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Class : X

Topic : Resources and Development


1. Define Resource.
2. Classify the resources on the basis of ownership and stages of development.
3. Over utilization of resources has led to serious result. Justify the statement.
4. Why is it important for a country like India to have resource planning?
5. State the steps involved in resource planning.
6. "There is enough for everybody's need and not enough for any body's greed." Justify
the statement.
7. List out the various land utilization categories in India.
8. Discuss any two negative and any two positive aspects of land utilization in India.
9. Describe the different ways in which land is degrade in different states in India.
10. Suggest some measures for the conservation of land.
11. Soil is a very precious resources, but it is the most abused one also. Suggest measures to
check soil erosion.

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