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Principle of Operation

Liquid is pumped through the central channel of the cartridge from the bottom of the body.
Suspended particles are retained on the filter media resting on the filter plate. Clean filtrate
emerges out from the peripheral holes of the plate, into the tank and comes out from the bottom
outlet. Filter tank wall does not come in contact with the un-filtered liquid, hence remains clean.
Components of Sparkle Filter

 Casing
 Filter plates
 Filter media (pads),
 Cartridge assembly,
 Safety Valve.
 Tie Rods & Interlocking Nut

It is ideally suited for filtration of syrup, liquid, chemicals, oil beverages, brewery,
pharmaceuticals, paints, dairy etc.
Installation of New Sparkler Filer at Classic Plant
A new sparkler Filer is to be installed at Classic Plant and a Plant shutdown is provided for 7
days for installation of Sparkler Filter and other maintenance works to be done during this
shutdown period.

Specification of Sparkler Filter to be installed at Classic Plant

Vendor TFI Filtration India Pvt. Ltd.
Flow Rate (m3/hr.) 13.0
Pressure (Operating/Design) (kg/sq.cm2g) 4/6
Plate Diameter 18
Dimensions of Filter (mm) 960x700x1350
Filter Plate 9no.s X 18”
Weight (kg) 520

No. of Workers Required For the Job

Worker Type Required No.s
Labor 3
Welder 2
Fitter 1
Safety Supervisor 1

The whole process of is according to the installation S.O.P. (Standard Operating Procedure)
framed by the company. The whole procedure for installation of sparkler filter is:

1. Shifting of Sparkler filter from Steel Yard to Classic Plant

A Job permit is made to shift the Sparkle Filter from Steel Yard to Classic Plant using Hydra
Crane and all the path is barricaded for safely shifting of Sparkle Filter and is shifted to
Location of installation.

2. Pre-Installation Inspection of Filter

The Filter is Inspected by the project department and the Shift Incharge of Classic plant. The
Filter is compared with the Drawing and specifications in Design Qualification report.
3. Safety check at Working area
The workplace is checked that no energy source or residual source is present either electrical,
chemical, etc. to ensure safety of workers and to protect equipment’s using LOTOTO.
Oxygen level is also checked every hour in the working environment.

4. Removal of Old Sparkler Filter

The old Sparkler filter is Dismantled and removed and is moved to scrapyard.

5. Platform for Sparkler Filter

The old platform was built according to old Sparkle filter and is modified according to the
new sparkle filter and is raised by 15mm.

6. Pipeline Modification
After building the platform the sparkle filter is kept on the platform to check the new location
of inlet and outlet flange pipe in order to modify the pipelines for connection to the Sparkler
The SS pipeline used for old sparkle filter connection is modified according to the inlet and
outlet of the new sparkle filter by using argon gas welding.

7. Installation of New Sparkler Filter

The New Sparkle Filter is kept on platform and bolted on the platform and then the level is
checked by spirit leveler and adjustments are made.

8. Connecting of Pipelines
The pipelines are connected via flanges using bolts and gasket in between the flanges.

9. Cleaning of Working Area

After installation of sparkle Filter is complete, all the tools and equipment’s (welding set,
hammer, etc.) are moved to the trolley.
The workplace is cleaned by proper housekeeping.

10. Inspection after Installation

The Sparkle Filter is inspected after installation by the Shift Incharge of the plant and project
department Staff and is approved for testing.
After Installation the Installed Sparkler Filter is tested for leakage and water is flushed into
the filter for leakage test and no leakage is detected in the Sparkler Filter and the Filter is
ready for use.

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