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This chapter presents the interpretation and analysis of the data gathered from
the questionnaire administered to the respondents.

1. Profile of the respondents in terms The Table 4.11 presents the Causal
Relationship between Corporate Image and Corporate Social Responsibility of
First Gas Corporation in Sta. Rita, Batangas City in terms of age, sex, civil status,
and educational attainment, length of residency, Corporate Image, and Corporate
Social Responsibility with its frequency and the equivalent percentage of each.

In this table, the researchers were able to identify the highest and lowest
frequency or percentage gathered during the survey.

1.1 Age

Table 4.1.1
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age

Age Bracket Frequency Percentage

20-25 50 21
26-30 16 7
31-35 33 14
36-40 33 14
41-45 34 14
46-50 34 14
51-55 17 7
56 years old and above 20 9
Total 237 100

Table 4.1.1 showed the distribution of respondents in terms of age, wherein 21

percent or 50 respondents fell under the age bracket of 20-25 years old.
Majority of the respondents were 20-25, probably because majority of the employees of
First Gas Corporation were young, this is because of the nature of work in the company.
While the community, young respondents were more work in the company. While the
community, young respondents were more approachable at the time of the survey. It was
followed by 14 percent or 33 respondents were in the age of 31-35 and 36-40 years old.
This is because majority of the respondent’s which is the community around Sta. Rita,
Batangas City belong to these age bracket.
It can be observed that there is a big difference with the number of respondents
among the age between 20-25 and 26-30 years old. As can be noted, the age of 20-25
years old got the highest frequency or percentage among the respondents. While there is
moderate difference with the number of respondents in the age of 31-35, 36-40, 41-45
and 46-50 years old.

Then, 14 percent rounded off or 34 respondents were in the age of 41-45 and 46-50
years old. Next is seven percent or 17 respondents were in the age of 51-55 years old.
Lastly, nine percent or 20 respondents were in the age of 56 years old and above.

1.2 Sex

The table 4.1.2 shows the frequency distribution of the respondents in terms of
gender such as male and female.

Table 4.1.2
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 70 30
Female 167 70
Total 237 100

The table 4.1.2 shows the frequency distribution of the respondents in terms of sex,
wherein 70 percent or 167 respondents were female. The study shows that women had the
highest percent because at the time when the survey was conducted, most of the available
respondents were housewife, for the reason that most of the men in the community were
busy in their work during day time.

These assumes that majority of the individual living in Sta. Rita Batangas City were
female. On the other hand, it shows that 30 percent or 70 respondents were male. Based
on the researcher’s interview to some of the employees of First Gas, majority of their co-
worker were men, it is because of the nature of work in the company is more on physical
attributes. While women work inside the company building or in offices.

It can be observed that there is a relatively difference between the sex of the
respondents. As can be noted, the number of female respondents got the highest
frequency or percentage among the respondents.

1.3 Civil Status

The table 4.1.3 shows the frequency distribution of the respondents in terms of civil
status such as single, married, separated and widow.
Table 4.1.3
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Civil Status

Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 55 23
Married 166 70
Separated 7 3
Widow 9 4
Total 237 100

The table 4.1.3 showed the distribution of the respondents in terms of civil status,
wherein married respondents got the highest percentage gathering of 70 percent or 166
respondents. Followed by, 23 percent or 55 respondents were single. And then, 34 percent
or nine respondents were widow or widower. Lastly, three percent or seven respondents
were separated.

It can be observed that majority of the respondents were married, which implies that
First Gas Corporation maintain them as they are more to be employed except for the
reason that they have family to support corporate social responsibility projects to help
develop and improve the quality of life and promote as well as their needs.

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