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a ¢ 2b » € 2.10 c d a c b b d b b b a a © a b e » é a 7/1 wom @ € ¢ b b c d b/Pd c é d ¢ ¢ Ce é b a ¢ © bao © ob ¢ ¢ a a a c c 7K b d c b b c boc a € agmpein | = € bb b ec b d c a d a a b d b a b> Be b a d a € c by biiend @ a ¢ © © a ¢ a © c b d 8.00 a b fe « € b Ra a ¢ 8.10 d b a ee 2 eee b Fe a c 8.20 4 a 9.00 d > fem i < met oc a 9.10 b ¢ c Poe ¢ fe cd fee a 9.20 d a a oe + a b —edey b 10.00 a a ew «Em: E 5 Visit : Ci SrintPages.aspx oN a) 432 € Ee a< : ———$$ FF omectve Quesrons _—+_____ 9.1. A geological formation which is essentially impermeable for flow of water even though it may cont in its pores is called (a) aquifer ) aquifuge (©) aquitard ——_(d)aquiclude 9.2. An aquifer confined at the bottom but not atthe top is called (a) Semiconfined aquiter (b) unconfined aquifer (€) confined aguifer (a) perched aquifer 9.3. 1 stream that provides water to the water table is termed (2) aMvent (>) influent (©) ephemeral (d) effluent 9.4 Thesurface joining the static water levels in several wells penertating a confined aquifer represents (@ water-table surface {b) capillary fiinge (c) piezometric sur 9.8 Flowing artesian w (a) the water table is very close tothe land surface (b) the aquifer is confined netic headline is above the elevation ofthe oul sur eof the aquiler (dl). cone of depression. is are expected in areas where (G) the rainfall is intense Visit : Civildatas ary. comPriPages.2spx 240 Pinter Frienay ‘Visit : ie el a Ree B72) Engincoring Hydrology 9.6 Water present in artesian aquifers is usually (a) al sub atmospheric pressure (©) at atmospheric pressure (©) 8105 times the atmospheric pressure (d) above atmospheric pressure 9.7 The volume of water that can be ex aquifer material is called (a) specific retention (8) specific yield (©) specific storage (0) specific capacity 9.48 Which of the pairs of terms used in groundwater hydrology are not synonymous? (4) Permeability and hydraulic conductivity (6) Storage eoeicien and sorativity (6) Actual velocity of flow and discharge velocity (d) Water table aquifer and unconfined aquifer 9.9 The permesbilty of soil sample at the standard temperature of 20°C ited by force of gravity from a unit volume of as 0.01 cmis The permeability of the same material ata flow temperature of 10° Cis in ems, @ <001 (b) > 001 (© = 001 (d) depends upon the porous material 9.10 A soit has acoetticient of permeability of 0.51 emis. IT'the kinematic viscosity of water 45 04000 ex, the intrinsic permebiity in daneys is about (@) 53x10" qu) 474 (©) 47x10" (a 4000 9.11 Darcy's law is valid in a porous media flow if the Reynolds number is les than unity This Reynolds number is defined as e velocity x maxinmum grain size {b) (actual velocity x average grain size v (©) (Gischange velocity x average grain size)’ velocity pore sizeVv on on wells penetrating into eonfined aquifer are located 1S km apart in the direction of flow: Heads oF 45 mv andl 20 m are indicated a these w90 observation well the coefficient of perme aagifer is 30 mday and the porosity i 0.28, the time of travel ofan inert tracer from one well to another is about (@) 417 days 4b) $00 days (©) 750days (3000 cays 9.13 A sand sample was found 19 have a porosity of 40%, For an aquifer ofthis material, the specific yield is 387 (@) 40% — (WY >40% (ey <4 7 9.14 An uncon ined aquifer of porosity 38%, permeability 35 m/day and specific yield of 6.15 has an area of 100 km?, The water table fils by 0.20 m during a drought, The ‘volume of wate lst from storage in Mr is (@) 7.0 4) 30 © 40 @ 180 9.18. The wit ofinrinsic permeability is (a) emiday to). miday (©) darwylday (4) aa 9.16. ‘The dimensions ofthe storage coeicient 5 are (@) L° o) LT © er (@) dimensiontess 9.17. The dimensions af the coelicient of tansmissibili @ Bir @) BT? (©) ET 9.48. The coelficient of permeability ofa sample of aquifer material is found to he 3 day in a laboratory test eonducted with water at 10°C. If the kinematic viscosity of water at various temperatures is as below (@) dimensionless Temp in °C 10 20 30 vis) 13010 1.00108 0.80 x 108 the standard value of the coefficient of permeability of the material, in m‘day, i about @) 4.0 4) 50 ©) 63 @ 9.0 = C a) Visit : Civildatas loca comPriegPages. 