Curso de Inglés BBC English 55 PDF

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Recent ac ies. a Actividades recientes. a El contro de atencién de esta unidad lo constituye un tiempo verbal inglés que todavia no conoce. el tiempo que habitualmente se denomina present perfect continuous. En el caso de que se pregunte si le restan todavia muchos tiempos verbales ingleses por estudiar, cneontrara un resumen del estado de la cuestion en esta area en Srammar, donde se presentan los tiempos verbales que ya ha aprendido junto a aquellos que todavia no conoce, Le sorprendera agridablemente advertir los progresos que ha realizado en lo que va de curso Ademas, entre otras cosas, en la presente unidad oiré el acento de una persona nativa de Nueva Zet informacion acerca de saleunos paises del Pacitico y del sudeste de Asia en los que se habla ingles a scecion de la. y reeibira Consejos para el aprendizaje. En recientes unidades, usted se ha ido enfrentando a ejemplos de inglés “real” que cada vez tienen mayor cntidad, por ejemplo, al escuchar a personas nativas de diversos paises de habla inglesa en la seccidin de Accents of English o al leer extracts de novelas en fa seccién de Extra reading Aunque al principio no le parezea tan facil aproximarse a estos textos como a otros elementos del curso, debe tener en cuenta varios aypeetos eon respecto a ellos ~ Son importantes porque ejemplifican el uso cotidiano de ta te separado (en la vida real no se habla o se escribe utilizando solo un tiempo verbal. por ¢} ~ Estin escogidos teniendo presente — Van acompanados de notas aclaratorias y de tradueciones siempre que es necesario. y retinen aspectos linguisticos estudiados por plo). 1 nivel del curso, Asi pues, aunque ten considérclos como un ejercicio dtil a la vez que un desafio. No se desani contianza en sf mismo, a usted que leer o escuchar tales textos varias veces antes de comprenderlos en su totalidad. y observara como gradualmente aumenta st Observaciones. Para hablar de actividades recientes, se utilizan a menudo las palabras since y for. Repase lo que ya conoce acerea del tuso de estas palabras en las piiginas 790, 791, 794 y 795. En la unidad 33 practics cl tiempo present perfect, que se emplea, entre otras cosas, para hablar de hechos recientes. Tye made some coffee. He hecho algo de cafe: He has just left. El acaba de salir Tal vez quiera refresear su memoria revisando las paginas 670 y 671. No obstante, en el apartado de Introduetion de la presente unidid podri ver algunos nuevos cjemplos del uso de este tiempo verbal antes de iniciar el estudio del present perfect continuous cn las siguientes paginas. us x] Speaking and listening Introduction. Angela is working in the computer room at Sunshine Travel, when Mr Jones comes to see her. He seems a little excited ~ Listen to the cassette, following the first version of the text. ~ Listen again, following the second version Read the second version aloud, pul Introduction, Mr Jones: Angela Angela: Yes? Mr Jones: Have you heard the news? Angela: What news? Mr Jones: I've just heard it on the radio. A British rocket is going to travel to the sun! Angela: A British rocket is going to travel to the sun. Mr Jones: Yes. 1 hi mm the radio a few moments igo. They interviewed the captain. ... Yes. Well, the captain Well, anyway, the or the commander ewer said: “Good be very danger- or the commander Angela: “Weve going at night.” Mr Jones: “Because we're going at night heard it before. Angela: Yes. Not long ago, actually. I think it was yes- terday afternoon. Mr Jones: Who told you? Angela: You did. Mr Jones: Did 1? Angela: Yes. Mr Jones: Oh, sorry. Angela: That's OK. It’s quite a good joke. Mr Jones: Yes. Yes, it’s the best joke I’ve heard recent “Because we're going at night. Angela: Did you want to speak to me about something? Mr Jones: Mmm? ... Oh, yes. Angela: What was it? Mr Jones: I've forgotten. Um ... Oh, what was it? I was thinking about it a few minutes ago. Angela: Was it important? Mr Jones: Yean’t remember. I think so. Oh, never mind. Il come back to me. And when it comes back to me, I'll come back and tell you You've Angela: Fine. ‘Mr Jones: 1'll come back later. “Because we're going at night.” That’s very funny. g A British rocket is going to travel to the sun. 14 UNIT 55 Introduction. Angela: Yes. Not *+** ago, actually. I think it was yes- tarday soessesee, ‘Mr Jones: Who told you? Angela: +=» did. ‘Mr Jones: Angelat Mr Jones: Did *? Angela: Yes? Angela: Yes. Mr Jones: Have you heard the ‘Mr Jones: Oh, sorry. Angela: What +++? Angela: That's OK. It's quite a good» ‘Mr Jones: Wve just heard it on the *+*+*, A British Mr Jones: Yes. Yes, it’s the +++ joke I've heard recent- rocket is ++#+» to travel to ++» sun! ly. “Because we're going at «+++»." Angela: A British «sve» is going to *+#++* to the Angela: Did you want to speak +» me about some- ‘sun. thing? Mr Jones: Yes. Uheard it on the =+**+ a few moments Mr Jones: Mmm? ... Oh, yes. see. They interviewed the captain. ... Yes. Angela: What was «+? Well, the *+5++5+ ... or the commander ..._ Mr Jones: Wve forgotten. Um ... Oh, what +» it? T was Well, anyway, the interviewer +++: “Good thinking about it a »+» minutes ago. weve with the trip. But won't it be very Angela: Was it eusesese0? seesceese?” And the captain... or the — Mr Jones: Lean’t remember. [think ++. Oh, never mind. saenenne ‘No, it won't be dangerous tll come back +» me. And when it comes at eee” see to me, Pll come ++ and tell you. Angela: “We're going ++ night.” Angela: Fine. Mr Jones: “Because we're going at *+++*." Yes. You've Mr Jones: 1'llcome back *+++*. “Because we're **+=* at heard it before. night.” That's ++ funny. Practice. ‘ak sat excitado(da), You know these expressions about recent events: emocionado(da) rocket rokw cohete recently interview ——_/'inta'vju:! entrevistar meen commander { K2mands!