Garbage Disposal Thesis

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Background of the Study

Practices on proper garbage disposal of the students

can help our community, country and nation. Because

nowadays, we are suffering environmental dilemmas such as

global warming, flash floods and etc. One of the causes of

these problems is the misbehavior of the people towards

waste management. Some people are reckless in throwing their

garbage. They do not think of the possible results of their

actions on the environment as well as on health.

The song entitled “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson,

simply implies that we need to do something to help our sick

world due to improper waste disposal, illegal logging,

coastal littering and etc. Thus, proper waste management is

one way to make it possible.

Waste Management is the collection, transport,

processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste

materials. The term usually relates to materials produced by

human activity, and the process is generally undertaken to

reduce their effect on health, the environment or

aesthetics. It is a distinct practice from resource recovery

which focuses on delaying the rate of consumption of natural

resources. All waste materials, whether they are solid,

liquid, gaseous or radioactive fall within the remit of

waste management. Waste management practices can differ for

developed and developing nations, for urban and rural areas,

and for residential and industrial producers. Management of

non-hazardous waste residential and institutional waste in

metropolitan areas is usually is the responsibility of local

government authorities, while management for non-hazardous

commercial and industrial waste is the responsibility of the

generator subject to local, national or international


Every individual should take the responsibility of

managing their wastes properly. Public awareness campaigns

are essential tools for environment protection. Thus, there

is really a need to encourage the people to be part of this

objective, protecting our environment through proper waste


In regard of this, our study entitled “Practices on

Proper Garbage Disposal of the Senior High School Students

in Sumoroy Agro Industrial School,” aims to know how the

SAIS manage their wastes as well as to identify the

materials they are using in managing their waste.

Furthermore, this study is not just a study but it also

helps the Schools and community through conducting clean-up

Drive in the said place.

In countries where there is rapid growth and increase

of population and industrialization, proper management of

waste becomes a very common problem. Proper ways of

disposing waste is very important as far as public health

and the welfare of the environment is concerned.

This can help maintain a safer, cleaner and more

attractive environment while reducing the chances of

spreading any types of disease. Proper waste management is

also one way of reducing the possibility of contaminating

groundwater and soil. There are many benefits of waste


One of the most popular and natural processes of waste

management is composting. In this method, plant and other

organic wastes are being broken down to produce materials

rich in nutrient. This is something anyone can do at home.

Wastes like vegetable and fruit scraps, leaves and grass

clippings can be placed in a bin and eventually, they will

decompose, producing a mixture that can be used to improve

soil in the garden. Recycling is one of the best ways to

manage waste. 

This helps reduce pollution, conserve energy and save

natural resources. Recycling materials like glass, plastics,

aluminum and paper won’t only keep the environment clean,

but is also a way to save money. In major cities such as

Brisbane, recycling is strongly implemented to reduce waste

and to enjoy the economic and environmental benefits it

offers. Joined efforts to recycle Brisbane have brought the

city to where it is now and this is further improved with

the city’s growing industry of waste management services. To

reduce trash, whether in Brisbane or other place in the

world, it is important to encourage and implement recycling

at all societal levels.

There are other alternatives of recycling as a method

of waste management including landfills and incineration.

While this has been used for so many years now, it can’t be

denied that they do have some negative environmental effects

such as pollution and depletion of land used in constructing

and designing these landfills to accommodate the trash being

dumped onto them. Because of its downsides, incineration and

landfills are not considered by other cities. Instead, they

focus on recycling Brisbane which is an excellent and safe
method of waste disposal.

Waste management in urban Accra, A total of 364

household heads were interviewed in the survey and six key

informants were interviewed with the in-depth interviews.

Waste poses a threat to public health and the environment if

it is not stored, collected, and disposed of properly. The

perception of waste as an unwanted material with no

intrinsic value has dominated attitudes towards disposal.

This study investigates the domestic waste practices, waste

disposal, and perceptions about waste and health in an urban

community. The results of the study revealed that 93.1% of

households disposed of food debris as waste and 77.8%

disposed of plastic materials as waste. The study also

showed that 61.0% of the households disposed of their waste

at community bins or had waste picked up at their homes by

private contractors. The remaining 39.0% disposed of their

waste in gutters, streets, holes and nearby bushes. Of those

who paid for the services of private contractors, 62.9% were

not satisfied with the services because of their cost and

irregular collection. About 83% of the respondents were

aware that improper waste management contributes to disease

causation; most of the respondents thought that improper

Nicholas Mccull,
waste management could lead to malaria and diarrhea. There

was a general perception that children should be responsible

for transporting waste from the households to dumping sites.

