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SUBMITTED TO : Prof. Dr. Fouzia Naheed Khawaja

SUBMITTED BY: Mr. Subhan Zubair Meer


Mr. Talha Naeem


Mr. Abdual Qadeer Zour


Mr. Ali Hassan

​ Mi18BBA013

Mr. Jawad Zafar



Table of Contents

●Digital Media Analysis
●Social Media Analysis
●Visual Media Analysis
Introduction and
Haier is the leader in the home appliances market in
Pakistan with an overall market share of 32 %. Haier
leads in most major home appliance categories including
air conditioners and washing machines and refrigerators
and deep freezers. To date it is the only company in
Pakistan producing locally assembles laptops.

Haier’s manufacturing facility is located in the Haier

industrial park in Lahore and sprawls 63 acres with a built
up area of 1,000,000 sq. feet housing various production
lines. With a designed production capacity of 3,000,000
units p.a. across all product categories Haier Pakistan’s
product portfolio has expanded rapidly from the
refrigerators, air conditioners, and washing machines to
include Deep freezers, commercial air conditioners,
laptops, LED TVs, microwave ovens, water dispensers,
and small domestic products together comprising several
hundred models of home appliances.

Aggressively implementing a policy of taking Haier to the

doorsteps of the people, Haier Pakistan has built up a
strong sales and distribution network comprising of 3,000
dealerships and dedicated sales shops covering the
length and breadth of Pakistan. This is supported by an
equally strong network of after sales service and
maintenance outlets manned by well trained technicians.
Branding experience
2017Haier becomes first company to assemble Laptops
in Pakistan

Haier has chalked up another achievement,

becoming the first company in Pakistan to manufacture
laptops – a development that puts Pakistan on the
road to acquiring the necessary expertise in the
manufacture of hi-tech electronics.The Surface Mount
Technology (SMT) has been introduced for the
motherboard circuit design/printing, a state-of-the-art
laptop manufacture factory set up, Chinese engineers
give continuous training to local staffs for manufacture
and quality control technology transfer Haier Pakistan
has clinched a government order to supply 200,000
locally manufactured Haier brand laptops to the Higher
Education Commission (HEC), a constitutionally
established independent, autonomous body which
oversees, regulates and funds initiatives in the higher
education sector in Pakistan. The laptops will be given to
shining students in the nation’s leading colleges and
universities as part of the Prime Minister’s initiative for
free laptops for shining students.

2016Haier “Save Water Save Pakistan” Campaign

Haier promoters carried large banners disseminating

important information on the need and ways to consume
water. The objective of the campaign was to generate
positive publicity for Haier Brand, reflect good corporate
governance and engagement with masses at a social
level. All in all it was a successful campaign, which also
coincided with the World water Day.
Digital Marketing
Platforms Available for Digital Marketing
1. Search Engine Marketing
2. Social Media Advertisement
3. Remarketing/Retargeting Advertising
4. Video Advertisement

First lets understand what digital media is by definition digitized content that can be
transmitted over internet and computer network. This can include text , audio, video
and graphics. This means news from a tv network, newspaper, magazine etc that is
presented on a website or blog can fall into this catagory. Eing able to use digital
media in the correct waty will help any business grow faster then anything else in
todays world

