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Islam Ghana Page

13 January 2014 at 20:34 ·


Almighty Allah has made man and woman to compliment each other , when they come together into a pious
relationship of marriage , they complete each other , it is an inbuilt desire in human to have a partner with whom he
could live his life in peace and tranquility and build a family.
Many of us suffer a lot in finding a suitable match but have we ever wondered who is the best match for us ?
Who could decide it best except Allah , Who knows what is best for us our present our future and for our akhirah.
So why not ask Allah through the supplications mentioned in Quran !
Through the words told by Allah Himself , because they are the most blessed supplications made by Prophets (may
Allah be pleased with them) told by Allah the most Merciful and generous to make dua in a certain way.
These duas have greater chances to be accepted by Allah , so please strive hard to memorize these duas learn their
meanings and
make them especially at acceptable times like tahajjud, after doing a good deed ( e.g charity) , after
obligatory prayers, between Adhan and iqmah etc..
Please teach these beautiful supplications to your friends, loved ones, and know that dua is much powerful then
other wordly powers and sources.
Following are the duas
mentioned in Quran please strive to learn them In shaa Allah.
"Rabbana hab lana min azwajina wa dhuriyyatina qurrata A'yunin waj'alna lil-muttaqina imama."
"Our Lord! give us spouse and children who will be the joy( and the comfort ) of our eyes, and guide us to be models
of righteous (make us Leader of God-concious people). " (Qur'an 25:74)
Another Dua is:
Rabbi inni lima anzalta illaya min khairin faqeer”
O my Lord ! Truly I am in need of whatever good You bestow on me. [ Surah Al-Qasas ,verse 24 ]
You can add any Dua that you know,make zikir and keep asking Almighty Allah patiently for directions and In shaa
Allah,Allah will make a choice for you.
To all those who are praying to have husband/wife,May The Most Merciful,The Most Loving and The Most Protector
grant you all with the right partner who light up your heart with true and pure lov,....Aameen.
***[Please kindly share,Help others to read and benefit from this,In shaa Allah,you will be rewarded if someone
benefits because of you]***

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