Globally, millions of tons of municipal solid waste are

generated every day. Urban waste management is drawing

increasing attention, as it can easily be observed that too

much garbage is lying uncollected in the streets, causing

inconvenience, environmental pollution, and posing a public

health risk.2

The problem of solid, liquid, and toxic-waste

management in Africa has come with urbanization in the

developing world. An important feature of the urbanization

of the developing world is the rapid growth of cities and

metropolitan areas. The high rate of urbanization in African

countries implies a rapid accumulation of refuse. Social and

economic changes that most African countries have witnessed

since the 1960s have also contributed to an increase in the

waste generated per capita. As a result, municipal waste

management constitutes one of the most crucial health and

environmental issues facing managers of African cities.

Proper waste management is a public benefit and obligation.

Improper waste disposal by one individual affects the entire

citizenry, so, as a policy, countries have tasked every

Ramatta Massa Yoada, BMC Public Health. 2014; 14: 697.
individual, establishment or institution to contribute

significantly to the process of keeping their communities

and environment clean.

In the colonial days, the population of the Ghana, then

the Gold Coast, was below six million and waste was better

managed. The waste generated in the 1920s was less

voluminous and less complex than today, consisting largely

of leaves, paper and wood products, with little plastic or

hazardous chemicals. The poor waste management situation in

recent years has led to a high incidence of sanitation

related illness, such as cholera, intestinal worms and

typhoid. These are among the top ten diseases that have been

recorded, which raises the alarm of a public health crisis.

In Ghana, problems are encountered at all levels of waste

management, particularly, collection, transportation and

disposal. Generally, existing public facilities, including

sanitary facilities, are inadequate to serve the user

population, and the sheer volume of municipal solid waste

generated in the country’s urban centres is overwhelming.

While existing waste disposal facilities are inadequate to

deal with the quality and quantity of waste generated, more

sophisticated systems are expensive and their maintenance

requirements are high.3

Dennis Chirawurah, BMC Public Health. 2014; 14: 699
Statement of the Problem

This study aimed at determining the food preparation

and practices of those who are engaged in food business and

their impact to the populace of the Municipality of Palapag,

Northern Samar.

This study attempted to seek answers to the following


1. What is the profile of the respondents:

1.1 age

1.2 sex

1.3 educational attainment

2. What kind of waste disposal they practiced?

3. How the Students manage their wastes?

4. Is there a significant difference of the materials

used of Senior High School Students in managing their


Objective of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the practices

on proper garbage disposal of the Senior High School

Students of Sumoroy Agro Industrial and the effect to the

whole campus of SAIS.

Specifically the study aimed to determine the


1. Profile of the respondents:

1.1 age

1.2 sex

1.3 educational attainment

2. To know the kind of waste disposal they practiced.

3. To determine how the Students manage their wastes.

4. To determine the significant difference of the

materials used of Senior High School Students in

managing their wastes

Importance of the study

This study is significant to investigate the level of

the involvement of the senior highschool students in

practices on proper garbage disposal at Sumoroy Agro-

Industrial School, Palapag Northern Samar.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study would be of great help to the

government, students, community, readers and future research

in the following ways:

The Government. This study would help the government to know

what policies and regulations they will implement when it

comes to proper waste management.

The Students. This study would help them to know the ways of

the proper garbage disposal inside and outside the campus.

In addition, it will give them an idea in managing their own


The Community. This study would encourage every members of

the community to take the responsibility of their own


The Readers. This study would help the readers to know how

to manage their wastes. And also, how to segregate their

The Future Readers. This study would help the future

researchers as their basis of their study and additional

literature for their future investigations.

Scope and Delimitations

This study is delimited in knowing the proper garbage

disposal of the senior high school students of Sumoroy Agro-

Industrial School.

Thus, it is also delimited in identifying the materials

they are using in managing their wastes.

Theoretical Framework

In Ghana, a study conducted at Kodiabe, which involved

direct observations at disposal sites from five divisions,

focused on the way in which refuse materials were disposed

Another study conducted in Nigeria showed that the

perception of domestic waste disposal indicates that

people’s attitudes about and perceptions of sanitation

issues contribute to the waste management problem .

