AHU (Air Handling Unit)

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AHU (Air Handling Unit)

The main and the central component of a functional HVAC system is an AHU (Air Handling
Unit). Air-handling system is a device used to condition and circulate air as a part of heating,
ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system.

An Air-Handling Unit (AHU) is the primary equipment in an HVAC system; it handles and
conditions the air and distributes it to various conditioned spaces. In an AHU, the required
amounts of outdoor air and recirculating air are often mixed and conditioned. The temperature of
the discharge air is then maintained within predetermined limits by means of control systems.
After that, the conditioned supply air is provided with motive force and is distributed to various
conditioned spaces through ductwork and space diffusion devices. Many air-handling units are
modular so that they have the flexibility to add components as required. Humidifiers are
employed for processing air conditioning and health care facilities where space humidity must be

A larger air handler that conditions 100% outside air, and no recirculated air, is known as a make
-up air unit (MAU)

Figure 1
AHU Components
 Structure & Panel (Casing)
 Filters
 Dampers
 Sensors (Temperature Sensor, RH Sensor)
 Pressure Controller
 Coils Heating Coil & Cooling Coil
 Fan (Blower)
 Humidifiers
 Accessories
Structure & Panel
Two kinds of casings are more widely used for new AHUs today: a double-wall sheet-metal
casing in which the insulation material is sandwiched between two sheet-metal panels of 1 to 2
inches (25 to 50 mm) thickness and single sheet-metal panel with inner insulation layer and
perforated metal liners. Although insulating materials such as glass fibers and mineral wool are
inert, when they become wet and collect dirt, both the glass fiber and the glass fiber liner provide
the site and source of microbial growth. In addition, glass fiber liner is susceptible to
deterioration and erosion over time. With a double-wall sheet-metal casing, glass fibers are not
exposed to the moisture of the ambient air. Its inner surface can also be cleaned easily.
Perforated metal liners cannot isolate the insulating material from the ambient moisture, but they
are helpful to attenuate the fan noise. The outside surface of the casing is often coated with an
ultraviolet-resistant epoxy paint. The interior surface is better coated with a light color paint
which increases the ability to spot the debris and microbial growth. Hinged access panels to the
fan, coils, and filter sections must be provided for inspection and maintenance. Thermal break
construction employs a resin bridge between the exterior and interior panels to interrupt the
through-metal path heat transfer.

Air filtration is an important component to achieve an acceptable indoor air quality. Pre filters
and Fine Filters (only in AHUs of Dry area) were used to remove objectionable odors or Volatile
Organic Compounds (VOCs) in industry. Air filters are more efficient at removing air
contaminants of particle size between 0.3 and 5 μm which are lung-damaging dust.

Types of Filters

WHO has categorized the areas of an industry on the basis of conditions.

Level of Protection Condition Recommended Filtration

Level 1 General Primary Micron filters only
(10 micron)
Level 2 Protected Primary Micron filter (10
micron) + Secondary Micron
filter (5 micron)
Level 3 Controlled Primary Micron filter (10
micron) + Secondary Micron
filter (5 micron) + Tertiary
Micron filter (HEPA filter)
The filters are classified into following categories :

(a.) Primary Filters: Primary filter element is made to take out impurities from the air flow
coming into the absorption process. Example: Coarse air filters are often used to remove
coarse dusts (5 to 80 μm) such as standing dust on surfaces, pollen, and textile fibers.
They are generally panel filters of MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) 1, 2, 3
and 4 with weight arrestee efficiencies between 65 and 75 percent. The dimensions of the
framework of these filters are often 20 inches (500 mm) width by 20 inches (500 mm)
height, or 24 inches (600 mm) width by 24 inches (600 mm) height. The depth of the
filter may vary from 0.5 to 4 inches (13 to 100 mm).
(b.) Secondary Filters: They act as a representative of optionally available filtration during
servicing of the main filter (primary filter).
(c.) Tertiary Filters: This category of filters includes HEPA filters (mostly used in the
industry), Activated Carbon filter etc. They are used to remove particles of 0.3 to 1μm
such as bacteria, viruses, cooking oil fumes, tobacco smoke, and other smoke. They have
0.3 to 1 μm particle size efficiency.

HEPA Filter

HEPA is a designation used to describe filters that are able to trap 99.97 percent of particles that
are 0.3 microns.

HEPA filters are used in applications that require contamination control, such as the
manufacturing of disk drives, medical devices, semiconductors, nuclear, food and
pharmaceutical products, as well as in hospitals,[9] homes and vehicles.

In Pharmaceuticals Industry HVAC with HEPA filter is used for environment(space) in working
area and areas where product is being handled.
A damper is a valve or plate that stops or regulates the flow of air inside a duct, chimney, air
handler, or other air-handling equipment. A damper may be used to cut off central air
conditioning (heating or cooling) to an unused room, or to regulate it for room-by-room
temperature and climate change. In the industry, AHUs with Manual Damper (having a handle)
were in operation.
Usually, there is no humidifier installed in the AHU for comfort air conditioning systems; but the
outdoor climate is very cold in winter so that if a humidifier is not employed, the winter indoor
relative humidity may be too low. Humidifiers are necessary for health care facilities and
processing systems in pharmaceutical, semiconductor, textile, communication centers, and
computer rooms.
Humidification is often necessary in colder climates where continuous heating will make the air
drier, resulting in uncomfortable air quality and increased static electricity. Various types of
humidification may be used: Evaporative: dry air blown over a reservoir will evaporate
some of the water. The rate of evaporation can be increased by spraying the water onto baffles
in the air stream. Vaporizer: steam or vapor from a boiler is blown directly into the air
stream. Spray mist: water is diffused either by a nozzle or other mechanical means into
fine droplets and carried by the air. Ultrasonic: A tray of fresh water in the airstream is
excited by an ultrasonic device forming a fog or water mist. Wetted medium: A fine
fibrous medium in the airstream is kept moist with fresh water from a header pipe with a
series of small outlets. As the air passes through the medium it entrains the water in fine
droplets. This type of humidifier can quickly clog if the primary air filtration is not maintained
in good order

