Volatile Chemical Product

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◥ to support this finding: (i) energy and chemical

RESEARCH ARTICLE production statistics; (ii) near-roadway measure-
ments of transportation emissions, together with
laboratory testing of chemical products; (iii) am-
ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY bient air measurements away from roads; and (iv)
indoor air measurements.

Volatile chemical products emerging Mass balance of hydrocarbons in the

petrochemical industry
as largest petrochemical source of We used energy and chemical production statis-
tics, together with near-roadway and laboratory

urban organic emissions measurements, to construct the mass balance

shown in Fig. 1 (17). In 2012, the amount of oil and
natural gas used as fuel in the United States was
Brian C. McDonald,1,2* Joost A. de Gouw,1,2 Jessica B. Gilman,2 Shantanu H. Jathar,3 ~15 times the amount used as chemical feedstocks
Ali Akherati,3 Christopher D. Cappa,4 Jose L. Jimenez,1,5 Julia Lee-Taylor,1,6 (Fig. 1A). Chemical feedstocks are almost entire-
Patrick L. Hayes,7 Stuart A. McKeen,1,2 Yu Yan Cui,1,2† Si-Wan Kim,1,2‡ ly derived from fossil hydrocarbons (18) and are
Drew R. Gentner,8,9 Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz,10 Allen H. Goldstein,11,12 transformed to chemicals found in everyday house-
Robert A. Harley,12 Gregory J. Frost,2 James M. Roberts,2 hold products (tables S1 to S3). We focus on emis-
Thomas B. Ryerson,2 Michael Trainer2 sions from organic solvents, which consist mostly
of intermediate-volatility organic compounds
A gap in emission inventories of urban volatile organic compound (VOC) sources, which (IVOCs) and higher-volatility VOCs (fig. S1). The

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contribute to regional ozone and aerosol burdens, has increased as transportation evaporation time scales of higher-volatility VOCs
emissions in the United States and Europe have declined rapidly. A detailed mass balance range from milliseconds to hours, and for IVOCs
demonstrates that the use of volatile chemical products (VCPs)—including pesticides, from hours to months (19). The fraction that can
coatings, printing inks, adhesives, cleaning agents, and personal care products—now be emitted to the atmosphere depends strongly
constitutes half of fossil fuel VOC emissions in industrialized cities. The high fraction of VCP on product type and use (table S4). For example,
emissions is consistent with observed urban outdoor and indoor air measurements. We show a high fraction of organic compounds evaporate
that human exposure to carbonaceous aerosols of fossil origin is transitioning away from from architectural coatings. Most organic com-
transportation-related sources and toward VCPs. Existing U.S. regulations on VCPs emphasize pounds in soaps and detergents dissolve in water
mitigating ozone and air toxics, but they currently exempt many chemicals that lead to and end up in sewer systems (20), with negligible
secondary organic aerosols. amounts emitted from wastewater treatment
plants (21).

