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Single Head Printing:

1. Level Bed
This is a very important step in getting good prints that stick to the bed
well and print uniformly. Leveling the print bed is usually only required after a
prints, or if the bed has been severally torqued for whatever reason. The
tools needed to level the bed are a 2.5mm hex screwdriver, philips head screwriver,
and a
tramming gauge. First, place the tramming gauge in the center of the yoke.
Raise or lower the bed until the gauge reads zero. Now loosen the hex screws below
the bed
to allow the bed to be raised or lowered. You can either loosen one at a
time, or all of them at once - whatever works best for you. Then tighten or loosen
philips screw to raise or lower the bed until the
2. Install Extruder
In order to install the extruder, first loosen the set screw located on the
back of the yoke. It is not required, but it is recommended that you place it in
second slot of the yoke. Next, you will need to loosen the hex screws on the
back of the circuit board and slide the head in until the pins are connected to the
holes. Make sure there is no significant movement in the head if pushed from
the side. Also make sure that the nozzle extends below the fan mount and anything
that would otherwise get in the way of the print.

- Installing 2nd, 3rd, 4th extruder

- -leveling heads to each other (same z-zero)

Loading Multiple STL's into Slic3r

-There must be two separate stl files loaded into repetrel in order for the program
to recognize the offsets.
-After setting the offsets, load one part into the Open Multi

Recent Problems:
1. During multi-stl print, first extruder created a one loop skirt, then moved what
I am assuming is the offset distance to start the print. After printing the first
the yoke did not move the second extruder on top of the first cube to continue
the print. Instead, it attempted to print the second cube in mid air.
- the offests ARE set in the extruder settings
2. After killing the job, the program attempted to move the bed back up to z-0,
causing the heads to come into contact with the first cube and started jamming the
This has something to do with the kill job protocol, which tried to move the bed
back to the z-0 position, but I'm not sure how to change the code for this.
Update: Under printer settings, the z-retract for actions after kill job are
set to -10mm. I changed it to 0 so the extruder doesn't get pressed against any

Problems with dual extruder printing.

-Extruder not being used was wiped onto the print after the active extruder
finished its layer. After finishing its layer, the extruders first move outwards
before going to
the wipe towers, causing any excess material that oozes out of the inactive
extruder to be wiped onto the print.

Proposed cause: The wipe and retract function was enabled for this print,
which is activated just prior to a tool change. This function has three instances
in a row
that tell the active extruder to retract material and move out of
the print area. Doing so causes oozed material on inactive extruder to be placed
onto the print prior to the wipe tower.

Propose using normal retract function -- might experience issues with getting
filament to refeed, will need to get the precise retract distance and speed.
Also, printing at lower temperatures could
reduce oozing.

-Talk about how to ensure tool change code is correct

Multi Extruders Installed

-Make sure the correct extruder is selected (and how)

Extruder Offsets
-How to establish and upload
-Command to get the head to use the offsets

-Why G1 Z0 must be at end of pre-code

Filament Settings
-The fan setting in slicer recipes is multiplied by approx 2.5 for the G-code.

STL Files
-Website to fix file

Have to set Bed in order for temp to read correctly

Bed takes a long time to heat, recommend heating prior to printing and do not use
the "heat and wait command"

Multi-head printing
-problems getting the command "heat and wait for temp to be achieved" to work.
Just pre-heat the heads before starting the print.

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