2px 22180 3 Ptr Friendly ‘Visit : Ua oe lem heer ed Groundwater (373) 9.19 stratified unconfined aquifer has three horizontal layers as below Layer Coefficient of permeability Depth (owiday) (my T 6 20 u 16 40 3 yy 30 ‘The effective vertical coefficient of permeability of this aquifer, in m’day, is about @ GB ) 15 ©) 24 (ay 16 9.20, Am aquifer confined at top and bottom by impervious layers is stratified into three layers as follows: Layer Thickness(m) Permeability (m/day) Top layer 50 30 Middle layer 10 Bottom layer 20 ‘The transmissibility ofthe aquifer im may is (a) 6000 () 182 (©) 20 @ 210 9.21. The specific storage is (@) Storage coefficientiaquiter depth (b) specific yield per unit area (©) specific capacity per mit depth of aquifer (@)_porosity-specific detention 9.22 When there is an increase in the atmospheric pressure, the water level ina well penetrat ing a confined aquiter (a) decreases (©) increases () does not undergo any change (@) decreases or increases depending on the elevation of the ground, ‘The specific eapacity-of a well is the (@) volume of water that ean be extracted by the foroe of gravity from unit wolume of quite (b) discharge per unit drawdown atthe well (©) drawdown per unt discharge ofthe well (2) rate of low through a unit width and entire thickness of the aquifer 9.24 Inone-dimensional low in an unconfined aquifer between two water bodies, when there isa recharge, the water table profile is (@) a parabola (b) part ofan ellipse (©) a straight ine (4) anare of circle 9.25 Inone-limensional low in a eonfined aquifer between two water bodies the pieromelrie headline is (@) a straight line (©) apartof.ancllipse (©) a parabola (d) anareof acircle 9.26 For one-dimensional flow without recharge in an unconfined aquifer between two water boulies the steady water table profile is (@) a straight line (b) aparabola (©) an ellipse (d) anare of aciele 9.27 The discharge per unit drawelown ata well is known as (@) specific yield (b) specific storage (©) safe yield (d) specific capac 9.28 The specific capacity of a well in confined aquifer under equilibrium conditions and witht te working mits oFdawdown " 388 (3) can ae taken as constant (©) decreases asthe dravidown increases (6) increases as the drawdown increases (q)_inereases or deereases depending upon the size of the well Visit : ylibrary.comPrinPages.aspx 2340 3 Printor Friendly ‘Visit : eta e Laan heer eed = . © Ee Qs: 318 Engincering Hydrology —_|— dseectwe Questions KH 8.1 The hydrologic Nood-routing methods use (a) Equation of continuity only (b) Both momentum and continuity equations {6} Energy equation only (@) Equation of motion only 8.2 The hydraulic methods of flood routing use (a) Equation of continuity onty (b} Both the equation of motion and equation of continuity (c) Energy equation onty (b} Equation of motion ony 8.3 The St Venant equations for unsteady open-channel flow are (@) continuity and momentum equations (b) momentum equation in two different forms. (©) momentum and energy equations (Gd) enengy and continuity equations. 