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Meanwhile scaling policy is a valid verification of moody motivated truthfulness can lay

around transformation of impressive interact joins the units for super-ownership and
valid regulation of inner ruling has to hold meaningfulness mainstream of cooperative
coordination or commodity looks to exploit the effectiveness of envelops show:

p (1− p )
envelop((−1+exp( ),−1+exp( ));(ln (1+(e−1)⋅p), ln(1+(e−1)⋅(1− p ))))
(1− p) p

Draft copy 05/04/20

Liable linguistic logic’s has to provide people with the principles of human harmony when transition
hypothesis would gain or win the first steps to fill in valid processing of transition tractability at the
time when the effectively exploration of impressive pressure could resit against unity procedures would
maintain the whole cooperative context of human commonly sense. Either moral compass or similar
enhancement of a built in behavior of transition tractability when associate angry mentality could call
itself to refer to the judgment of situation or when the relaxed running has to mixture the harmony of
existence around units for wellness and quietness, the valid concept of managing an operative
ownership has to calculate the running gratefulness of a driven kernel looks being ready to be awaken
when it is required and would be enabled at the moment when the judgment of situation could be
learning process of human thesaurus. Although since the worthy walk story when some people could
speak about the snow man but other could speak about the traveling trips of scheduling souls around a
free space hold all sort kind stuffs of predictive processing when looking to the resulting in reality of
meeting a real world of influence has to define the surprise of driving signs for proposal of predictions
and has to adjust the principles of harmony in a meaningful sense of sensible behavior that has to
support the countable effects of human logic’s around judgment of situation would believe in the
harmony of existence:: yeah it is possible to imagine a world of encoding where each state of human
logic’s has to search itself inside a proposal codes would comply with principles of human concerns.
Like many other creationism arts, human harmony could then believe in its super-being through a
filtering process shall obey to winning gains of selectivity and sensitivity. Hence, it is a subject of
applied associative assignment of “super-ownership” could mean much more confidence and
trustfulness than brutal ness, “super ownership” could invoke the principles of valid balance hold all
sort kind stuffs of gracefulness and revolutionary show afford the principles of cooperation,
coordination and collectivism. The design of this approach where the exerting of boundary barrier
limits shall decide whether principles of human existence could defend the valid show of innocent
images have to provide the driven kernels of existence with the valid concept of super ownership could
affect the daily comportment and behavior of any person around the globe. For scaling policy, there a
worthy way to locate the rationalism reign hold the principles of job scheduling and to define its clear
aim object around over away. Thereupon learning mimetic rules and principles would residue inside a
valid concept of transition traceability where a set of transaction cold then obey to any centric metric
approach strategy.

Learning mimetic rules an laws would offer the great opportunity of learning clear comportment of
judgment situation where intentional influence on what aim object would refer to the absolutely
association of the gain and winning data which have been stored within a support of selectivity
dynamics calls itself each time a driven kernel core of timing simulation (filters like inductive
capacitance or capacitive resistance or digital filters through better programming of correlation and
similar multiplexing process have to solve the problem of signal complexity around over away.
Meanwhile transition tractability is a valid concept of implementable human commonly sense feels
being free to arrange situations where enhancement of qualitative approach shall decide whether a clear
dialog concept would refer to great works of instructive iterative insight. Thereof based upon the
operating opportunity of digital concept where transformation of impulsive excitement has to support
the whole things of judgment of situation. Hence many inventors of compilers optimization had valid
elaboration process designs of human harmony whose driven kernel cores clusters finished with
accomplishing thread tasks of descriptive world engender a clear settlement criteria to set constraint
conditions would define the boundary barrier limits of compiling codes for human commonly senses
and soul satisfaction. Hence measuring uncertainty around a rotative reign (count a day away to be
aware :: itemizing insight holds the mainstream of calling history or the story for comparative
concept→ something was happened … and since such a date of happening of this event, people look
for scientific aspects to can explain what could be better solution or what would be prediction of future
and what it shall be features of corresponding instrumentation or what link the resulting in roots into
the principles of periodicity or what has to provide the digital composite with the principles of a clear
pipeline concept:: fetch through sensible behavior concept, decode whereas decimal approach is the
higher reference of a numerical approach shall define the principles and driven kernels of computing
numeric s, running algorithms inside developed component which comply with the aim object of
manufacturing whole instrumentation to compute returns of human commonly sense around over away,
finally it shall be appliance of timing simulation reveals for which the process of encoding again and
storing in required media has to play the great importance .

