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Artificial Intelligence in Musculoskeletal Imaging:

A Paradigm Shift
Joseph E Burns,1 Jianhua Yao,2 and Ronald M Summers2
Department of Radiological Sciences, University of California-Irvine School of Medicine, Orange, CA, USA
Imaging Biomarkers and Computer-Aided Diagnosis Laboratory, Radiology and Imaging Sciences Department, Clinical Center, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA

Artificial intelligence is upending many of our assumptions about the ability of computers to detect and diagnose diseases on
medical images. Deep learning, a recent innovation in artificial intelligence, has shown the ability to interpret medical images with
sensitivities and specificities at or near that of skilled clinicians for some applications. In this review, we summarize the history of arti-
ficial intelligence, present some recent research advances, and speculate about the potential revolutionary clinical impact of the
latest computer techniques for bone and muscle imaging. © 2019 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Published
2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.


Introduction For this review, we will focus on musculoskeletal radiology

images. We performed a search of PubMed for papers with the
following key word set: (machine learning OR deep learning
A rtificial intelligence (AI), a subfield of computer science, can
be broadly defined as the use of a computer to replicate
human intelligence in performing tasks. Nested within this
OR convolutional OR neural network) AND (musculoskeletal OR
skeletal OR bone OR skeleton OR muscle) AND (X-ray OR xray
umbrella term of “artificial intelligence” is the field of machine OR radiography OR computed tomography OR CT OR magnetic
learning. Important goals of machine learning are to impart to resonance OR MRI). This search yielded more than 800 results
computers the capacity to learn without explicit programming as of this writing, the majority (71%, 581/821) from 2013 and
and to make more accurate predictions from data. Although later. Clearly this field is growing rapidly. In this review, we focus
machine learning algorithms in general do progressively on the authors’ experience with the application of artificial
improve with experience at performing tasks, they still may need intelligence in musculoskeletal imaging and how we believe this
some human input or guidance to improve performance. represents a paradigm shift in this field.
Computer analysis of images has a long history in musculo-
skeletal radiology. The last 5 years have seen a dramatic Background
improvement in such analyses. In particular, recent develop-
ments in artificial intelligence have caused a paradigm shift in Although deep learning has only been applied to radiology over
the ability of computers to detect, characterize, and measure the past few years, radiology researchers have been developing
complex pathologies in the musculoskeletal system. computer tools for automated detection and characterization of
These advances have arisen in large measure because of musculoskeletal disease on radiologic images for decades. Three
improvements in the field of computer vision, a branch of com- generations of development are loosely defined centered about
puter science. The computer scientists in this field have devel- the parallel evolution of medical imaging technology and com-
oped a suite of technologies loosely called deep learning that puter hardware and software, and availability of very large
are able to recognize objects in natural world images like the labeled data sets.
photographs we take while on vacation.(1) It turns out that these First-generation development was inhibited by primary image
same technologies are highly effective at detecting abnormali- acquisition on analog photographic film, with ad hoc digital con-
ties on medical images, including radiology, pathology, and oph- version, and the markedly slower speeds of available computers.
thalmologic images.(2–5) Some early examples in musculoskeletal radiology include

Received in original form April 11, 2019; revised form July 23, 2019; accepted August 5, 2019. Accepted manuscript online September 12, 2019.
Address Correspondence to: Ronald M Summers, MD, PhD, Imaging Biomarkers and Computer-Aided Diagnosis Laboratory, Radiology and Imaging Sciences,
National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, Building 10, Room 1C224D MSC 1182, Bethesda, MD 20892-1182, USA. E-mail: rms@nih.gov
This work was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the National Institutes of Health, Clinical Center. The opinions expressed herein are
those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the DHHS, NIH, or UCI.
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, Vol. 35, No. 1, January 2020, pp 28–35.
DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.3849
Published 2019. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA

