Worksheet # 1: Worksheet # 1 15 Points United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

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NAME: Danilo, Jr. R. Ramirez SUBJECT: Contemporary World SECTION: CIV192/7am-9am/TTh

Worksheet # 1 15 points
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Explain in two or three sentences at least 3 of these goals. Student may print this or copy 3 statements in one
long bond paper. Answers will be handwritten and should be original then post it here for submission. Please
submit within 10 days.

 #1 End Poverty in all its form everywhere.

 One of the main goals of the United Nations is to end the poverty in all its form from
everywhere because we all know that poverty rate in every state will reflect to the wealth of
one country. Also, United Nations aims to lessen the population to control the extreme
population growth in every country. Therefore, we should abide those efforts of the United
Nations to prevent big population growth in the world.

 #7 Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

 Through the effort of our United Nation for their development goals, they want all people
around the world to enjoy accessible, affordable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
Also, through this program, inventions are one of the things that they consider in terms of
using electricity not just only for the people who often use it. In addition, we all know that in
this modern time, won’t live without sustainable access to electricity because most of our
gadgets needs electricity.

 #14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine sources.

 For us to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, marine sources, we need to have
discipline because it is the best solution that we people can only contribute to not disappear
the beauty of our water sources. Also, it is one of the main sources of our daily food like
fishes, crabs and it is being used in making some condiments that is used in cooking.
Generally, there is an organization that supervised the maintenance of cleanliness of our
oceans. Also, most of our sources are just effluent therefore we cannot drink it. It should go
under filtration process in order to be potable enough to drink.
NAME: Danilo, Jr. R. Ramirez SUBJECT: Contemporary World SECTION: CIV192/7am-9am/TTh

Worksheet #2 20 pts.

Clip 2 news article in the 2020 that is related to the propagation of the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals. You may clip from the internet. Provide your source and explain what you think is
its relation to the goals. Be original. Do not copy your explanation.

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