Total gas-phase VOC emission factors of mobile
xposure to air pollution is the fifth ranking logical study suggests that adverse human health source fuels and VCPs are based on field (e.g.,
human health risk factor globally, follow- effects occur below current U.S. standards for near-roadway) and laboratory experiments re-
ing malnutrition, dietary risks, high blood PM2.5 and O3 (4). It is thus critical to identify and ported in the literature (Fig. 2). A key finding is
pressure, and tobacco (1). Secondary organic quantify the most important human-produced that VOC emission factors (emission amount per
aerosols (SOA), a major component of fine sources of VOC emissions to effectively mitigate unit product use) resulting from the use of many
particulate matter (PM2.5) in cities around the air pollution and improve human health. chemical products are one to two orders of mag-
world (2), form through oxidation of volatile Automotive emissions of VOCs have decreased nitude higher than from automobile exhaust. The
organic compound (VOC) precursors. Oxidation steadily from efforts to control tailpipe emissions relatively low VOC emission factor for on-road
of VOCs in the presence of nitrogen oxides in the United States (5) and Europe (6). As a result, gasoline engines today (Fig. 2) results from (i)
(NOx = NO + NO2) also contributes to tropospher- other sources of VOC emissions are likely growing combustion oxidizing most hydrocarbons in fuel
ic ozone (O3), which increases risks of mortality in relative importance (7 ). Transportation emis- to carbon dioxide, and (ii) the increasing effec-
from respiratory diseases (3). A recent epidemio- sions of NOx and VOCs have long been considered tiveness of modern three-way catalytic convert-
major contributors to formation of O3 (8) and SOA ers in reducing tailpipe VOC emissions over
(9–11) in urban areas, although recent studies have multiple decades (5–7). Consequently, the rela-
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental
Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA.
suggested the importance of nonvehicular sources tive importance of VCP emissions has grown. For
Chemical Sciences Division, NOAA Earth System Research as major contributors (12–14). Emissions from the example, mixing ratios of acetone, a marker of
Laboratory, Boulder, CO, USA. 3Department of Mechanical use of chemical products have been difficult to coating-related VCPs in this study and in the past
Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA. constrain in models (15 ) or from ambient mea- (16), increased in ambient air in Los Angeles from
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of California, Davis, CA, USA. 5Department of
surements (16). One challenge has been the lack of 1990 to 2010 (22). This is in sharp contrast to VOCs
Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, available atmospheric measurements of oxygen- present in gasoline exhaust, which decreased
CO, USA. 6National Center for Atmospheric Research, ated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) common markedly during the same period (22), except for
Boulder, CO, USA. 7Department of Chemistry, Université de in everyday household products (16 ). Here, we ethanol (23).
Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. 8Department of
Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Yale University,
focus on volatile chemical products (VCPs), includ- Although U.S. sales of VCPs are substantially
New Haven, CT, USA. 9School of Forestry and Environmental ing pesticides, coatings, printing inks, adhesives, smaller than for gasoline and diesel fuel, VOC
Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA. 10Department cleaning agents, and personal care products. These emissions from VCPs (7.6 ± 1.5 Tg) are twice as
of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic products contain organic solvents, which lead to large as from mobile sources (3.5 ± 1.1 Tg) (Fig. 1E,
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA.
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and
substantial emissions of VOCs to the atmosphere. light green, dark green, and blue bars) because of
Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. We show that success in controlling air pollu- differences in emission factors. Emissions from
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, tion has changed the proportions of sources of mobile sources and VCPs should scale with driving
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA. anthropogenic VOC emissions in the United States, and population, respectively, and be concentrated
*Corresponding author. Email: brian.mcdonald@noaa.gov
†Present address: California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA,
decreasing the relative contribution from trans- in cities. Other fossil sources that occur upstream
USA. ‡Present address: Department of Atmospheric Sciences, portation fuels and increasing the contribution of end users (i.e., oil and natural gas extraction, oil
Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. from VCPs. We consider four key pieces of evidence refineries, and chemical manufacturing facilities)

McDonald et al., Science 359, 760–764 (2018) 16 February 2018 1 of 5


Oil & Natural Gas Hydrocarbon Chemical Chemical Petrochemical

Products Feedstocks Intermediates Products VOC Emissions
(end use) (to atmosphere)

Fuel Additives, Net Exports

Fertilizers 8

Natural Gas
Methane Emissions
9 4.8 ± 1.4
Plastic &
+Inorganics Plastic & Products
5 Rubber Resins 47
Ethylene 55
Gasoline Fuel
1.5 ± 0.8
Gasoline Gasoline
(Mobile) Exhaust
381 1.7 ± 0.8
Propylene x VOC EF Diesel 0.33 ± 0.12
13 Pesticides 3 (Figure 2)
Coatings, Inks, 1.1 ± 0.7
Diesel C4 – C5 6 Adhesives

Downloaded from http://science.sciencemag.org/ on May 4, 2020

(Mobile) 11
Naphtha & Organic Cleaning Coatings, Inks,
Other Oils Solvents Products Adhesives
Feedstocks 81 22 29 20 4.4 ±1.2
+Inorganics +Water,
6 Inorganics
Other Fuel 23 - 34 Personal Care 4
168 Cleaning 0.66±0.38
11 11 Personal Care
Other Non-Fuel 52 Net Exports 1.4 ± 0.6
∑(Total) = 1350 81 84 96 16.0 ± 2.4
∑(VCP) = 81 23 26 15 - 26 7.6 ± 1.5
Table S1 Table S1 Table S1 Table S2 -S3 Table S4 -S5

Fig. 1. Mass balance of organic compounds through the U.S. and (C)], organic solvents consumed domestically for chemical products
petrochemical industry in 2012, from crude oil and natural gas (D), and resulting emissions from use of volatile chemical products
production to resulting VOC emissions. (A to E) Within the chemical (E). Emissions from plastic, rubber, and other chemical products are
manufacturing sector, orange sections of boxes track hydrocarbon not considered here. All units are in Tg; boxes are sized proportionally
feedstocks (A), the fraction used for production of organic solvents [(B) among (B), (C), and (D) (17).