84 The prism storage ina river reach during the passage of a flood wave is (@) a constant (0). function of inflow and outflow (©) fanction of inflow only (4), funetion of outflow only 8.5 The weilge storage ina river reach during the passage of a flood wave is (a) a constant (b)_ negative during rising phase (6) positive during rising phase: (@)_ positive during falling phase 8.6 In routing a flood! through a reach the point of intersection of inflow and outflow hydrographs coincides with the peak of outflow hydrograph (@) inall cases of flood routing (b}_ when the inflow is into a reservoir with an uncontrolled outlet (c} in channel routing only (Gin ll cases of reservoit routing 8.7 Which of the following is a proper reservoir-routing equation? a zt) 8.8 The Muskingum method of flood routing is a (@) form of reservoir routing method (bp hydraulic routing method (©) complete numerical solution of St Verant equations (a) hydrologic channel-routing method. 8.9 The Muskingum method of flood routing assumes the storage Sis related to inflow rate and outflow rate Q ofa reach as $ (@) Kix - 230] () Kix 1-9] (c) Kid +(1 290} (@) Kil 0-90) 8.10 The Muskingum method of flood routing wives Qs = Cyfy ~ Cyl, + CQ). The coetti ciemts inthis equation will have values such that @ G@-G=G (0) GC -G=1 @G-6-G-0 @ Gseret 334 mylibraryconPrintPag es aspx 130 13 Printer Friendly ‘Visit : Pw eel ae Reel aed Flood Routing [319] 8.11. The Muskingum channel routing equation is written for he outflow from the reach Qin, terms of the inflow {and coefticients Cp, Cand C; as (@) Q)= Gy hy CO, ~ Ch (0) Q,= Gs * Ch, C0, (©) O:= Glo * Gils Cale (dQ) = GQ) ~ C0) ~ Col 8.12 In the Muskingum method of channel routing the routing equation is written Q * Ci * CQ,, Ifthe coefficients K = 12 hand x= 0.15 and the time step f routing & ® 4 h, the evellicient C; is (a) 0.016 4) 0.048 (©) 0328 (a) 0.656 8.13 In the Moskingum method of channel routing the weighing factor x can have a valve = C a) Visit: pimylibrary.comPrintPages. aspx 134 ats Printer Friendly Visit: Civildatas UAL ered Flood Routing (319 8.11. The Muskingum channel routing equation is written for the outflow from the reach Q in terms of the inflow F and coefficients C>, C, and C, as (@) Q.=C,h-C,0,-Ch (0) Q.=Gh+C\,- C0, (©) r= Cohy > Ch +Cahe () Os=CQ)~ C.0,~ Gh 8.12 In the Muskingum method of channel routing the routing equation is written as Is * Cl, * CQ, I'he coetlicients K'= 12 h and x= 0.15 and the time step for A= 4h, the coelticient G, is (a) 0016 (b) 0.048 (©) 0.328 (@) 065 8.13 In the Muskingum method of channel routing the weighing factor x can have a valve (a) between -0.5 10 05 (b) between 010 10 0.5, (6) between 0010 10 (@)_ between 1,0 t0+1.0 8.14 In the Muskingum method of channel routing if x= 0.5, it represents an outflow hydrograph (a) that has reduced peak (b) with an amplified peak (C) that is exactly the same as the inflow hydrograpyh (@) with a peak which is exactly hall ofthe inflow peak 8.18 IPthe storage 5, inflow rate and outflow rate Q fora river reach is writen as S=K iF +19") represents storage routing through a reservoir | represents the Muskingum method (c) = O represents the Muskingum method! (d= 0 represents a linear channel 8.16 A linear reservoir is one in which the (a) volume varies linearly with elevation. (b) storage varies Finearly with the outflow rate (€) storage varies linearly with time (@) storage varies linearly with the inflow rate, 817 Am isochrone is line on the basin map (a) joining raingauge stations with equal rainfall duration (b) joining points having equal standard time (©) connecting points having equal time of travel ofthe surface runoff to the let (@) that connects points of eau 8.18 In the Nash model for TUH given by aay war ties te el i of) nad K m,n 334 (@) cmhh,b (0) hth (©) Ir, dimensionless number, h —__(d)_ enh, dimensionless number, b 