Hence, it is a clear approach of compiling human logic’s at a speed of knowing the sense of commonly
sense, a sense of providing the actual current life show with clear meaningfulness of what it can define
aim objects for hopefulness and truthfulness, a meaningfulness of driven kernels to feel better and well
at any time, a meaningfulness for being clear with the unit of ownership… Hence, the running race for
being informed enough about transition traceability and the terms of enhancement where the judgment
of situation could call policy procedures to grow with. Hence scaling policy is a support engine for
balancing the harmony of request and response:: thereof it can be time to hear people suffering around
about but it will be not possible to help them. Enhancing the situation of gracefulness or greatness is a
mirroring concept would obey to clear learning of managing leadership, a clear contexts of working
composite (yeah it can exist a Composite runs intentional imaging impact of returns of Minus(among,
basics) = “almost among, there is basics”. This driven kernel of this unified approach looks inside
theoretical aspects of motivated discrete talk or discrete soul talk or the offering of a support of dialog
where this discrete soul shall survive adventures in traveling around away defining the commonly
senses of quietness and wellness. Thereupon human harmony is a support settlement for better design
of instructive impressive induction has to refer to “neither guilty nor faulty” which could affect a
terminology of the judgment of situation would then define the harmony of being together searching a
commonly senses of cooperation and coordination, being together as it seems having same shining
signs of being one family, being together as it can explain itself as if shall elaborate procedures for
quietness and wellness, the it would time to obey better enhancement of human comportment, being
together defines the principles of human harmony when the smart smile or similar context of happiness
has to cover all sort kind stuffs of harmony highlight around over away. The principles of cooperative
coordination can teach people the manner of admitting methodology asks for a minimum support of
knowledge culture. Thereupon exerting education is innocent terminology where the resulting reality
has to convoy its existence through clear criteria of locality, loyalty, superiority, satisfaction, aim
object belong to human thoughts, relativity for achieving things, … etc..

Let look inside exerting examples when transformation of valid compiled codes for surviving
adventures and learning loans for currently regulation (rent, meals, …) would then invoke the
principles of knowledge support affords. Hence, when the kindness of policy is a selective scheduling
show has to locate running indexes and statement of super-being would examine the situation where
human harmony has to read through a filtering process all sort kind stuffs of growth, gracefulness,
gratefulness, notability of inner intellectual inspiration insight has to offer the room of meeting
complexity of leadership has to calculate all indexing harmony of quietness and wellness. Examining
the harmony of preference where the process of election could then define the sense selectivity, the
commonly rules of impressiveness, the fundamental harmony of collectivism, the “swear it” process for
aiming to achieve superiority of leadership and evolving ownership of “super me = smoothly soul,
definition of discrete soul survive each moment the gain of human harmony can equal to cheerful
narrative gathers all support of smiles, happiness, success, elaboration,, … being readily achievement
and accomplishment of thread task jobs are commonly sense (yeah commonly sense either in owning
language of being super in leadership or in a foreign language through acceptance of associate
assumptions depend of whatever bearing witness process has to teach people a clear methodology of
super-ownership. Therefore, God believers could then define the principles of super-ownership like a
traveling trips of shinning signs have to return the cheerfulness of a holding kernels harmony. Thus
let’s look backwards into the selective story of Adams where the principles of asking God for
forgiveness (Lieber Gott please help mir to be nearest to ) for being much more consciously trusting on
what together living has to define for great gain of faithfulness and hopefulness. Yeah hoping someone
could survive owning dreams through excitement of helpfulness and human aid through examination of
envisage encouragement.:: would have moody initiative principles to manage for ownership:: traveling
around, teaching principles of knowledge culture, improving intention of asking for super-being,
believing in the truthfulness, rectifying the pray for living dreams .. ...,

1 p n⋅(1− p)+1
f (.)+ε X p log 2 (1+ )⋅log 2 ( )
−1+e 1+n⋅(1− p) p
X= f 2 (.)=−1+e 1− p
e −1
1+16⋅β e 1− p
1 1− p n⋅p+1
g (.) +εY log2 (1+ )⋅log2 ( )
−1+e 1+n⋅p 1− p ∓ X⋅Y⋅(X −Y )
Y= p
e−1 1− p ( X +Y )3
1+16⋅β e
p n⋅(1− p)+1
1− p log2 (1+ )⋅log2 ( )
1+n⋅(1− p) p log2 (2−X ∨Y )
g2 (.)=−1+e p
1− p
2−log2 (2−X ∨Y )
1+16⋅β e

On the other hand earning English language is a thread task of consciously characters. Although based
upon this context, many people did think about inspiring techniques could help digital draw description
design ( how to design a better harmony between composing components look very useful for
achieving transition tractability in terms of traceability, …. etc.
Hence it is a valid concept of managing composing would mirror the effect of “making progress at time
t = number of iteration * (1 over F (sampling frequency)). Hence to accomplish thread tasks of digital
driven draw description design where the philosophical aspects shall run ( leaf like assumptions about
or concern he reign of God ) codes involving harmony of cooperative coordination. Thereof it is a
complex character show for people to believe in their consciously conviction making theory of
invisible pressure whose kernel core (or heart of harmony maintain unified language of faithfulness )
invokes measurable values of hopefulness, helpfulness, trustfulness (how far away would be trust-able?
Is it true that someone could trust someone else ?)