n 28 BURNS ET AL. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

classifying bone tumors on radiographs (Lodwick and col-
leagues(6)), segmenting the femur and tibia on AP knee radiographs
(Ausherman and colleagues(7)), and assessing bone mineral density
on hand and wrist radiographs (Geraets and colleagues(8)).
Second-generation development is characterized by increas-
ingly prevalent primary digital image acquisition, more capable
computers, and new algorithms. This generation continued until
the early to mid-2010s. Some examples include texture-based
morphometry of osteoporosis on CT (Mundinger and col-
leagues(9)), estimation of skeletal age on radiographs (Pietka
and colleagues(10); Frisch and colleagues(11)), assessment of bone
trabeculae on MRI and CT (Link and colleagues(12)), measurement
of bone mineral density on CT (Lang and colleagues(13); Summers
and colleagues(14)) (Fig. 1), and detection of lytic and sclerotic
metastases on CT (O’Connor and colleagues(15); Burns and
Fig. 2. Lytic spine metastasis detection using second-generation AI soft-
colleagues(16)) (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3). More examples can be found in
ware. There are two lytic lesions, 3.4 cm (5.1 cm2) and 1.2 cm (1.1 cm2),
a recent review.(17)
presumably metastatic, in L1 vertebral body of a 47-year-old man with mel-
In these first two generations, researchers attempted to repli-
anoma. (A) Original axial bone window image showing lesions (arrows).
cate human perception and cognition in the interpretation of
(B) Color-coded image showing lesion detection and classification.
medical images. They did so by handcrafting computer models
(B): Green = computer-aided detection of lytic lesions; red = spine detec-
to mimic human perception of the features of the anatomy or
tion; blue = spinal canal detection; brown = Lytic lesion candidate rejected
pathology of interest. While neural networks were available at
by filter or classifier. Reproduced from O’Connor and colleagues.(15)
this time, use was inhibited because of CPU (rather than graphics
processing unit or GPU) based computation and inability to train
deep networks. Consequently, other analytical techniques such
as support vector machines (SVMs) rose in prominence. Unfortu-
nately, those other techniques were insufficient to achieve medical images without being specifically designed to assess
clinician-level performance. these features (ie, handcrafted features are no longer necessary).
Recent advances have led to the third generation of develop- The third-generation techniques are more accurate and rapidly
ment. These advances include faster and cheaper GPUs, the abil- developed (from years to months) than prior generations.
ity to train deep (as opposed to shallow) neural networks with
many layers, and the increasing availability of very large labeled
data sets. These deep learning systems can learn features from
Imaging Modality Examples

Artificial intelligence techniques have been applied to the vari-

ous modalities of musculoskeletal imaging, including DXA, radi-
ography, CT, and MRI. In this section, we will review a number
of such applications.

On DXA, applications include detection of osteoporotic verte-
bral compression fractures and femoral segmentation for
assessment of bone density.(18,19) Using semi-automated
vertebral segmentation and appearance models, Roberts
et al. attained 88% sensitivity for compression fracture detec-
tion at a 5% false-positive rate.

Kim and MacKinnon(20) and Lindsey and colleagues(21) used
deep convolutional neural networks to assess wrist radiographs
Fig. 1. Fully automated phantomless bone mineral densitometry for for fractures. Kim and MacKinnon attained a sensitivity of 0.9
osteoporosis assessment on contrast-enhanced CT of a 65-year-old and specificity of 0.88 in wrist fracture detection with transfer
woman using second-generation AI software. The green oval indicates learning on a deep CNN model pretrained on non-medical
the region of interest (ROI) in the L1 vertebral body automatically located images. Lindsey and colleagues showed that with deep learning,
and measured by the software. The ROI is placed in the anterior vertebral wrist fractures were correctly detected by emergency medicine
body so as to avoid the basivertebral vein. The green and red boxes indi- clinicians with a relative reduction in misinterpretation rate
cate the automatically located vertebral body/spinous process and entire of 47.0%.
vertebra, respectively. Bone age analysis from pediatric hand radiographs has been
performed recently using deep learning.(22,23)


Fig. 3. Sclerotic spine metastasis detection using second generation AI software. (A) Sclerotic vertebral body tumors (focal regions of high bone density)
denoted by blue arrows. (B) Watershed method for segmentation of regions of similar bone and soft tissue density. (C) CAD system detected high-density
lesions (green). (D) Reference standard segmentation (blue). (E) CAD system 3D detections (green) with ground truth lesions superimposed.