After explaning what is digital media is now lets have a look at which digital media
platforms are available to advertise you business to get a huge amount of
customers for your business.
First is SEM
search engine marketing that includes pay per click advertisements. PPC further
divided into two types. search ADS and Display Ads. here are some examples of
search ads on the screen. This is another exaples of display ads.
Talking about haier. Haier is not using this type of digital media advertisement to
promote its brand/ products because this type is more suitable for new businesses
who want business recognition and haier well known electronics brand having world
wide fame.
The second type is social media advertisement
Within social media advertisement there are several types of digital advertisement
campaigns that businesses run to generates lead,derive sales, increase brand
awareness and reach all type of people. They can run ads onb linkedin, pintrest, fb,
insta and etc.
Haier Pakistan is also using these platforms to reach people get more and more
loyal customers and to give a good competition to its compatitors. haier has active
accounts on almost all social media platforms its regularly updates these accounts
and give a quick response to peoples queries in short Haier is doing well on social
Remarketing/Retargeting Advertising
Have you ver think how internet know that you are interested in buying a product?
The ad of apple airpods keeps popping up on every web page and every other
instagram post!
This type of digital advertising is called remarketing or retargeting once a user shown
interest in a product. They gather that data to use to their advantage in future.
businesses retarget through emails as well as social media and search engine
Haier is also use this strategy to generate leads , engage more audience and
increase its sales.
Vides Advertising
While its largely a part of social media advertising. Video ads can be in there own
category when we talk about digital advertising. Short attention spans are a huge
hurdle for advertisers and this is why video is dominating digital advertising. Video
allows​ ​people to absorb content and without much effort.
Using videos in place of text advertisements can be a game changer for a business.
They can use it to quickly engage with their audience.
Haier surely recogniz the importance of video advertisement and putting most part of
is advertising budget to video cummercials. This has worked for haier as it is one of
the leading elecrtonics brand of pakistan.
Podcasting is the online equivalent of recorded audio or video broadcast more
specifically audio broadcast. Businesses are using podcast to replace or
supplement some conference calls, newsletters, tranning courses and other
communication activites. Talking about haier haier is not using this medium to
support its branding which is drawback because the increased competition other
brands are also trying to cross each other and increase their sales.
To conclude my analysis i will say haier is doing very well in degital advertisement so
fat but it canincrease its sales and get more loyal customers by focusing on sem.

Importance of Social Media

Why social media advertisement is important for

Social media is quickly becoming one of the most important aspects of digital mar
keting, which provides incredible benefits that help reach millions of customers 
worldwide. And if you are not applying this profitable source, you are missing out an 
incredible marketing opportunity, as it makes it easy to spread the word about your 
product and mission. 
●Improved brand awareness
●Cost effective
●Engage with customers
●Improved brand loyalty
●Marketplace awareness
●More brand authority
●Increased traffic
●Enhanced SEO ranking
Improved brand awareness 

Social media is one of the most stress-free and profitable digital marketing 
platforms that can be used to increase your business visibility. To get started, 
create social media profiles for your business and start networking with others. By 
applying a social media strategy, it will help you significantly increase your brand 
recognition. By spending only a few hours per week, over 91% marketers claimed 
that their social marketing efforts greatly increased their brand visibility and 
heightened user experience. Undoubtedly, having a social media page for your 
brand will benefit your business and with a regular use, it can also produce a wide 
audience for your business in no time. 


For an advertising strategy, social media marketing is possibly the most 

cost-effective way. Creating an account and signing up is free for almost all social 
networking platforms. But if you decide to use paid advertising on social media, 
always start small to see what you should expect. Being cost-effective is important 
as it helps you attain a greater return on investment and hold a bigger budget for 
other marketing and business payments. Just by investing a little money and time, 
you can significantly increase your conversion rates and ultimately get a return on 
investment on the money that you primarily invested. 

Engage with your customers 

Social media is a good way for engaging and interacting customers. The more you 
communicate with the audience, the more chances you have of conversion. Set up 
a two-way communication with your target audience so that their wishes are known 
and their interest is catered with ease. Moreover, communication and engagement 
with customers is one the ways to win their attention and convey them your brand 
message. Thus, your brand will reach more audience in real terms and gets itself 
established without any hassle. 

Improved brand loyalty 

When you have a social media presence, you make it easier for your customers to 
find you and connect with you. By connecting with your customers through social 
media, you are more probable to upsurge customer retention and customer loyalty. 
Since developing a loyal customer base is one of the main goals of almost any 
business. Customer satisfaction and brand loyalty typically go hand in hand. It is 
essential to often engage with your customers and start developing a bond with 
them. Social media is not just limited to introducing your product, it is also a 
leading platform for promotional campaigns. A customer sees these platforms as 
service channels where they can directly communicate with the business.  