Coils Heating Coil & Cooling Coil

In AHUs, the following types of coil are often used: water cooling coils, water heating coils,
electric heating coils, and water precooling coils. In the industry, Liquid coupled Heat exchanger
was used in AHU, which was provided with the inlet and outlet pipes (with manual valves for
regulation) of both chilled and hot water.
Fan (Blower)
A double-inlet airfoil, backward-inclined centrifugal fan is often used in large AHUs with greater
cfm (L/s) and higher fan total pressure for its higher efficiency and lower noise. Although the
forward curved centrifugal fan has a lower efficiency at full load, it is more compact and its part
load operating characteristics are better than those of a backward-inclined centrifugal fan. It is
often used in small AHUs and where cfm (L/s) and fan total pressure are lower. Generally, a
centrifugal fan has a higher efficiency and at the same time, a lower noise. Given two fans of the
same model, both with the same cfm (L/s) and fan total pressure, a centrifugal fan that is greater
in size and slower in speed creates less noise.
There are two main kinds of industrial fans:
 Centrifugal fans
 Axial-flow fans

AHU Types
AHU are of various types, like Horizontal Unit, Vertical Unit, Draw Through Unit, Blow
Through Unit, Mixing AHU, Multi Zone AHU, Single Zone AHU, Outdoor Air AHU etc. In the
Industry, AHU was of Horizontal type.

CFM requird for HVAC-AHU Calculation

Measure the Dimensions of room (length, breath, height) where HVAC has to work.

Choose the required ACPH (Air Changes Per Hour) for the room.

CFM = (Vol. of Space X ACPH) / 60

AHU - 1106 Installation at Tabla Plant

A new AHU is to be installed at Tabla Plant after the old AHU is being dismantled.

Specification of AHU to be installed at Tabla Plant

Vendor System Air India Pvt.
CFM 24898
Motor 11KW

No. of Workers Required For the Job

Worker Type Required No.s
Labor 2
Fitter 3
Safety Supervisor 1

The whole process of is according to the installation S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure)
framed by the company. The whole procedure for installation of AHU is:

1. Shifting of AHU material from Steel Yard to Tabla Plant

A Job permit is made to shift the AHU material from Steel Yard to Tabla Plant using Hydra
Crane and all the path is barricaded for safely shifting of AHU material and is shifted to Location
of installation on roof area of Tabla Plant .

2. Pre-Installation Inspection of AHU

The AHU is Inspected by the project department and the Shift Incharge of Tabla plant. The AHU
is compared with the Drawing and specifications in Design Qualification report.

3. Safety check at Working area

The workplace is checked to ensure safety of workers and to ensure and use of Personal
Protection Equipment’s (PPEs) is done. Weather is also checked every hour in the working

4. Removal of Old AHU

The old AHU is Dismantled and removed and is moved to scrapyard.

5. Platform for AHU

The old platform blocks were built according to old AHU and now are changed to blocks of
150mmx150mmx150mm is modified according to the new AHU.
10 blocks are kept to provide a platform to AHU and rubber pads are put on to provide a perfect
base for AHU unit.

6. Base installation
After building the platform for AHU the Base profile is build and the base panels are installed by
drilling and sealed by sealant platform and then the level is checked by spirit leveler and
adjustments are made.

7. Side & Upper Profile Installation

Now the side profiles are installed followed by upper profile platform and then the level is
checked by spirit leveler and adjustments are made.

8. Side Panels Installation

The side panels are installed and drilled followed by sealing by sealant and 2 panels are left for
after installation in order to have 2 ways for working inside the cabin.

9. Installation of Cooling coil & Heating Coil

Heating and cooling coils are placed inside the AHU cabin and is drilled to the profile of the
AHU above the draining tray base platform.

10. Installation of Fan -Motor system.

Fan-Motor set is moved inside the AHU cabin using a Hydra Machine and is Bolted on the base.

11.Filters and Dampers Installation

Filters 5A,5B,5C are installed at the locations as given in the drawing and then dampers are
installed i.e. 6A,6B,6C,6D,6E at the locations as in the drawing.

12.Installtion of Other accessories

Accessories such as marine light, limit switch, drain pipe and then followed by installation of
doors is done and then the roof panels are drilled and sealed using a sealant.

13.Cleaning of Working Area

After installation of AHU is complete, all the tools and equipment’s (drilling set, hammer, etc.)
are moved to the trolley and sent to workshop area.
The workplace is cleaned by proper housekeeping.

14.Inspection after Installation

The AHU is inspected after installation by the Shift Incharge of the Tabla plant and project
department Staff and is approved for electrical connections.

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