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e oo le Rank n s Fo

+ ao a e e o d
e ng up your website to ran in your city is one the best bragging
rights that you can have. on’t just ran your city though, you can
ran nearby suburbs or ci es as well.

rea out your website into separate pages for each service
se your eyword in the
o e iste o o e s deli e el o ne
a e sure your page has words of valuable content
end internal lin s to that page with targeted anchor te t
Get Google Rankings For Your
City + Your Major Target Keyword
Se ng up your website to rank in your city is one the best bragging
rights that you can have. Don’t just rank your city though, you can
rank nearby suburbs or ci es as well.

Break out your website into separate pages for each service
Use your keyword in the URL
Make sure your page has 2000+ words of valuable content
Send internal links to that page with targeted anchor text
e A a F ee Resou ces
sing a High alue ontent er ead agnet is another great
way to collect inbound leads. hese can be simple to create usually
the best ones are the simplest, easily diges ble . hese can be
simple s li e this one .

reate a free resource li e an chec list, or other lead magnets to

capture emails and contact informa on.

iving away free resources is a easy way to get cheap tra c to your
website which builds your websites credibility with oogle.
ake a e c a ne s s
a ing partnerships is a great way to get referrals. he di erence
between a cold lead and a referral is enormous, so partnering with
other local businesses, vendors and suppliers, etc can be a great way
to drive new leads.

a e partnerships with local businesses

a e partnerships with vendors and suppliers
a e partnerships with local chari es and sponsors and ensure
they place a lin on their website for your support
Ans e ues ons n uo a
howing your e per se and posi oning yourself as an authority is a
good way to drive organic referral tra c to your site. uora is a
goldmine of opportuni es.

oo for ques ons rela ng to your industry you can answer and
ma e sure you have a lin in your pro le to your website
Re u a on a ke n
onitor and manage your online reputa on. atch for any reviews,
ques ons from customers, blog coverage, as well as posi ve feed-
bac . onsumers increasingly value reviews and brands who engage
with their customers are rewarded favourably. o establish and grow
a successful brand, reputa on management is necessary.

Address any reviews, posi ve and nega ve, and than customers
for providing useful feedbac
Rc n es
hile landing posi on ero may be di cult and prove elusive for some, for the luc y
few, it is an e cellent opportunity. t requires a threshold of established , because
typically oogle features answers who ran on the rst page.

hat being said, by searching and nding wea

rich snippets, those who don’t provide a strong
answer or e act relevance, and o ering a be er
answer, it can be surprisingly easy to land these
posi ons. earch for niche long tail eywords
with high relevance to your business and aim to
o er the best result possible, forma ed to oo-
gle’s standards. earch and nd relevant, wea
snippets and o er a be er alterna ve.
nc ease e eed
e ou e
nsure your site it opera ng e ciently and up to all of oogle’s standards,
such as site speed. ach issue, even minor, is reducing your tra c and
conversions. Addi onally, con rm your site is mobile-op mi ed.

li e Google Pagespeed insights to chec for any errors and ps

onus ec on
Here are some addi onal methods for scaling client acquisi on.
Add A e a
urprisingly live chat is pre y popular and it wor s. t’s a great way
to start a conversa on and transi on into a phone call or sales call.

Add a live chat service li e opim

Run Facebook Ads + Funnel
Again this is a more intense strategy but once it’s set up it can really
scale. Here you’ll want to iden fy your target audience, set up a lead
magnet to capture the target clients informa on, then an email se-
quence that provides value, answers their top objec ons, and
pushes them to a call to close.
deo n es
onsumers increasingly prefer video content. y including your
videos in your oogle results, you will draw more a en on and or-
ganic tra c, naturally users will watch your videos spend signi cant
me on your site , visit your site rather than others which is a fantas-
c user engagement indica on for oogle to increase your ran ing.

se is a to easily add video thumbnails in your search results

o e n o e os a e es
Analyse, mimic and improve compe tor s mar e ng methods to gain
a por on of their mar et share. ong term, this can prove invaluable.

se Ahrefs, ajes c or oogle search with operators to nd

where your compe tors are, and where you can grow
o And a n a n An
a l ubsc be s
er clear email subscrip on prompts on your site to gain tra c and
leads. en mes, web designers and templates only include a eld to
sign up to an email list on the bo om of a site. his is less than adequate.
rovide valuable, useful informa on to subscribers, as well as promo ons
and product releases, and subscribers will become loyal brand ambassa-

riori e and create more As for gaining email subscrip ons

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