Chapter Test I

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1. Explain the nature of salesmanship.

 People often be little a salesman. They hate imagining themselves knocking at the door
of home owner to offer a product. But since everybody Is dreaming of big earnings this
perception is becoming a real dilemma in today’s struggle in decent living. But in
contrary people who are in the field of selling happily disclosed of the big income
working only in the span of 2 or 4 each day. Able to buy whatever they wish. Earn from
big commissions and over rides and other fringe benefits and incentives. If only people
will cultivate high degree of liking for selling.

2. Sate the definition of salesmanship compare one from the other and write a working definition
 Is the act of persuading another to respond favorably to a product service or idea.
 To the process of persuading and convincing a prospect to accept a product or a
service as one which offers satisfaction to human needs and wants.
 Involves helping a prospective customer realize the value of goods and services
towards fulfilling his needs and wants.

In the first definition it states that salesmanship includes making your prospect wants the
product, service or idea you offer, In the second definition it state that to be a salesman is to
convinced your prospect that the product or service will offer satisfaction towards his needs
and wants while in the third definition It state that salesmanship is the mission of helping your
prospective consumer realize the value of goods and services in fulfilling his needs and wants.
Therefore salesmanship a mutual relationship between a salesman and a prospect where as
both are benefits and satisfy in the deal.

3. Discuss the importance of salesmanship both to prospect and salesman.

a) Salesmanship in the part of the salesman means earning big income; enjoying the luxury as
a salesman and advantages incentives and fringe benefits that comes with it. While on the
part of the prospect; salesmanship helps the prospect to make the right decision which
product or service will work in satisfying his needs and wants also salesmanship is personal
selling the prospect can guarantee and can examine closely the product or service offered
plus he may also await discounts on the products.

4. Write comparative discussion of the status of the salesman and that of the office worker in
terms of the following:
a) Unlimited opportunities.
An ordinary office worker can barely provides the necessities of his family with his minimum
wage for working eight hours. While a salesman can earn a basic commission of 1,500 in a
one shot deal in an hour or two.
b) More chances for promotion and growth
With a strong determination to succeed coupled with patient and hard work a salesman
have all the chances in his sales career. Through network system of marketing you can
recruit and motivate people grow and multiply in terms of sales recruits hence giving you
higher percentage performance discount through your group sales volume. With this from
being a sale distribution you can be promoted to a sales managerial position thus you have
people to manage. Unlike an ordinary office that will remain in the bottom line until he
c) More fun and adventures
During the cut off dates in sales there is also cut off party when prizes and surprises await
those who will attend, there are raffle draws, catering of well known restaurant on fast food
chain, film showing, testimonial talks.
Intermission numbers of showbiz personalities and lot of games and amusements, prizes
and surprises. Unlike in the office that rarely have parties. Most of the time office workers
are pre occupied by heavy burden of works and deadlines.
d) Offers of rewards and awards
Rewards in selling are certainly numerous. Trophies, plaques and certificate of Recognition
are awarded to dealers and distributors with outstanding performances which are rarely
given to office workers who are almost always subjected o intrigues and tensions every day.
e) More incentives and sales benefits
A sales manager or a sales supervisor does not only earn their basic commissions, this also
included rebates, overrides, performance discount and travel allowances as it grow and
multiply in terms of sales recruit unlike the office worker whose monthly earning is still
subjected to tax and any other pay roll deduction.

5. Would you like to try being a salesman? Explain your answer.

 Yes, because the opportunity and the career in being in sale is overwhelming plus the
benefits providing by this. And also because selling is a social responsibility that can be
a stepping stone towards achieving your ultimate goal or the career you want to

Conduct an interview with three leading direct selling companies. Ask the persons in authority
about what they offer their sales representatives in terms of the following.