/ (OK) comandante ee ‘ko'mendar/ (US) atew | momen | azo just: He has just left. (UK) He just left. (US) Translate these sentences from the dialogue. . Have you heard the news? ve just heard it on the radio. heard it on the radio a few moments ago. It’s the best joke I've heard recently. I was thinking about it a few minutes ago. Answers on page 1152 ‘The Speaking and listening section in this unit has these arts: Recently. Recientemente. All morning. Toda la mai How long? {Cuinto tiempo? Every day for two weeks. Cada dia durante dos semanas. as rT Speaking and listening Recently. La prictica del present perfect continuous que realizar en esta ¥y en las siguientes paginas le ayudar a familiarizarse con los diversos usos de este tiempo verbal Aqui empezaré el estudio del present perfect continuous con algunos ejemplos que hacen referencia a actividades que se han iniciado en un pasado reciente y han continuado hasta el momento presente Tenga en cuenta que en espafiol y en otras lenguas no hay ningiin tiempo verbal que corresponda exactamente al present perfect continuous. Con frecuencia, para expresar la duraci6n que indica este tiempo verbal inglés se utilizan adverbios 0 frases adverbiales. Study these expressions He estado pensando T've been thinking Me he sentido’Me he estado sintiendo I've been feeling muy cansado(da) recientemente very tired recently. No me he sentido/No me he estado Thaven’t been feeling, sintiendo muy bien. very well. We've been working Hemos estado trabajando demasiado duramente too hard, un deseanso ‘a break > bretk la playa, Ia orilla del mar the seaside {a ‘sissand Work with the cassette Recently. Listen. Man: I've been thinking ... Woman: What about? Man: Well, I've been feeling very tired recently. Woman: Yes, I know. I haven't been feeling very well myself. I think we've been working too hard. Man: Yes. We need a break. Woman: A break? Man: Ves. 8 holiday... just for a fow days. Woman: Good idea. Man: So I've been thinking ... Would you like to g0 to the mountains for a few days? Woman: Yes. I'd love to. Man: OK. You can go to the mountains, and go to the seaside. Woman: What? Man: Joke. I'm joking. W. the mountains. Woman: Lovely. Let’s go tomorrow. Man: OK. have a few days in Listen, and answer “Yes” or “No Have you been working too hard recently? Have you been feeling tired recently? Have you been feeling ill recently? Have you been feeling well recently? i) Practice. Imagine these situations and choose the best answers. ‘You've been feeling yery tired. What should you do? = Have a short break. ~ Speak to your doctor. ‘You haven't been feeling very well. What should you do? ~ Speak to your doctor. = Stop working. = Go to the seaside. All morning. En esta pagina encontrar nuevos ejemplos del uso del present perfect continuous para hablar de actividades que se han ini- ciado en cl pasado y han continuado hasta el presente. Study these expressions. Déjeme aclarar esto. Let me get this right. EL ha estado sentado alli He's been sitting there toda Ia manana il morning. {Ha estado haciendo Has he been doing anything algo mas? else El ha estado leyendo He's been reading, tun periddico. ‘a newspaper. Et ha estado mirando He's been watching Ia casa. the house fuera, fuera de outside aut’sand) ladron burglar ba:'glo! He's been reading a newspaper all morning. UNIT Work with the cassette. All morning. Listen. Man: Is that the police station? Policewoman: Yes, sir. Man. Outside ... in the street ... Policewoman: Yes, sir? Man: There’s a man, sitti Policewoman: Yes. Man. He’s been sitting there all morning Policewoman: Sitting there all morning. Mar Yes. He's been sitting there all morn- ing. Policewoman: Well, that’s not illegal, sir. Has he een doing anything else? Man: He's been reading a newspaper. Policewoman: Let me get this right, sir. Thes man, sitting in a car in the street, ‘outside your house. Man: Yes. Policewoman: He's been sitting in his car, and he’s been reading a newspaper. Man. Yes. Policewoman: And he’s still sitting in his car, and he’s still reading his newspaper. Man: Yes. He's been watching the house Policewoman: From behind the newspaper. Man. Yes. 1 think he’s a burglar. Listen and repeat. He's been sitting in his car. He's been reading a newspaper. He's been watching the house. Practice. Read this text aloud. putting in the missing letters. Outside, in the street sit. read___ anews_. house. I think he’s a burglar. thers there all m7 Z Speaking and listening How long? Cuando se habla de aetividades que han tenido lugar a lo largo de cierto tiempo en el pasado, a menudo se menciona ‘durante custo tiempo se han desarrollado tales actividades. Como sabe, en estos casos se utilizan las palabras since + un punto determinado en el tiempo) o for (+ un periodo de tiempo). Observe las siguientes expresiones: since six o'clock. How long have you been wait for tory five mites T've been waiting desde