Itu - Unit Calendar

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Mariana Echeverria

Veronica Martinez
Integrated Thematic Unit Calendar
Foreign Lang.- Spanish 7th grade Mathematic
Content Standard:
Discovering the richness of culture in CCSSM 7.RP:
Spanish Speaking countries 2. Recognize and represent proportional relationships between
Standard: quantities.
Demonstrate understanding of the main Mathematical Practices
MP 3: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
idea and some details on some informal
topics related to self and the immediate Content Objective:
environment. Demonstrate understanding Students will be able to list the similarities and differences
of sentences and strings of sentences in between proportional relationships and linear non-proportional
authentic texts that are spoken, written, or relationships.
signed. ELD Standard:
Productive 10. Writing (Bridge)
Objective: b. Write clear and coherent summaries of texts and experiences
Students will be able to communicate using using complete and concise sentences and key words
the target language and explore Spanish (e.g., from notes or graphic organizers).
speaking countries. ELD Objective:
Assessments: Students will be able to write a clear and coherent summary,
● Formative assessments; class comparing and contrasting the two math problems, using
monitoring, complete and concise sentences.
Anticipatory set:
Names of all countries in Spanish Formative assessments; class monitoring
v=TS8Tx4oZ5PM Anticipatory set: Think and Record
Instruction: Students will write about
● Intro to vocabulary “How can people compare the price of different airlines,
especially when the airlines offer different discounts? ”
● Note Taking verb conjugations of
present progressive Instruction:
● How many Spanish speaking Introduce the math problems
countries do we have in the world? Ask students to identify the following
lecture 1: theme of each word problem (what is the problem about)
2: quantities on the problem (numbers plus its units)
Independent Practice: Graphic Organizer 3: meaning of each question (what are we looking for)
Closure: Crossword puzzle
Independent Practice:
Students will first attempt to answer the questions of the graphic
After 15 minutes of individual/private thinking, students will join
their assigned groups to continue working on the assignment.

In writing compare and contrast the two different scenarios

Note: one scenario represents a proportional relationship. The

other scenario is a linear relationship, but it is not proportional.

DAY 3- Joint Session DAY 4

Foreign Lang.- Spanish Content Standard:
Intro to Service Learning 1. Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures,
including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale
drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.
Standard: WL.CM4.I
Participate in opportunities to use age- Mathematical Practices
appropriate, culturally authentic, real-world, MP 6: Attend to precision.
and academic language in transactional
and some informal settings within target- Content Objective:
Students will be able to draw on scale the map of a spanish
language communities in the United States speaking country with accuracy.
and around the world.
Objective: Students will be able to choose ELD Standard:
where they will be doing their service- Collaborative 1. Exchanging information/ideas (Bridge)
learning and bring their knowledge of the contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following
turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others,
language and other skills to their adding relevant information and evidence, paraphrasing key
community. ideas, building on responses, and providing useful feedback.
Assessments: Class sign up, verification
of hours through service log, In-class ELD Objective:
activities Students will be able to contribute to the groups discussion by
following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming
Anticipatory set: Motivational video Why others, adding relevant information and evidence, paraphrasing
should you do service-learning? key ideas, building on responses, and providing useful feedback.
v=rwelE8yyY0U Assessments:
Instruction: Formative assessments; class monitoring
Check the accuracy on the scale drawing and the data point
● Continue with grammar; present provided by the students.
● Intro to Service- learning project Anticipatory set: Think and Record
Independent Practice: Students will be asked to enlarge or reduce some geometric
● In-class practice; vocab. And figures using dot grid paper.
present progressive verb form.
Closure: Expectations for service-learning Introduce the task of the day. 1) Each group will get the name of a spanish speaking
v=HianSu9ZzkY country. This country will be their focus of study for both
their Spanish and their Math class.
2) Each group will get the map of their assigned Spanish
speaking country.
3) Their task is to enlarge the map by at least 300%
4) Students will be required to gather data about the
dimensions of the original map and of the copy (their
enlarged map)

Independent Practice:
Students will spend some minutes independently writing up a
plan to complete the task of the day. Then, the students will get
into groups to collaborate to complete the task.