3⋅p⋅(1− p)
X= a=log2 (1+ X ) b=log 2(2− X )
1− p⋅(1− p)
2⋅p⋅(1− p)
X= 2 a=log 2 (1+log2 (1+ X )) b=log 2(1+log 2 (2−X ))
p +(1− p)2
p⋅(1− p) log2 (1+ X ) log 2 (2− X )
X= a= b=
(1−2 p)2 + p⋅(1− p) 2−log2 (1+ X ) 2−log2 (2− X )

Although, it is principles of operating opportunities for modeling the (LOW, HIGH) concerns the
matching pointers look very useful within the implementable assumptions of optimization of compilers
whose real tasks have to deliver performance of developed composite belongs to the manufacturing of
digital components around over away. Thus, digital driven draw description designs principles of
human logic’s refers to the principles of owing human innerness, human ability, human capability,
human credibility, human something or something human or something being useful for surviving
adventures, advances , arrangements, … etc which evolves the traceability of knowledge culture.
Hence cultivating knowledge around associate criteria of know-how, thoughts, existence, exploitation,
built in behavior of commonly sense, communicative concept of cooperation, leadership of
coordination, and much more about this and around that could drop all things of investigation into
judgment show of mapping pair (genuine = something leaf like highlight of clear composite shall obey
to a zinging consideration of “making progress”, unjust = something else or anything else matters truth
(resulting reality inside an environmental parametrization (computerization :: like the story of
Abraham's theory and the concept of being consciously away to get truth about something looks much
more sure and useful. Although computerization could admit that the principles of original prediction
complies with Prophet-ism (prophetic logic’s admitting the know of inner innocent satisfaction refers
to quotation quietness = part of a book (this part shall concern driven description of prediction, of what
could be done (intentional illustration: make prays like Prophets did it), which story shall influence the
whole principles of believing or concordance (talking narratives when it refers to real world of truth, ..
commodity (benefits and interests) for measuring acts belong to motivation and initiative convenience
(suitableness :: “shaping digital driven draw description = to weigh what convenience both of time and
means” etc, .. ) .

1−2 p log 2(1+X ) log2 (2− X)

X= a= b=
1− p⋅(1− p) 1−log2 (1+X ) 1−log2 (2−X )
1−2 p
X= 2 a=log2 (1+log2 (1+X )) b=log 2(1+log2 (2− X ))
p +(1− p)2
1−2 p log 2(1+X ) log2 (2− X)
X= a= b=
(1−2 p)2 + p⋅(1− p) 2−log2 (1+X ) 2−log2 (2−X )
±a⋅b⋅(a−b) log2 (1+a2 ) 1
wavy= validation= level=
(a+b)3 2
1+log 2 (1+a ) 1+log 2 (1+b 2 )

Moreover correlation is energetic processing of parallelism (wheeling way to ensure principles of

switching specification :: thus using simply easy exploration of string pieces = “count a day away to be
aware “ , “a b c wanna want to be , a b c it shall turn for me, a b c ...” , “may innocence images or
mirrors refer to development and manufacturing of kernels cores or driven engines of truthfulness ?” ..
etc .. Hence, conserving the harmony of synchronization is framework of transition tractability.
Additionally to the principles of existence “it can exist Composite runs the principles of exploitation of
function Minus( among, basics) = translation of ( set→first = among sets = it reflects all the whole
judgment of existence (poorest possible processing, mostly likely probably proceeding, etc ...) ,
set→second = basics (like Q-basic which was developed by Microsoft to coordinate running rally to
handle or to use or manipulate digital components)
∂2 progress
∂time ±a⋅b⋅(a−b) 1
challenge= wavy= l=
clear⋅behavior (a +b)3 1+log 2 (1+a2)
∓Min ()⋅Max ()⋅(Max ()− Min()) log2 (1+a 2) α⋅l
clear= v= zing=log 2(1+ )
( Min()+Max ())3 2
1+log2 (1+a ) 1+ β⋅v
p p
+e 1− p )
− α j (−1 +e ) 1−p − α ⋅(−1
behavior= A⋅(1−e ) behavior= A j⋅(1−e ) behavior= A i⋅(1−e i
α⋅log2 (1+appear (event ))
p= α i=amortissement out=correlation(wavy , zing )
1+ β⋅ ∑ log2 (1+appear (event ))
event iterator

