Project Report: Recruitment and Selection

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Guided by: Submitted by:

PGDM 1st Year
Session: 2017-19
Roll no.-0000

It was a great opportunity for me to work and interact with “BIG BAZAAR”,, pioneers in on-
field training. We are extremely grateful to those who have shared their expertise and
knowledge with us.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to Prof. ABC and my college who has been a
constant source of inspiration for completion of this project and induced us with motivation
and energy with his smile and guidance. We are indebted to him for finding out time for us
of his hectic schedule and providing us the emotional and philosophical support.

We are highly indebted to all the staff members of “BIG BAZAAR” for their valuable support
and co-operation during the entire tenure of our internship. Thankful to all, who have kept
our spirits high and helped us in this experiencing and learning process.

I am grateful to MY FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS of college who had been constantly
guiding throughout the project.

Theoretical knowledge particularly in professional field is of little significance or value
without its practical applications in real life situations. This is where summer training helps
in making us students familiar with the professional setup.

My summer training gave me an exposure of the corporate culture and during this process I
came to know the ups and downs of the job. It also gave an opportunity to link my
theoretical knowledge with the practical aspects of the job.

The training has really owned my skills in the functional area of my interest. For all intends
and purpose, the project undertaken by me during the training duration would make me
stand in a good stead when I embark upon a career as manager in any organisation in the

Topics Page no.

1. Introduction 5
2. Company Profile 6
3. Objective of the study 8
4. Research methodology 9
 Recruitment 10
 Guiding Principles of Recruitment 11
 The Recruitment process 11
 Selection 12
 Objectives of Recruitment and Selection 13
 Recruitment and Selection guidelines of Big Bazaar 14
5. Analysis and Interpretation 19
6. Conclusion 29
7. Recommendation 30
8. Appendix 31
9. Questionnaire 32
10.Bibliography 34
In this information age, the importance of human capital and human asset can’t be ignored;
rather it is that line of business that could lead any organisation to attain heights. This is the
factor that makes difference between one organisation and another. Getting the right
person at the right place and then retaining him is the main area of concern in today’s
corporate world. Hence, the emphasis is being laid to device policies and programs in such a
manner that it leads to retention of the desired manpower and thus contributes towards
organisational development. Each organisation is thriving to attain the best person i.e. the
knowledgeable worker and leverage their wisdom towards the achievement of the
organisational objectives. Nobody wants to have the third best or the second best, but to
have the best person in the organisation it becomes very difficult to retain them.

Certain great leaders who have made their mark in corporate world by their actions say that
every organisation can acquire the same machinery, the same infrastructure etc. But what
makes the difference in one organisation to another is the manpower it possess which can’t
be copied down.

Considering the aspect of sourcing, no organisation should ever think that once it has
acquired the best talent created favourable conditions to retain them they would not
require going in for sourcing activities.

Recruitment refers to the attempt of getting interested applicants and providing a pool of
prospective employees so that the management can select the right person for the right job
from this pool, it is a positive process. The process of recruitment:-

 Identifies the different sources of manpower supply.

 Chooses the most suitable source or sources.
 Invites the applications from the perspective candidates for the vacant jobs.
Big bazaar is not just another hypermarket. It caters to every need of a family. Where Big
Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money propositions for the Indian customers.
At Big Bazaar one can get the best product at the best prices-that is what they guarantee.
With the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened its doors into the world of
fashion and general merchandise including home furnishings, utensils, crockery, cutlery,
sports goods and much more at prices that will surprise you. And this is just the beginning.
Big Bazaar plans to add much more to complete the shopping experience. Food is the main
shopped for category in this store.

Parent company:-

Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited, is the India’s leading retailer that operates multiple retail
formats in both the value and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer market.


 E-tailing
 Food
 Fashion
 Home solution
 General merchandise
 Leisure and entertainment
 Wellness and beauty
 Books and music

Big Bazaar which has about 150 outlets across the country, is also promoting small retailers
by partly having the shop-in-shop concept. The selected retailers put up their counters and
sell through the outlet. The small retailers also lower their prices as they gain through bulk

The Big Bazaar is the discount store which offers a wide range of products under one roof.
The products include apparel and non-apparels such as utensils, sports, goods and footwear.
The food bazaar provides a range of food and grocery products ranging from fresh food and
vegetables, staples, FMCG products and ready to cook products. The Central offers a chain
of stores including books and music stores, global brands in fashion, sports and lifestyle,
accessories, grocery store and restaurants.