Similarly, a study done in Khulna, Bangladesh found that

city dwellers think because they pay taxes it is the sole

responsibility of the city authority to provide them with a

nuisance-free habitable city .Typically, local governments

are responsible for the collection and disposal of the

wastes generated within their jurisdiction, as well as for

the operation and maintenance of their equipment. However,

local governments usually lack the authority and resources

to provide a satisfactory and economically viable service.

Effective and efficient solid waste management depends upon

an equitable distribution of responsibilities, authority,

and revenue between the national government and all the

local governments. General waste management in Ghana is

perceived to be the responsibility of the Ministry of Local

Government and Rural Development, which supervises the

decentralized Metropolitan, Municipal and District

Assemblies (MMDAs). However, regulatory authority is vested

in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the

auspices of the Ministry of Environment and Science. The

MMDAs are responsible for the collection and final disposal

of solid waste through their Waste Management Departments

and their Environmental Health and Sanitation Departments.

However, there is a growing perception that inadequate

education about the importance of proper sanitation account

for poor waste management practices in Ghana. Other factors

accounting for this situation are poor attitudes and lack of

concern about environmental issues, high levels of poverty

and misguided waste disposal practices.

As in many developing countries, waste management in

Ghana is a complex issue that has been a major issue on the

priority list of successive governments, local authorities,

and international donors in recent years. Waste management

is a growing problem in Ghana, and despite large investments

that have been made to meet the challenges of effective

waste management in urban Ghana, there is little evidence

that such efforts are having their expected effect. Although

huge capital investment is required to improve waste

management, social and behavioral factors are also important

if waste management in urban areas is to be successful. It

is in this light that the current study aims to investigate

community practices and perceptions about solid waste

management and it implications for health in urban Accra.4

This study is anchored on the theory of Waste

Management represents a more in-depth account of the domain

and contains conceptual analyses of waste, the activity upon

waste, and a holistic view of the goals of waste management.

Waste Management Theory is founded on the expectation that

waste management is to prevent waste causing harm to human

health and the environment. The proper definition of waste

is crucial to constructing a sustainable agenda of waste

Banjo AD, Adebambo AAR, Haight M. Inhabitants’ perception on domestic waste disposal in Ijebu Ode,
Southwest Nigeria. Department of Biological Sciences. Ogun State, Nigeria: Tai Solarin University of
Education, Ijebu Ode; 2009.
management. It is largely the case that current legislation

attends to existing waste. Definitions emerging from this

condition may, however, conflict with the goals of waste

prevention, because something that already exists cannot be

prevented from arising. When material is assigned the label

of ‘waste’, it will be treated as such; consequently,

despite its explicit wish of waste prevention, implicitly,

legislation essentially amasses waste. The inherent

philosophical implication of such definitions is that they

are not able to facilitate a sustainable waste management

system. Therefore, new, dynamic definitions for waste and

waste management must be sought, which can explain why waste

is created and can offer an intrinsic solution for the


In connection with the above idea, practices on proper

garbage disposals and waste management is very important to

our schools, community, town and country.

E. Pongrácz, P. S. Phillips & R. L. Keiski , Evolving The Theory Of Waste Management, Volume 78 Pages 1-
Conceptual Framework

This study will be based on the profile of the

respondents in terms of age, sex, and civil status and

practices on proper garbage disposal which are the

independent variables, and the effect to the senior highs

school students as dependent variable.


The fundamental conceptualization of this study is

presented in the schematic illustration as follows:

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Respondent’s People

 Age Impact to the

 Sex students of
 Educational Sumoroy Agro-
Attainment Industrial
Practices on proper
garbage disposal
Definition of Terms

  For clearer understanding of this study, the following

terms were defined conceptually and operationally.

Waste – is any solid, liquid and gaseous wastes emitted by

the people. It could either be biodegradable or non-

biodegradable wastes.

Waste Management – is the collection, transport, processing

or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials.

Waste segregation - is the division of garbage and waste

products. It is the process of dividing garbage and waste

products in an effort to reduce, reuse and recycle


Practice - doing something regularly in order to be able to

do it better. A practice is one of these periods of doing


Garbage - is waste to be thrown out, or anything worthless

or offensive.

Improper - not in accordance with accepted standards,

especially of morality or honesty.



This chapter presents the reviewed related literature

that gave significant insights to this present study.

The classification of wastes varies and depends

country by country. Waste can be divided into many different

types. The most common method of classification is by

their physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.

