Writing A Reaction Paper To A Play Review and A Review of A Review

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Notes on Play Review and Play Reaction

The review or reaction was all about the One – Act Play “Surprise“ that was given to be
reviewed about. It is the reactions and reviews of Deanne, AJ, Christen and Angellei in twiducate.
The first review was made by Christen Tolentino. Her review was presented by how she speaks
about the play, the production and how she assessed the given topic or play. She detailed the
overall production of the play and how it was presented to the audience and its effect. She also
wrote about how things are to be improved in the review. She made her conclusion by how the
play serve its purpose. The second review didn’t say too much about the play but points out
things he noticed and the things that needs improvement. He thought that this review was a
good one. The third one presented her review by first stating how the play goes, from production
details to how the actors did their scenes. Secondly, she talks about how she observed the whole
scene of the actors. Thirdly, she says in her review how she felt about the whole play. And gave
also a recommendation on a certain parts of the play. The fourth review and reactions on the
play wrote first how she wants the review to be perceive by the readers. Secondly, on how she
felt about the review. She wrote also about her observations on the author and how it will affects
the readers. Thirdly, she made a description of the productions and how it was presented to the
audience. It talks about how each person conveys their reviews about the play. Each of the person
who gives their own review have their own perspective and style on how they perceived the play
or the topic presented to them. They manage to give their own ideas and reactions about the
play they reviewed. Each one of them have their own way of presenting their reviews based on
how they reacted and how they understand the play. They have different ways in explaining every
details of how they see the materials. They also have their own conclusions and suggestions. But
all of their reviews, mostly says positive feed back of how the play and the materials was
The good points I read about their reviews is how they were able to pinpoint details of
the play like the production set – ups, how the actors did their parts and how it affected the
audience. Also they were able to present their reviews properly and nicely. Each one of them
gave a well written reactions. I’ve learned from them about how to make a review in a concise
If there’s anything that can be improved in writing or presenting a review maybe is of not
too much of a repetition of the things that was presented. Also of not using the same words and
be more artistic and articulate.
In my conclusion, all of their reviews were all good and understandable. They have
conveyed the play through their reviews nicely. They have done a great job in doing their
reactions through their observations of the play.
My Citation List

Lopez, D. B. (2020, April 23). Retrieved from


Padua, A. (2020, April 23). Retrieved from


Siwa, A. J. (2020, April 23). Retrieved from


Tolentino, M. C. G. (2020, April 23). Retrieved from


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