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Name : Fatimatuzzahro 1808103033 TBI 4C

The Impact Of Studying Intercultural Understanding For ELT

Is intercultural understanding course give impact for english language teaching? Sure
indeed. Intercultural understanding is the potential based on having students build awareness,
abilities, behaviors and attitudes that allow them to recognize and value people from different
groups and cultures. In the intercultural understanding course students are taught how to
communicate with other culture, learn about new cultures etc. Communication is have a close
relations with language, that’s why intercultural understanding became important role in ELT.
According to Murni in Permana (2013), stated that language english is the driving force of
globalization that is very unstoppable, current it shortens the distance and bridges various forms of
separation between countries in the world by creating global harmony in such matters science and
technology, politics, social culture, and economy (p. 2). Learning a language cannot be separated
from learning how to language used in everyday life, especially how the language is influenced and
also helped shape the culture of native speakers. This implies that someone who studies a particular
language without understanding its potential culture being a "foolish, ignorant" ( Bennet in Riesky,
2003, p. 1 ). Therefore that’s intercultural understanding is very important in ELT, there are the
impact of studying Intercultural for ELT ; The ability to guide and facilitate values development
and attitudinal change in oneself and in learners, Teacher not just only focus to teach english but
can also learn how to teaching english by adjusting student culture, can communicate with other
culture more easily.
First impact is the ability to guide and facilitate values development and attitudinal change
in oneself and in learners, from studying intercultural understanding teacher more easily to guide
and facilitate values development and attitudinal change for their students. Without studying
intercultural it can hard to identifies the characters of the students. With studying intercultural also
can guide and facilitate values development and attitudinal change in teacher itself.
Next impact is teacher not just only focus to teach english but can also learn how to teaching
english by adjusting their student culture. As a teacher must be able to adjust the culture of their
students, because in one class there must be many different cultures, therefore teacher must be able
to adjust learning with their students culture, by being able to adjust the culture of their students
teaching will be easier and students feel more comfortable in learning.
Then the next impact is we can communicate with other culture more easily, in intercultural
understanding learn about intercultural communication, how to communicate with other cultures,
how to deal with it. If we visit a new region, the culture is different from us, we want to
communicate with the people, we can adjust by facing the new culture that is explained in
intercultural understanding.
In conclusion that language have a close relations with culture, and study intercultural
understanding is very important for ELT, as explained above that intercultural course give the
positif impact in ELT there are : The ability to guide and facilitate values development and
attitudinal change in oneself and in learners, Teacher not just only focus to teach english but can
also learn how to teaching english by adjusting student culture, can communicate with other culture
more easily.

Bennet, J. M. (2003). Developing intercultural competence in the language classroom. In lange, D.
L., & paige, M. P. (Eds.), Culture as the core: Perspectives on culture in second language
learning . Greenwich: Information Age Publishing .
Permana, I. G. (2016). Pendidikan bahasa inggris berbasis budaya. Bali: Universitas Pendidikan

Riesky. (1981). .1981.Pemahaman Budaya dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa (Asing). Retrieved May
02, 2020, from
RIESKY/ Pemahaman_Budaya_ dalam_ Pem belajaran _Bahasa.pdf

South australia department of education. (n.d.). Intercultural understanding. Retrieved May 02,
2020, from

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