The teacher will call some students at random to ask them to
share their strategy to scale a figure (the map) and/or to explain
how we can check if a scale is accurate.

Foreign Lang.- Spanish Content Standard:
Let’s explore 1. Compute unit rates associated with ratios of fractions,
Standard: WL.CL2.I including ratios of lengths, areas and other quantities
Experience, recognize, and explore the measured in like or different units. For example, if a
relationships among typical age- person walks 1/2 mile in each 1/4 hour, compute the unit
rate as the complex fraction 1⁄2/1⁄4 miles per hour,
appropriate target cultures’ products, equivalently 2 miles per hour.
practices, and perspectives in culturally
appropriate ways in transactional situations Mathematical Practices
and some informal settings. MP 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

Content Objective:
Objective: Students will be able to Students will be able to compute unit rates associated with ratios
continue to work in their assigned country of fractions, including ratios of length, areas and other quantities
and explore the different cultures, hotels, measured in like or different units.
and food related to their country.
Assessments: Class monitoring, check for ELD Standard:
Collaborative 1. Exchanging information/ideas (Bridging)
understanding, exit ticket, self- contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following
assessment. turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others,
adding relevant information and evidence, paraphrasing key
Anticipatory set: ideas, building on responses, and providing useful feedback.
Intro to El camino de Santiago and the
ELD Objective:
importance it has all over the world and the Students will be able to contribute to the groups discussion by
culture and religion behind it all. following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others, adding relevant information and evidence, paraphrasing
v=OJ44g_P2IWg key ideas, building on responses, and providing useful feedback.
● Reading Aloud “El camino de Formative assessments; class monitoring
Santiago en Navarne España” Check that student compute unit rates between dollars and the
● Intro to Spanish project the money used on their assign Spanish speaking country
informational Pamphlet based on the
country assigned. Anticipatory set: Think and Record
Students will be given a questionnaire about things that they
Independent Practice:
should know about their assign Spanish speaking country (one
● Research videos and articles related of the questions ask about the currency used in that country)
to their Spanish Speaking country
assigned. Instruction:
● Pamphlet/Brochure class 1: Students will get some time to fish writing their analysis about
the scale drawing
time/materials provided
Closure: Exit Ticket 3: the teacher will summarize all the learning that has occured in
Q’s: What is el camino de Santiago?” this unit. She will give formal notes about vocabulary terms
Where is Naverne located?
3: the teacher will give on what the unit rate is and how it can be
used to compare quantities.

Independent Practice:
Students will fill out the graphic organizer where they will find the
unit rate for currency. They will also use the unit rate to compare
the prices of products from different brands.
Critical Question: In what country are the products more
expensive, relative to the currency of the money of that country?

The teacher will call some students at random to ask them to
share an example of how we can use the knowledge of unit rate
in real life scenarios.

Content Standard:
Foreign Lang.- Spanish CCSSM 7.RP:
Culture & Livelihood 2. Compute unit rates associated with ratios of fractions,
including ratios of lengths, areas and other quantities
Standard:WL.CL3.I measured in like or different units. For example, if a
Exchange information about similarities and person walks 1/2 mile in each 1/4 hour, compute the unit
differences among common daily products, rate as the complex fraction 1⁄2/1⁄4 miles per hour,
practices, and perspectives in the equivalently 2 miles per hour.
immediate environment in the mainstream
Mathematical Practices
cultures of the United States, the students’ MP 2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
own cultures, and the target cultures.
Content Objective:
Objective: Students will explore and Students will be able to compute unit rates associated with ratios
understand the differences and similarities of fractions, including ratios of length, areas and other quantities
measured in like or different units.
of their assigned country’s cultures and
compare it with their own. ELD Standard:
Assessments: Class monitoring, check for Collaborative 1. Exchanging information/ideas (Bridging)
understanding, contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following
Anticipatory set: Intro to history and turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others,
adding relevant information and evidence, paraphrasing key
cultures of Latin America ideas, building on responses, and providing useful feedback.
v=54VsCVEmp9w ELD Objective:
Instruction: Students will be able to contribute to the groups discussion by
● Intro to Latin American History and following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming
others, adding relevant information and evidence, paraphrasing
various indigenous cultures and key ideas, building on responses, and providing useful feedback.
roots of religion throughout the
Spanish-speaking countries. Assessments:
● Vocab list/Graphic organizer Formative assessments; class monitoring
Independent Practice:
Anticipatory set:
● Graphic organizer
3 Act Math - Nana's Chocolate Milk - Act 1
● Continue with Travel Brochure Students will write a solution to this problem.
Closure:Turn in completed travel brochure
of their assigned country. Instruction:
The teacher will give students some time to research and decide
which recipe each group will choose to represent their country of
students will collaborate to modify the recipe that they got from
the internet or from a interviewer