las seis en punto {Cuinto tiempo ha esperado/ha estado esperando? ~ He esperado/He estado esperando } durante cuarenta y cinco minutos. El dislogo grabado en Ia cassette correspondiente @ la presente pégina en el que prosigue la conversacién tel fénica que ha escuchado anteriormente- le proporcionara algunos ejemplos de expresiones semejantes a las que 9M: one answer beginning acaba de ver. Solamente aparece un verbo que toduviano_Peginning For ...) conoce, cl verbo exaggerate, /ig'zaxdsorett/, que significa How long have you been learning English? “exagerar’ How long have you been living in your house or flat Practice. Answer these questions. (Give two answers for each ques: ‘and one answer SS a S) "How long has he been How long? Listen. sitting in the ca Man: I think he’s a burglar. Policewoman: You said: “All morning”, sir. How long is that exactly? Man: Sorry? Policewoman: How long has he been sitting in the ca Man How long? ... Br... Since 1115, Policewoman: He's been sitting there since 11.15. Man: ‘That’s right. Policewoman: And the time now is 11.22. Man: Er... Yes. Policewoman: So he’s been sitting there for seven min- utes. Man: Er ... Yes. Policewoman: Sir, when you said: “All morning”, you were exaggerating a little. Man. Well, perhaps just a little. Um ... If he’s still there at 11.30, shall [ call you again? swe Hello? ... Hello? ... Hello? ... Listen and repeat. He’s been sitting there since 11 1s, UNIT 55 Todos los ejemplos que ha visto hasta ahora hacen referencia a activida- des que empezaron en el pasado, han continuado hasta el presente y todavia siguen desarrolkindose en el momento en que se habla. El tiem- po present perfect continuous también puede utilizarse para referirse @ actividades que, habiéndose iniciado en el pasado y continuado casi has ta el presente, han acabado recientemente. En esta pagina encontrard algunos ejemplos de este uso. Study these sentences, mi libro. trabajado/ha estado How long have you been working on it I’ve been working on it for twenty years. You don't know any publishers, do you? What's it about? He trabajado/Hle estado trabajando cen él durante veinte anos. No conoce ningiin editor, iverdad? {De qué trata? Pye been working on it for twenty years. And now I’ve finished it. Man 1: Hello, George! Man 2: Hello, Frank! Man 1: You're looking very happy. Man 2: Y'm feeling very happy. I've just finished my book. ‘Man 1: Have you been writing a book? Man 2: Yes. Man I; What is it? A novel? Man 2: Yes, it’s a novel. Man I: How long have you been working on it? Man 2: ‘Twenty years. Man 1: ‘Twenty years? Man 2: Yes, V've been working on it for ‘twenty years. And now I've finish- a Man I: That's marvellous. What's it about? Man 2: Ws about a great white whale, meeting a little girl in a strange underground world. Man 1: Fascinating. What's it called? Man 2: “Moby Dick’s Adventures in Wonderland.” Man 1: Hmm, Man 2: You don’t know any publishers, do you? Man 1: Ee ss. Well S a Practice. Read this dialogue sloud, putting in the missing letters, A: Have you read this b__k? B: “Women in L Yes. Dye bon ding it ths we_k, actually. I've Just f_n_sh_d What's it _b_ I's _b__t two s_st_rs and thr lovers. What did you th__k of Well, it’s *int_r_st_ng”. p> S> ‘Answers on page 1132 119 rT Speaking and listening Every day for two weeks. Como ha visto en las paginas precedentes, el tiempo pres cent perfect continu: ea principalmente para des- cribir una actividad que se ha iniciado en el pasado y que ha continuado desarrollindose hasta el presente 0 {que ha terminado recientemente. La actividad descrita no hha de ser necesariamente una accién ininterrumpida,, co- imo las que ha vista reflejaclas en los ejemplos anteriores. sino que también pucde tratarse de una accién repetida Esta distineién tal vez le parezca algo sutil, pero los ejemplos que veri a continuacién le aclarardn las diferencias. El didlogo grabado en Ia cassette hace refe- rencia, como el de la pagina anterior, a un novelista que aspira a ver publicada su obra. Encontrard un resumen de todos los usos del present per- fect continuous en a seccion de Grammar de la presente unidad. Study these examples. din durante: dos semanas, P've been phoning you every day for two weeks. He visitado/He estado visitando editores I've been visiting publishers. Les he mostrado/Les he estado mostrando mi novela ng them my novel. e he telefoncada en: m0 SS S Every day for two weeks. Li Man 2: Hello, Frank. Man I: Hello, George! Man 2: Real Man I: Yes. P've been phoning you every day for two weeks. Where have you been? ve been looking for you. Man 2: I've been visiting publishers. I've been showing them my novel, Man 1: Have you had any luck? Man 2: No. Not yet. Man I: Well, that’s why I've been looking for you. Man 2: Whit do you mean Man 1: Look, try this man. Man 2: Is he a publisher? Man I: Yes. He publishes really strange books, so 1 thought Man 2: My book isn’t strange. Man 1; Well, it’s got a strange title. What was it? “Alice’s Adventures on Treasure Island” or something: Man 2: “Moby Dick's Adventures in Wonderland.” Man 1: Oh, yes. Anyway, phone him. I can’t stop. Bye! Man 2: Bye. ... Oh, thanks! S Practice. Answer these questions Have you been steeping well recen Have you been going out a lot recently’? Have you beon staying out late recently? He's been visiting publishers, showing, them his novel. [ve been walkit With