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Cristine Anoba Mendoza

10- Mapaglingkod

Concept Speech
Hi everyone! I’m here to discuss success’, yes, success’, this topic reminds me of
my parents who did not finish school at their time because of poverty were they
don’t have enough money to get enroll in a school. But even though that’s the case,
they don’t give up in life, they strive hard and achieve their goals in life were they
become successful.
Well success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. It is the fast of getting or
achieving wealth, respect or fame. To make it short, success means that a person or
thing that succeeds. Most people work hard throughout their lives to achieve
success. That means acquiring an education, being able to take care of one’s
family. One interesting view about success is that it means something different to
each person. Also, perception of success can be faulty. A person can be successful,
but scandal and ruin can easily follow is a person made poor choices to achieve
his/her ideal success. Basically, one common observation in life is that it is
difficult if not close to impossible to be successful in every aspect of life. in most
cases one can be successful in one part of life and be a total failure in another.
When one is looking for success, one should concentrate on ones strengths rather
than pursuing goals in those areas where they are likely not to enjoy a certain
degree of achievement. Even when capitalizing on one’s strength, an individual
should strive to improve in other areas as well.
It is important to strive for a well- balanced life. One should always try to keep
each of the components his/her life in harmony with each other.

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