Particularly designed for the regular middle class family that requires clothing that lasts and
doesn’t burn holes into the pockets of existing clothing, this store offers good bargains.
What you won’t get here is designs your friends will drool over. Checks stripes are like the
far-end of the creative exercise here, and the best bet for the fashion conscious would be
the plain colours on display.

Big Bazaar advantages:

1. Variety: Big Bazaar offers a wide variety of products of different prices and different
qualities satisfying most of his customers.
2. Locations: The location of Big Bazaar has been mainly in the heart of the city or in
the outskirts giving a chance to both the city and the people living outside the city to
3. Middle class appeal: Considering the fact that there are a lot middle class families in
India, Big Bazaar has had a huge impact on the middle class section of India, the
prices, quality and the sales strategy has helped in getting the middle income groups
getting attracted towards Big Bazaar.
4. Attractive sales: Big Bazaar has been known for its great sales and great offers. It
has had long lines of people waiting to get into the store for sale.
5. Price: It has been one of the main factors for attracting customers.

Big Bazaar disadvantages:

1. Store layout: The store layout and the assortment of goods is not the best at Big
Bazaar. Hence at times customers find it hard to find what they require, this leads to
dissatisfaction of customer.
2. Does not appeal to the elite: The main customers are middle income and a few high
income groups. The elite do not like to shop at big bazaar as the quality of goods is
lower and they would prefer a higher price and get better brand.
3. Not acclaimed for very good service: Big Bazaar is not known for very high class
service. The staff recruited id not very well trained and the billing queues take a long
time to move, this irritates the customers which makes them visit the store more

 To explain the constructive under which recruitment process took place at the Big

 Describe the factor to be considered while evaluating recruiting efforts at Big Bazaar.

 To know the various source and method of recruitment at Big Bazaar.

 To define selection and explain the selection process of Big Bazaar.

 Explain the value of different type of employment test and interview at Big Bazaar.

This section includes the research methods, their rationale, validity, reliability,
sample size, alternatives and limitations faced during primary research.

 To know about various needs of staff and what they want from their job.

 To discuss what steps do managers should take to motivate their staff and
fulfil their needs.

 To gauge the impact of staff motivation on employee productivity.

Primary research

 I have chosen different to collect primary data including questionnaire, interviews

 My questionnaire and interviews are based and are done on 50 employees of the
Recruitment refers to the process of sourcing, screening and selecting people for a job or
vacancy within an organisation. Though individuals can undertake individual components of
the recruitment process, mid and large size organisations generally retain professional

The recruitment process in India is designed in such a way that each candidate gets the
desired profile according to its own choice. Place the candidate from the right profile, the
best job recruitment agencies, the solution is the end of most Indian job recruitment

The job recruitment agencies in India involve identifying those posts, preparing the job
description and person specification, advertising, management of the response, the
prequalification process, organising meetings, conducting interviews, making decisions,
appointment and action. This means that a lot of time and resources must be invested
before the right candidate is selected.

Most recruitment agencies in India follow three stages in the recruitment process, which are
essentially shortlist of application, preliminary assessment and final interview and selection.

The recruiting India process may include a written test to judge the particular skills of the
candidate. In this case, the test must be carefully prepared, not to deviate from the subject.
Much can be found on the candidate’s resume. A good presentation of his resume is in an
organized way and refined talk a lot on the individual. His mentality and attitude can be
judged according to his resume.

Then is the interview, which is an important and crucial part of the recruitment process. The
person who takes the interview of the candidate must be well prepared in advance.
Concerns such as the location of the interview, the timing, structure of the question of
strategy, the style of taking the interview must be decided in advance, so that nothing is
excluded, and all subjects properly treated.

In addition there are a number of things which should be taken into consideration in the
recruitment process. Until the final decision about a certain candidate is taken, it is
important to keep in regular contact with the candidate. The decision making process
should not take too long to prevent candidates from taking any other occasion. An applicant
must be informed once the decision is made. He or she must say the entire process of his
appointment clearly with the details of all the documents to be submitted. A record should
be kept of the candidate file for future reference.
The recruitment process must be strong and justified and shall withstand external scrutiny.
Only a good job recruitment agency with a good understanding of the area and the process
can execute the same success.