my head in the clouds, e I met you. [ve been thinkin’ about you Every minute of the day. Pve been tellin’ myself ‘That it’s no good An’ I should forget you, But [ never think twice', An’ I can’t take advice anyway. ‘Though I know you don’t care*, ve been walkin’ on air’, Since I met you. My friends have been sayin’ ‘They don’t recognize’ me at all. I've been tellin’ myself ‘That it’s no good An’ I should forget you, But life ien’t the same An’ love isn’t a game any more. [think I love you. (Love you.) No, it’s simpler than that. L know I do. Like a train comin’ over a ve been tellin’ myself That it’s no good An’ I should forget you, But I don't wanna try, ‘An’ I don't think that I ever will. No, I don’t wanna try, don’t think that ever will. ero nunca pienso dos veces Runque sé que noe impor he estado flotando entre nubes (literalmente cen care”) He estado stbando he estado caminando un payaso odo dia UNIT 55 When people are in love, their personality sometimes and they sometimes do strange things ~ like the r.of this song. Practice. Read this text aloud, putting i the missing words. .e I met you, = T've been — around with my ~ Pve been = I've been — — P've been _. around with a. all day like a _ coming over Pye been _. day, _ about you every ______ of the Accents of English A New Zealand accent. La chica que oir en la se‘ vacaciones en Europa, y y 7A1 si desea revisar dlgunos datos y cifras acerca de Nueva Zelan 3) tis speaker is trom New Zealand. 1 I didn’t feet isolated at all, but Pd heard so much about all the different places, I just wanted to see for myself. It’s quite a ... sort of ... big decision to make, to come all this way across the world, but, you know, I really wanted todo it, and my friends were all here, and they were telling ‘me how different it was. And I think you ... sort of .. have to travel, so you know what you're missing out on. But as a place to ive, I'd always want to go home and settle down in New Zealand. I wouldn't want to ... you know ... in de Accents of English de la presente unidad es nativa de Nueva Zelanda. Esti pasando las bla de sus razones para hacer este viaje y de lo que siente por su pais. (Consulte las pag 740 a.) settle im any other country I've visited, “cause I just like New Zealand too much. You know, the way of life is so easy there, and it’s so different from here. But I don’t think it’s isolated. It’s a long way from other countries, which I think makes it seem very isolated. But then you can just get on the plane, and in a couple of hours ‘you're in Australia, or something like th: But then, from Europe, it’s a very long way away. So, once you're here, you ... sort of ... want to ... um ... You know b all the chances you can get to go and see wll you can of Europe, “cause i's... S0rt OF a lke a “once in a lifetime” trip: you don’t know if you'll come all this way again, SI UNIT 55 TraducciGn del texto de la cassette. Alli no me sentia aislada en absoluto, pero habia ofdo tanto acerca de todos los lugares diferentes, que simple- ‘mente queria verlos por mi misma. Es casi una ... espetie Ue... yan devisiéu que tomar, hacer todo este camino a través del mundo, pero, sabe, realmente queria hacerlo, y mis amigos estaban todos aqui, y me contaban qué diferente era. Y creo que ... en cierto modo ... se tiene que viajar, para saber que se esti uno perdiendo. Pero como lugar para vi smpre quertia ir a casa y establecerme definitivamente en Nueva Zelamda. No que rria ... sabe ... establecerme en ningin otro pais de los que he visitado, porque simplemente me gusta demasiado Nueva Zelanda. Sabe, el modo de vida es tan fai es tan diferente del de aqu Pero no creo que (Nueva Zelanda) esté aislada. Esta una gran distancia de otros paises. lo que creo que hace {que parezea muy aislada. Pero entonces simplemente se puede tomar el avién, y en un par de horas se esta Australia, 0 algo parecido. Pero, de Europa, est a una distancia muy grande. Por 0, una vez que se est aqui, ... en cierto modo ... se quiere ... hum ... sabe .., aprovechar todas las oportuni- dades que uno pueda tener para ir y ver lo que se pueda de Europa, porque cs ... en éierto modo ... como un viaje que se hace “una vez en la vida": no se sabe si se hard todo este camino otra vez. Notas acerca del lenguaje. ‘Observe que aparecen con frecuencia las expresiones sort of y you know, comentadas en anteriores unidades por ser muy habituales en el estilo informal inglés. Los lingiistas a veces se refieren a estas expresiones como a clementos “lubricantes”, por analogia con el aceite que lubrica un ‘motor, ya que, en cierto modo, “engrasan” el mecanismo del estilo coloquial. No obstante, si se emplean de forma excesiva, pueden dar a este estilo un aire exageradamente vvago y vacilante. Observe también el uso de las palabras But then ... al principio de las frases But then you can just get on the plane ... y But then, from Europe, it’s a very long way ‘away, con las cuales se expresa una opinion. Empezar una frase de este modo indica que la observacién que con ella se hace contrasta con To que se acaba de decir 0 expresa alguna reserva. Notas acerca de la pronunciacion. ‘acento de Nueva Zelanda es muy similar al acento australiano (vea las pags. 1082 y 1083). A las personas de habla inglesa de otros paises, habitualmente les resulta 4ificil diferenciar los dos acentos (aunque muchos austra~ lianos dicen que, en