- Old (Mai) : I. Lọc từ Thing

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Lọc từ
 Thing:
- Old (Mai)

+ Vintage (adj) /ˈvɪntɪdʒ/: cổ, cũ, vẫn dùng được

Eg: My grandfather has stored some vintage wine for several years.

+ Dilapidated (adj) /dɪˈlæpɪdeɪtɪd/: cũ, chất lượng kém

Eg: I think you shouldn't live here, it is too dilapidated to stay.

- New (Hải)

+ Novel /'nɒvl/: mới lạ (normally used to describe smt which is interestingly new
or unusual)

Ex: It is the most novel ideal I have ever heard before.

+ Brand-new /'brænd'nju:/: mới toanh (completely new, emphasise ‘new’)

Ex: We are looking forward to brand-new flims when this pandemic ends.

 Human:
- Old (Phong)

+ Geriatric \ˌjer-ē-ˈa-trik\

Tính từ: thuộc lão khoa, già cả

Eg: He went into nursing to work with geriatric patients.

- New (Châu)
+ Juvenile /ˈdʒuː.və.nəl/: not old enough to be an adult ( tuổi vị thành niên)
Eg: A juvenile delinquent/offender is one below 18 who is charged with
commiting a crime.

+ Fledgling /ˈfledʒ.lɪŋ/: new and inexperienced (especially when it comes to work)

Eg: Landing himself a job with the Microsoft Corporation few months ago, he is
just a fledgling programmer.

+ Knee high to a grass hopper: to be very small or young

Eg: When i last saw you, you are only knee high to a grasshopper.

II. Chuyên mục bổ sung:

+ Oldie /ˈəʊl.di/ (n) : an old popular song; an old person.

Eg: That radio station plays only golden oldies.

+ As old as the hills/Methuselah: used to say that someone is very old.

Eg: My grandfather seemed as old as the hills to me.
Oh, my granny is old as Methuselah—she can't hear us.

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