .. .) selenium annealed thin film
thin films before and after annealing in selenium at
300°C. Results were analysed using specialist computer the individual peaks can be resolved, the error in the
software yielding aata on the sample thickness and measurements can then be reduced to approximately
surface mposition. A small peak at channel energy 0.2%. For thicker films the RBS peaks overlap and the
346 indicated an indium excess on the surface of the measurement error is increased to approximately 10%
as-grown material; this is in good agreement with our [241.
E D A ~results. After annealing it can be clearly seen In order to determine the smcture of both as-
that the excess surface indium has diffused into the film, grown and annealed CIGS samples, x-ray diffraction
resulting in the removal of the indium peak in the RBS analysis was carried out and the observed spectra are
spectrum. The homogeneity of the film is also improved shown in figure 4. It is evident from the spectrum
as shown by the smoothing of the top plateau of the of the as-grown film that the (112) diffraction line
spectrum. The film thickness is related to the number of dominates heavily. After annealing the film at 300°C in
channels across which the spectrum is recorded. Figure 3 a selenium atmosphere, we observe a small increase of
Teveals that, after annealing, the film has increased in the other CIGS diffraction lines, which could be attributed
thickness from 5850 A to 6500 A. This is a well-known to relaxation in the preferred orientation of the film
e m t [23], attributed to incorporation ,of selenium in structure. This indicates that the flash evaporated film
vacancies existing within the as-grown fiims. This has a preferred growth direction, the (112) plane being
effect was repeatedly observed in a number of samples parallel to the substrate. For annealing temperatures
annealed under the same condihons. Bulk compositional above 400°C. *the films were highly stressed, which
analysis can be achieved using this techniqw*butthe thin resulted in them peeling away from the substrate,
film has to be of a thickness (< 2OCh A$ whereby therefore it was difficult to obtain diffraction spectra for

E Ahmed et a/

y , ,, ,
" I I , " , , ,, ,
Figure 4. The XRD spectra of as-grown and annealed
(under S e at 300°C)CIGS thin films.

these samples. Figures 5(a)-(c) shown SEM micrographs

of the as-grown and annealed films. The as-grown
CIGS film has a rough porous nature with an average
grain size of the order 2000 A.
When these as-grown
CIGS films were annealed in a Nz:Hz atmosphere at
temperatures ranging between 250 "C and 400"C, the
microstructure changed considerably and large grains
of the order 1 'pm in size were found to result at a
temperature of 300°C. Grain growth to ahout 2 p m
was observed for samples annealed first in a selenium
atmosphere at 300 "C and then subsequently annealed
in an ambient gas of 9:l mixture of NZ:H2at 300°C.
It is anticipated that, with further optimization of the
annealing regime, that is temperature and time, larger
Figure 5. SEM micrographs of GIGS thin film: ( a ) as-grown;
grains such as those observed in figure 5(c) could be ( b )annealed in N2:H2at 300°C:and (c) annealed in Se at
grown reproducibly. 300°C followed an anneal in N2:H2(9:l) at 300°C.
The resistivity and conductivity type of both as-
grown and annealed CIGS films were measured by four- (i) Post-deposition heat treatments at temperatures
point and hot-point probe techniques respectively. It was not exceeding 300 "C,in vacuum, resulted in no change
found that the resistivity values of the as-deposited films to the conductivity type. The resistivity values either
were in the range of 10-l-lO'Q cm and both n- and p- remained constant or showed very small variations. A
type conductivities were observed. As we have reported change in conductivity type from p- to n-type is usually
recently [ll], the conductivity type can be related to attributed to selenium loss. Under our experimental
the various defect levels present in the films. Detailed conditions no selenium loss was observed.
analysis of post-deposition heat treatments was carried (ii) As-deposited samples, annealed in an atmosphere
out to identify the reason for the existence of n-type of 9:l mixture of Nz:H2 again showed no change in the
conductivity. On the basis of these studies, the following conductivity type. However, an appreciable change in
effects were observed. the resistivity was noted. This is attributed to increase

Growth of Culno.,5G%,25Se2
thin films

4. Conclusions

CuIno,75Gao,25Sezthin films have been successfully

grown on glass substrates using a simple and Iow-
cost flash evaporation technique. High-quality polycrys-
talline films with a strong (1 12) preferred orientation and
compositions n e a to that of the starting material have
been produced at source temperatures of about 1300°C.
Both n- and p-type conductivities were observed The
observed n-type conductivity in the as-grown films has
been attributed to the existence of a selenium deficiency.
Post-deposition heat treatments in various ambients
have resulted in an improvement of both composition
and grain size. A two-stage annealing process
involving an initial anneal in selenium (to optimize the
composition) followed by a second anneal in a Nz:H*
atmosphere (to increase the grain size) has been shown to
be beneficial. The annealing of our samples under high-
vacuum conditions may have resulted in a very slight
loss of selenium but this was not observed.
Figure 6. Variation of resistivily as a function of annealing This initial study has shown that, by using an
temperature for films annealed in Se. optimized annealing procedure, thin films of CIGS with
the desired structure and properties can be prepared.
in grain size.
It is believed that, by further optimizing the annealing
(iii) Annealing in selenium atmospheres always
regime, large grains of CIGS can be grown, which will
changed the conductivity from n- to p-type. Consider-
be advantageous in the production of solar cells based
able variation in resistivity was also observed.
on this material. Work is continuing with the intention
From these preliminary experiments, the relationship of producing photovoltaic devices based on these films.
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