Healthier customer satisfaction 

Social media plays a vital role in networking and communication platform. With the 
help of these platforms, creating a voice for your company is important in 
improving the overall brand image. Customers appreciate the fact that when they 
post comments on your page, they receive a modified reply rather than a 
computerized message. A brand that values its customers, takes the time to 
compose a personal message, which is perceived naturally in a positive light. 

Marketplace awareness 

One of the best ways to find the needs and wants of your customers instead of 
directly communicating with them is Marketplace awareness. It is also considered 
as the most valuable advantage of social media. By observing the activities on your 
profile, you can see customers’ interest and opinions that you might not know 
otherwise if you didn’t have a social media presence. As a complementary research 
tool, social media can help you get information and a better understanding of your 
industry. Once you get a large following, you can then use additional tools to 
examine other demographics of your consumers. 

More brand authority 

For making your business more powerful, brand loyalty and customer satisfaction 
both play a major role, but it all comes down to communication. When customers 
see your company posting on social media, especially replying to their queries and 
posting original content, it helps them build a positive image in their minds. 
Regularly interacting with your customers proves that you and your business care 
about them. Once you get a few satisfied customers, who are vocal about their 
positive purchase experience, you can let the advertising be done for you by 
genuine customers who appreciated your product or service. 

Increased traffic 

One of the other benefits of Social Media is that it also helps increase your website 
traffic. By sharing your content on social media, you are giving users a reason to 
click-through to your website. On your social account, the more quality content you 
share, the more inbound traffic you will generate while making conversion 

Enhanced SEO rankings 

Social media presence is becoming a vital factor in calculating rankings. These 

days, to secure a successful ranking, SEO requirements are continuously varying. 
Therefore, it is no longer enough to simply optimize your website and regularly 
update your blog. Businesses sharing their content on social media are sending out 
a brand signal to search engine that speaks to your brand validity, integrity, and 

Final words 

There is no denying that Social media marketing has many advantages for startups 
and established brands. By regular updating the right social media marketing 
strategy, it will lead to increased traffic, better SEO, improved brand loyalty, 
healthier customer satisfaction and much more. Your competition is already 
increasing on social media day by day, so don’t let your competitors take your 
probable customers. The earlier you start, the faster you see the growth in your 

Different Types Platforms To Serve Ads

Social Networks
Micro Blogging
Criteria To Analyse Visual Media
Ethics of Using Visuals
‘’Power to communicate with visuals comes with the responsibility to
communicate ethically’’
1.Ethics for Ads, Billboards, Flyers ,campaigns and videos
1.Ethics For Financial Reports and Progress Reports
Visuals for Progress and Financial Reports
●Charts(Line,bar, and Pie)
●Data VisuAalization
●Graphic Information System(GIS)
●Flowchart, Diagram
●Animation, Videos
Integrate Visuals with Text
●Balance between illustration and words
●Reference Visuals
●Placing Visuals
●Writing Titles,Captions and Legends
Verify the Quality of Visuals
●3 Questions
●5C Rule
SWOT analysis of Digital, Social, and Visual Media
of Hier Electronics

1.​Digital Media​( Haier is more focused on video advertisement which is the
most effective way to attract people and increase their sales)
2.​Social Media​(Facebook,Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin)
3.​Visual Media​(Ads,Videos, Billboards,Campaigns, Financial and progress
1.​Digital Media​(Podcasting)
2.​Social Media​(Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin)
3.​Visual Media​(Focus more on few products, Ineffective innovation and
1.​Digital Media​( Haier is more focused on video advertisement which is the
most effective way to attract people and increase their sales)
2.​Social Media​(Facebook,Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin)
3.​Visual Media​(Ads,Videos, Billboards,Campaigns, Financial and progress
1.​Digital Media​( By losing focus on podcasting, instant messaging haier is
missing out a large number of audience.)
2.​Social Media​(Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin)
3.​Visual Media​(Competitors are more actively using visual media)

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