Solid waste is broadly defined as including non-

hazardous industrial, commercial land domestic refuse

including household organic trash, street sweepings,

hospital and institutional garbage, and construction wastes;

generally sludge and human waste are regarded as a liquid

waste problem outside the scope of msw (zerbock, 2003).these

are waste materials that contain less than 70% water.

example of  this type of waste are the domestic or household

garbage, some industrial wastes, some mining wastes, and oil

field wastes such as drill cuttings.

Liquid waste. these are usually wastewaters that contain

less than 1%. this type of waste may contain high

concentration of dissolved salts and metals. Liquid wastes

are often classified into two broad types: sewage and toxic
wastes. generally, there are various types of liquid waste

generated in urban centers: human excreta, domestics

wastes produced in households, hospital wastes, industrial

effluents, agricultural liquid wastes and nuclear

wastes. when improperly handled and disposed of,

liquid wastes pose a serious threat to human

health and the environment because of their

ability to e n t e r   watersheds, pollute ground water and

drinking water (us epa, 2009).Sludge, it is a class of waste

between liquid and solid. they usually contain between 3%and

25% solid, while the rest of the material is dissolved

water.4. hazardous waste hazardous wastes are wastes which,

by themselves or after coming into contact with other

wastes, have characteristics, such as chemical reactivity,

toxicity,corrosiveness or a tendency to explode, that pose a

risk to human health or theenvironment. hazardous wastes are

generated from a wide range of industrial,commercial, and


They may take the form of solids, liquids or

sludges, and can pose both acute and chronic public health

and environmental risks by lining and contouring the fill,

compacting and planting the uppermost cover layer, diverting

drainage, and selecting proper soil in sites not subject to

flooding or high groundwater levels. the best soil for a

landfill is clay because clay is less permeable than other

types of soil.

Materials disposed of in a landfill can be further

secured from leakage by solidifying them in materials such

as cement, fly ash from power plants, asphalt, or organic

polymers(bassis, 2005)landfills can also be shifted to

another use after their capacities have been reached. the

city of evanston, illinois, built a landfill up into a hill

and the now-complete “mt. trashmore” is a ski area. golf

courses built over landfillsites are also increasingly

common (montgomery, 2000).b ) r e c y c l i n g or the

3r’sa n o t h e r method, which sets off before

waste disposal is waste reduction through

recycling or often coined as the 3 r’s: reuse,

reduce, and recycle. On the local or regional level,

reducing wastes is accomplished through these methods by

source separation and subsequent material recovery.

Currently, the united states recycles about 10% of its glass

and 25%of its paper wastes; in countries such as Switzerland

and the Netherlands, the proportion in the glass recycled

approaches to 50% while Japan recycles 50%of its paper

wastes (Montgomery, 2000). Some countries, on the other

hand, manage most of their solid waste through

incinerators. Incineration, or the controlled burning of

waste at high temperatures to produce steam and ash, is

another waste disposal option and an alternative to land

filling (us environmental protection agency, 2009).

Incinerators are designed for the destruction of wastes and

are commonly employed in developed nations who could afford

the costs of the burning facilities, plus its operation and

maintenance (mc cracken, 2005).this type of waste disposal

is the second largest disposal method in most developed

countries and ranks next to landfills in the united states

and the united kingdom. in the uk, approximately 5% of

household waste, 75 % of commercial waste and 2% of

industrial waste is disposed of through this method


A further benefit of incineration can be realized

if the heat generated thereby is recovered. for years,

European cities h a v e generated electricity using

waste-disposal incinerators as sources of heat

(montgomery,2000).there are negative issues, however, in

the use of this burning method and much of that circulate

around its safety for the environment and to the

human health. it is argued that the combustion

process creates air pollution, ash, and waste water,

all of which must be properly managed using technical

monitoring, containment, and treatment systems. harmful

pollutants are released into the environment whenever

these by-products are not controlled (us epa,

2009).operators of these facilities must be well-

trained and certified to ensure proper management.6

Waste prevention and minimization prevention

means eliminating or reducing the quantity of waste which is

produced in the first place, thus reducing the quantity of

waste which must be managed. Prevention can take the form of

reducing the quantities of materials used in a process or

reducing the quantity of harmful materials which may be

contained in a product. Prevention can also include the

reuse of products. Prevention is the most desirable waste

management option as it eliminates the need for handling,

transporting, recycling or disposal of waste. It provides

the highest level of environmental protection by optimizing

the use of resources and by removing a potential source of

pollution. Minimization includes any process or activity

that avoids, reduces or eliminates waste at its source or

results in re-use or recycling.7

Jaztinaltea , Waste Management, P2-18
Rue Voltaire, globenet.organizatio, p1-5
Garbage disposal system for proper waste

