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The University of Iowa

CS:2820 (22C:22)

Object-Oriented Software Development

Spring 2015

Operation Contracts

Mauricio Monsalve
Design road

l  We have described:

-  Use Cases

-  Domain Model

-  System Sequence

l  We now describe

Operation Contracts

l  Afterwards, we go
into the Design Model

Design road

Sample UP Artifact Relationships
Domain Model

Sale 1 1..* Sales

Business ...
... quantity

Use-Case Model

Process Sale
use 1. Customer
case arrives ...
names 2. ...
3. Cashier
enters item
identifier. Glossary

This is
Use Case Diagram Use Case Text
ideas for system
the domain events requirements

where we
the post-
objects, that must be
attributes, satisfied by
: System
and the software

stand right
associations Operation: : Cashier
that undergo enterItem(…) make Supplementary
changes system NewSale() Specification


(id, quantity)

Operation Contracts System Sequence Diagrams

starting events to
design for, and
more detailed
requirements that Design Model
must be satisfied : Register : ProductCatalog : Sale
by the software
Design (itemID, quantity)

spec = getProductSpec( itemID )

addLineItem( spec, quantity )

Operation Contracts

l  Use Cases often fully describe the behavior of a

l  But they may not be enough

l  Operation Contracts describe how the internal

state of the concepts in the Domain Model may

l  Operation Contracts are described in terms of

preconditions and postconditions

Operation Contracts

This is a sample OC
for “enterItem”

Operation Contracts

l  Operation Contracts are defined in terms of
system operations

-  Operations (say, methods) that the system
offers as a whole

l  The system is still a black box at this stage

l  The System Sequence Diagrams show system


-  I.e., the SSD's messages

l  System operations handle system events

Writing Operation Contracts

Process Sale Scenario
: Cashier

loop [ more items ]

enterItem(itemID, quantity) these input system events
invoke system operations

the system event enterItem

description, total invokes a system operation
called enterItem and so forth

this is the same as in object-

oriented programming when
endSale() we say the message foo
invokes the method (handling
operation) foo
total with taxes


change due, receipt

Writing Operation Contracts

Writing Operation Contracts

l  Operation—name of operation (parameters)

l  Cross Reference—the Use Cases in which the

OC occurs

l  Preconditions—noteworthy assumptions about

state of system or objects in DM before

l  Postconditions—state of objects in DM after

execution of operation


l  Most important part of OCs!

l  Include changes in state of DM

l  Book uses categories (note that the names are

for reference only):

-  Instance creation or deletion

-  Association formed or broken

-  Attribute modification


l  Write in past (passive voice?)

-  A LineSaleItem was created

l  Readability first

l  Common mistake—forgetting that instance

creation often implies association formation,
and similarly, that instance deletion often
implies association breaking

Practical summary

l  Identify system operations from the SSDs

l  Identify subtle or complex system operations

l  Construct a contract for each of the above; for

postconditions, use the following categories

l  Instance created-deleted

l  Attribute modified

l  Association formed-broken


Notes and figures adapted from

Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-
Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative
Development by C. Larman. 3rd edition. Prentice
Hall/Pearson, 2005.

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