Mobile Sources Volatile Chemical Products

VOC Emission Factor

100 Pre-Catalyst
(g kg product)



1 Present Day

Evaporated On-Road Off-Road On-Road Off-Road Pesticides Coatings, Cleaning Personal
Gasoline Gasoline Gasoline Diesel Diesel Inks, Agents Care
Fuel Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Exhaust Adhesives
US Sales (Tg) 381 364 17 121 47 3.1 11 20 3.5
(±14) (±11) (±9) (±6) (±5) (±1.5) (±2) (±9) (±1.6)

Fig. 2. Total VOC emission factors for end uses of petrochemical (from Fig. 1D). The green symbol and dashed arrow illustrate the large
sources considered in this study, including from mobile sources and reductions in tailpipe VOC emission factors as precatalyst on-road gasoline
volatile chemical products. Shown in the bottom row are sales data of fuels vehicles were replaced by present-day vehicle fleets. Error bars reflect the 95%
for mobile sources (from Fig. 1A) and sales data of volatile chemical products confidence interval of the mean or expert judgment (17).

McDonald et al., Science 359, 760–764 (2018) 16 February 2018 2 of 5


Fig. 3. Box modeling of petrochemical 1000

5:1 2:1 1:1 5:1 2:1 1:1
VOC emissions in outdoor Los Fossil Fuels +VCPs Outdoors
Angeles air and in buildings. Missing Oxygenates, VCPs Contribute
(A and B) Evaluations of 100 Heavier Alkanes Outdoors

Box Model | Age = 0

our two-compartment box
model with ambient observations 10 ethanol

(µg m )
of individual VOCs measured IVOCs

ethanol i-propanol
at Pasadena, CA, in 2010. In (A),
xylenes C9-C11
we input only emissions from 1 toluene
fossil fuels (mobile + upstream acetone
sources) into the model and 0.1 C9-C11
evaluate against outdoor data
under “no chemistry” conditions; naphthalene Bias = -39% naphthalene Bias = +1%
2 2
0.01 i-propanol R = 0.59 R = 0.94
(B) is the same as (A) but
with the addition of VCP
emissions. (C and D) Comparison 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

of our box model against Outdoor Obs. Outdoor Obs.

(µg m -3 ) (µg m -3 )
indoor observations of
residential/commercial buildings. 1000
5:1 2:1 1:1 5:1 2:1 1:1

In (C) we allow outdoor VOCs Outdoor vs. Indoor +VCPs Indoors

to age by 3 hours at [OH] = Outdoor << VCPs Contribute terpenes ethanol
1.5 × 106 molecules cm−3 100 Indoor Conc. Indoors acetone

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Box Model | Age = 3 h

in the model, typical of ambient C12-C13

ethanol D5-siloxane
conditions at the ground site; 10
xylenes acetone dichloromethane
(µg m )

(D) is the same as (C) but with


toluene 2-butoxy-ethanol
the addition of VCP emissions C12-C13
1 C9-C11
indoors. For all panels, points below D5-siloxane
the 1:1 line indicate that the box dichloromethane
model underpredicts ambient 0.1 2-butoxy-ethanol
or indoor concentrations relative
Bias = -86% Bias = +13%
to observations. Shown at the 2 2
0.01 R = 0.71 R = 0.92
lower right of each panel is the
mean relative bias and R2 of the
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
model calculated in log space. Model
statistics exclude aldehydes, Indoor Obs. Indoor Obs.
(µg m -3 ) (µg m -3 )
which appear to be from other
emission sources. Alkanes non-oxy IVOCs Cycloalkanes Aromatics PAHs
Alkenes Monoterpenes Alcohols/Ketones/Esters Aldehydes Halocarbons