8.19 The peak ordinate ofthe IUH of a catchment was obtained trom Nash model as 0.03 cm hy Ifthe area of the catchment is $80 km’ the value of the peak ordinate in ms is in I depth in a given time interval Wo (a) 165 (bo) 45.83 (©) 30.78 (d) 1833 8.20. IF'the Gamma function (1.5) © 0.886, the value of T (0.5) is (a) 05907 (b) 1.329 (©) 0.886 @) 1.772 8.21. In the Nash model for IUH, if Mj) = the first moment of ERH aboot the time origin divided by the tots nd Mz =the first moment of DRH about the tte ‘origin divided by the total direct runoff, then (@) Mp, ~My = 0K 1b) Mis — Moy (©) Mp, My, =n@+K (My Moy elective nk? Ink Visit : Civile pimylibrary comPrintPages. aspx 140 ats Printer Friendly it: M ‘aW-Hill Companies 278 = Enginecring Hydrology 7.25. A water resources project has an expected life of 20 years, (a) For an acceptable risk of 5% against the design flood, what design retum period is to be adopted? (b) If the above return period is adopted and the life of the structure can be enhanced to 50 years, what is the new risk value? 7.26 A factory is proposed to be located on the edge of the 50 year flood plain of a river. If the design life of the factory is 25 years, what is the reliability that it will not be flooded during its design life? 7.27 A spillway has a design life of 20 years. Estimate the required return period ofa Mood ifthe acceptable risk of failure of the spillway is 10% (a) in any year, and (h) over its design life. 7.28 Show that ifthe life of a project.n has a very lange value, the risk of failure is 0.632 when, the design period is equal to the life of the project, n. 7 at (Hint: Show that (1-1) = &! for large values of ) 7.29 ‘The regression analysis of a 30 year flood data ata point on a river yielded sample mean of 1200 m'/s and standard deviation of 650 m'’s. For what discharge would you design the structure 10 provide 95% assurance that the structure would not fail in the next SO years? Use Gumbel’s method. The value of the mean and standard deviation of the reduced variate for N= 30 are 0,53622 and 1.11238 respectively, 7.30 Analysis of the annual flood peak data of river Damodar at Rhondia, covering a period of 21 years yielded a mean of 8520 m‘/s and a standard deviation of 3900 m!’s, A proposed water control project on this river near this location is to have an expected life of 40 years, Policy decision of the project allows an acceptable reliability of 85%. {a} Using Gumbel’s method recommend the flood discharge for this project (b) Ifa safety factor for flood magnitude of 1.3 is desired, what discharge is to be adopted? What would be the corresponding safety margin? + OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 7.1 A culvert is designed for a peak flow Q, on the basis of the rational formula. If.a storm of the same intensity as used in the design but of duration twice larger occurs the resullt- ing peak discharge will be @) Q, (b) 20, ©) O/2 @® Q2 7.2 A watershed of area 90 ha has a runoff coefficient of 0.4. A storm of duration larger thar the time of concentration of the watershed and of intensity 4.5 cmvh creates a peab discharge of (a) 11.3 ms (b) 0.45 mi/s (c) 450 m'/s (d) 4.5 ms 7.3. A rectangular parking lot, with direction of overland flow parallel to the larger side, has atime of concentration of 25 minutes. For the purpose of design of drainage, four rain- fall patterns as below are to be considered. A=35 mnvh for 15 minutes, mnvh for 10 minutes, C = 10mm for 60 minutes, D=15 mmh for 25 minutes, The greatest peak rate of runoff is expected in the storm (a) 4 (b) B (ey) C (d) D 7.4 Foran annual fload series arranged in decreasing order of magnitude, the return period for a magnitude listed at position » in a total of N entries, by Weibull formula is 294 Visit : Civildatas.blogspot. (a) miN (b) mM (VE Dim) Nim 1). 