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Product/Service Offerings

The product, which is the different variety of foods like burgers, nachos, pizzas
and other finger snacks. They offer the right product selection at the right prices. Food
park is a B2B business.

According to Mr. Frias he started his business with a capital of 10 million pesos and he said he
able to recover the capital because of the fast approach of the consumers (business owners)
and every food stalls gain more profit every month.

a. Current Marketing Problems and Concerns

Random line food park known by many people living near the food park, this must be their
great advantage in their business but due to the location that they are just aside the river.
When we interviewed Mr. Frias the current problems that the food park is facing is the business
owners that are not giving at the right time and information will be leveraged to better
understand who is served, their specific needs, and how Borderline Food park can best
communicate with the customers.

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