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Just About All Diets Work for One Reason Only

I'm often freaked out over the complexity of whatever diet de jour has been
anointed by celebrities and then disseminated to us commoners, but no
matter how stupid, they probably all work to varying degrees.

In fact, here's TC's Rule No. 162: Any time you start paying attention to the
food you eat, courtesy of whatever diet you've been ensorcelled by, you will
lose weight, regardless of how simple, complex, or inane the diet.

It all comes down to calories. Sure, insulin sensitivity, alleged ketosis, meal
timing, and macronutrient make-up all play a role, but calories rule and all else

By eliminating certain foods or even food groups as dictated by a specific diet,

you can't help but cut down on calories. Likewise, by virtue of being on a diet,
you're forced to pay more attention to what you eat. Recreational eating and
unconscious nibbling and snacking go by the wayside as you become calorie

As far as the particulars of a diet, the only things that should matter to you
should be the following:

 It results in measurable fat loss.

 It doesn't cause you to lose any muscle.
 You can sustain it (meaning that you can keep doing it without cheating
or making you want to end it all by sticking a steak knife into your eye).
Chris Shugart's Velocity Diet® fulfills all three conditions and it's why it
remains so successful, but my "Cant-Believe-It's-a-Diet" diet is actually even
simpler. Mine is just meant be done for just a week instead of a month and to
lose 5 pounds of fat instead of 20.
The "Can't-Believe-It's-a-Diet" Diet

Here it is, in all its breathtaking simplicity:

 Breakfast:2 Scoops of  Metabolic Drive® Protein and 2 scoops

of Superfood(optional) mixed in 12 to 16 ounces of water.
 Lunch:2 Scoops of Metabolic Drive® Protein and 2 scoops of Superfood
(optional) mixed in 12 to 16 ounces of water. 
 Dinner:Lasagna with double cheese. 

Okay, I'm being slightly facetious about dinner but I included that entrée to
make a point: You can eat whatever you want for dinner on this diet. It doesn't
even have to be "sensible."

It'd be nice if your dinner contained an adequate amount of protein, some

vegetables, and didn't come folded in a pillow of pig lard, but even if it's not
completely sensible, it doesn't matter; you'll be forfeiting enough calories in
the previous two meals to ensure that you'll still lose body fat.

Two scoops of Metabolic Drive Protein provide 42 grams of protein and, when
mixed with water, only amounts to 220 calories. The Superfood adds zero

Contrast that with your bacon-and-eggs-on-toast breakfast, which could range

anywhere from 600 to 900 calories.

Contrast that with the average lunch, which can add between 500 to 900
calories and possibly a lot more.

Granted, ingesting 42 grams of protein for both breakfast and lunch is hugely
thermogenic and that leads to some burning of fat, but the diet's effectiveness
is still almost entirely based on maintaining a calorie deficit for 7 days (or
however long you want to follow the diet).
Why Metabolic Drive® Protein Powder?
Metabolic Drive® Protein is a combination of whey and micellar casein. You
know all about the former, but it's the inclusion of the latter that makes
Metabolic Drive particularly suited for this diet.

Micellar casein is composed of bubble-like molecules (micelles) that form a

bolus in the stomach when we consume them. As such, they digest really
slowly so you feel full longer.

Micellar casein is also absolutely the best when it comes to sustaining muscle
protein synthesis and preventing the kind of muscle breakdown you often see
with dieting of any kind.

Why the Superfood (and why is it optional)?

I'm a huge fan of polyphenols and plant chemicals and nutrients in general, so
I'm all about eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables with every meal.
Unfortunately, eating a large variety of fruits and vegetables adds up to a lot of

This is what makes Biotest's Superfood supplement such a good addition to

this diet. It contains 18 freeze-dried fruits and vegetables, ranging from wild
blueberries to pomegranate and spinach to green tea.

As such, its polyphenol content is mind-blowingly high. Each serving has the
anti-oxidant potential of between 10 and 12 average servings of fruits and

Now I've listed the inclusion of Superfood as optional, so yeah, it's not
absolutely essential to the diet, provided you're getting a nice complement of
fruits and vegetables with your carte blanche dinner.

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