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Correct the mistakes in the sentences below:

1. The little girl felt on the ice yesterday and hurted herself badly.
2. When he brang me his new book I was surprised.

Complete these sentences by putting the verbs into either the infinitive or the gerund. Add a preposition where necessary:
3. I've always regretted not (learn) to play the piano at school. 4. Nobody objected ... my (join) the expedition.
5. Did you manage (take) the job?

Use the appropriate forms of the verbs:

 RAISE or RISE (in the correct tense): 6. The cars …. clouds of dust as they went by. 7. By the time the
drivers reached Bordeaux the number of accidents …. 8 . We are selling flags to ... money for the blind. 9.
The sun ... in the east.
 LIE or LAY (in the correct tense) 10. He could not decide how the castle should be …. out. 11. The book is
…. on the table. 12. The town where I live ... at the foot of the mountain

Complete the following sentences with your own ideas, and with a perfect tense of the verb in brackets:
13. What do snails taste like? I ______ (never try) ... .
14. I finally got to bed at four in the morning. I _______ (spend) the whole night ... .
15. Come and collect your shoes on Thursday. I _______ (repair) ... by Wednesday night.

In the following there are some mistakes in the use of tenses (and not only!). Find them and correct them.
16-18 This is the first time since we’ve been married that you ever mentioned going skiing. Have you enjoyed it?
B: It’s been very exciting.
19. I’ll write the essay till tomorrow.
20. But for you helped us, we would have taken much longer.
21. If I knew you were coming, I would have met you at the airport.
22. His mother who has died last year would often tell him he should marry a foreign girl
23. By the time my turn came, I filled my basket with everything I needed.

Write the past tense forms of the following verbs. Explain why we write stopped but not *cleanned. Point to
the difference between British and American English if any.
24-30. slam, plot, permit, refer, enter, benefit, quarrel

Choose the correct form in each case.

31-45 Before they (1) will fly / fly to Venus, the first men chosen to live there (2) will have to / are having
to get used to the conditions there. While the algae (3) are doing / will do their work of producing oxygen,
the first colonists (4) are learning / will be learning how to survive in the new world. When they (5) go /
are going to Venus, they (6) will take / have taken plenty of water. By that time, it (7) has rained / will
have rained ,(8) for / during a long time and the temperature of the planet (9) will have fallen / will fall.
But at first the water on Venus (10) will be / is (11) too / enough dangerous for men to risk drinking it. When
the scientists (12) will test / have tested it, they (13) will decide / are deciding if it (14) will be / is (15)
pure enough / enough pure for people to drink it.

Make one sentence by combining the information in brackets into the base sentence .
46. It was a long flight. (twelve hours; stop-overs in Delhi and Moscow)
47. Concorde is a plane. (passengers; fastest in the world)
48.Ce ai face dacă te-ai îndrăgosti?
49. Dacă aş fi ştiut că vii cu trenul acela, aş fi venit să te întîmpin.
50. Mi-aş dori ca maşina mea să fie la fel de rapidă ca a ta!
51. I-am spus că era timpul să se apuce serios de treabă.
52. Spunea că n-a mai fost în Iaşi de cînd a absolvit.
53. Oamenii îşi lasă adesea bagajele pe peron (platform), nu-i aşa?.
54. Au trecut cinci ani de cînd n-am mai mîncat conopidă.
55-57. PÎnă am ajuns eu la petrecerea lui Bob, Rob deja plecase. Pat şi Peter au intirziat, ca de obicei. Barbara şi
Tim tocmai au sosit, iar Simon, care era acolo de multă vreme, îi servea cu ceva de ronţăit (nibble). Abia am
apucat să-mi scot haina că Simon a şi început să insiste să gust cutare şi cutare lucru.
58. Laboratorul era plin de bacterii şi ciuperci pentru noile tipuri de antibiotice, ceea ce nu încînta pe niciunul
dintre vizitatori.
59. Nu mă puteam opri din tuşit.

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