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Justin Rance S.

J Palingcod English

9 – Mapagkakatiwalaan

Two Paragraph Summary

How to Write a Play Review

Plays are an amazing concept of moving art. Therefore, watching and getting to
review a play has its own intricacies and structure to it. To write a play review, you have
to follow certain steps and consider certain rules and guidelines so that your review won’t
become a subjectively whole paper.

First, before writing a play review, you have to understand the purpose of a play
review which is to have an educated response to a piece of theater. You need to have a
strong background in theater to fully grasp the concept of a play review. Then, you have
to look at the traditional structure of a play review. This usually contains five paragraphs
and each paragraph has its own content for it. Next, is to read and analyze review
examples to get some ideas and inspiration in your play review. You should also read the
play that you are going to review to get a background of it, and finally, get a sense of the
context of the production. Secondly, to write a play review, you have to go to the play
earlier to look at the play’s program. Take notes on the production before the play starts.
You have to take notes during the show at things that strike you. After watching the show,
make a rough draft of the review. You should describe what you saw in detail and make
the reader see what you see. Finally, after preparing and getting to watch the show, you
now get to write the play review. You need to create a strong hook to open the review,
and then start with the summary of the play. Next, answer the who, what, where, and
when in paragraph. Your introduction should cover the basic details about the play. Then,
you need to discuss the plot in the second paragraph, followed by writing the acting and
directing in the third paragraph. After that, you can now analyze the design elements of
the play in the fourth paragraph, and finally write your whole reaction and thoughts about
the play in the fifth and final paragraph. In writing a play review, you have to have the
passion, and knowledge for theater because writing a play review is sharing your
perspective to others about a piece of art you just watched. Therefore, the techniques
and details should have to be correct, and most of all, honest and not entirely subjective.
That’s how you can write a good play review.

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