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School San Jose National High Grade Level 10

Student- Lhana Kaye S. Lingas Learning Area English
DETAILED Date March 14, 2019 Quarter Third

A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve
as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals, groups and
nature; also how to use evaluative reading, listening and viewing strategies, special speeches
for occasion, pronouns and structures of modification.
B. Performance Standard
The learner skilfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through utilizing effective
verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.
C. Learning Competencies
At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
EN10V-IIIg-13.9: Give expanded definitions of words
EN10LT-IIIc-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author
EN10LT-IIIh-2.3: Draw similarities and differences and evaluate literature as a source of
wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts between individuals or groups and nature.
I. CONTENT The Last Leaf by O. Henry
A. References
1. Teacher Guide Pages pp. 320 – 326
2. Learner’s Material Pages Grade 10 Learning Material, pp. 377 – 380
3. Textbook Pages Celebrating Diversity Through World
Literature; pp. 377 – 380
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resources (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Laptop, projector, visual aids, authentic tree
and video from
Teacher’s Activities Learners’ Activities
Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Mariel, please lead the prayer.
Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank You for
today. Thank You for Your love and
protection. Help us to focus our hearts and
minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen
and write.
Guide us by Your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around us.
We ask all these in the name of Jesus.
Thank you, Mariel.
Good morning class!

Before you take your seats, kindly check the Good morning, Ma’am!
alignment of your chairs and pick up the pieces
of litters scattered on the floor.
Are you done?

Okay, you may now be seated. Yes Ma’am.

2. Checking of Attendance
Are there absentees for today?

It’s nice to hear that. None Ma’am

A. Reviewing previous lesson or
Presenting the new lesson
To check if you really learned on our previous
lesson. Who could share some review about
what had been discussed last meeting?
Yes, John Paul?
Last time we discussed about how to define
words by expanding.
Very good, John Paul.

There are different ways in defining words,

what are those? Yes, Daisy?
Expanding by Giving an Example
Very good!
Another one, Erin?
Expanding by Comparing and Contrasting

And the last one? Jade?

The last one is Expanding by Describing a
Keep in mind those ways because it will help
you later on.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Today class, we have another goals to achieve.

Because at the end of the lesson you should be
able to: (The students will read)
EN10V-IIIg-13.9: Give expanded
definitions of words
EN10LT-IIIc-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood,
technique, and purpose of the author
EN10LT-IIIg-20: Evaluate literature as a
source of wisdom in expressing and
resolving conflicts between individuals or
groups and nature.
Can you do it?
Yes, Ma’am.

Now, class, I found an extraordinary tree called

“Tree of Wisdom”. It was named Tree of
Wisdom because it tests the principles,
learnings and perspectives of how people think
in a situation. Today, I want you to experience
how this tree tests your wisdom.

Here’s the thing, it is a soft based tree where

your pictures are hidden on those circular
figures. At this point, I will let one of you to
open one figure and the picture that will be
revealed must pick one leaf on our tree of
wisdom and answer what is written on it.
Did you understand?
Yes, Ma’am.
Are you ready?
Who wants to try to open one figure?
One student will click to open one figure.

Yes, Jolo? Since it is your picture try now to

pick one leaf and let us test your wisdom about
the question.
(The student will pick one leaf and will read
the question.)

Have you ever experienced to feel hopeless

in times of your troubles? How did you
overcome that challenge?
Okay, what is your answer?
Yes, Ma’am. There are times that I feel very
much hopeless especially when it comes to
doing our tasks here in school. At first, I
found it very hard to accomplish all but as
time passed by, I was able to overcome it by
believing on my capabilities that I can do all
those things and so I was able to pass all the
requirements on time.
Very good! And from that experience you’re
able to know more yourself and that’s the best
learning, learning from our experiences.

(The activity will be done simultaneously and

the lucky students will answer the question.)
 Have you ever experienced to sacrifice
something for someone’s welfare? How
does it feel?
 Try to go back to the time that you had
troubles and the time that you
successfully solved it. What have you
learned from it?
(The lucky students will share their thoughts
about the question.)
Congratulations! Because you’re able to surpass
the test of the Tree of Wisdom.

After detaching those leaves, try now to look at

this tree. What can you say about it?

Yes, Bethe? As I look at this tree, it seems almost dying

because it has only one last leaf left
Very good!
Another? Yes, Nicole?
I guess the tree is about to die. It seems to
me that there is only one thing left. But
then, for me the one last leaf is like “hope”
because when everything is gone, hope
would be the only thing that I can cling on
to fight.
Nice way of connecting concepts Nicole!

