"Azerbaijan Hava Yollari" CJSC National Aviation Academy

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“Azerbaijan Hava Yollari” CJSC

National Aviation Academy

Title: Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI)

Subject: Aircraft Electrical Equipment

Instructor: Gunayye Mehdiyeva

Student: Akhundov Adil

Group: 1117i

Date : 20.04.2020

BAKU 2020
The Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) presents an electronically generated colour
display of navigational data. Each HSI is capable of showing the airplane's progress
on a dynamic map display.

Display Orientation
During normal operation, heading reference data is supplied to each HSI from the
respective IRS. The centre IRS provides that data as an alternate source. During pre-
flight, heading/track data is unavailable until the associated IRS has completed
alignment and entered the navigation mode. Heading flags do not appear in this case.

Heading Reference Switch
The compass rose can be referenced to magnetic north or true north. The heading
reference switch on the centre Instrument panel is used to manually select magnetic
or true reference for both HSIs, both RDMIs, the AFDS and both FMCs.
NORM The compass display is automatically referenced to true north when
the airplane is operating within the polar regions (outside of 73°N to 60°S) and
magnetic north when operating outside Polar regions.
TRUE The compass rose is referenced to true north regardless of operating
area. TRU is displayed at the top of the HSI enclosed by a white box when the
HSI is referenced to true north
If the AFDS is in the HDG SEL mode and the Heading Reference Switch position is
changed, the AFDS mode changes to HDG HOLD.
When the HSI is referenced to true north and the airplane descends 2000 ft at more
than 800 fpm, the box changes from white to amber, flashes for 10 seconds, then
remains amber. The box returns to white when the airplane climbs 2000 feet at more
than 500 feet per minute. A green box is displayed around the M for 10 seconds when
the HSI is returned to magnetic referencing.

Track Reference
Track is supplied by the associated FMC (CAPT HSI - L FMC, F/O HSI - R FMC).
The opposite FMC is available as an alternate source. If track information from the
FMC is unreliable, it is automatically supplied by the IRS.

MAP Mode
The MAP mode is recommended for most phases of flight. Presented heading up, this
mode shows airplane position relative to the route of flight against a moving map
background. MAP Mode allows automatic VOR and DME tuning.
Displayed information can include:
Track supplied by the respective FMC
with the opposite FMC available as an
alternate source. If track information from
the FMC is unreliable, it is automatically
supplied by the IRS.
Position trend vector.
Altitude range arc based on instantaneous
rate of climb.
Estimated time of arrival.
Selected navigation data points
programmed in the FMC (the active,
modified, and/or inactive route). (EHSI)MAP MODE
As installed - TCAS Traffic information.

Map Switches
 Displays all (only) high attitude VHF navigation aids stored in
the FMC database when HSI range is 80m or greater.
 Displays all VHF navigation aids stored in the FMC database
when HSI range is 40m or less.
 AIRPORT. Displays all airports stored in the FMC database.
 ROUTE DATA. Displays estimated time of arrival and any attitude constraint for
each waypoint in the displayed flight plan.

 When HSI range is 40 nm or less: displays all waypoints stored
in the FMC database.
 The switch is inactive when HSI range is 80 nm or greater.


VOR Mode
VOR Mode The VOR mode is presented heading
up. The VOR mode displays track, heading, and
wind speed and direction with VOR navigation
information. A conventional full compass rose
VOR mode is also available.
Note: VOR Mode selects manual VOR and DME
tuning on the associated VOR/DME Panel
(automatic tuning is inhibited).


ILS Mode
The ILS mode is presented heading up. The ILS mode displays track, heading, and
wind speed and direction with ILS approach
information. A conventional full compass rose ILS
mode is also available.
Note: ILS Mode selects manual VOR tuning on the
associated VOR/DME Panel (automatic tuning is
inhibited). DME is manually tuned on the ILS
APP Mode
As installed
The APP mode is presented heading up. The APP mode displays track, heading, and
wind speed and direction with ILS approach information.

The PLAN mode is presented true north up. The active route may be viewed using
the STEP prompt on the FMC-CDU LEGS pages.
The top part of the HSI maintains a display of track
and heading information as in the MAP mode.
PLAN Mode allows automatic VOR and DME

Centre Mode
As installed
The CENTRE MAP mode provides the same date as
the MAP mode with the exception that the Airplane
Symbol is located at the centre of the display so that
data behind the airplane is within view.


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