1. Earning opportunities
2. Chances for promotion and growth
3. Rewards and awards
4. Incentives and fringe benefits
5. Employment requirements

Earning opportunities
Avon ladies earn 25 percent commission for every worth o purchase they able to close. Plus,
additional with every thousand worth less the commission.

Chances for promotion and growth

Through the network system of marketing used by Gold Shine marketing, for only five recruits,
plus P 1,000 personal sales and P25,000 group sales you can already promoted to the position of
the sales manager.

Rewards and awards

The president club circle is an elite and exclusive circle of achievers who are awarded trophy and
Pin as special recognition.

More incentives and fringe benefits

Aside from coming a 25 percent commission from direct sales franchised dealer also earn 18.5
percent rebates on all paid up Avon purchase orders.

Employment requirements
Free registration are given to newly recruit Avon ladies. All the need is the genuine interest for
selling sign the application form from an authorized sales manager and they can already take
orders and start earning.

1. What are the five important tools and assets a salesman must possess to become a star
 The PEPSI or the Physical, Emotional, Psychological, Social and Intellectual traits.

2. Define sales personality. Analyze your definition.

Sales personality - the totality of the salesman’s physical, emotional, psychological, social and
intellectual traits toward effective salesmanship.
 It is the characteristic and attitude a salesman must possess to gain favorable response
from the prospect.

3. List down five personality traits a star salesman must cultivate under each list down five specific
traits you think are important in conducting a sales interview.
 Physical Traits
 Physical Appearance and grooming
 Poise and Posture
 Voice and Language use
 Good manners or proper Etiquette
 Facial expressions and bodily movements.
 Emotional Traits
 Self- control
 Even temperament
 Tact
 Optimism
 Enthusiasm
 Psychological Traits
 Courtesy
 Humility
 Cheerfulness
 Persistence and persuasiveness
 Sincere
 Social Traits
 Aware of the magic of smile
 Good listener
 Sympathize
 Show respect
 Give compliments
 Intellectual Traits
 Analytic
 Problem solving ability
 Learn quickly
 Originality and creativity
 Decisiveness

4. What is self- introspection? How is the process useful to a salesman in improving his
Self- introspection- the least expensive way of improving one’s personality. It is an analysis of
one’s strength and weaknesses.
 If the salesman has full knowledge about himself he can easily harness his strength and
develop himself also eradicate and find ways to overcome his weaknesses.

5. Name and explain other ways by which a salesman can improve his personality.
Creating a happy Home Life- a happy home life will reflect to the salesman’s personality and
may affect to his outlook in selling. And may greatly influence his prospect to purchase the

Answer the personality quiz at the end of this chapter. Score your work and analyze yourself using the
guide given in the preceding page. Write yourself analysis stating what you intend to do with your
strengths and weaknesses. Secure the assistance of your professor on this.

Personality Quiz Result

1. Seldom 4 points
2. Almost always 6 points
3. Seldom 4 points
4. Seldom 4 points
5. Seldom 4 points
6. Almost always 6 points
7. Almost always 6 points
8. Almost always 6 points
9. Seldom 4 points
10. Seldom 4 points
11. Seldom 4 points
12. Almost always 6 points
13. Seldom 4 points
14. Seldom 4 points
15. Always never 2 points
68 points

This is an average score which shows promise, room for improvement and growth. In the cases,
the most important factor is desire because the weak point can be corrected, this quiz is designed to
point out areas which can be strengthened.

1. What is social responsibility? What is the application of social responsibility in selling?

Its serve as a guidance of what a salesman must and must not do to promote a healthy
relationship with his prospect.