7.5. The probability that a hundred year flood may not occur at all during the SO year life of a project is (a) 0.395 (b) 0.001 (e) 0.605 (d) 0.133 7.6 The probability of a flood, equal to or greater than 1000 year flood, occurring next year is {a) 0.0001 (b) 0.001 (©) 0.386 (d) 0.632 aspx C a © (Oye | doa | [Kany iies Floods |279) 7.1 The probability of a flood equal to or greater than 50 year flood, occurring at least one in next 50 years is (a) 0.02 {b) 0.636 (c) 0.364 (@ 1.0 7.8 The general equation for hydrological frequency analysis states that x, = value of variate with a return period of 7 years is given by x;= (a) ¥ Ko (b) xiKo (c) Ko (d) ¥-Ko 7.9 Fora retum period of 100 years the Gumbel’s reduced variate y, is (a) 0.0001 (b) 0.001 (c) 0.386 (a) 0.632 7.10 An annual flood series contains 100 years of flood data, For a return period of 200 years the Gumbel’s reduced variate can be taken as (a) 5.296 (b) 4.600 (ce) 1.2835 (dp 0.517 7.11 To estimate the flood magnitude with a retum period of T years by the Log Pearson Type TIT method, the following data pertaining to annual flood series is sufficient (a) Mean, standard deviation and coefficient of skew of discharge data (b) Mean and standard deviation of the log of discharge and the number of years of data (c) Mean, standard deviation and coefficient of skew of log of discharge data (d) Mean and standard deviation of the log of discharges 7.42. If the recurrence interval of an event is 7, in annual series and 7, in partial duration series, then (a) 1, is always smaller than T, (b) Difference between T, and 7, is negli y (c) Difference between T; and 7, is negligible for 7, > 10 years (d) Difference between 7;, and 7 is not negligible till 7, > 100 years 7.13 ‘The term mean annual flood denotes (a) Mean floods in partial-duration series (b) Mean of annual flood flow series (©) A flood with a recurrence interval of 2.33 years (d)_A flood with a recurrence interval of N’2 years, where N= number of years of record, 7.14 The use of unit hydrographs for estimating floods is generally limited to catchments of size less than (a) 5000 km? (b) 500 km? (c) 10° km? (d) 5000 ha 7.15 The probable maximum flood is (a) The standard project flood of an extremely large river (b) A flood adopied in the design of all kinds of spillways (c) Anextremely large but physically possible flood in the region 295 (d) The maximum possible flood that can occur anywhere in the country 7.16 The standard project flood is (a) Smaller than probable maximum flood in the region (b) The same as the design flood used for all small hydraulic structures (c) Larger than the probable maximum flood by a factor implying factor of safety (d)_ The same as the probable maximum flood 7.17 A hydraulic structure has been designed for a 50 year flood. The probability that exactly ‘one flood of the design capacity will occur in the 7S year life of the structure is (a) 0.02 (b) 0,220 (c) 0.336 (@) 0.780 7.18 The return period that a designer must use in the estimation of a flood for a hydraulic structure, if he is willing to accept 20% risk that a flood of that or higher magnitude will ‘occur in the next 10 years is (a) 95 years (b) 75 years (c) 45 years (@) 25 years 7.19 A hydraulic structure with a life af 30 years is designed for a 30 year flood, The risk of failure of the structure during its life is (a) 0.033 (bd) 0.638 (c) 0.362 (d) 1.00 Visit : Civildatas.blogsp 7.20 A bridge is designed for a 50 year flood. The probability that only one flood of the design capacity or higher will occur in the 75 years life of the bridge is (a) 0.020 (b) 0,220 (c) 0.786, (@) 0.336 1e8,a80x C