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Nevada System of Higher Education

System Administration System Administration

4300 South Maryland Parkway 2601 Enterprise Road
Las Vegas, NV 89119-7530 Reno, NV 89512-1666
Phone: 702-889-8426 Phone: 775-784-4901
Fax: 702-889-8492 Fax: 775-784-1127


Date: May 4, 2020

To: Council of Presidents, Chancellor’s Cabinet, Faculty Senate Chairs, Student Body

From: Thom Reilly, Chancellor, NSHE

Cc: Nevada Board of Regents

Re: Statement on Reopening in the Summer and Fall Semesters

As we approach the end of the spring semester, on behalf of the Board of Regents, I want to
thank our students, parents, faculty, and staff for their flexibility and perseverance as we have
navigated this unprecedented pandemic.

The Nevada System of Higher Education has begun planning to resume in-person classes for the
2020 fall semester and more limited in person class offerings later this summer (after July 1).
NSHE and institution leaders are working closely with health and education experts on various
reopening scenarios and phases, with the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff
being at the forefront of our concern. These scenarios include resuming some form of in-person
instruction, campus housing, and athletics events.

Several options are on the table, including a hybrid approach with a mix of remote and in-person
instruction. For instance, a science class might be designed to include online lectures and in-
person lab sessions that follow established social distancing measures. Further safety measures
could include reducing class sizes, using masks, and increased testing availability.

Athletics remain an integral part of our institutions’ esprit de corps and we are working closely
with the Mountain West Conference on guidance. We are also awaiting further guidance from
the NCAA regarding the 2020-21 season.

NSHE institutions are evaluating risk mitigating options for residential housing and dining which
reflect appropriate health and safety precautions.

NSHE will continue to coordinate with the Office of the Governor and continue to follow
recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and state and county health
and safety directives. We will communicate as soon as possible more details about the
developing plans for late summer and fall 2020 Semesters.

University of Nevada, Las Vegas • University of Nevada, Reno • Nevada State College • Desert Research Institute
College of Southern Nevada • Great Basin College • Truckee Meadows Community College • Western Nevada College

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