represent substantial VOC emissions (Fig. 1E, gray VOCs are similar across industrialized countries resents indoor air of buildings located within the
bar). Note that methane emissions are not shown (29), (ii) VOCs emitted from use of VCPs (e.g., basin (fig. S4).
in these estimates. Upstream processes are un- acetone) are found in ambient air on both con- California has an extensive regulatory report-
certain, and more research is needed to better con- tinents (30, 31), and (iii) indoor levels of VOCs ing program for consumer products (34), includ-
strain their emissions of VOCs (24–27). from chemical products are similar (32, 33). As ing residential and commercial uses, which we
In the United States, current inventories con- discussed below, our emissions inventory is well used to speciate emissions. These speciation pro-
sistently underestimate total VOC emissions from constrained by a comprehensive set of ambient files provided us with target compounds to char-
VCPs by factors of 2 to 3 nationally (table S5) and and indoor measurements, and is more extensive acterize in both outdoor and indoor environments.
regionally (table S6). Nationally, mobile-source in terms of chemical speciation than measure- We also accounted for industrial emissions from
emissions are overestimated by ~40%. The main ments used in prior source apportionment studies. VCPs (e.g., degreasing, adhesives, and coatings).
effect of our analysis is to shift the relative con- Previous studies typically relied on ambient VOC The reporting data are in agreement with a U.S.
tribution of VOC emissions from petrochemical measurements mainly of compounds found in database of chemicals (35) used as key constitu-
sources, away from mobile sources and toward fossil fuels, while not including many species ents in chemical products (table S7). The VOC
VCPs (fig. S2). At national and urban scales, we found in chemical products (16). This may ex- speciation profiles of VCPs (table S8) are distin-
attribute 15 to 42% of petrochemical VOCs to plain why prior source apportionment studies guishable from those of fossil fuels (table S9), al-
mobile sources and 39 to 62% of petrochemical have underestimated the influence of VCP emis- though there is some overlap in species present.
VOCs to VCPs. The rest is from upstream sources sions as sources of urban VOCs. The outdoor box model predictions were eval-
associated with oil and natural gas production uated against summertime ambient VOC mea-
and distribution. Chemical fingerprint of VCPs found in surements made in Pasadena during 2010 (30)
European inventories also show half of VOC ambient and indoor air (table S10). In ambient air, we found that fossil
emissions from VCPs (15, 28). This is in contrast If chemical products are an important source of fuel VOCs [from mobile sources and from local
to source apportionment studies of ambient mea- urban air pollution, then their chemical fingerprint oil and natural gas production and distribution
surements in Europe, which suggest that emissions (fig. S3) should be consistent with ambient and (36)] can only account for 61% of the mass of fresh-
from traffic are the largest source, with chemical indoor air quality measurements. To test our hy- ly emitted VOCs measured, and 59% of their
product emissions substantially overestimated pothesis, we used Los Angeles as a case study and variability (Fig. 3A). The model could be under-
(28). However, we expect VCPs to be an important modeled emissions from petrochemical sources estimating emissions as a result of biases in
source of urban VOC emissions in both European in a two-compartment box model, where one box emission inventories, chemistry, and/or trans-
and U.S. cities, because (i) transportation-related represents ambient air and a second box rep- port. However, to account for the effects of

McDonald et al., Science 359, 760–764 (2018) 16 February 2018 3 of 5


Volatile Chemical
Products 4%
Consumer Gasoline Consumer Gasoline Consumer Gasoline
VCPs Exhaust VCPs Exhaust VCPs Exhaust
Natural Gasoline
Gas Fuel 19(7)% 18(7)%
38(9)% Gasoline
46(11)% 42(9)% 8(5)% Fuel
41% 47% 13(6)% Gasoline
10(5)% 11(5)%
Diesel Gasoline Diesel
14(4)% Exhaust Fuel Exhaust
15(5)% 19(8)%
8% 9(4)% Diesel Upstream
Upstream Exhaust Emissions
Diesel Industrial Emissions Industrial Upstream Industrial
Fuel VCPs VCPs Emissions VCPs

Product Use = 37 Tg VOC Emissions = 350 ± 50 Gg VOC Reactivity = 8.8 ± 1.9 s-1 SOA Potential = 11.5 ± 2.7 Gg

