MCB Communique To Customers - tcm55-44436

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Dear Customer,

The world, and Mauritius are currently facing an unprecedented situation which is bound to have
considerable human and economic repercussions. As a daily and historic economic partner, MCB will
stay mobilised and will keep accompanying and supporting the country through these difficult times.

Following the announcement of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Mauritius and exchanges with
the authorities, we are taking all the necessary steps to ensure the continuity of our banking and
non-banking services, whilst protecting both you and our staff.

We are closely monitoring the situation regarding COVID-19 and we urge you to adhere to the
recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) aimed at limiting the spread of the virus:
• Cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue paper when you cough or sneeze
• Wash your hands regularly
• Avoid touching your eyes, face and nose
• Avoid crowded areas as much as possible
• Practice social distancing (by avoiding handshakes, kissing) and keep at least 2m distance with anybody

In addition, we recommend you to adopt the following practices for your bank transactions:
• Adopt digital channels such as cards, JuiceByMCB and Internet Banking
• Use contactless payments (up to Rs 500) with your debit card or JuiceByMCB “Scan to pay” (QR code)
for your purchases
• For your cash deposits or cheques, please use the automatic deposit service through our ATMs
• Ensure that you wash your hands thoroughly after having handled cash
• Avoid any visit to our branches if it can be delayed further
• Call our Contact Centre on 202 6060 if you need advice or further information

Whilst taking into consideration the evolution of measures being taken, we remain aware that the
end of the month is generally a busy period in our branches and will therefore ask you, once you are
present on our premises, to adhere to specific hygiene advice. We thank you beforehand for your
collaboration. Please rest assured that our staff will ensure that optimum service is delivered to you
in accordance to the existing constraints.

We will communicate with you regularly, based on the decisions made by the authorities and will be
there to help you through this ordeal.

We thank you for your trust and are convinced that, together, we will overcome these troubled times.

Alain Law Min Raoul Gufflet

Chief Executive Deputy Chief Executive

The Mauritius Commercial Bank Ltd.

9-15 Sir William Newton Street, Por t Louis, Republic of Mauritius T: +230 202 5000 F: +230 208 7054 E:

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