su opinién, el acento neozelandés se parece mas al acento de Inglaterra que el suyo). ‘A continuaci6n puede ver las dos diferencias mas percep- tibles con respecto a la pronunciacion; la primera afes tun sonida vacilicn y In segunda afecta a un sonic conse. néntico. =A! habitualmente suena mas parecido a /a/ en silabas tonas (como en el acento australiano), y también en sflabas ténicas. Av ou big bog) a'sxn/ ‘do's ‘vi ov P'vuattd! ‘vazatod nip! trap! ~/A/ a veces suena mas parecido a /d/ entre vocales. ot 22h at all fad ail /o'baut o:l/ about all /9"baud :l/ Mowat of quile a /hward o Mot az) butas bod ou Todos los ejemplos anteriores estin tomados del texto grabado en la cassette. ms (4 Grammar Formacién del present perfect continuous. El present perfect continuous se construye con las formas del present perfect del verbo o “estar” (have been thas been) mas la forma -ing del verbo que corresponda. Asi, por ejemplo, el present perfect continuous del verbo wait es el siguiente: Tey he ee een remy | Ors etioe they } Las contracciones de havelhas son habituales en el habla informal cotidiana. Ve) he's | you've : she's | been waiting you've | peen wating $e they've Las formas negativas se obticnen colocando la parti not despues de havelhas. Las contracciones de las formas negativas son haven'U/hasn’t, y su uso es muy frecuente, Thave not (haven't) been waiting long. Anna has not (hasn't) been fei 12 vory happy recently Las formas interrogativas se obticnen invirtiendo el orden del sujeto y de have/has, Have you been working hard recently? Has Anna been feeling tired recently? Uso del present perfect continuou: n anteriores paginas de esta unidad ha encontrado wi rios ejemplos del modo en que se utiliza el present perfect 1) El present perfect continuous se utiliza para describir una actividad que ha comenzado en el pasado y que se ha seguido desarrollando hasta el momento presente, incluido éste. rr 1 Omran He's been sitting there all morning. He's been reading a newspaper. 1124 En ocasiones, la actividad ya ha te esta proximo al presente. ro su fin nado, p I finished my novel this morning. — How long have you been working o T've been working on it for twent resent perfect continuous también se utiliza par bie una netividad compuesta de accién repetida varias veces duramte un periodo de tiempo que llega hasta el presente o que ha terminado recientemente. PHEEP PEPE EEA Z o t v T've been phoning you every day for two weeks. Tiempos verbales ingleses: su progreso hasta ahora. ‘Aqui encontrard la respuesta a dos preguntas que usted tal vez se haya planteado. — ;Cuantos tiempos verbales ing = {Cuantos se han tratado hasta ahora en el Antes de ciones acerca de la terminologia que se utiliza al hablar de determinados tiempos verbales. rar en el tema es preciso hacer dos observa: 1) Aunque, como vio en la pagina 844, el inglés no tiene tiempo futuro (en el sentido de una forma especial det verbo para referirse al futuro). conviene considerar la estructura will | infinitive como future simple 2) En esta unidad ha practicado cl present perfect con- tinuous. En anteriores unidades practicé el. present perfect. tiempo verbal que puede recibir el nombre mais preciso de present perfect simple. UNIT 55 fa estas dos observaciones, se puede hay doce tiempos verbales, que resul- decir que en inglés tan de la combinacién de los tiempos pasado, presente y futuro (past, present, future) con los cuatro aspectos con {que se matizan dichos tiempos (simple, continuous, perfect simple, perfect continuous). En el cuadro que se encuen- tra en esta pigina figuran los doce tiempos verbales ingle- ses, destacdndose con fondo de color los que usted ya ha aprendido. Como puede ver, la estructura del sistema verbal inglés es bastante regular, y usted ya ha estudio gran parte del mismo. Los tiempos que atin no conoce. y {que se utilizan menos que los vistos hasta ahora, los est dard en futuras unidades. Recuerde que se pueden construir todos los tiempos ver- bales de un verbo si conoce sus tres “partes” 0 “formas”. ~ la “primera parte” es el infinitive, con la forma -ing derivada del mismo: arrive (> arriving), ge (—> going). take (— taking), etc —la “segunda parte” es la forma afirmativa del past simple: arrived, went, took, etc. ~ la “tercera parte’ gone, taken, etc es el participio de pasado: arrived, ‘Tenga en cuenta que los ejemplos que aparecen en el cuadro presentan los significados basicos de los tiempos verbales cuando éstos se utilizan para situar un hecho 0 una actividad en el transcurso del tiempo. Como sabe. en algunas casos los tiempos verbales ingleses no se utilizan para hacer referencia al tiempo, y en otros, aun haciendo esta referencia, adoptan un significado que no es el bisi- 0. Un ejemplo del primer caso es el uso del pretérito para dar un matiz de cortesia a preguntas como Good afternoon, sir. Who did you want to speak to? 0 Which number did you want? El uso del present continuous para hablar de acciones futuras que ya han sido acordadas 0 decididas, como on I'm having dinner with some friends tomorrow evening, es un ejemplo del segundo caso Past Present Future ast events (Unit 25) ‘Regular events (Unit 11) Future events (Unit 41) _ 5 second form first form (+ 8) will + first form # | | Sih aa + rv jorm [ETE doldves + first form | ‘potto 11 went to the moon usually get up at 7.30. ‘There will be rain everywhere | in 