2. The following are ways to be socially responsible to your prospects. Suggest way of doing each.
a. Express a genuine interest to help our prospect.
 A salesman has to assist his prospect make a decision to purchase by making the prospect
understand how it could be great help to him.
b. Do not over price the product you offer for sale.
 Salesman must abide by the official price list published by their companies.
c. Supplement your discussion with product demonstration to educate your prospect.
 A salesman can help his prospect learn more about the product by discussion coupled
with demonstration about the product.
3. What is meant by ambassador of goodwill? How can a salesman become an ambassador of good
Ambassador of good will- it is the act of preserving and protecting the good name of the
company whenever a salesman goes.
 The salesman must be proud of his company. When in front of his prospect the salesman
must be careful with whatever he says or does. He must avoid doing things that may
create in the mind of his prospect as to the genuineness of intentions of his company.

4. What is the importance of scheduled regular visits to the company?

 It is essential to the salesman to visit his company regularly so he becomes updated on the
changes in operations of the company, especially on matters pertaining to marketing and
sales strategies and policies.

5. Explain how a salesman can be socially responsible to his competitors and to himself.
 Being socially responsible to his competitors and o himself is simply do what is right to
obtain your sales goal without necessarily stepping on another shoes, also try your very
best not to be involved in certain anomalities. Hence, what the golden rule stated do not
do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.

Go to a well known company engaged in direct selling conduct interview with the persons in
authority to learn about the “Do’s and Don’ts of selling” they implement with their sales representative.

Analyze the data you have gathered and see how they fit into the discussion of social
responsibility presented in this chapter.

 Pick the product feature that will be particularly interesting to a certain prospect.
 Assist the prospect make a decision to purchase.
 Bide in the official price list of the company.
 Refrain from pocketing the discount intended for the prospect.
 Keep their promises regarding costumer service.
 Conduct a product clinic.
 Show courtesy and respect.
- Prospect is the life and blood of selling in this principle each prospect deserve special treatment
proper to him.

1. Why is product knowledge important?

 Product knowledge is important for the salesman to satisfy every question and objection
of the prospect, hence to clear out he doubts in the mind of the prospect about the
product. And also to better match the features of his product to the needs and problems
of the prospect.

2. The following is the list of specific information about the product that a salesman must know.
a. History, growth and development of the product
 It refers to conceptualization, production, launching in the market and that changes that
have been made on the product since is first launching
b. Improvement made on the product
 Novelties and changes done by adding benefits to pre existing product.
c. Manufacturing operations related to the product.
 Determine the quality of the product by knowing the ingredients and material used,
manufacturing process it undergone and the quality control system used by the company.
d. Research done concerning the product
 Aim to determine what improvements are still needed to make the product more
effective. To render satisfaction to human needs and wants hence to make innovations
to be more competitive to the market.

3. Explain the importance of the following sources of information about the product.
a. Seminars and Orientations
 It helps establish loyalty of the new recruits to the company. It also developed sense of
responsibility in helping the company achieve its goals and targets. Lastly, it help the
salesman learn more about the product he will sell and at the same time render a clear
discussion of the product to his prospect.
b. Product clinics and demonstrations
 It helps the salesman get ideas and create strategies in conducting sales interview using
the information he obtain from product clinic and demonstration. It also serves to
educate not only the salesman but the prospect as well to ease hi purchase decision.

c. Plant visits
 It is a useful approach in learning about the manufacturing process of the product and
the kind of quality control check the product undergoes before it is approved for
d. Sales meeting and conventions
 It’s not only meant to service the needs of the sales people. It may also hold to achieve
other purposes. It is an opportune time for the salesman to learn about a new product
or product improvement before it introduce to the public. Also it is the time to provide
assistance and support to the dealers and distributors who are facing certain problems.
e. Feedbacks from prospect and consumers
 Testimonies of the prospect concerning the product are gathered hoping that these
testimonies can motivate others to buy the product. Also to know the reaction of the
prospect towards the product may help the innovate ways of improving the product.


Attend a sales orientation and seminar with a reputable company engaged in the sale of
consumer product. Request a certification of your attendance. Try to learn about the company’s product
and its marketing program as preparation for the actual sales activity you will undertake. Request for
brochures, price list and other important papers.

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Mariane Faith L. Torres Prof. Santos

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