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Evaluating a Lower Division Course Syllabus

Dental Hygiene Educational Concepts

Bridget Geary, Jennifer McBride, Yvonne Haire

Group 3

March 29, 2020

St. Petersburg College


Group 3: Rubric for Course Syllabus

Component Criteria Comments Max Pts
Pts Earned
Overall Tone. 1 - Student/learning oriented, positive, No errors. 1 1
Student/Learning respectful, motivational
oriented 0.5 Deduction – Teacher-oriented,
mechanical, or dictatorial (CAPS)
Design & 1 point – Provides clear, consistent, & Lengthy, 24 pages 1 0.5
Appearance. Length well-written content, visually appealing, with repetitive
of syllabus, text, & appropriate length, text & visual content contents such as cell
visual content supplement and reflect one another phone policy. Some
0.5 Deduction - Incomplete editing, of the information is
lengthy, repetitive information, most likely repeated
unappealing from the Program
Manual and
unnecessary in the
syllabus. (- 0.5)
Syllabus Heading. 1 - All information that is applicable to No errors. 1 1
Instructor name & the course is represented
contact information 0.5 Deduction - Required information is
not listed
Course Description. 1 - All information that is applicable to * Pre-Practicum 1 1
Course number & the course is represented Requirements are
name, pre- 0.5 Deduction - Required information is listed on page 15
requisites, required not listed
texts & materials
Learning 1 - Listed with appropriate, descriptive * Measurable 1 1
Outcomes. Goals & verbs that lend themselves to objectives are posted
Objectives measurement & seek higher levels of under Clinical
learning Practicum, page 15-
0.5 Deduction - Stated in general, but 16
vague and unmeasurable terms; not
Course Schedule. 1 - Fully articulated & logically No concerns or errors 1 1
Organized sequenced course schedule with noticed.
breakdown of chronological topics listed for each
weekly topics & class, along with required readings &
required readings preparation necessary from student
0.5 Deduction - Little or no information
on what course topics will be covered

each week
Assignments 1 - Assignments listed with due dates, Late policy and 1 0.5
Required. Due dates explanation of late policy, & other assignments are
& late policy requirements that might affect grades listed; Missing
0.5 Deduction - Course assignments assignment due dates
listed, but with no due dates (- 0.5)
Course Evaluation. 1 - Each graded assignment is clearly Exceptional detail, no 1 1
Grading scale of described with its relative value towards errors.
assignments the overall course grade
0.5 Deduction - Little or no information
about how the students will be graded
Academic Policy & 1 - Information about all pertinent No errors. 1 1
Procedures. academic policies, including academic
Attendance, integrity, accommodating students with
academic integrity disabilities, & class attendance
& accessibility 0.5 Deduction – Little or no information
Spelling, Grammar, 1 point – No spelling and grammatical No concerns or errors 1 1
Punctuation. errors, overall professionalism noticed.
0.5 Deduction - Improper sentence
structure, grammar, spelling, or
Total Points 10 9

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