1969. Do you go to the cinema every tomorrow. | Did you sleep well last night? week? ‘When will I see you again? Past activities (Unit 49) Present activities (Unit 17) Future activities (Unit 46) g | | wacwere + -ing form ‘amlisiare + ~ing form will be + -ing form z = | In April 1983 I was working in | It’s raining. This time next week, Pll be 2 | _New York. Where are you working at the lying on the beach. ‘What were you doing at midday | — moment? Will you be using your ear yesterday? tomorrow? | Recent events and | past experiences (Unit 33) 23 had + third form | hhave/has + third form will have + third form as | ve just made some coffee. Have you ever visited Italy? [Recent activities (Unit 55) leat have beon/has been + gz see 8 ‘T’ve been working hard recently. Hit Have you been waiting long? uns Written English Jokes. En anteriores unidades han aparecido ocasionalmente gunos chistes con los que usted ha realizado prict Tectura en inglés. Aqui tiene dos chistes n figuran algunas palabras nuevas cuya traduccién encon- trard a continuaci6n de estas lineas. ver también a traduccién de las frases que comtienen la esencia de cada chiste. Sit ‘embargo, lea los chistes antes de consultar estas traduc- ciones y vea si los puede entender. En la pagina siguiente pod: he thought to himself pensé para si she said to herself se dijo a si misma they found themselves se encontraron pocket i'pokiw bolsilio curious kjuorias/ curioso(sa) asleep A'slisp/ dormido(da) shout Haut! gritar point (to) (point tol ‘falar (a) 1. An old couple lived in a very remote place in the moun- . They lived very simply and almost never left their home. One day, however, the husband went to a small town in the valley. In a shop in the town, he saw a small mirror and said to the shop assistant: “What's this?” ‘The shop assistant said: “It’s a mirror.” ‘The old man sald: “I've never seen one before.” ‘The shop assistant was a little surprised, and said: “Really ‘The old man said: “My wife and I have always lived in the mountains. We live very simply, so we have never seen things like ‘The mirror was not very expensive, so he bought it and took it home. When he got home, he did not tell his wife about it. He thought to himself: “She'll be angry because I spent the money on a mirror.” He kept the mirror in his pocket. From time to time, however, he took it out and looked at it, One day, his wife saw this, and said: “What are ‘you looking at?” He said: “Nothing.” Naturally, his wife was curious. One night, while her husband was asleep, she found the mirror in his pocket. She took it out and looked at it. “Exactly as I thought,” she said to herself, “it’s an- other woman.” 1126 Ie’s a mirror. Pye never seen one before, Exactly as I thought, it’s another womay 2. A couple of tourists were travelling in the country by car. Suddenly, they found themselves on a very narrow road and realized that they were lost ‘They saw an old man, working in a field, so they stop- ped and got out of their cai ‘They said to the old man: “Can you help us? We're lost. We've been driving for hours, and we don’t know where we are. Where does this road go?” ‘The old man said: “I don’t know. So the tourists said: “OK. Never mind. Thank you any- way.” The tourists got back into their car and continued driv- ing down the narrow road. After about fifty yards, they realized that the old man was shouting something. They stopped their car and looked back. Another old man ‘was with the first old man in the field. The first old ‘man was shouting to the tourists and pointing to the second old man. Although it was very difficult on the narrow road, the tourists drove back to the two old men and stopped their car again, ‘They said to the first old man: “Yes?” ‘The first old man pointed to the second old man, and said: “He doesn’t know either.” UNIT 55 We've been driving for hours, and we don’t know where we are. Where does this road go? aduccin de In frases mis importantes de cada chiste -Exactamente como pensab, se dio a sf misma, “es otra mujer™ 0 sefald al segunda anciano y dijo: “El tampoco to Peanuts® by Charles M. Schul: En esta historieta, Sally escribe una carta a su hermano Charlie Brown, que esta en el hospital. Una de las cosas {que le prometié hacer en su ausencia es alimentar (feed) a su perro, Snoopy. Utilice el método habitual de lectura antes de consultar la traduccion. Traduocion del texto de la historeta, ‘Querido hermano mayor, je6mo esti las cosas ene las cosas etn bien He estado alimentando atu estpide perro cada noche, aunque sme bo agradece. Bueno, la yor parte del tiempo noo hace. ra reading Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore: Facts and figures. In Units 11 and 36, we fave you some information about two countries in the Pacific: Austral (pp. 240-241) and N Zealand (pp. 740-741): you have recently heard the accents af speakers from these two countries. On these pages, we look at some other countries in the Paeific and in $. E. Asia. In Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore, English is used, together with other official languages. This is also true in several smaller Pacific countries: Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga, Tuvalu and Western Samo: The names. ingapore was part of Malaysia from 1962 to 1965. It eon- ‘The name for the people of Papua ~ the Papuans ~ has its origins in the Malay language: either