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Self-Watering Planter
AEM 499 Capstone Project
Jaryn Hurd

List of figures...............................................................................................................................................ii
Introduction, background Theory,........................................................................................................viii
Methodology (steps of solution approach)..............................................................................................x
Cost Analysis............................................................................................................................................x

List of figures
Figure 1, Top pot.......................................................................................................................................viii
Figure 2, Bottom of top pot.......................................................................................................................viii
Figure 3, bottom pot...................................................................................................................................ix
Figure 4, Pots together in final state...........................................................................................................ix


In this time I would like to offer an immense thank you to those who have supported me

thus far in pursuing my degree in applied engineering management; specifically my Mother and

Sister. I could not have made it without all of your love and support.

With thanks,

Jaryn Hurd


The purpose of this project is to design a product to correct the issue of people killing

their houseplants by forgetting to water them. If a plant could water itself, its life would be

greatly extended. This is where a self-watering planter will come into play. The concept is to

have one larger pot which would contain the reservoir of water. A second pot with a funnel

shape at the bottom and holes surrounding the bottom as well to allow for roots and water to

be able to meet.

The most efficient way to construct the self-watering planter is using a 3D printer. The

planter can be designed using SolidWorks. The two parts must not be connected to one

another, therefor they will have to be designed and printed in two parts. The file will have to be

saved as a STL file in order to be compatible for the 3D printer. Once the two parts are printed,

water can be added to the reservoir. The second funnel shaped pot can be placed inside the

bottom pot, filled with soil, and the plant can be planted. Once the roots grow down to the

holes in the funnel, they will reach the reservoir and take in the amount of water they need.

The bottom pot is simply a reservoir. The top pot is shaped in such a way to allow the plant to

grow down towards the water, allowing the roots to make contact and drink the water as

needed. By adding holes in the funnel, gravity and natural growth of plants will make this

product the most efficient.

With this approach, a plant will only need to be refilled with water once every 2 weeks,

rather than once every 2-3 days. This gives the plant’s owner more time to remember to water

the plant, expanding its lifespan and taking pressure off of the owner.


According to The Spruce, “Using self-watering containers can be the best way to grow

some plants, particularly vegetables. By providing a consistent level of moisture directly to the

roots of plants, self-watering containers can increase plant health and yield.” [ CITATION Ker20 \l

1033 ]

One of the most present issues with owning houseplants is being aware of how much to

water your plant. This can show itself as overwatering or not providing enough water. By using a

self-watering planter, plant owners can be sure that the right amount of water is provided as


This report outlines one possible model of a self-watering planter as mentioned above.

Included are engineering drawings of the design, cost analysis, etc.

Solution Approach

Research Requirements for a Functional Self-Watering Planter.

For the first step of the project, all the necessary information must be gathered. The

design must be functional by watering the plant without frequent input from a human source.

The design concept must be created as well as preliminary requirements for the planter.

 Technical management and technical analysis will be used in this step to conduct

efficient and useful information.

 Estimated time to perform 1 week

Design the Bottom Reservoir Pot.

The bottom reservoir pot must be less than 8x8x12 inches to be printed in the available

3D printer. It must be drafted in SolidWorks and saved as a .STL file in order to be compatible

for the 3D printer. The pot must have enough room to hold the funnel shaped top pot for

functionality. This most closely mirrors techniques from AEM 195.

 SolidWorks will be used in designing and drawing the reservoir pot.

 Estimated time to perform 2 weeks

Design the Top Funnel Shaped Pot.

The top funnel shaped pot must be less than 8x8x12 inches to be printed in the available

3D printer. It also must be properly proportioned to fit in the reservoir pot, allowing just

enough space for the roots to reach the water without actually touching the bottom. It must be

drafted in SolidWorks and saved as a .STL file in order to be compatible for the 3D printer. Holes

will be drawn into the bottom of the funnel for roots to have access out of the side as well. This

most closely mirrors techniques from AEM 195.

 SolidWorks will be used to design the pot in this step

 Estimated time to perform 2 weeks

Cost Analysis

Cost of the project will be covered by EKU. The only cost is that of the plastic used in the

printer. Plastic for the 3D printer is approximately $3.50 per cubic inch according to 3Space.

This would make the self-watering planter cost between 8-10 dollars per pot. This step is

important when considering the viability of this product as something to be actually sold and

distributed to the public.

 Technical analysis will be used in this step

 Estimated time to perform 1 week

Complete a Trial to Verify Functionality

The bottom pot will be filled with water, top pot will be placed inside and filled with

fertilized soil and a plant. A regular (Non-Self-Watering) pot will also be filled with fertilized soil

and a plant. A photo will be taken at the same time daily of each pot and documented to verify

the self-watering planter will survive longer. If this is not the case, revisions will be made and

attempted again.

 Technical analysis will be used in this step

 Estimated time to perform 2 weeks

Introduction, background Theory,

Top pot is demonstrated in Figure 1

Figure 1, Top pot

Bottom of top pot is demonstrated in Figure 2

Figure 2, Bottom of top pot

Bottom pot is demonstrated in Figure 3

Figure 3, bottom pot

Final state is demonstrated in Figure 4

Figure 4, Pots together in final state

Methodology (steps of solution approach)

SolidWorks is a CAD software.[CITATION jjj10 \l 1033 ]

Cost Analysis

To purchase a small self-watering planter on the market currently is at minimum 7

dollars. The planter proposed and diagramed can be produced for approximately 6 dollars.

Using a layer thickness of 200 um, 20% infill, and noting that a spool of PLA filament is

approximately 48 dollars, one portion of the planter can be modeled for approximately 3

dollars. [ CITATION Lea20 \l 1033 ] To make both sections of the planter would bring the total to 6

dollars. This is a full dollar cheaper than the cheapest planter on the market.


In conclusion, the proposed self-watering planter is a cost effective option, beating out

the next best option by a whole dollar. The planter, from conception to the finished product will

take approximately 8 weeks. This self-watering planter solves the issue of plants dying either to

the caretaker being out of town, away from the office, or just too busy to properly water it. For

the cost, it is a great option to solve the issue.


LeapFrog 3D Printers. (2020). How much does it cost to 3D print? Retrieved from LeapFrog 3D Printers:

Micheals, K. (2020, 1 20). Self-Watering Containers: The Basics. Retrieved 2 6, 2020, from The Spruce:

SolidWorks. (2020, 4 22). Retrieved from SolidWorks:


Class information:

A synthesis experience involving the application of theory in solving a realistic industrial

problem. Emphasis is placed upon project setup, solution, justification, report and presentation.

Weekly Progress Reports:

Period Ending: Week 5

Self Assessment: Green

Work completed this Week: This week has consisted primarily of research. I have a general idea of what

I need to accomplish to reach my goal. I have encountered one issue I will address later.

Work Planned for next week: I plan to conduct more research in order to figure out a solution to my

problem. I will also begin working on the actual design of my planter.

Open Issues: It was brought to my attention that my current design may allow for water-logging of the

plant’s roots. I plan to research solutions this week.

Period Ending: Week 6

Self Assessment: Green

Work completed this Week: I completed some research and found a way to prevent waterlogging. I will

insert rope or string into the water and thread that into the soil to deliver the water without the roots

being directly submerged.

Work Planned for next week: In the next week I plan to begin my CAD designs for the project.

Open Issues: N/A

Period Ending: Week 7

Self Assessment: Green

Work completed this Week: This week I have begun designing my bottom pot of the planter. I have

tried a couple of different shapes but think I have settles on one.

Work Planned for next week: Next week I want to decide for sure on my design so I can move on to

printing soon.

Open Issues: N/A


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