Chapter 7 Zack and Pablo Emails in Their Inbox

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Chapter 7 Project eMails in the inbox

In this project we chose the topic the number of emails people have on their personal
inbox. Our population was people from 11th and 12th grade, and we took a sample of
50 people.
We used a survey to collect our information, we had to make a clean up because we got
a couple fake answers (very high numbers).
Even though we still had some outliers and because of this reason we had to create
another graph to show the distribution between the 0 and the 95 value.
We expected to get a normal distribution but we found out that the graph looks skewed
left and surprisingly our most common value is 0. Our mean was μ= 350.48 and our
standard deviation was σ = 847.48

Using our mean of 350.48 and a standard deviation of 847.48, under the Empirical Rule,
68% of our data would fall between -497 and 1197.96 which is within 1 standard
deviation. 95% of our data would fall within 2 standard deviation or between -1344.48
and 2045.44. 99.7% of our data would fall between -2191.96 and 2892.92 or within 3
standard deviation.

My answer was 0 mails, so my z score would be z = -0.41σ , that means that there is a
chance of 34.09% that somebody gets a value under my value (that’s technically
impossible because you can’t have negative mails, but that happens because our graph
doesn’t look very normal), and there is a 63.91% chance that someone gets a higher
value than mine (which should be 100%, because 0 mails is the smallest value
someone can get).

My z = -2.266 that is 0.012 chance

My answer is 65 emails, so my z score would be -0.34. This means that there is a 68%
chance someone would have a value less than mine and a 32% chance they would
have a value greater than mine.

My z = -1.84 that is 0.032 chance

For the probability that the average of a sample fall between our probability, we got our
z scores and calculated the difference (0.032 - 0.012 = 0.02), and we got a probability of

We can calculate the data that would fall before and behind our 3%: using the formula
x=z.σ .μ we can see that our 3% value is 375,42 mails (obviously this is also wrong
because our most common value was 0, which is far from this value, again, because
our graph is not normal), so all the values under 375,42 would fall in z<3% and values
bigger than 375,42 would be z>3%.

These are the graphs of our data

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