from the expression apuvah, meaning “curly-haired”, or from the expres- sion pua-pua, meaning “dark brown”. New Guinea was named by the Spanish explorer Inigo Ortiz. de Retes in 1545, because he thought the people re- sembled the people of Guinea, in West Africa. The two countries were united in 1949 as “The Territory of Papua and New Guinea”, and in 1972 the name was changed to “Papua New Guinea”. Spanish settlers in the sixteenth century named the Philip- pines after Philip II, the Spanish king. Malaysia’s name has two possible origins: like Malaya (a part of Malaysia), it may come from the word malai in the wskrit language, meaning “mountain”; or, like Malacca (another part of Malaysia) it may come from the Sanskrit ‘words maha, meaning “big”, and Janka, meaning “island”. ‘Singapore's name probably also has its origin in the San- skrit language. The Sanskrit expression singa pura means “city of the lion”. Geography and climate. Papua New Guinea consists of the eastern half of New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, the Louisiade Arc 1pelago and several other groups of islands. Mountains and forests cover most of the country. Many of the mountains fon the islands are active or dormant volcanoes. The largest of the 7,000 islands in the Philippines Luzon, Mindanao, Samar and Negros. Like the islands of Papua New Guinea, many of the Philippine islands are voleanie. Earthquakes are common. Malaysia consists of West Malaysia (on the Malay Pe sula) and East Malaysia (Sarawak and Sabah). The two parts are separated by 640 kilometres of the South China Sea. Like Papua New Guinea and the Philippines, the country has dense forests and mountains. 1128 ists of one main island and about forty smaller islands at the southern end of the Malay Peninsula. All four of these countries are near the Equator, and have ‘a tropical climate with high temperatures and heavy rainfall, UNIT 55 Papua New Guinea. Malaysia. Population: 3.5 million. Population: 16 million. Land area: 462,840 sq. kms. Land’ area: 330,434 sq. kms. Capital: Port Moresby. Capital Kuala Lumpur. Other major cities: Lae, Madang, Rabaul Other major cities: Ipoh, Johore Bahu, George Town, Curreney Kina Mala kina = 100 toea, Currency Ringatt. Languages: English, Melanesian Pidgin, Police I ringgit = 100 sen. Motu, and about 650 local lan- Languages ish, Tamil, Chinese wages. (mostly Cantonese and Hokkien). Nationality adjective: Papua New Guinean. ‘Nationality adjective: Malaysian. The Philippines. Singapore. Population $8 million. Population 2.5 million Land area 300,000 sq. kms. Land area: 620 sq. kms. Capital: Manila. Capital weapore. Other major cities: Quezon City, Davao, Cebu. Other major cities: - Currency Peso. Currency Singaporean dollar. 1 peso = 100 centavos. Languages: Pilipino, English, Spanish, and about 70 local languages Nationality adjective: Philippine/Filipino. The Victoria Theatre (with clock tower), Singapore. anguag Nationality adjective: 1 dollar = 100 cents. Malay, English, Tamil, Chinese (mostly Mandarin). Singaporean. ‘ginv (UK) eee cares ‘peepjve nju Buivas' New, Guines | “gn (US) the Philippines /mo'lerzia/ (UK) a | mo'ergr (0S) : singo'po:'/ (UK) Semper ‘sipapo:t/ (US) curly-haired ka'l’hea‘d/ de pelo rizado resemble t'zembl parecerse consist of... /kon'sist av consiste en earthquake “a:"Okwerk! terremoto peninsula parninsjotay (US) | peninsula ipo'minsata/ (US) | 129 iu ‘Synopsis Key points from this unit. = Formacién del present perfect continuous. have hay, | teen . ing ~ Algunas expresiones que hacen referencia a actividades recientes, all morning (afternoon, evening, night, day) day for two weeks week for six months month for three years every — Uso del present perfect continnans para refirins vidades recientes. Pye been working very hard recently. [haven't been feeling very well. Pye been working on my novel for 20 years. ve been phoning you every day for two weeks. ‘What have you been doing? — Uso de since, for y How long con el present perfect continuous, ince 11.15, for seven minutes. How long have you been learning English? He's been ing there ~ Los doce tiempos verbales del sistema verbal inglés ast present future simple ‘simple simple past present future continuous | continuous | continuous past present future perfect perfect perfect | simple imple simple | past resent future perfect perfect perfect continuous | continuous | continuous acento de una persona nativa de Nueva 1130 Dialogue. Read the dialogue and listen to it on the cassette. Anna is still talking to the American couple, Martha and Edgar Colby, in the hotel in Stockholm. (This dialogue con- tinues the Synopsis dialogue in Unit 54.) Dialogue. Woman: Are you OK, Anna? Anna: Me? Yes ... Woman: Forgive me for saying this, but ... you look tired. Anna: \am a little tired. I haven't been sleeping very well recently. I've been waking up in the middle of the night. But I’m fine. Woman: Well, take it easy. Don’t work too hard. Anna: L won't, Are you here on holiday? Man: Yes. Anna: — When did you arrive? Man: We've been here for six days. We arrived on Saturday. ‘Anna: [haven't seen you before. Man: No... Er... We've been getting up quite late. We haven't had breakfast in the hotel once! Anna: Are you having a good time? Woman: Oh, yes. We've been seeing the sights, you know. Anna: Are you with a group: Man: No. Woman: So we don’t have a friendly