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Paper – BBAD-104


Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 100

(Write your Roll No. at the top immediately on receipt of this question paper)

Answer ALL Sections as per instructions given in each Section.

Section – I

Answer ALL questions of this Section. Each question carries one (1) mark. (1 x 20 = 20)

I. Select the correct option from the given alternatives in Questions No. 1 to 20.

1. Which of the following is a part of communication process?

a) planning b) organizing
c) decoding d) directing

2. _____________communication includes all unwritten and unspoken messages.

a) verbal b) non verbal
c) formal d) informal
3. Problem of ________________ communication is caused by status differences.

a) upward b) downward
c) horizontal d) diagonal
4. _____________barriers are caused by factors other than organizational and

a) external b) internal
c) emotional d) social
5. ____________communication possess the quality of being stored for future
a) oral b) written
c) formal d) informal
6. Which of the following is not a type of barrier to communication?

a) external b) economical
c) organizational d) personal

7. Assignment interview serve as ________________related test situation.

a) job b) personality
c) skill d) character
8. The word ‘discuss’ has been derived from a _________________word.
a) French b) Latin
c) Greek d) Persian
9. _______________is a phenomenon related to norms.
a) discussion b) group think
c) planning d) process

10. Interpersonal feedback involves at least____________________persons.

a) one b) two
c) three d) four
11. All oral communication problems can be broadly divided into _________groups.
a) two b) three
c) four d) six
12. ___________communication flows from top management to the operating
a) downward b) upward
c) horizontal d) diagonal

13. There are________________links in the communication channel from the top to

the bottom.
a) two b) three
c) five d) seven

14. Organizational communication has a flow pattern or a _______________.

a) chain b) network
c) link d) chart
15. Which of the following is not a type of informal communication?
a) single strand b) gossip
c) probability d) grouping
16. ____________is the element that motivates a man to work in the right spirit.
a) morale b) motivation
c) reward d) incentives

17. A_______interview is one which is conducted in a college/university placement

a) screening b) social
c) behavioural d) stress

18. ___________is the expression of feelings and perceptions by an individual to

a) feedback b) listening
c) decoding d) encoding

19. As a __________your prime responsibility is to get things done through people.

a) subordinate b) manager
c) worker d) supervisor

20. Reports are basically summaries of _______________.

a) information b) statistics
c) feedback d) opinions.
Section – II

Answer any SIX questions. Each question carries five (5) marks. (6 x5 = 30)

1. Discuss the importance of communication in managerial functions.

2. Distinguish between upward and downward communication.
3. Discuss in brief the process of communication.
4. Briefly explain the Ten commandments of communication.
5. Differentiate between verbal and non verbal communication.
6. Define feedback and discuss its significance.
7. Discuss advantages and limitations of verbal communication.
8. What do you mean by management communication? How can it be improved?

Section – III

Answer any FIVE questions. Each question carries ten (10) marks. (10 x 5 = 50)

1. Explain the barriers to effective communication and discuss the measures to

overcome these barriers.
2. Differentiate between formal and informal communication and discuss their
advantages and disadvantages.
3. Explain the steps in preparing a report and discuss the qualities of a good report.
4. Prepare a list of 15 questions that can be asked in an interview for the post of
Management Trainee in a Bank.
5. Discuss the role of Computer and Internet in facilitating business communication.
Give examples in support of your answer.
6. As a Marketing Manager of a mobile handset company, write a letter addressed to
the students about the launch of a new model with latest features. (Assume the other
7. Discuss the importance of listening in communication? Explain the problems in
listening and discuss the steps to make listening effective.
8. Explain the following :

a) Types of Interview
b) Techniques of Group decision making.

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