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Cristine A.

Mendoza April 2, 2020

10- Mapaglingkod

During the month of February our class 10 mapaglingkod was shown a video that was from a contest
of toastmasters around the world and our group got Louisa Montalvo’s “First Impressions”. She was
a woman from Texas, USA that had gone through many situations just like in her story and was
competing in this contest. The message behind her anecdote is that we shouldn’t judge people’s
attitudes, personality etc. based on where they are from or their place of origin. Thus there are
always two sides in one story.

First of all let’s talk about the things that are similar to my answers and the responses of my
classmates. Similarly in the thoughts section answered by one of my classmates I saw that both of
us had a similar thought in mind because we both wrote that she was trying to put in a sincere and
important message in her comedic speech. Finally in the feelings section we also had an idea that
was also similar because we both stated that she had a deeper meaning in her story. In the actions
section the only thing we had in common is that we should apply what she was telling us to do in our
daily lives.

However there are many ways in which our view of the video could change due to our different
perspectives. This can be seen mostly in the way us, students write our answers to the worksheet
given to us. Some of us may write something deep or meaningful about the performance done by
Louisa, in contrast others may write something shallow as they have not totally absorbed the
meaning behind why she performed in the first place. Some may think it’s too deliver important
information that can help us however others may see it plainly just to entertain people.

The differences of our answers aren’t really that distant from each other, however there were a few
key differences seen. For the thoughts section my classmate wrote more of how Louisa performed
rather than what Louisa meant in the context. In the feelings section I wrote more of how she
delivered her vital message in a comedic way, but my classmate wrote about the deeper meaning in
her story. Finally for the actions I wrote that I will try to apply what she did and what she taught me,
however my classmate didn’t really get a message and only wrote that she will apply what she will

In summary the video taught us not to judge people based on the side we always hear about
because it can sometimes be a stereotype or assumption and how we should always look on the
other side of the story. While there are many similarities to our answers there are always key
differences to be found within how each one of us interpret a video that is shown to us. This is a fact
as no two people are exactly the same and why we shouldn’t judge people.

Below is a checklist for compare and contrast essays. Use it to check
your own writing, or get a peer (another student) to help you.

Item OK? Comment

It is because he base on the link that was given

The essay is a comparison and
to us and he clearly indicated his points in the
contrast essay

An appropriate structure is used, Some of his points doesn’t match to the topic
either block or point-by-point that he was saying in his essay.

Compare and contrast structure For what I observed he use it clearly in his
words are used accurately essay.

The criteria for comparison/contrast Not really because he had some of the
are clear thoughts that’s not relate to his point.

The essay has clear thesis statement Yes, it was understandable.

Each paragraph has a clear topic

Yes, it was organize and clear.

The essay has strong support (facts,

Not really but some yes.
reasons, examples, etc.)

The conclusion includes a summary of Yes, he also have advice and lesson that
the main points everyone could get.

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