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The capture of Jerusalem by Muslim Arab

armies from the Christian Byzantine
emperor in 638 CE was a disaster for the
England in the Crusades
Christian world. As Christian monarchs, the kings of England were bound to take the papal calls to crusade seriously.
Over two centuries, scores of English nobles, thousands of ordinary soldiers, and one reigning king
It was centuries before any serious attempt was took the Cross and embarked for the Holy Land to save it from the advance of Islam.
made to recover Jerusalem. Pilgrims continued to

reach the Holy City. Yet anecdotal accounts of the ith cries of Deus le Veult Levant, and English sailors may have money, William II in turn levied a
restrictions of Muslim authorities on Christian (“God wills it”), the crowds been present at the fall of Jerusalem crusading tax of 4 shillings to the hide
pilgrims in Palestine, and the effects of the responded to Pope Urban’s on July 15, 1099. on his kingdom, an imposition so
disastrous defeat in 1071 of the Byzantine sermon at Clermont in France in 1095. severe that monks were said to have
army at Manzikert by the Muslim Seljuk Turks, Many knights and nobles pledged Paying for the Crusade been forced to melt down sacred
reignited efforts to regain the Holy Land. themselves to an armed expedition to The First Crusade had another impact ornaments to pay for it.
In 1095, Pope Urban II began to preach a seize Jerusalem from its Muslim rulers. on England, a financial one that was The popularity of crusading as an
Crusade – a holy war – to reconquer Jerusalem. The First Crusade (1096–99) was a to recur during later crusades. Robert idea was undimmed by these financial
largely French affair, but the closely Curthose pledged the Duchy of impositions, and the English chronicler
interlinked landed and political Normandy as surety for Henry of Huntingdon described the
interests of the nobility of Normandy a 10,000-mark preaching of the First Crusade as the
and that of England meant that there loan his brother
was an English dimension of sorts; gave him to The Crusade assault on Jerusalem
William II’s brother, Robert Curthose, fund his The capture of the Holy City of Jerusalem on July 15,
Duke of Normandy, took part, as crusading 1099 was a great triumph. It was accompanied by the
did others, such as Eustace of effort. To massacre of large numbers of its inhabitants, both
Boulogne, who held large estates raise this Muslim and Christian.
in England. A small English
fleet also made its way to the



Known as “Lionheart” due to his skill as
a warrior, Richard I gained early military
experience while rebelling against his
father Henry II. He spent only three
months in England in 1189, just long
enough to claim the throne after his
father’s death and raise finances for the
Third Crusade. While returning overland
from Palestine, he was seized by Duke
Leopold of Austria and held prisoner
until a large ransom was paid in 1194.
Another brief sojourn in England followed
to restore the damage done by his
brother John, who had seized power in
Richard’s absence, but he then spent the
last five years of his life in France, where
he built Gaillard castle (below) in 1196.


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