Class, that activity has something to do with our

lesson. As we go on, we will find out the
connection of this leaf to the story that we are
about to discuss.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the

But before that, here is another tree, the tree of

words where you could see on its branches the
words and on the green leaves the meaning.
Your task now is to expand those words using
any of the three ways of expanding definition.

Did you understand?

Yes, Ma’am

Now, let us start!

Yes, Jean?
I chose the word howled and I’ll use
expanding by giving example. In a funeral,
you will hear a sound of agony.
Very good!

Next word, please?

Yes, Tricia? I’ll expand the word ridiculous through
comparing and contrasting. Ridiculous mind
is part of daily living but it may cause
trouble for some reason.
Nice idea!
How about you Kc?

I will expand the word masterpiece through

describing a process. To achieve a one of an
excellent art work, an artist must first have
his motivation to do something
extraordinary. Second, make use of his
skills imaginatively and lastly, he has the
effort to do something.
Very good, Kc!

Very good! Using the different strategies you’re

able to give the expanded definition of words
that means you really understand the lesson we
had yesterday. Get familiarized with those
words because it will help you to better
understand the story.

Now, as you observed, most of my materials

are leaves, did you know that there is this one
person where a leaf serve as her life line and
later on her light to go on with life?

It’s interesting right?

Yes, Ma’am.
So, I learned this story from a well-known
writer named O. Henry.
Are you familiar with him?
No, Ma’am.
Now, it’s your time to know him by logging in
to this well-known electronic BIO APP.

Everyone, please read the information about O.

(The students will read.)
It seems that you’re excited to know the story,
for that, let us now reveal the title of the story
through this given exercise.




Correct! We will discuss the story of O. Henry,

entitled The Last Leaf. Let us discover how a
leaf affects the life of the main character.
D. Discussing new concepts and Practicing
new skills #1
Before we proceed to watching/reading the
story, I want you to find the answers to the
following questions. Everybody please read.

1. What was Johnsy’s illness? What was the

cause of her sickness?
2. What helped Johnsy recover from her
illness? Do you think it is psychological in
nature? Why?
3. Why did Sue call “The Last Leaf,” as Mr.
Berhman’s masterpiece?
4. O. Henry was known for his surprise ending.
In the story what is the surprising part?
1. What was Johnsy’s illness? What was the
cause of her sickness?
2. What helped Johnsy recover from her
illness? Do you think it is psychological in
nature? Why?
3. Why did Sue call “The Last Leaf,” as Mr.
Berhman’s masterpiece?
4. O. Henry was known for his surprise
endings. In the story what is the surprising

So now, sit back, relax and pay attention to this

video. (The students will watch the video.)

Retrieved date:12/29/17
Video was taken from:

Did you understand the story class? Yes, Ma’am.

Let’s see how well you understand the story.

In answering those questions let’s divide the
class into four.
This 1st first row will be Red Team, 2nd row will
be Green Team, 3rd row will be Blue Team and
the last row will be Yellow Team.

Okay, representative of each group, come here

and pick a piece of paper with the number that
corresponds to the question that you are going
to answer. (Representatives will pick a number.)

Let us now answer the following questions

starting from number 1 to 4.
1. What was Johnsy’s illness? What was the
cause of her sickness?

The illness of Johnsy is pneumonia and it
was caused by extreme coldness.

That’s right.
Next. 2. What helped Johnsy recover from her
illness? Do you think it is psychological in
nature? Why?
When the last leaf which Johnsy expected to
fall remained hanging on the wall despite
the heavy rain and wind, she realized that it
was a sin to want to die so her disposition
changed. It is psychological in nature
because it is not only the medicine which
made her recover from illness but her
optimism and determination to pursue
Very good!
Next group.
3. Why did Sue call “The Last Leaf,” as Mr.
Berhman’s masterpiece?

Mr. Berhman who was always dreaming to
paint a masterpiece actually painted it the
day he least expected. Sue called it a
masterpiece because it was realistic as a real
leaf to the point that Johnsy wasn’t able to
notice anything which was the reason why
Johnsy survived.

And the last group?
4. O. Henry was known for his surprise
ending. In the story what is the surprising
The surprising part in the story is when the
leaf is still clinging on the vine after the
harsh weather and when it was found out
that the leaf is just a painting made by Mr.
Berhman. As a result, instead of Johnsy
who will die it is Mr. Berhman because of
his sacrificial deed.
For a bonus point, what situation in the story
that you think could happen in real life?
(Allow varied answers)
A job well done to each of the group since you
are able to answer the given questions. For
better understanding, let us proceed to the next
activity with the same groups.
E. Discussing new concepts and Practicing
new skills #2
Now, on each group try to answer the
designated diagram.

Red Team: On a Venn Diagram write the

Similarities and Differences of Johnsy and the
Green Team: Character Sketch of the story.
Write the qualities of the characters and cite

Yellow Team: Complete the Diagram asking

the tone, theme, symbol and setting of the story.