Appropriate and effective recruitment strategies vary with each position. The length and
scope of the recruitment should be relevant to the position.

In setting the timeline for your recruitment, consider the wording carefully- there are
consequences to your choice.

 If you specify a recruitment deadline, you may not consider any application received
after that date.
 If you indicate the position will remain opened until filled, you must consider any
applications received until an offer has been extended or accepted.
 If you indicate “applications received by a certain date will be assured full
consideration,” you can decide whether or not to review applications received after
the specified date. When using this wording, it is critical to establish a meaningful

Recruitment activities should include good faith efforts to solicit a diverse applicant pool and
affirm that race, sex, age, disability or veteran status will not be used to discriminate.

If the position is in a job group that is underutilised, by women or ethnic minorities,

additional targeted recruitment efforts should be undertaken.

All advertisement and position announcements should be consistence with each other
reflect the qualifications identified in the position description.

Prior to recruiting for a position, ensure that you know what institutional policies and
procedures apply. Contact your HR Generalist before recruitment


These are the main recruiting stages:-


Sourcing involves 1) advertising a common part of the recruiting process, often

encompassing multiple media, such as the internet, general newspapers, job centres, job ad
newspapers, professional publication, window advertisement, and campus graduate
recruitment programs; and 2) recruiting research, which is the proactive identification of
relevant talent who may not respond to job postings and other recruitment advertising
methods. These initial researches for so-called passive prospects who can then be contacted
to solicit interest, obtain a resume/CV, and be screened.

Screening and selection

Suitability for a job is typically assessed by looking for skills, e.g. communication, typing, and
computer skills. Qualifications may be shown through resumes, job applications, interview,
educational or professional experience, the testimony of references, or in-house testing,
such as for software knowledge, typing skills, numeracy, and literacy, through psychological
test or employment testing.

In some countries, employers are legally mandated to provide equal opportunity in hiring.


A well-planned introduction helps new employees become fully operational quickly and is
often integrated with the recruitment process.


Candidates can sometimes be subject to undue pressure to accept a job or position by an

overly zealous recruiter or personnel person.

This is a process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill vacant
positions. The process begins when a hiring department identifies the need to fill a position,
and ends when a person is hired to meet that need. What happens in the middle of the
process includes job analysis, position description development, recruitment, testing, and
screening, corresponding with applicants, credentials verification, background
investigations, interviewing, reference checking, physical examination and the offer.

Discriminatory hiring practices could result in significant cost for the company. Individuals
acting on behalf of the organisation who fails to follow non-discrimination policies may face
personal liabilities. Poorly designed or executed selection processes will generally fail to
identify the right person for the job, result in missed opportunities or delays in
accomplishing the mission of the organisation, and lead to discrimination claims. Impolite or
incompetent interviewers, unnecessarily long waits, and lack of follow-up may cause
unfavourable impressions of the company.


The cost of selecting performers who are inadequate performers or who leave the
organisation before contributing to, profit is a major cost of doing business. The cost
incurred in hiring and training any new employ is expensive sometimes in the thousands of
dollars. In 1983, the average cost per hire for exempt employees was more than $4600;
nearly $4700 is there was relocation. These cost incurred by the organisation suggests that
hiring is very expensive activity and that any efforts the organisation can make toward
minimising turnover and hiring cost can pay dividends. Thus proper selection of personnel is
obviously an area where effectiveness can result in large savings.


Minimise stereotypes- provide interviewers with a job description and specifics on job
requirements. In the absence of specific information individuals may be more likely

Job related- construct interview questions that are job related. Not having job related
interview questions will lower the validity of the interview process.

Train interviewers- improve the interpersonal skills of the interviewer and the interviewer’s
ability make decisions without influence from non-job related information. Interviewers
should be trained to:

 Avoid asking questions unrelated to job

 Avoid making quick decisions about an applicant
 Avoid stereotyping applicants
 Avoid giving too much weight to a few characteristics
 Try to put the applicant at ease during the interview


1. Hire the right person.

2. Conduct a wide and extensive search of the potential positive candidates.
3. Recruit staff members who are compatible with the organisation’s environment or
4. Hire individuals by using a model that focuses on learning and education of the
whole person.
5. Place individuals in position with responsibilities that will enhance their personal
These guidelines are also called BIG BAZAAR RECRUITMENT RULES.


