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Lesson Plan Template

19 Nov
Noof Mubarak Saleh
10 am
Math: an in /out table
Number of Students:

Learning Outcome:
Children will work to complete an in/ out math table to their level

Prior Knowledge:
Using an in/ out math table

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:
- Complete in/ out table.
- Using the rule to complete the table.

Lesson Activities: What will students do in the lesson?

The teacher will greet the students and she will introduce the lesson. Also, she will remind the
students that who will work well and sit quietly and listen to the teacher will get a prize.

After that, the teacher will ask students about the in /out table.
The teacher will explain the in/ Out table on the board by using a robot and she will ask to do it
with her by chose the rule.
Then, the teacher will provide activities to the class, she will explain each one by use A4 on the
Aske the students if they understand? Make sure the students understand to do great work.

There are 3 activities for the students the teacher will ask them to do the one that they are able to
do because the students know their level. The student who is finish he/she can start and tray the
other worksheet.

First worksheet: The students will find the rule and writ it.
Second activity: The student will make their rule and complete the tables.
Last one: The students will find the out by using the rule.
Evaluation / Assessment:

What we learned today?

Check their works.
Ask them to glue their worksheets in the notebook.

Personal focus:
In this lesson I am working on my …

Time management.
Give a clear example to students.
Mange student's behavior.
Don’t be nervous. 😊

Lesson Reflection:

Overall, the lesson went very well I remind the students of classroom rules, I gave the
students the activities and they did cooperatively, giving the students clear instructions and
example also I used colorful worksheets this help me to control on learning management.
I encouraged the students more than last time and I call the students by their names.

Unfortunately, I spent much time on prepare the materials of the activities. I think I had too
much vocabs to cover next class also, I was very nervous that why I lost my time
I felt I did not give the students chance to speaking and sharing their thoughts during the
lesson because I think this will be make the class discomfort and I will lose the control.

Lesson Plan Template

22 Nov
Noof Mubarak Saleh
10 am
Ms. Brid
Number of Students:

Learning Outcome: Include the L.O. code and words.

Can we use our thinking skills to complete math boxes and carousel activities?

Prior Knowledge: What knowledge are you building on?

Counting, adding, subtracting and using an in/out table.

Lesson Objectives:
 Time.
 Adding without fingers.
 Skip Counting.
 Telling time.
 Using In/ Out table.

Lesson Activities: What will students do in the lesson?

Before starting the lesson, the teacher will greet the students and remind them about the rules.
 No Arabic.
 If they do good job they will get dojo points.

First the teacher will display the groups of math stations and each group will have an activity. Also, the
students will use the timer if the time finish each group will move to another station. For example, red
group after 5 minutes they will move to the purple group to do adding/subtracting.

Orange group:
Ms. Brid will sit with this group only to check their works that she gave them to do it last week.
Purple group:
will do activity on adding numbers without using fingers.
Red group:
The students will do an IN/OUT tables.

Yellow group:
This group will work in work sheet for skip counting.

Blue group:
This group will work on time choose the card and write the time on the clock.

Green group:
This group will work on the sheet has clocks and the students must write the time by number under
each clock.

Evaluation / Assessment: How will you know your students have achieved the goal?

 Check the students work during the activity.

 Give feedback for the groups working well
 Ask the students what they learn?

Personal focus:
 Don't give the students my back during when I work on the board.
 Time management.
 Work on level of nervous.
Lesson Reflection:

During the lesson that I did for today I encaged the students by asking them questions that I
prepare them to the students. I used colorful pictures for many different towers around the

At the middle of the lesson when I start to show the students the pictures, I felt that I need to
have more vocabulary to help me make discussion with the students. Also, I lost my behavior
management some students were did walking around the class I think quickly take this
attitude seriously and using ClassDojo points to take off their points not only using oral
Lesson Plan Template

School: ENS Date: 31 Oct

Trainee: Noof Mubarak Time: 8:30
MST: Ms. Brid Unit: Literacy Lesson
Class: Number of
Grade 2B 27

Learning Outcome:
Can We write the steps and draw pictures of how to make a sandwich?
Prior Knowledge:
How to write the steps by using first, next, then, last,…

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to:

- Create their own sandwich.

- Using time order words.
- Some of students will be writing a procedural piece by own.

Lesson Activities:

First, the teacher will ask the students these question:

- What is day today?
- What we have tomorrow in the school?
- What you will wear in the flag day? (to remind the students that they must wear a black shirt)

Then, the teacher will remind the students about last lesson and what we did?
The teacher will discuss about how to be healthy and why is important for us especially the kids?
After the dissuasion the teacher will do real example front of the class and make a healthy sandwich by using brown
bread, cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, white cheese, tuna and Zaatar.
The teacher will make two examples of sandwiches
 Tuna sandwich.
 Zaatar with cheese sandwich.

After that, the teacher will give an activity for the students to draw their own sandwiches and write what they do?
* Some students will write step by step and the other students who is not able to write will use words or only they will draw only.
To help students to draw the teacher will give each student a paper includes the pictures of vegetables, bread and cheese.
Evaluation / Assessment:

- Check students work.

- Ask the students What we learned today?

Personal focus:
In this lesson I am working on my …
- Preparing my tools that I will use them.
- Give clear instructions for the students to do the activity.
- Mange the classroom behavior by using class dojopoints.

Lesson Reflection:

Overall, the lesson went very well I did a real an example of sandwich to show the students how to make
healthy sandwiches. Also, I discuss with the students how is important to eat healthy food? And why is this
important for us especially the young? The kids need to focus on their food, and I see this lesson will be help
because I noticed that many students bring unhealthy food for snack.

During the part that I did the sandwich front of the students some students were cannot be see clear what I am
doing and this make nervous and I felt that I will loss the focus of the students so, what I have to doing next
time let each group do example of healthy sandwich better than my way that I used.
Lesson Plan Template

NOV 12 :Date ENS :School

10:00 :Time Noof Mubarak Saleh
Math Lesson: shapes :Unit Ms. Brid :MST

Number :Class
27 2b

. :Learning Outcome

.To identify and name 2D shapes up to five sides

?Prior Knowledge: What knowledge are you building on

…On the shapes that the students know like, squire, tringle, circle
:Lesson Objectives

:By the end of the lesson, students will be (better) able to

.Identify the shapes that have more than 4 sides

.Be familiar with the names of shapes
.Create characters by shapes
:Lesson Activities

The teacher will show the students pictures and she will ask the students to identify the shapes from
.the pictures
:Ask the students
?How many circles there
?Find the hexagon and how many sides in it
?How many shapes in this picture
?Find any rectangle in the class
.The teacher will be doing an example with shapes to do ''monster'' and how many shapes we used
.The teacher will give students color papers, each student will create a ''monster'' by using 2D shapes
.The teacher will ask the students to write names for their monsters
When the students finish early the teacher will give them a worksheet includes shapes and the name
.of these shapes the students will do matching each shape with the name

:Evaluation / Assessment

?Ask the students: What we learned

.Check the students work
.Ask the students to glow their work in the notebook
:Personal focus

.Be ready to solve the problem that will face me during the lesson
.Active participation with the students

Lesson Reflection:

The good thing that in this lesson I did a monster sample to display it during the lesson, the students
were wondering about who did the ''monster'' to me? Who is providing help to me? This is making me
happy and feel so proud of myself because I did something coactive to the students.

Unfortunately, I forgot to ask the students the questions before starting to create the monsters. For
example, give example on shape has 5 sides? What the name of shape has 6 sides? I think the
instructions of activity must be clearer and simpler more for the next time. Also, I should to prepare
my questions that I will ask the students about them.

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