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Pop Art Gallery Critique and Presentation Rubric 

Outstanding Strong  Adequate Needs Improvement 

20pts 19-17pts 16-15pts 14pts or less

The description of the The description was The student The student provided
artwork is detailed and well thought out, provided a brief commentary on the
well thought out. The and used 5 description of the piece but it was not
student used 6 or elements and artwork and made well thought out or
more elements and principles of art use of some art descriptive. The
principles of art vocabulary vocabulary (4 or student used few art
vocabulary correctly. correctly. The less words). The elements and principles
The student also student may have student may have or did not reference the
showed their needed to reference not referenced the  art piece during their
knowledge by the art piece more art piece they were critique. 
referencing the art during their critiquing. 
piece.  critique. 



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