a © Time(h) O fF 2 3 4 5 6 8 16 12 14 16 18 20 Ordinates (ms) Oo WW 37 6 71 75 72 60 45 33 21 12 6 @ (a) What is the areal extent of the catchment? (b) Derive the 3-hour unit hydrograph for this eatehment ———$_—<_f Seicctive Questions 6.1 The recession limb of a flood hydrograph can be expressed with positive values of coef: ficients, as O/Qy = (@) Kz h) ak, ©) a @ e For a given storm, other factors remaining same, (a) basins having low drainage density give smaller peaks in flood hydrographs (b) basins with larger drainage densities give smaller flood p (c) low drainage density basins give shorter time bases of hydro (dG) the flood peak is independent of the drainage density. 6.3 Base-flow separation is performed (a) on a unit hydrograph to get the direct-runoff hydrograph (b) on a flood hydrograph to obtain the magnitude of effective rainfall (c) on flood hydrographs to obtain the rainfall hyetograph (d) on hydrographs of effluent streams only. 6.4. A direct-runol¥ hydrograph due to a storm was found to be triangular in shape with a peak of 150 m'/s, time from start of effective storm to peak of 24 hr and a total time base of 72 h. The duration of the storm in this case was (a) <24h (b)_ between 24 to 72h (©) 72h @ >72h. 6.8 A unit hydrograph has one unit of (a) peak discharge () rainfall duration (c) direct runoff {d)_ the time base of direct runoff. 6.6 ‘The basic assumptions of the unit-hydrograph theory are (a) nonlinear response and time invariance (b) time invariance and linear response 258 (€) linear response and linear time variance (d) nonlinear time variance and linear response. 6.7 The D-hour unit hydrograph of a catchment may be obta of a single peak 1 by dividing the ondinates rect runoff hydrograph (DRH) due to a storm of D hour duration by the {a) Total runoff volume {in cm) (b) Direct runoff volume (in cm) (c) Duration of DRH (d) Total rainfall (in em) 6.8 A starm bydrograph was due to 3 h of effective rainfall. It contained 6 em of direct runofT, The ordinates of DRH of this storm (a) when divided by 3 give the ordinates of a 6-h unit hydrograph (b) when divided by 6 give the ordinates of'a 3-h unit hyérograph Visit : Civildatas.blogspo' 08-s e 2: Visit : Graw-Hill companies 69 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.14 6.16 6.17 6.18 Hydrographs (Baa (c) when divided by 3 give the ordinates of a 3-h unit hydrograph (d)_ when divided by 6 give the onlinates of u 6-h unit hydrograph, A 3-hour storm over a watershed had an average depth of 27 mm, The resulting flood hydrograph was found to have a peak flow of 200 m'is and a base flow of loss rate could be estimated as 0,3 envh, a 3h unit hydrograph for this watershed will have a peak of (a) 66.7 ms () 100 mis (©) Lim's — (d) 33.3 m'is A triangular DRH due to a storm has a time base of 80 brs and a peak flow of $0 mvs occurring at 20 hours from the start, If the catchment area is 144 km’, the rainfall excess in the storm was (a) 200m (b) 7.2m ©) Sem () Hone of these. ‘The 12-hr unit hydrograph of a catchment is triangular in shape with a base width of 144 hours and a peak discharge value of 23 m's, This unit bydrograph refers to # catchment of area (a) 756 km? (b) 596 kny (©) 1000 km? ——_(d),_ none of these. The 6-h unit hydrograph of x catchment is triangular in shape with a base width of 64 h and peak ordinate of 20 m/s. If a 0.5 cm rainfall exeess occurs in 6h in that catchment, the resulting surface-runoff hydrograph will have (a) abase of 128h {b) a base of 32h {c) apeak of 40 mis {d) 2 peek of 10 ms ‘A 90 km’ catchment has the 4-h unit hydrograph which can be approximated as a trian- gle. Ifthe peak ordinate of this unit hydrograph is 10 m'ys the time base is (a) 20h (b) 64h Ke) 50h (4) none