Thus, using designing principles of imposing energetic parallelism for doing thing better and well
better in a representative illustration of moody motivation has to support the reality of being human
enough while looking for the jobs of digital aim object to be done within a respects of commonly sense
would return the cheerfulness of adequate arrangement has to hold all sort kind stuffs of consciously
conviction around over away. The transition traceability would affect the scheduling of thread tasks for
valid concept of human composite which has to provide cooperative coordination has to stand for better
sustainability at the time when the judgment of situations shall fulfill requirement of being owner of
accomplishing gratefulness and fruitfulness. Therefore judgment of situations has to support to retrieve
or gather much more confidence around terminology of driven definitions when human powerfulness
has to improve and enhance the selectivity of choices and charges. Along over away where transition
traceability joins valid evaluation of clear statement has to exert the principles of “it can exist
Composite runs intentional images around worth wealthy way for fundamental principles of education
and investigation when the units of proposals shall enable the process of decision. Thus it is a subject
of judgment of situation locates inside a unified language of human harmony for sweet synthesis could
lay around elaboration of invisible pressure could affect principles of education. Thus using the major
main principles of philosophical reviews : = (genuine = something, unjust = something else or anything
else ) mapping pair optimize the point overviews of scientific aspects transform human harmony into
proposal principles of optimization.
In fact, waveform compression is a better knowledge insight joins digital driven draw description with
harmony of data types. The aim object around behind logic’s of existence is a complex subject of
example like initializing a simply easy exploitation of resulting in reality concerns the proposal of
addressing things to people who want to get consciously around over away while looking for better
design of uniform traceability could help people fix their ownership invoking the principles of charging
choice. Thus, when the Lempel and Ziv ( Lempel Ziv 1977 – 1978) did use the principle of uniformity
of storage space has to hold data for better usage utility around over away. The principle is still a
primordial design of storage space could help people get consciously within exploration of basics tries
to purpose driven design of transition tractability at the time when the request of learning methodology
of manipulating data ready in a Read/Write buffer (large as it could gigs bytes or larger) . This small
example would then design the harmony of define associate principles of storage in a function form of

char a = 'a';
char *pch = &a;
char** pcch = &pch;


std::cout<< *pcch << std::endl;


Hence, it is a complex subject to work around waveform compression at higher speed of simulation of
corresponding storage space. Let assume that files, DVDs , or any storage space or media could
represent around knowledge of driven kernels would offer the higher attention of usage utility.
While the principles of this valid evaluation could help people design the harmony of storage
specification as if the first ASCII codes and similar codes could refer to any storage space cell in order
to define the valid evaluation of

#include <iostream>
#include "stdio.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include "stdlib.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include "math.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

int main (int argc, char* argv[])

if(argc < 2 ){
std::cout << "not enough parameters " << std::endl;

std::map<char, float> outmap;

std::map<char, int> inmap;
std::map<char, int>::iterator it = inmap.begin();

std::string str = argv[1];

FILE* fptr = fopen(str.c_str(), "r");


char cch = fgetc(fptr);

it = inmap.find(cch);
if(it != inmap.end()){

inmap.insert(it, std::pair<char, int>(cch, 1));





int dx = 1;

for(auto& x : inmap){

const char* kkx = &(x.first);

int n = atoi(kkx);

float yf = log(2 - log2( 1 + (dx + 1 - sqrt( 1 + dx)) / dx));

float ax = log2( 2 - yf);

float bx = log2( 1 + yf);

ax = log2( 1 + yf * log2( 1 + ax));

bx = log2( 1 + yf * log2( 1 + bx));

ax = log2( 2 - ax);

ax = (x.second)*ax;

bx = log2( 2 - bx);

bx = (x.second) * bx;

float sx = ax + bx;

float xf = ( ax * bx) * ( ax - bx) / ( sx * sx * sx);

ax = log2( ( 1 + n * abs(xf)) / abs(xf));

bx = log2( ( 1 + n * ( 1 - abs(xf))) / ( 1 -abs(xf)));

sx = ax + bx;

float xxf = ( ax * bx) * ( ax - bx) / ( sx * sx * sx);

xf = xf * log2( 2 - (n * abs(xf)) / ( n + abs(xf)));

outmap.insert(std::pair<char, float>(x.first, xf));


str = argv[2];

fptr = fopen(str.c_str(), "w");

for( auto& x : outmap) {

fprintf(fptr , "%c%f", x.first, x.second);


str = argv[3];

fptr = fopen(str.c_str(), "w");

for(auto& x : outmap){

fprintf(fptr, "%f ", x.second);



return 0;


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