Fig. 4. Contributors to ambient air pollution in Los Angeles. (A to D) Distribution of (A) petrochemical product use, (B) VOC emissions, (C) VOC
reactivity with OH, and (D) SOA formation potential across petrochemical sources only. Contributions from nonfossil sources are not shown.
Uncertainties in source apportionment were determined by Monte Carlo analysis.

chemistry, we used a technique that extrapolates injected consumer VCP emissions into our indoor 1.6 s−1). The emissions from use of VCPs contribute
measured concentrations to fresh emission condi- box model, accounting for typical air exchange an additional 4.8 ± 3.4 s−1, bringing the summed

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tions (30), and the atmospheric dilution in our box rates of buildings. The correspondence between OH reactivity to within ~25% of the observations
model is consistent with three-dimensional chem- our model predictions and indoor air quality mea- (fig. S5). Although our inventory slightly under-
ical transport modeling of the Los Angeles basin surements is high (Fig. 3D, R2 = 0.92). The model estimates OH reactivity, it is now within uncer-
(37). We therefore conclude that large underpre- results are now consistent with typical indoor air tainties of measurements. The inclusion of typically
dictions are due to missing emission sources. A concentrations for key markers (e.g., acetone, C9– unmeasured or unreported oxygenated compounds
surprising result is that mobile-source emissions C11 n-alkanes, ethanol, and dichloromethane) and from VCPs can help to resolve some of the missing
of ethanol account for less than 20% of ambient important classes of SOA precursors, including OH reactivity observed over cities.
concentrations, even though gasoline blends now terpenes (e.g., limonene) (41), glycols and glycol In the past, aerosol models substantially under-
routinely include at least 10% ethanol. This sug- ethers (e.g., 2-butoxyethanol) (42), volatile methyl estimated SOA in cities (49). Advances in model
gests that other sources are contributing sub- siloxanes (e.g., D5-siloxane) (43), aromatics (e.g., representations of semivolatile/intermediate-
stantially to ambient ethanol concentrations, which toluene, xylenes) (44), and heavier alkanes (e.g., volatility organic compounds have helped to
we attribute to VCPs. C12–C13 n-alkanes) (45 ). bring better closure between models and obser-
Adding emissions from VCPs (Fig. 3B) reduces vations (50–53). However, questions remain with
the model bias in ambient air from –39% to +1%, Urban air quality implications respect to whether the models accurately represent
and the R2 in the box model improves from 0.59 Here, we assess the importance of VCP emissions the mixture of emission sources and multigenera-
to 0.94. Emissions from key markers in VCPs are to ambient air pollution, again using Los Angeles tional aging schemes (50, 53). In Fig. 4D, we show
now consistent with ambient observations, includ- as a test case (Fig. 4). Los Angeles currently vio- VCPs to be larger contributors to fossil SOA (60 ±
ing those for ethanol. Ethanol and isopropanol lates the U.S. 8-hour O3 standard, and O3 forma- 9%) than are mobile and upstream emission
are in personal care products, cleaning agents, tion remains sensitive to the reactivity of VOCs sources (40 ± 9%). This is in contrast to prior
and alcoholic beverages. Acetone is a common emitted and their secondary products with respect studies in the United States and Europe finding
ingredient in paint thinners (16) and is exempt to the hydroxyl radical (OH) (46). We attribute half that the transportation sector is currently the
from VOC regulations because of its low reactiv- of VOC reactivity (Fig. 4C) from petrochemical leading source of SOA formation in cities (10, 11).
ity. Nonane, decane, undecane, and heavier non- sources to VCPs and the other half to mobile and The aerosol yields used in this study (table S12)
oxygenated IVOCs are present in mineral spirits, upstream sources. Because the VOC reactivity of are mostly estimated from the Statistical Oxidation
a petroleum distillate common in solvent-borne VCPs is similar to that of transportation fuels Model (SOM) (54), along with a one-dimensional
coatings. Chlorinated hydrocarbons (e.g., dichloro- (table S12), the distribution looks similar to that volatility basis set (51) for OVOCs. SOM approx-
methane) are in various VCPs, including cleaning of VOC emissions (Fig. 4B). The ambient and imately accounts for multigenerational aging and
agents and paint thinners (38). Except for formal- indoor air measurements shown in Fig. 3 constrain can be used to estimate yields for compounds lack-
dehyde, primary emissions of aldehydes do not primary emissions from VCPs that contribute ing laboratory measurements in the interim.
appear to be good markers of fossil fuels (Fig. 3A) ~70% of the OH reactivity from VCPs. Consumer The model-observation comparison of fossil-
or VCPs (Fig. 3B) considered in this study, and products contain reactive OVOCs and terpenes, derived SOA improves substantially when we add
are therefore excluded from our model bias and which emit upon use, even after accounting for VCP emissions to traditionally considered trans-
R2 calculations. One possible source of aldehydes sewer losses (20). portation emissions (fig. S6). Note that nonfossil
is cooking emissions (39). Prior studies often report missing sinks of OH contributions to SOA, such as from wood burning,
Because a high fraction of the emissions from reactivity in urban atmospheres (47), which can cooking, and biogenic sources, are not considered
consumer VCPs occurs in residences and com- degrade forecasting capabilities of regional models here. If we consider emissions from mobile sources
mercial buildings, their chemical fingerprint should of O3 (27 ). Specifically in the Los Angeles basin, a and upstream emission sources alone, then the
be even stronger in indoor air. We tested our in- recent model (48) underestimated OH reactivity amount of fossil SOA predicted by SOM is lower
door model with measurements of residential (32) by a factor of ~2 relative to measurements. Here, than measurements at the Pasadena ground site
and commercial buildings (40) (table S11). Indoor we compare our inventory-based estimate of VOC by a factor of 3.4 ± 1.7 (55, 56). The inclusion of
concentrations of compounds found in VCPs were reactivity with direct measurements made at VCP emissions is required to bring the modeled
~7 times those in ambient air (Fig. 3C). We took Pasadena (48). In fig. S5, we show that half of and measured SOA to agreement, within their
into account chemical removal and formation of measured OH reactivity (21 ± 7 s−1) can be ex- respective uncertainties (fig. S6). Although aerosol
ambient VOCs before exchange with the indoor plained by fossil fuel VOC emissions (3.9 ± 1.8 s−1) yields are uncertain (fig. S7), the air quality mea-
environment (Fig. 3B versus Fig. 3C). Next, we and other non-VCP sources of OH reactivity (7.3 ± surements shown in Fig. 3 constrain primary

