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Electromagnetic Field Exposure Evaluation for 5G

in Millimeter Wave Frequency Band

Thomas Basikolo, Takahiro Yoshida, and Masanori Sakurai
∗ Engineering Department, Microwave Factory Company Ltd.,
Test Lab, Hachiouji, Tokyo, Japan 193–0985,
Email: thomas.basikolo, yoshida,

Abstract—The 5th Generation also known as 5G which is In this paper, we evaluate the power density of antennas
a wireless communication/network standard will soon become in MMW frequency band. This is to confirm whether these
available to the public. As compared to the current 4G standard, antennas are well suited for 5G implementation as discovered
5G will improve on speed and consistency amongst other im-
provements. Currently, tests are being conducted for 5G wireless from their power densities. The evaluated power density from
broadband technology on millimeter wave (MMW) spectrum. In simulation and measurements is compared to values reported
this paper, we evaluate the electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure in [5].
in MMW frequency band for various antenna types that will
potentially be implemented for 5G testing as well as in 5G devices. II. POWER DENSITY ASSESSMENT METHODS
This will confirm whether or not these antennas conforms to the
EMF exposure limits.
There are different methods to evaluate power density of a
Index Terms—5th Generation (5G); electromagnetic field (EMF) wireless device. One of the evaluation method is based on E-
exposure; millimeter wave (MMW); power density. and H-field. Another method is based on plane wave equivalent
approximation. For power density based on E- and H-fields,
I. INTRODUCTION the near E- and near H-fields are measured on a surface and
their the poynting vector evaluated. The poynting vector is
Since the introduction of mobile phones in 1970s, there has given by
been a tremendous increase in the number of mobile phone S = E × H∗ (1)
users [1], [2]. Currently, there are a lot of devices that uses the
wireless communication technology. These devices are used in In order to determine near-field power density, the time aver-
the vicinity of human beings and emit electromagnetic (EM) aged power density Sav over a surface of area A characterized
radiation. Consequently, humans are exposed to these EM by the normal vector n̂ is given by
waves with possible adverse health effects [3]. This led to
1 ∗
standardization of EM exposure limits for human beings. SAR Sav = < E × H · n̂dA (2)
(specific absorption ration) is used to evaluate the absorption
power of RF EMF [4]. IEC 62209 standard presents the Another way is to evaluate power density based on plane
SAR assessment standards for wireless devices used in close wave equivalent approximation. For this case, the assumption
proximity to the users and are valid up to 6 GHz [5], [6]. is that, in the far-field of the source, the E-field and H-field
SAR tests are applicable when the compliance distance is at every point in space are orthogonal to each other, they are
in close proximity to the radiating sources in the frequency in phase, and they are related through a scalar constant: H =
range 300 MHz to 6 GHz [5]. With the rapid development of η . Therefore, the power density can be simplified to:
new wireless technologies for 5G, most of the wireless devices 1
will normally operate in frequencies above 6 GHz. The SAR Se = |E| r̂ · n̂dA (3)
assessment standards are not applicable in this case. Hence,
there is a need to establish assessment procedures to ensure where r̂ is the vector corresponding to the radial direction
compliance of wireless devices with EM exposure limits. and η is the free-space wave impedance. This enables power
MMWs are mostly absorbed within 1 to 2 mm of human density in the far field to be determined by assessing only the
skin and in the surface layers of the cornea [7]. For radiation amplitude of the electric field.
above 6 GHz, the skin or near-surface zones of tissues are the
primary targets of the radiation. Since skin contains capillaries
and nerve endings, MMW bio-effects may be transmitted In this section, we consider a horn antenna and a 2x2 patch
through molecular mechanisms by the skin or through the array as examples for power density evaluation at 28 GHz.
nervous system. In consideration of the fact that SAR is not Simulations for near E and H fields are conducted and power
applicable in this case, basic restrictions can be expressed in density evaluated which is compared to the limits presented
terms of power density [7]. The types of devices include but in [5]. This ensures conformity to the standard limits in the
are not limited to mobile telephones, tablets, and laptops. millimeter wave frequency bands. The antennas implemented
are shown in fig. 1 below.

978-1-7281-0692-2/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1523 AP-S 2019


Wz = 11 Ly
Hz = 47.6 Px

Wy = 3.6 Hy = 31.3

Wx = 7.112
Hx = 40
LxL=x= Ly= L28mm
10.87, y = 13.6, Px P = PyP=y =4mm
= x2.25, 2.81
(a) (b)

Fig. 1: Evaluated antennas at 28 GHz (a) Horn antenna and Fig. 3: Evaluated power density (a) simulation and (b) mea-
(b) 2x2 Patch array (values in mm). surements for Horn at 28 GHz (20 dBm radiated power).

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION practical significance when evaluating power density. In this
subsection, we consider the error (uncertainty evaluation)
As described from preceding sections, we compare the
between power density evaluated by (2) as compared to the
evaluated power density values with the values from different
power density from (3). On top of that, we consider error
standards. In fig. 2(a), the simulated total E-fields and evalu-
between measured power density and simulated power density.
ated power density using (2) for horn antenna are presented
The error term in dB is evaluated by the following equation;
whilst the corresponding values for patch array are given in !
fig. 2(b). In this figure, we note that the peak power density maxSav
(S) = 10log (4)
is about 0.4622 mW/cm2 . maxSe
From this equation, the comparison for power density error
for E-field at 2λ is found to be 0.2642 dB or about 2.6 % for
Horn and 0.1206 dB for patch array.
A method to evaluate power density is presented in this
paper. The evaluated power density values are based on sim-
ulated near electric and magnetic fields. For the two antenna
types presented in this paper, we confirmed that their power
density values conforms to the standards. From the uncertainty
analysis, we can conclude that using E-fields to evaluate power
density is practical since the error between the evaluated power
density is lower.
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other distances, the simulated power density is 4.967 W/m2 magnetic Compatibility.
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