The main objective of detailing guidelines is that the right type of personnel’s are recruited,
who fulfils the requisite job specifications for recruitment including the desirable level of
qualification, skills/experiences and competence which is essential for the sustained vitality
and growth of the organisation.


The guidelines should apply to the managerial/ executive/ supervisors category of

employees in the pay scale/ level, as announced separately in the classification of
employees order. Detailed job specifications, required to recruit the persons at various
levels or grades.


Recruitment shall be resorted from induction of talent from outside, when suitable
candidates are not available from within the organisation or upon a specific demand of the
post is such that it has to be filled up from the open market.


 From within organisation through transfers

 Through employment exchanges
 Through placement agencies/ consultants
 Through open market advertisements
 From engineering/ management/ educational institutes
 Through e-mail source viz etc.
 Through contractors, suppliers etc.
 Through referred cases, relatives/ friends etc.


All recruitment shall be done exclusively on merit basis only except experienced personnel.
Maximum age for recruitment shall be 28 years of age and minimum 18 years.


Each person is expected to fulfil the requisite job specifications as required for the position
before his candidature for the post. Age requirement at entry point with 10+2 qualification
shall be around 20 years and for graduate/ post graduate/ professional qualification shall be
between 21 years to 25 years for a fresher. The upper age limit for recruitment of
experienced personnel shall normally be not more than 45 years.


Normally the age of superannuation shall be 60 years for all classes of employees. In order
to streamline the recruitment age and to ensure that no person is retiring on his birthday, all
employ shall be retiring only on first day of the next month in which he attains the age of


In case any employee requests for extension of services on attaining the age of
superannuation, i.e., 60 years, or management wishes to retain his service in the interest of
the organisation, subject to medically fitness, the management at its sole discretion, may
grant such extension of service for one year at a time, however a management also may
consider reappointment of a retired employee on a contract basis. However such a person
shall be entitled to a consolidated amount and contracted facilities/ perquisites only. He
shall not be entitled to any other facility/ perquisite as applicable to other regular
executives/ employees of the company of his cadre.


All HODs / sectional heads shall raise a requisition in the prescribed format, as per
sanctioned manpower and duly approved by competent authority.


Candidates application screened / short listed are required to fill in the prescribed
application form in their own handwriting and submit the same to HR department along
with a passport size photograph, photocopies of certificate and testimonials etc., in support
of their age, qualification, experience conduct etc.


Every candidate selected and appointed in executive cadre shall be issued a letter of
appointment as per standard format placed.


Experienced personnel recruited in executive cadre may be required to execute e service

agreement to serve the organisation at least for a period of two years, after joining the
service of the company.

Each candidate should state names along with contact address, telephone number etc., of at
least 2 persons (not in relation), who can be referred by the employer to verify candidate
antecedents etc., in the application form itself, out of which one should be preferably of
immediate past employer.


All applications received from the candidates, shall initially be screened by HR department
recruitment section to ensure that candidates fulfils the job specification and there after
send the screened application to the respective HOD/ Requisition authority for detailed
screening and ensuring that the candidate meet their requirement and return such screened
application back to HR department for further action to request and fill the vacancy.


All applicants, who have shortlisted for an appointment in the company, shall be required
to complete an application blank for employment in his, own handwriting.

Avoiding ethical breaches when conducting a candidate search

It is important to act ethically at all times when conducting a candidate job search, not only
out of respect for each candidate, but also to protect the integrity of the institution. It is not
uncommon for hard feelings to develop between candidates and institution as a result of
thoughtless acts or misbehaviour on the part of those involved in the search process. It is
important for institutions to avoid any disrespect or malfeasance on the part of the
institution to help ensure success for current as well as future candidate searches. Following
are some behaviour that if adopted, will help ensure a legitimate and respectable job

 Train all search committee members to understand and recognise the necessary
credentials for the particular position
 Acknowledge receipt of all applications materials
 Do not make offers that are not honest
 Never misrepresent the position in any way
 Maintain confidentiality throughout the entire job search
 Provide the candidate with professional materials representative of the company
 Conduct open searches. If there is an internal candidate or candidates for the
position, announce this to all other candidates
 Never mislead a candidate as to his or her status in the search process

Do not discard applicants who “stopped out” to provide care for a child, or for maternity

Consider the dynamics of the interview – is the candidate being interviewed in an

environment that is representative of the office environment.

