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Casey Elementary Pre-K - Week of May 4th through May 8th 

Try to have your child write in their journal everyday! 

Subject Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Writing  ​Activity: Activity: Connected to Activity: Connected to Activity: Connected to Activity: Connected to
Social Studies After Literacy Cut out the Social Studies After Literacy Ask your
Connected to Literacy brainstorming the animal vocabulary. brainstorming who the learner to write about
people who care about Have your learner community helpers each animal they used
you and what you do copy each word and are in your in their story. Invite
After reading the Animal together. Have your then draw an image to community, have your them to draw an
Animal Kingdom
ingdom have your learner learner draw all the match each new learner write a Letter animal they love that
draw and label their 3 people they care animal vocabulary to a community helper was not included in
favorite animals. Why are about. Label this word. or family member the animal cutouts to
Vocabulary Cut ose your favorite animals? drawing with their thanking them. add to their story.
Outs What makes them special? names. Consider
Where do they live? making more
Mrs. Moore’s lesson
drawings and giving
them as gifts to these
special people in your

Reading  Activity:
Connected to Science
Activity: Activity:
Connected to writing
Activity: Activity:
Connected to Science
Remind your learner of Re-read Animal
Read Animal Kingdom. the book Animal Act out the animal Kingdom. As you read Assist or have your
Stop frequently to ask your Kingdom. Notice how themed vocab words. pause and ask your learner cut out the
learner questions about each animal gave advice Use your whole body learner questions animals. Ask them to
the story. Ex: and taught something. and move around your about the story. What create a story with the
Animal Kingdom After reading the armadillo Have your learner make living space! do you like about this animals. Tell me a
part, ask you learner what up a story about animals Ex: “Show me what story? How does it story about all these
the armadillo was teaching them different slither looks like” make you feel? What animals. Are they
teaching. Before you get to things. Point out an “Show me how you fly” personal connections friends? Do they live
Vocabulary reading the spider page example from the story can you make to this together or in different
ask your learner, what do for your learner. Ex: story about animals? places? What does
you think the spider is “The spider taught you each animal do?
going to teach you how to how to spin a web.” Encourage your
do? After reading the Create a story example learner to think about
whale part ask your for your learner. Ex: “My developing a
learner what was name is cat and I’m beginning, middle and
something they learned going to teach you how end to their animal
about whales. to be sneaky. First story.
Mrs. Fuentes' Mini practice tip toeing and
Lesson moving without making a

Plans continued on the next page. --->

Casey Elementary Pre-K - Week of May 4th through May 8th 
Try to have your child write in their journal everyday!  
Subject Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Math  Activity:
Connected to Literacy
Activity: Activity: Activity: Activity:

Go on a shape hunt! Shapes are all around Play Shape Bingo! Cut Math & Movement!
out the shape cards Can you use your
Have your learner Find a variety of us! Draw a picture
and mix them up. Use body to make shapes?
look at the spider web objects in your living using shapes. Use
beans or other small Think of a body
from the book, Animal space. Consider your imagination! objects to mark the movement to create a
Kingdom. Are there collecting information What can a rectangle bingo cards when a circle, square and
shapes they can or data on what be? A circle? An oval? matching shape is triangle. Once you
name in the spider shapes you find. A triangle? A square? pulled from the pile. have a movement for
web? Have your Place a tally mark, Get creative with First to fill up their each make up a dance
Shape Tally Sheet
learner draw their own little line under each shapes! shape card shout that uses these
BINGO! shapes!
spider web and ask shape you find. After
Shape Drawing
them to name the you are finished
shapes in their spider playing which shape Mrs. Scott’s Mini
Shape Bingo web. did you find the most? Lesson
The least?
Ms. Willoughby’s Mini

Science  Activity: Science Activity:Social

Studies Connected to
Activity: Science
Connected to writing.
Studies Connected to
Activity: Science
Connected to Literacy
AND  Connected to Literacy
writing Think about writing Think about Using the Animal
Social  The Animal Kingdom
all of the people who Brainstorm with your who all the Cutouts, have your
includes three
Studies animals; a whale,
care deeply about you. learner which animals
are associated with
community helpers learner color or talk
Think about what you are in your about what color each
spider, and an each vocabulary word.
People Care  do together. Help your community. Consider animal is. Ask them to
As the week goes on,
about me  armadillo. Ask your learner create a list of your caregivers, tell you about each
add to the list.
  learner to describe these important people Ex:
teachers,doctors, animal. Where does
The Helpers Who  each animal. How do and what they enjoy nurses, firefighters each animal live?
keep me Safe  they look? How do doing together. How and anyone else who Which animals fly?
can you show how is a helper. Help your What is the texture of
  they move? What is you care for others? learner think about a their body? How does
  their size? How are
they different from
list of all of your each animal move? If
community's helpers. your learner doesn’t
each other? Include specific know or is curious
helpers names, or about an animal, have
general jobs. Discuss them ask the people in
why each of these your living space. Or
individuals roles are use this opportunity to
so important and how have your learner call
they help! someone to ask them
what they know about
an animal.

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