Independent Practice:
students will decide which recipe they will use to represent their
country of focus.
Then, students will collaborate to modify the recipe that they got
from the internet or from an interviewer to make so that they can
serve 78 people.

Students will turn in their new recipes identifying each ingredient
and the proper measurement to get feedback from the teacher.

DAY 9 DAY 10
Foreign Lang.- Spanish Content Standard:
Presentations 1. Compute unit rates associated with ratios of fractions,
Standard: WL.CM3.I including ratios of lengths, areas and other quantities
Make simple presentations in culturally measured in like or different units. For example, if a
appropriate ways on transactional and person walks 1/2 mile in each 1/4 hour, compute the unit
informal topics related to self and the rate as the complex fraction 1⁄2/1⁄4 miles per hour,
equivalently 2 miles per hour.
immediate environment. Use sentences
and strings of sentences through spoken,
written, or signed language using the most Content Objective:
suitable media and technologies to present Students will be able to compute unit rates associated with ratios
and publish. of fractions,.

ELD Standard:
Objective: Students will be able to identify Productive 9. Presenting (Bridging)
the similarities and differences of the Plan and deliver longer oral presentations on a variety of topics
Spanish-Speaking countries presented. in a variety of disciplines, using reasoning and evidence to
Assessments: Class monitoring, support ideas, as well as growing under- standing of register.
presentations included in rubric for service
learning. ELD Objective:
Anticipatory set: Review Students will be able to deliver oral presentations, using
rubric/Presentations reasoning and evidence to support ideas, as well as growing
Instruction: understanding of register.
● Presentations
Independent Practice:
Rubrics for presentations which includes assessment of
● Practice for their presentations presentations skills and accuracy of the use of the unit rate to
Closure:Thanks to students for helping make the new recipe.
put in their community with Moana song
“You’re welcome” but in Spanish Anticipatory set:
Students will write a small reflection about their learning through
this unit.
The teacher makes four new groups such that each country is
represented in each group.

Independent Practice:
Presentations: each presenter will present the country their
group investigated. The presenter will explain the meaning of
each of the symbols that they decided to draw on the map and
finally the presenter will share with the audience the recipe that
their group cooked to take to the homeless shelter.

Students will write a little reflection about what they learned with
each presentation and they will answer the essential question
Why is it important to value the diversity of cultures?

Describe how the different content areas are addressing the theme

Theme: Students will learn the food, geography, and culture about Spanish speaking countries.

Spanish: Students will learn the language of the country through vocabulary, grammar and history of
a country and they will apply what they have learned in a final project.
Math: Students will apply their knowledge about proportional learning to compare different aspects of
their own country and the country that they are investigating. These aspects will include money,
currency, price of different products, measurements. Students will also use proportional thinking in
real life by cooking a new recipe; the food will be donated to the homeless shelters.

For the Service Learning component, just describe what the students will be doing to satisfy
that requirement.

Students will have the opportunity to choose between two options(roles)

1) Assist on the distribution of food in a shelter facility.
2) Serve as translators (on public resources facilities)

Community Service is part of the expectation for every student. Each student will need to commit to 8
to 10 hours for their individual service project. Students will present their community service project
to their class by the end of the 2 weeks.

The Service Project should include the following:

1) A Service Log Listing 6 or more hours
2) A Visual Presentation that is Organized student created
3) An Oral Presentation that is clear and well prepared
4)A Written/Typed Paragraph explaining what you did and what you learned.

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