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1. What is expected from the TVET Trainer by the trainees at the end of trade or
technical training course? Where is this expectation rooted from?

- At the end of the course the trainer expected that the trainee will be equipped with the
concepts of how to become a Trainer and/or Assessor as you finish this course, Trainers
Methodology I (TM I). And the trainee should keep in mind the skills and knowledge required to
become a competent trainer in the future. This expectation rooted from what they finish and
achieve through the course.

2. Is a trainer inseparable from an assessor? If yes, why, otherwise, why?

-Yes, because “a trainer is an assessor, an assessor is a trainer” as what the module stated, the
assessor and the trainer is qualified to conduct an assessment and a training because they had the
knowledge and skills in the unit coverage of the competency and they are both holder of National
TVET Trainer Certificate.

3. What makes a trainee eligible to be a candidate for trainer training?

-The candidate for trainer training must have these following qualifications; He/She must be
graduate of baccalaureate degree or equivalent in training or experience along the field of
Technical Vocational Education and Training. He/She is certified at the same or higher NC
Level in the qualification that will be handled (for technical trainers). He/She must be able to
communicate orally and in writing. Be physically fit and mentally healthy. Must be proficient in
quantitative and qualitative analysis Proficient in verbal reasoning.

4. If a trainee shows violation in time while demonstrating, what is the objective action of
a trainer in giving the trainee’s assessment? Why?

- When the trainee shows any violations in the time while demonstrating during the
enhancement period the trainee should repeat the entire process until he/she master
all unit of competency to meet the given time. And in actual assessment the assessor
marked the trainee incompetent because he/she violated the rule or the time during the
actual assessment.
5. Differentiate traditional education and CBT.

-Traditional Education, the teacher controls the environment (or called teacher-centered
approach). So this learning is trainer-centered. The trainer is the main source of information
through lectures and demonstrations. They depend to their trainer on what procedure he’s/she’s
given to them. The trainee may not be encouraged to consult other sources for additional
materials. While the Competency Based Training (CBT) the learners control and manipulate the
tools and equipment with the guide of the trainer (also called student-centered approach). Active
learning may can be encouraged if the self-paced approach is pursued because the trainer become
a facilitator and the learning material can come from a variety of different sources.

6. Based on your own experience during your NC II completion, how did your trainer
diagnose and solve your learning problem? ( for those who finished already their NC II)

-In my own experience during my NCII, how my teacher or my trainer solve my learning
problem, first she demonstrate the procedures step by step then she allow me to do the task. She
observe and teach me the proper procedure patiently until I mastered all the competencies and
she give as a piece of advices to motivate as in order pass the NCII.

7. As a trainee for trainers methodology, how will you select what you want to learn?
Why? ( for those who do not have NC II yet)

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