Understand questions that cannot be asked regarding family, children, pregnancy etc.

Provide medical insurance that cover the full range of medical needs of women employees,
including reproductive health care.

Provide paid sick-leave policies for employees’ illness and illness of spouses, lifetime
partners, dependent children, and elderly parents.

Provide life insurance, disability and pension programs that are non-discriminatory on the
basis of gender.

Have dear and vigorously enforced sex, race and sexual orientation discrimination and
sexual harassment policies and include a statement about these policies in the
advertisement of the position.

Before attempting to diversify a staff and make it more gender equitable, one must tackle
issues such as, “gender stereotyping; discrimination in hiring, pay, and promotions; family
issues; and sexual orientation discrimination”. There are five areas critical to this process:

 Open communication
 A commitment to creating an inclusive environment
 Clear preconceived expectations based on gender
 A neutral supervisor who can observe different styles and facilities communication
when a conflict arises
 Training – sexual harassment as well as gender issues training (it is thought that 75-
80% of sexual harassment complaints could be prevented by understanding gender



 Be fair at the time of decision making for the final selections as well as salary
 Always cross check the references and the information provided by the candidate
 Place a person according to his qualification and experience
 Lessen the grievance of each employee and take decision according to natural law of

 Don’t get influenced by the outsiders at the time of recruitment

 Don’t be judgemental in personal basis
 Don’t promise anything which will go against the ethos of the organisation

1. Does your company follow formal recruitment process?

Options Number of respondents

Yes 44
No 1
Can’t say 5
Total 50


From the above diagram it is quite clear that employees of Big Bazaar (88%) are satisfied by
the recruitment and selection procedure followed by the company. However there can be
some changes introduced in the procedure which are suggested by the employees to
improve the recruitment and selection policy of the company.
2. Which sources of recruitment your company should follow?

Options Number of respondents

Promotion/transfer 16
References 10
Campus placement 16
Consultancy 7
Other 1
Total 50


There are various ways of recruiting candidates in the Big Bazaar.

Some of the sources used by them are promotion, internal referrals and consultancy firms.

From the chart it is clear that employees of Big Bazaar are in favour campus placement and
promotion and transfer.

20% of the employees are in favour of internal references and 15% have suggested using
consultancy services.

Some have suggested advertising the vacancy in newspapers also.

3. What criteria do you think should be used for selection process?

Options Number of respondents

Written test and interview 30
Personal interview 19
Written test 0
Other 1
Total 50


Big Bazaar practices panel interview for selecting a candidate but from the chart it is clear
that 60% of employees ant written test along with interview to select a candidate.

No employee is in favour of written test only and some have suggested that even physical
examination should be included while selecting the candidates along with written test and
4. Were you given same job description as discussed in the interview?

Options Number of respondents

Yes 49
No 1
Total 50

Almost all the employees got the specified jobs offered to them. This implies that the Big
Bazaar have the organised manpower planning and well organised recruitment policy.

From the chart it is crystal clear that the candidates get exactly the same job as described.
So from Big Bazaar perspective it is a good sign for the overall growth and development.

There were some employees around 2% of my sample study who were against the above
mentioned point.
5. According to you on what basis candidates should be evaluated for selected?

Options Number of respondents

Family background 5
Experience 18
Academic qualification 16
All three 11
Total 50


The above diagram clearly depicts that the employees prefer experience as a criteria to select
the candidate. Next they consider academic qualification should be given importance while
selecting a candidate. Only 10% are in favour of family background to be used as selection
criteria by the company.

22% of sample size is in favour of all three factors that are experience, academic qualification
and family background.
6. Are you satisfied with the overall recruitment and selection process of your company?

Options Number of respondents

Satisfied 20
Dissatisfied 25
Neutral 5
Total 50


From the above figure, it is quite clear that out of my sample size, 50% are those who are not
satisfied with the recruitment and selection policy, followed by Big Bazaar and have suggested some
measures to improve them. 40% were those who were satisfied by the policy and 10% were those
who were not able to comment on it.
7. Which of the following factors mentioned below you think have a beneficial effect upon
the ability of Big Bazaar to attract and retain good employees?

