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Ways in which France can grow as an economy

- Policies such as improving education and lifelong learning, and also reducing discrimination
in the workplace can enhance both social cohesion as well as economic growth.
- France must also consider investing in the energy transition in order to meet the goal of
reducing its carbon emissions by roughly 45% by 2027 to keep global warming within 2
degrees C.
- Invest around 1% of GDP per year in education to improve outcomes and reduce social and
spatial inequalities, in particular at the pre-primary, primary and tertiary levels.
-Improving social mobility and reducing discrimination. Social mobility remains low in
France, whilst the children of professionals have a 50% chance of becoming professionals,
the children of workers’ only have a 10% chance, and hence making opportunity more equal
will unleash substantial growth potential and reduce inequalities.

- The youth unemployment rate in France is relatively high in comparison to its’

neighbouring economies, with unemployment amongst the youth standing at 23.9%
as of September 2016. At almost a quarter of the French youth population,
education policies such as increasing available opportunities for the youth via
internships and apprenticeships as well as entries into university will clearly improve
this rate.

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