travel courier like you. Anna: 1s this your first visit to Sweden? UNIT 55 Forgive me for saying this, Dut ... you look tired. Lam a little tired. I haven’t been sleeping very well recently. Yes. We were in Europe last ‘cided to have our next va We've been looking forward to 1, and we de- Scandinavia. alll year. Anna: — Sweden's a beautiful country, isn’t Man: Yes. Woman: Have you been here before? Anna: No. This is my first visit too. Woman: I'm sure you've visited lots of other countries. Anna: — Quite a lot. Yes, I've been checking in and out of hotels and getting on and off planes for years. Man: It must be an interesting job. Anna: Yes. Yes, itis. I'm very lucky. ... Ooh, look at the time. I have to go. Woman: OK. Don’t keep your group waiting. They think you're marvellous. Man: Well, nice talking to you, Anna. Woman: Listen ... If you're free this evening, bet's Rave § $$ dines, Scandinavia skeendr'neivio Escandinavia Anna: Yes, that would be very nice. Forgive fotgiv perdonar Woman: On one condition. z Anna: Oh, what's that? Woman: We don’t talk about Sylvester Stallone’s movies. jive me for saying this, but Perdéneme por decir esto, pero Don’t keep your group waiting. Fo Anna: Fine. See you later. _— . Man: Bye now! No haga esperar a su grupo. idee Atal take'ie cary (It was) nice talking to you. Ama: wil Ss] Ha sido un placer hablar con usted. On one condition. Con un ust 1? | Test Test 55. Check yourself on what you have learnt in this unit, (Answers at the end of Unit $6.) 1. Translate this text 2. Put im have or has. What ..... Jeff and Anna been doing recently? Jeff ..... been working in London. ‘Anna ..... been working in Sweden What ..... Martha and Edgar Colby been do They ..... been exploring Stockholm and seeing the sights. George Carville has bee twenty years. I've been phoning you eve I've been walking on air working on his novel i two weeks. . Tmet you. 4. Explain the differences between the expressions in these pairs all morning and every morning excited and exciting Pe been working | 4 | I've been working very hard 2 too hard. 1132 5. Name the verb foi like the in these sentences. It rains a tot in Papua New Guinea, It rained a tot last year. It is raining at the moment. It was raining when I got up this morning. It has been raining all afternoon. present simple ing our holiday 6, Put in the missing words, ‘Anna has checking in and ..... of hotels and getting fon and ..... planes ..... years. Recently, she ..... been feeling ..... little tired. She has not ..... sleeping very well, and she ..... been waking up in the middle ..... the night. She has probably ..... working too hard. Answer these questions about yourself How long have you been learning English? Have you been working hard recently Have you been sleeping well recently? How have you been feeling recently? Well or ill? a Answers to exercises. Page 1115 1. gH oid las noticias? 2, Acao de ota en ta ralio. 3. Lo of en ta radio hace un momento, 4. Es el mejor ciste que he odo recientemen te, 5. Estaba pensando en ello hace unos minutos, Page 1119, A Have you read this book? & Yes. ‘ve been reading it this week, actually. ve 'B: Ws about two sisters and their lovers. A: What did you think of #2 Re Well i's “interesting” A Test: Answers Test 54: Answers. 1 {Cuil es ef motivo de su visita? ZEs usted un(una) turista? {:Cusnto tiempo se quedars? {Tiene algo que declarar? “Star of Midnight” is an American film, directed by Stephen Roberts, and starring William Powell and Gin- ger Rogers. IC was anade i 1938, anu Lis in black and white. It was written by Howard J. Green, Anthony Veiller and Edward Kaufman. It is 99 minutes long. La palabra violent es un adjetivo (violentofta), y la palabra violence es un sustantivo (violencia) 1 think . significa “Creo significa “Fstoy seguro( "y Pm Pienso Sie -an “Estoy seguro(ra que Pm sure. Ambas expresiones signi ro I'm positive es mas enfai Cuando se responde al ofrecimiento de Tea or coffee? con la palabra Either (Cualquiera), la persona que ha- bla no muestra ninguna preferencia en especial, mien- tras que cuando se responde Neither (Ninguno{na)), la persona que habla rechaza ambas sugerencias. Is the word “elevator” British English or American English? ~ American English. Is the word “concert” British English or American English? ~ Both. Is the spelling “T-H-E-A~ American English? ~ Neither. It’s a spelling mistake! Come on, Marianne. Don’t criticize the rock. Eve got to sing. You've got to have love in your heart. You haven't seen anything yet. . Can you speak Chichewa? — No, I can’t read it either. Do you know Mr Smith? ~ No. I don’t know his wife cither. Haye you been to England? ~ Yes. I've been to Scotland too. Yes./Yes, I do./No./No, I don’t./Why notte Difficult,/Interesting./Both./Neither. Fase 3: Forward camp. En la proxi Campamento av: Unidades 41-72. Cassettes 11-18. Por otra parte, en las iltimas pai a los tests 49-56 y cl indice de los temas aparecidos en esas unidades. inidad revisard los principales aspectos de la gramética y de la lengua inglesa en general que ha estudiado hasta ahora, especialmente en las unidades 49-55. Asimismo, encontrar una cancién en la que veri el uso practico de algunos aspectos del estilo coloquial y del argot, y un fragmento del famoso libro de George Orwell A al F unidad encontrard las respuestas

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