McDonald et al., Science 359, 760–764 (2018) 16 February 2018 4 of 5


emissions from VCPs, which contribute ~70% in transportation emissions of ~8% per year (7, 22). 30. A. Borbon et al., J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 118, 2041–2057
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VCPs, followed by OVOCs (29 ± 12%), alkenes their time indoors (62). 33. C. J. Weschler, Atmos. Environ. 43, 153–169 (2009).
and terpenes (17 ± 5%), and aromatics (12 ± 3%). Traditional approaches to mitigating air pol- 34. California Air Resources Board, “The California Consumer
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(e.g., toluene and xylenes). Fragrances are major portation. New paradigms leveraging research 38. R. Hossaini et al., Nat. Commun. 8, 15962 (2017).
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McDonald et al., Science 359, 760–764 (2018) 16 February 2018 5 of 5

Volatile chemical products emerging as largest petrochemical source of urban organic
Brian C. McDonald, Joost A. de Gouw, Jessica B. Gilman, Shantanu H. Jathar, Ali Akherati, Christopher D. Cappa, Jose L.
Jimenez, Julia Lee-Taylor, Patrick L. Hayes, Stuart A. McKeen, Yu Yan Cui, Si-Wan Kim, Drew R. Gentner, Gabriel
Isaacman-VanWertz, Allen H. Goldstein, Robert A. Harley, Gregory J. Frost, James M. Roberts, Thomas B. Ryerson and
Michael Trainer

Science 359 (6377), 760-764.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aaq0524

Air pollution evolution

Transport-derived emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have decreased owing to stricter controls on

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air pollution. This means that the relative importance of chemicals in pesticides, coatings, printing inks, adhesives,
cleaning agents, and personal care products has increased. McDonald et al. show that these volatile chemical products
now contribute fully one-half of emitted VOCs in 33 industrialized cities (see the Perspective by Lewis). Thus, the focus of
efforts to mitigate ozone formation and toxic chemical burdens need to be adjusted.
Science, this issue p. 760; see also p. 744

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