Computed tomography to 97.0% for labeling.(44) Lu and colleagues segmented the lum-
bar vertebrae and assessed for spinal stenosis using a U-Net
Our group and others have focused to a great extent on muscu- deep learning architecture.(47) For vertebral detection, the Dice
loskeletal pathology of the central body or axial skeleton on Similarity Coefficient, a measure of segmentation accuracy, was
CT. Reasons for this focus include the widespread use of body 0.93, and for spinal canal and foraminal stenosis grading, the
CT and the relatively infrequent use of extremity CT. For AI accuracies were 80.4% and 78.1%, respectively.
research, CT also has some benefits over MRI, including fewer Neoplasia detection in bone on MRI has been performed by
artefacts and the direct physical meaning of the pixel intensities. Jerebko and Wang.(49,50) Automated detection of the fascia lata
For example, CT Hounsfield units (HU) are calibrated daily to a in the thigh was used to assess for fatty replacement of muscle
standard, but MR signal intensity is determined by a host of in patients with muscular dystrophy.(51) Knee cartilage defects
machine-specific parameters and characteristics. and meniscal tears have been automatically assessed on MRI.(52)
Examples of this work include automated detection of traumatic In the next sections, we discuss specific applications in more
and compression fractures, degenerative changes, epidural masses, detail.
bone metastases, and bone mineral density of the spine on CT
utilizing both second- and third-generation techniques.(15,16,24–38)
The typical strategy for these applications involves vertebral level Fracture detection
labeling and segmentation, followed by feature- or learning-based
automated measurement or detection.(39–42) There has been considerable interest in developing automated
tools to detect a variety of bone fractures. One such system auto-
matically detected acute traumatic fractures of thoracic and lum-
Magnetic resonance imaging
bar vertebral bodies on CT(24,53,54) (Fig. 4). The sensitivity for
Because MRI is widely used for assessing spinal degenerative detection of fractures within each vertebra was 81%, with a
changes in the setting of neck and back pain, significant efforts false-positive rate of 2.7 per patient in the test-set patients. Acute
have been made toward automated delineation of spinal anat- pelvic fractures can also be automatically detected.(55,56)
omy on MRI images.(43–48) Forsberg and colleagues studied Radiologists may overlook spine compression fractures if they do
detection and labeling of cervical and lumbar vertebrae using not routinely review sagittal midline images on body CT.(57) In
third- and second-generation techniques, respectively, with sen- response, a system was designed for the automated detection
sitivities of 99.1% to 99.8% for detection and accuracies of 96.0% and localization of thoracic and lumbar vertebral body compression

n 30 BURNS ET AL. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

Fig. 4. Spine acute traumatic fracture detection using second generation AI software. (A) Spine segmentation. There is a fracture at T12 (green arrow). (B)
2D and (C) 3D cortical shell segmentation maps. Cyan = periosteal surface; red: endosteal surface. (D) Unwrapped cortical shell. (E) Detections on
unwrapped map. Fracture detections 1 and 2 are focal curvilinear regions of low bone density. (F) Detections on axial slice. (G) 3D display of detections.
Adapted from Burns and colleagues.(24)

fractures on CT. In addition to detection, the system determined that scanner. This calibration curve may then be used to convert
Genant classification of the fractures(26,58) (Fig. 5). In a set of CT scans the mean trabecular bone CT attenuation on this now-calibrated
with 210 fractured vertebrae, the sensitivity for detection of verte- scanner to give a BMD estimation without the presence of the
brae with compression fractures was 95.7%, with a false-positive phantom. DXA and automated quantitative CT of the lumbar
rate of 0.29 per patient.(26) spine have been compared for assessment of bone mineral den-
sity on CT with an area under the ROC curve of 0.888.(62)
Bone oncology Osteoporosis and fragility fracture risk have also been
assessed on dental panorex radiographs, hip radiographs, and
Automated detection of lytic, sclerotic, and mixed density meta-
on MRI.(63–65) For example, MRI in combination with FRAX score,
static bone lesions of the spine and sclerotic lesions of the ribs
BMD, and patient physical characteristics has been used to pre-
has been developed (Figs. 2 and 3).(15,16,59–61) In one such
dict osteoporotic bone fractures.(65)
system, the sensitivity (and false-positive rate per patient) was
81% (2.1), 81% (1.3), and 76% (2.1) for sclerotic, lytic, and mixed
lesions of the spine, respectively, using SVM classifiers.(27) This Opportunistic screening
system is a first step toward the quantitative analysis of meta-
Opportunistic screening means the detection of abnormalities
static spine disease for determination of tumor burden, assess-
unrelated to the primary indication for the scan. Examples of oppor-
ment of lesion change over time, and inclusion of bone lesions
tunistic screening include bone mineral densitometry, visceral fat
into treatment response criteria such as RECIST. In other work,
analysis, and sarcopenia assessment on CT scans obtained for colo-
185 sclerotic lesions were identified in patient ribs, and a system
rectal cancer screening or other indications(14,62,66–71) (Fig. 6). Such
with 75.4% sensitivity at an average of 5.6 false-positives per case
opportunistic screening does not require additional radiation expo-
was designed and tested using an SVM classifier.(59) Performance
sure and provides additional information from images that
improvements will be required for such systems to be used
already exist. It is envisioned that such opportunistic screening
may lead to early detection, risk assessment, and favorable
treatment outcomes in such conditions as osteoporosis, meta-
Osteoporosis and assessment of bone mineral density
bolic syndrome, and sarcopenia.
Automated bone mineral density determination on CT may be
performed with a densitometry phantom in the field-of-view or
Other applications
with a calibrated scanner(14) (Fig. 1). Calibration curves may be
constructed from the phantoms in dedicated QCT scans, map- Other AI applications include bone strength determination and
ping CT attenuation in HU to bone mineral density in mg/cc on osteoarthritis evaluation.(72)