Blue Team: Write the conflicts that are evident

in the story specifically the internal and external
conflicts and explain how each conflict was
resolved in the story.

Did you understand?

For that, I’ll give you two (2) minutes to answer

and another two (2) minutes for your Yes, Ma’am.
(The teacher will evaluate the presentation
through asking questions and adding more
information if needed.)

(The students will present their outputs.)

Red Team:

Green Team:

Yellow Team:
Blue Team:

A job well done for each group because you

successfully answered the task given to you.
Let’s use those learnings on your next activity.
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative
Are you familiar with the variety show, FACT
Yes, Ma’am.
That’s great! Because with the same groups we
will play FACT or BLUFF. This time, I’ll give
each group two placards where there’s a written
word FACT and BLUFF.
The mechanics of the game is very easy. I will
post a statement and you will evaluate if it is
fact or bluff. If you think you’re the statement
is correct raise your FACT card and if you think
the statement wrong raise your BLUFF card.
Did you understand?
Yes, Ma’am!
Let us start!

The statements to be showed:

(Each group will evaluate if it is FACT or

1. Mr. Behrman was the antagonist because he

played a significant role in saving Johnsy’s life.
2. Sue referred to The Last Leaf
as Behrman’s masterpiece mainly because it
looked so much like a real leaf.
3. One symbol in the story could be the falling
leaves which symbolize both Johnsy’s failing
health and her diminishing will to live.
4. It is explicitly stated in the story that the last
leaf saved the life of Johnsy.
5. According to the Doctor, aside from
medicine it is hope and encouragement which
helped Johnsy to recover.
Very good! You got all the correct answers.

G. Finding Practical applications of

Concepts and skills in daily living
Now, I will distribute a leaf-like paper and on
that paper, write the qualities of the characters
in the story that you think you should uphold to
achieve a life that is hopeful and positive.
(The students will do the task.)
Earlier class, I asked you to detach the leaves
into this tree of wisdom. But this time, let us fill
this tree with the leaves that you’re holding
right now. And after attaching those leaves, I
will read at least 3 and if you own that leaf give
your idea on how it will help on resolving

(I will read at least three leaves.)

That was indeed a great participation on sharing

ideas! It shows that you understood the story
very well that it even reached the deeper level
of your understanding.
(The students will attach their leaves on the
branches of the tree.)

As you can see this tree looks lively and full of

positivity. Just like what you did in turning this
tree perfectly, as the youth of this generation,
you may also turn this world to a better one.

Aside from the characteristics you engraved on

each leaf, try to embrace optimism and faith
for these are essentials in surpassing our
challenges no matter how worst our condition
is, for it helps us regain our strength, courage
and enthusiasm to live just like what happened
to Johnsy.
H. Making generalizations and
Abstractions about the lesson
To know if you really understand the lesson
Let us try to accomplish this Retell Checklist
orally. If you successfully answered the listed
questions we will put a tick on it right away.

(The students will answer orally.)

Very good because you successfully

accomplished the checklist!

Is the lesson clear to you, class?

Yes, Ma’am!
With that, I guess you are ready for your next
I. Evaluating learning
In this activity, you’re now free to choose on
what group you want to join based on the skills
that it needed. (Open grouping)
(The students will go to their chosen group.)
Group 1: (Writers) Imagine that you can freely
send a get well soon card for Johnsy. Make one
that will inspire not only her but also others to
conquer their illness and go on with life. Make
use of your creativity in designing and
composing your letter through these given

Group 2: (Actors) Compose 5 easy ways on

being hopeful in times of problems. Show these
5 ways through an info-mercial.

Group 3: (Singers) Make a jingle that talks

about the inspiring deeds of Mr. Berhman
(sacrfices) and Sue (friendship) for Johnsy.
Group 4: (Artists) Just like Mr. Berhman, try to
make your own masterpiece that can inspire
others. Make use of the materials that I will

I’ll give you 8 minutes to finalize your

presentation and 2 minutes each for the

Scoring Rubric:
Concept content: 40%
Accuracy: 30%
Creativity: 20%
Team work: 10%
Total: 100%
(The students will do the given task.)
A job well done to all of you!

You successfully surpassed the challenges and

you perfectly acquired the goals that you must
Give yourself a round of applause.
(The students will clap.)
J. Additional activities for application or
On a paper made leaf, write the problem that
you encountered where you think you lose all
your hopes and yet you’re able to overcome it.
(The students will note this task.)
Such a wonderful day it has been for all of us. I
hope that all the things you’ve learned will be
with you as always. This is all for today.
Goodbye class!
Goodbye Ma’am! Thank you!

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