management. The solid wastes we throw in our garbage bins

everyday can be classified into groups, this is called

segregation. if you want to reduce, reuse and recycle, then

it would be better for you to identify those wastes that can

still be used from real garbage that needs to be thrown


Garbage are decomposable food wastes, these are

excess foods, ingredients, etc., that are has no use for

human consumption anymore. If you have a lawn and garden,

making a compost pit can be a good way to make use of these

wastes. This can be a good fertilizer for your garden

plants. Proper waste disposal is very important in making

sure that your place and environment is free from any waste

that can cause health risks. If you want a clean and healthy

environment, then you have to constantly clean your area,

and put some tools and equipments like a garbage disposal to

help you in keeping that area clean and free from harmful


One place in our house that usually accumulates

smelly wastes is our kitchen. usually, garbage from excess

food ingredients, rotten food, etc., goes straight to your

kitchen's wastes bins, but this waste bins most of the time
contains all things that cause bad odor in our kitchen. what

is bad about this waste bins are that its bad smell can

spread all over your house, and that would be really


Bad waste disposal in our kitchen can direct the

waste straight into our plumbing system, causing a bigger

trouble for you and your family. If you want to keep your

house free form the bad smell of food waste and garbage,

then it would be wise for you to have a proper garbage


Composting it is a natural process in which plant and

other organic wastes are broken down biologically to produce

a nutrient-rich material. At home, put yard and kitchen

waste such as leaves, grass clippings, and fruit and

vegetable scraps in a bin. This will 

eventually decompose and produce a mixture that can be used

for soil improvement in individual gardens. Municipalities

can treat waste in the same way.   Recycling is one of the

best ways of waste management. It helps in reducing

pollution, saving natural resources and conserving energy.

Recycling newspapers, plastics, glass and aluminum also

  Daniel Hansen,
helps in saving money. Recycling other materials such as

tires, batteries, asphalt, motor oil, etc. reduces pollution

(otherwise these would end up in landfill or incinerator).

In order to reduce trash, it is necessary to encourage and

implement recycling at all levels of society. Burning waste

in cities that do not have enough land available for

landfills, controlled burning of waste at high temperatures

to produce steam and ash is a preferred waste disposal

technique. Combustion reduces the volume of waste to be

disposed significantly.

Moreover, solid waste can provide for a continuously

available and alternative source for generating energy

through combustion. This energy can be channeled into useful




Locale of the Study

Russell Huebsch,
This study will be conducted in Sumoroy Agro Industrial

School. It is found at Barangay Tinampo, Palapag, Northern


Research Design

The respondents of this study are the 100 Senior High

School Students Year 2017-2018 of Sumoroy Agro Industrial

School. They will be distributed with research


The Variables

It was hypothesized that the respondents according to

their age, sex and educational attainment, their practices

on garbage disposal , will impact to the Senior High School

Students of Sumoroy Agro-Industrial School.

Research Design
This study employed the case study of research problem

or procedure involving the control or manipulating or

condition for the purpose of studying the relative effect.

Research Method

The descriptive survey method of research, involving

the use of a questionnaire and documentary analysis will be

utilized in conducting this study. The descriptive method of

research will be a great emphasis and used in order to come

up with a substantial, accurate, and fully accessible data

for the study.

Research Instrument

The data gathering instrument that will be used in this

study in survey a questionnaire. Equipped with the knowledge

gained from the readings, the researchers constructed the

questionnaire. It will be submitted to their adviser for

improvement. After its revision or improvement, some copies

were produced and issued to the target respondents. Before

the distribution of the questionnaire, a letter of request

permitting the researchers to conduct the study will be


After a week, the copies of the questionnaires will

be gathered. The responses who answered the specific

questions will be tabulated and presented in distribution

tables. They were analyzed and interpreted using certain

suitable answer.

Population Sampling

This study include the 100 Senior High School

Students of Sumoroy Agro-Industrial School.

Source of data

The sources of data were:

The demographic data of the respondents are the

Senior High School Students of Sumoroy Agro-Industrial

Procedures of testing data:

Collected data will be presented on tables. All these

data will be based on the feedback from the questionnaires,

frequency distribution and percentage will be done in all

variables using the following formulas:

1. Percentage


P= Percentage

n= Small portion

N= Total number




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