Fig. 5. Vertebral body compression fracture detection and characterization in an osteopenic patient using second-generation AI software. Eighty-six-
year-old female, compression fractures at T3 and T7. (A, B) the program detects the vertebral endplates, creates a coordinate axis, and establishes distances
between endplates along the z axis. (C) Sagittal CT section shows automated spine segmentation and vertebral partitioning. (D, E) Cross section of stacked
(D) sagittal and (E) axial vertebral height compasses. Each compass is an axial sector map of the vertebral height loss. White = no height loss. Gray to
black = increasing height loss. (E) Height compasses of a grade 2 concave fracture at T3 (top), a grade 3 wedge fracture at T7 (middle), and a normal ver-
tebral body at L2 (bottom). A = anterior; P = posterior; L = left; R = right. Adapted from Burns and colleagues.(26)

Purpose-Driven Development: Putting Medicine and dynamic characteristics, reduced diagnostic variability, inte-
on a Scientific Quantitative Basis gration of imaging, pathology, genomic and laboratory data, and
discovery of hidden correlations heretofore unknown and uninves-
tigated, akin to the advances made in data mining genomic data.
Although in many cases, the automated detection of a specific
pathology is the initial goal, the ultimate goal of much of
this research is quantitative characterization of the disease of Challenges in Development
interest. In this way assessment of disease can be taken from
the qualitative or semiquantitative historical basis of 19th- and As alluded to previously, one of the enabling (as well as limiting)
20th-century medicine into the realm of other scientific disci- factors in AI development for musculoskeletal imaging is the
plines using the full power of modern computing. Potential public availability of well-labeled image data sets. Examples of
advantages of doing so include quantitative analysis of static available data sets include those for bone age assessment, knee

Fig. 6. Muscle volumetry for sarcopenia assessment using third-generation AI software. (A) Original axial contrast-enhanced abdominal CT image of a 65-year-old
woman at the L3 level. (B) Muscle group segmentation automatically segmented and measured by the software (the skeletal muscle index group) (red).

n 32 BURNS ET AL. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research

MRI, bone radiographs, and spine imaging.(41,73–75) Data sets global health improvements are other potential benefits. Whether
such as these are often used for competitive challenges typically these benefits will come to pass depends on many factors in addi-
in association with an image processing conference. Examples tion to basic research progress, including clinical acceptance and
include SpineWeb and intervertebral disc segmentation means of reimbursement.
(https://ivdm3seg.weebly.com/) at the MICCAI meeting and the
Pediatric Bone Age Machine Learning Challenge at the 2017 Disclosures
meeting of the RSNA.(41,75)
There are also many possible clinical tasks to be automated, RMS has pending and/or awarded patents for automated image
many of which might be used only infrequently.(76) This leads analyses, and receives royalty income from iCAD, Ping An,
to development challenges such as a lack of relevant data sets ScanMed, and Koninklijke Philips. His lab received research sup-
and difficulties in attaining high performance. Difficulties in port from Ping An Technology Company Ltd. and NVIDIA. JY has
labeling the reference standard, such as uncertainties in lesion pending and/or awarded patents for automated image analyses,
boundaries or diagnosis, and variabilities in human labeling and receives royalty income from iCAD and Ping An. He is pres-
accuracies, can also lead to reduced performance. ently an employee at Tencent Holdings.

Challenges in Implementation Acknowledgments

There have also been challenges in transitioning computer tech-
We thank Drs Nathan Lay and Daniel Elton for software engineer-
nologies from the lab bench (ideation, design, and testing) to the
ing. Tatiana Wiese is thanked for Fig. 3.
patient’s bedside (direct clinical application). Computer-aided
diagnosis has had a mixed track record in patient care, dampen-
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