Options Number of respondents

Brand name 12
Salary package 15
Career growth 16
Good working environment 7
Total 50


From the above chart it can be understood that most of the employees are inspired by the career
growth and salary package of the big bazaar. It’s clear from the chart that brand name is also
important factor which is a motivating force for the employees Big Bazaar. Only 15% of the
employees consider working environment in Big Bazaar to be a motivating factor.
8. According to you, is recruitment department in your organisation is efficient enough?

Options Number of respondents

Agree 25
Disagree 13
Can’t say 12
Total 50


Half of the departments agree that the recruitment department is efficient enough in hiring the best
talent from the pool of large people. It means they are satisfied from the persons recruited in the
9. Is the salary offered at the time of interview to the candidates is at par with the market

Options Number of respondents

Agree 9
Disagree 22
Can’t say 7
Strongly agree 12
Total 50


The above graph tells us that around half of the departments are unaware of the salary being
offered to the people at the time of joining.
10. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process in your organisation?

Options Number of respondents

Agree 24
Disagree 18
Strongly disagree 0
Strongly agree 0
Can’t say 8
Total 50


There is a mixed reaction of this question. Around half of the departments don’t know anything in
this regard. So, no clear picture can be drawn on the basis of this answer.
 According to my analysis Big Bazaar (future group) should use campus placement as
a source of recruitment.
 Company mainly focuses on internal sources which has its own limitations. By
focusing on campus placement, company can attract qualified personnel for vacant
jobs in the organisation. It can facilitate the infusion of fresh blood with new ideas
into the enterprise. This will improve the overall working of the enterprise.
 For the selection of a candidate for a vacancy company should first conduct written
test and on the basis of result of the test score interview should be scheduled for the
selected candidate.
 According to analysis the company should evaluate the candidates on all factors
(experience, qualification and family background) however, greater importance
should be given to the experience and then qualification should be considered.
 Company should include physical examination in the selection process. After result
in the selection process and now are getting in touch with various hospitals to enter
into a contract with them.
 Certain charges should be made in recruitment and selection process of Big Bazaar
such as new sources of recruitment should be entertained, written examinations
should be included in selection and physical examination should be considered as a
part of selection process.
My study of the recruitment and selection processes at Big Bazaar generated the following

 The recruitment process at Big Bazaar is in line with the recruitment policy of the
company. The entire process works exactly as it should according to the policy.
 The recruitment process i.e. the activity of generating the pool of perspective
employees, is similar for all entry – level positions. However the selection process is
unique for every position. The recruitment process at Big Bazaar is shown in above
 The HR department maintains the blanket count of personal in each department and
is responsible for filling up vacant positions in all departments throughout the
 The recruitment and selection activity is centralized and is conducted by the HR
department at Big Bazaar head office.
 Different sources of recruitment for every position has been tried and tested over
the years at Big Bazaar and at present every position has one unique source of
recruitment, which is always resorted to.
 Walk-ins are always used as a source of recruitment for junior level. Big Bazaar has
earned a good name for itself in the entire country and hence huge pool of
candidates is created through this source. However the hiring/applicants ratio is very
low. This is because a lot of unsuitable candidates also shoe up for interview. This
leads to wastage of time and effort.
 Big Bazaar can improve its recruitment and selection process with the advices
mentioned above and can increase the sources of recruitment for selecting the right
pool of candidates.


1. Does your company follow formal recruitment process?

 Yes
 No

2. Which sources of recruitment your company should follow?
 Promotion/transfer
 Campus placement
Any other

3. What criteria do you think should be used for selection process?

 Written test
 Interview
 Written test and interview
4. Were you given same job description as discussed in the interview?
 Yes
 No
5. According to you on what basis candidates should be evaluated for selection?
 Academic qualification
 Experience
 Family background
6. Are you satisfied with the recruitment and selection process of your company?
 Satisfied
 Dissatisfied
 Neutral
7. Which of the following factors mentioned below you think have beneficial effect upon the
ability of Big Bazaar to attract and retain good employees?
 Salary package
 Career growth
 Working environment
Any other
8. According to you, is the recruitment department in your organisation is efficient enough?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 `Can’t say
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
9. Is the salary offered at the time of interview to the candidate at par with the market rate?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Can’t say
 Disagree
 Strongly disagree
10. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process of your company?
 Strongly agree
 Agree
 Can’t say
 Strongly disagree
 Disagree
11. Suggestions (if any, to improve the recruitment process).

 K. ASHWATHAPPA-Human Resource and Personal Management

 ARUN MONAPPA-Personal Management



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