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Organize the raw assessment data into a format that would be

easily accessible to someone else. Include the following:

 A record of each student’s performance on the pre-assessment.

Student A: 75%

Student B: 65%

Student C: 70%

 A record of each student’s performance on the post/summative


Student A: 80%

Student B: 70%

Student C: 75%

 A record or description of each student’s performance on each

formative assessment.

Student A: got 100% on think central. I couldn’t pull the student work
so it is posted below in order

Student: B: got 100% on think central. I couldn’t pull the student work
so it is posted below in order

Student C: got 15 % on think central. Not all of the work was


2. Analysis of Whole-class Data:

What patterns of difficulty or mistakes do you identify within the

students’ work? Some of the patterns that I observed is the
students not utilizing the power of ten in a decimal form correctly. I
had to impress to the students that knowing how to multiplication
wasn’t the key but to best understand how to maneuver the decimal
placement process. To drive that home, we made models based
from their own word problems and solved them as a class. The
students understood the power of 10 meant multiplying by 10 by
couldn’t correlate it with how the place value and decimal is
supposed to be connected to the power of ten. That was the
biggest obstacle in this chapter.

 List any changes you made during lesson implementation based

on formative assessment feedback (e.g., re-teaching a concept,
omitting part of a lesson, slowing down, additional subgroup
modifications, etc.).

Some of the changes that were made to the lesson is that I had to
revisit the rules of the place values and decimal placement. I used
examples of money and measurement to drive home how each power
of ten changed the place value and decimal placement. Once the kids
picked up on this it was like a lightbulb went off and it really clicked
quickly. From there we discovered different ways that answers can be
come across with different multiplication techniques and mental math

 What did you do to address those areas of difficulty in your

subsequent lesson/s? This could include changes to the instruction
or the assessment.
The way I addressed areas of difficulty was to review the previous
days materials and try to tie them into the lesson that we are working
on today. One way we did this was explore a problem from an enrich
and reteach sheet prior to the start of the new lesson. If at least 18
out of 21 students answers the warm up questions and activities, we
were ready to move on. If not, then We would complete the reteach
and enrich materials for that math block. The assessment
unfortunately must stay the same because of distance learning.

 How does the data speak to the effectiveness of your

instruction?  Are the students “getting it”?

So far, the data has most of the class showing a 75% mastery rate. It
isn’t the best to be honest. As I reflect on the work, I see some things I
could use such a more manipulatives and different e-learning website
exercises that could help boost those students that are lacking in the
terms of understanding. But I feel that the amount of time that we
spent on this actual unit most of the students get the gist of the
decimal place value and multiplying decimals.

3. Analysis of Individual Student’s Data: Make copies of the three

individual student’s assessments, including any feedback you
provided them. Please blacken the last name or replace it with a

Student A: regular person see attached pictures

Student B: IEP person see attached pictures

Student C: culturally different than me see attached pictures

 How well did each student achieve the stated objectives? What
is the basis for that conclusion?
Student A: based on online work and paper work submitted I would say
the goal of learning how to multiply decimals is at a 75-8% success

Student B: based on the online work and papers I am submitting

success rate for the student understanding the goal of multiplying
decimals is at 75-80%

Student C: The final assessment was not complete, so I would say the
objective level combined with the work given is about a 70% success.

 What modifications (remediation or enrichment) did you make,

and were those effective?

Student A: I manipulated the go math share and show to be more

interactive online and shortened the amount of complex problems

Student B: I implemented the interactive share and show and I added

in some go math tutorial videos to help with some areas we had to
conference on

Student C: I implemented the interactive share and show and I added

in some go math tutorial videos to help with some areas we had to
conference on. I also made a video explaining the lesson. Since they
didn’t complete a lot of online work. See below for examples:

 What changes would be beneficial to enhance the learning for

this student on the next lesson/s?

Student A: To be honest with the rest of the year being e-learning the
challenge I have for all of them is getting them to log in and get the
work done. However, if I were in person, I would offer this student a
chance to self-score themselves. I feel they rush through their work to
fast and that’s what is hindering this student.

Student B: I would involve my aid help more and his sped ed because
he is just hard to get to focus.

Student C: I would offer extra help during break time to ensure she
knows how to handle the math presented to her.

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