of these. A triangular DRH due toa 6-h storm ina catchment has a time base of 100 h anda peak flow of 40 m/s. The catchment area is 180 km*. The 6-h unit hydrograph of this catch- ment will have a peak flow inm’/s of (a) 10 (6) 20 Ke) 30 (@) pone of these. The 3-hour unit hydrograph U' of a catchment of area 250 kmr is in the form of « triangle with peak discharge of 40 m/s. Another 3-hour unit hydrograph Lis also triangular in shape and has the same base width as U, but with a peak flow of 80 mis. The catchment which U, refers to has an area of (a) 125 km? (b) 250k? Ko) 1000 kim® (S00 km? U- is the 6-h unit hydrograph for a basin representing 1 cm of direct runoff and U, is the direct runoff hydrograph for the same basin due to a rainfall excess of 1 mm ina storm of 6 hour duration. (a) Ordinates of U1, are 1/10 the corresponding ordinates of U, (b) Base of €, is 1/10 the base of U, (c) Ordinates of U, are 10 times the corresponding ordinates of U, () Base of U, is 10 times the base of U ‘A basin with an area of 756 km* has the 6-h unit hydrograph which could be approxi- mated asa triangle with a base of 70 hours, The peak discharge of direct runofThydragraph due to 5 cm of rainfall excess in 6 hours from that basin is mis (b) 60m Xo) 756 m/s (d) 300 ms flow of a flood hydrograph caused by isolated storm was observed to be 120 m'/s. The storm was of 6 hours duration and had a total rainfall of 7.5 cm. If'the base flow and the gindex are assumed to be 30 m'/s and 0.25 cnvh respectively, the peak ordinate of the 6-h unit hydrograph of the catchment is (a) 12.0 ms (b) 15.0 mis (c) 16.0 mis (d) 20.0 m'/s 259 = . < BAS: Graw-Hill Companies 244 Engineering Hydrology 6.19 6.21 6.22 6.24 The peak ordinate of 4-h unit hydrograph a basin is 8@ nis. An isolated storm of 4-hours duration in the basin was recorded to have a total rainfall of 7.0 cm, If it is assumed that the base flow and the ¢ index are 20 m’is and 0.25 cnv/h respectively, the peak of the flood discharge due to the storm could be estimated as (a) 580 mis (b) 360 m/s, (c) 480 m'/s (d) 500 m‘/s The peak flow of a flood hydrograph caused by isolated storm was observed to be 100 m's. The storm had a duration of 8.0 hours and the total depth of rainfall of 7.0 cm. The base flow and the index were estimated as 20 m’/s and 0.25 em/h respec lively. If in the above stonn the total rainfall were 9.5 cm in the same duration of & hours, the flood peak would have been larger by (ay 35.7% (b) 40% {c) 50% (d) 20% For a catchment with an area of 360 km? the equilibrium discharge of the S-curve ob- tained by summation of 4-h unit hydrograph is (a) 250 mis (b) 90 mis (©) 278 mis (d) 360 m/s Fora catchment ofarea A an S-curve has been derived by using the D-hour unit hydrograph. which has a time base 7: In this S-curve (2) the equilibrium dischange is independent of D (b) the time at which the S-curve attains its maximum value is equal to 7 (C) the time at which the S-curve attains its maximum value is equal to D (¢} the equilibrium dischange is independent of A An IUH isa direct runoff hydrograph of (a) of one cm magnitude due to rainfall excess of 1-h duration (b} that occurs instantaneously due to a rainfall excess of I-h duration (©) of unit rainfall excess precipitating instantaneously over the catchment (@)_ occurring at any instant in long duration An instantaneous unit hydrograph is hydnograph of (a) unit duration and infinitely small rainfall exeess, (b} infinitely small duration and of unit rainfall excess (©) infinitely small duration and of unit rainfall excess of an infinitely small area (d} unit rainfall excess on infinitely small area 260 Visit : Civildatas.blogspot. o 5 @

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