Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Problem Solving in Technology

Problem Solving

Problem solving is an important part of everyday life. In Technology Education, problems are
solved systematically using a method referred to as the I.D.E.A.T.E. Model. The I.D.E.A.T.E.
Model is recommended in problem solving to arrive at the best solution thereby saving time
and money. It allows for efficient use of resources and effective use of time. It is also used to
improve products and services that already exist. When a new product is developed it is
called an invention. When an existing product or service is altered and improved, it is called
an innovation.

The IDEATE Model

The model is represented as a continuous cycle as follows because there is always room for
improvement of a product or service. The acronym meaning is explained as follows:

Identify the

Evaluate the Define the

chosen solution problem

Try out and test Explore possible

the chosen

Assess the
various solutions
and choose the
best one
I – Identify the Problem

This is the starting point of the problem solving process. Observe your environment, discuss
with individuals around you and try to determine some needs of individuals in the groups in
the community. As you do this, many problems will emerge. Some problems are easy to
identify and others may be complex. Following the steps in the IDEATE Model will assist in
simplifying any problem and ensuring the best possible solution is found.

Identifying the problem is an important part of the problem solving process; without
identifying the problem there would be nothing to solve. Problem identification requires
certain skills, such as:

- Observation
- Analysis
- Interpretation
- Logical reasoning

Problems are challenges to be overcome. These challenges present opportunities for


Opportunities (problems
Problems identified Challenge Stated
waiting to be solved)
D – Define the Problem

It is important to understand the problem that has to be solved. In defining th eproblem, the
problem solver shows an in-depth understanding of the problem. It states what the problem
solver must do and what the successful solution must achieve. It also identifies the
boundaries within which the problem may be solved. These boundaries are referred to as

General Tips:

- The problem should be interpreted in the context give.

- Any difficult terms needs to be explained
- Students should write down their understanding of the problem
- Students need to interpret the specifications
E – Explore possible solutions

You may not have all the information required to solve the problem identified to effectively
find a solution. In this case, you must conduct research to assist in finding an appropriate
solution. Students need to appreciate the importance of research in problem solving.

How to conduct research:

- What information do you need?

- What questions will help you get the answers you need?
- How will you get the information you need?
- Where can you get the information?
- Read and summarize the information
- Organize the information in a logical manner
- Record references while you are collecting information; do not wait until the end of
the project.
Sources of information:

There are three recommended mediums to collect data. These are:

1. The internet
2. Printed Text material
3. Interviews

• The internet is a quick and • Examples of printed text • Gathering information from
easy way of obtaining materilas include: resource persons.
information. Doing a proper • Encyclopedias • using phones, emails,
search is very important. • magazines Skype, WhatsApp, Social
Some guidelines when Media
• journals
collecting data from the • Questionaires
internet: • dictionaries
• books • Direct observation
• It must be from a credible
• maps • Movies / Films /
• It must be current
• School field trips
• It must be at an
appropriate reading level
• The information must be
sufficiently detailed
• The author must be an
authority in the discipline

Brainstorming is a process in which group members suggest ideas as they think of them. This
is fundamental to idea generation which is essential in problem solving.

The more ideas generated, the more likely it is to discover an effective solution. Generate as
many ideas as possible. It does not matter whether the ideas are useful, practical or
manageable. Just write down the ideas as they come to mind.
A – Assess the solutions and choose the best one

This is important in order to select the best solution given the specifications outlines in the
challenge. This must be done objectively and systematically.

A few other points must be considered when assessing the possible solutions:

- Do you have the skills to produce the solution?

- Can the solution be completed in the time allotted?
- Are the resources available?
A decision matrix is usually used. This is a table depicting the specifications on one side
(usually horizontally) and the possible solutions (vertically). A rating scale is developed and
used to assess the degree of which each specification is met by the possible solution.

Possible Specification Specification Specification Specification TOTAL

solutions #1 #2 #3 #4
A - Possible
solution #1
A - Possible
solution #2
B - Possible
solution #1
B - Possible
solution #2
C - Possible
solution #1
C - Possible
solution #2

When developing a rating scale, the numbers are assigned from one to five with one being the
least suitable and five being the best. When using the rating scale, a number is assigned to
each specification for each solution from each group member. This is done for all the
specifications listed in the challenge. After the numbers are assigned, the total for each
solution is determined. The solution with the highest total is selected as the chosen solution.

1 2 3 4 5

• Poor • Marginal • Accepatble • Good • Excellent

T- Try out and Test the chosen solution

Once the solution is chosen, the group proceeds to produce it. The group should:

- Identify the materials, tools and equipment to be used

- Outline the steps of procedure to make the solution
- Revisit the procedure to ensure nothing is left out
- Proceed to produce the solution observing safety practices

Evidence of testing

After the solution is completed, it needs to be checked to determine whether it meets the
specifications outlines in the challenge statement. Testing is important to establish the
quality, performance and reliability of the solution. The group must develop an appropriate
test for all the specifications. The solution is then subjected to these tests and the results
recorded. For example the table below can be edited and used.

Respondents Specification Specification Specification Specification TOTAL

#1 #2 #3 #4

The same rating scale may be used. The results of the survey must be recorded in an
appropriate manner.
E – Evaluate the chosen solution

Evaluation is judging how well the solution solved the problem. It determines if the product
developed was worthwhile, solves the problem at hand and if it is what was intended to be.
The evaluation must be evidence based, that is must be directly related to the test results
obtained and recorded in the previous table.

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