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Plate Tectonics, Seafloor Spreading, and Continental

Drift: an Introduction1


Abstract The present ruling theory of geotectonics- that the new global tectonics may indeed be
commonly known as the "new global tectonicss-includes what Hollis Hedberg in 1970 called "the answer
the concepts of plate tectonics, seofloor spreading, con-
tinental drift, and polar wandering. Recent seismic activity
to a maiden's prayer." However, it is time for
defines the positions and relative movements of rigid litho- geologists to reflect and consider the evidence
sphere plates. The geomagnetic time scale for polarity for and against this ruling theory, rather than
reversals seems to be calibrated to about 4 m.y. ago, and to assume that the final word has been handed
extrapolated to about 80 m.y. ogo by correlation of oceanic
magnetic anomalies with reversals and seafloor spreading.
Seafloor spreading and the magnetic onomalies thus indi- This review presents a brief introduction to
cate the directions and rates of movements of lithosphere the theory, providing a background for the
plates during the last 80 m.y. The continents drift with the following articles, which deal in detail with
lithosphere plates, and independent poleomagnetic evi-
dence permits location of the relative positions of the
specific topics. It is based on a tape recording
continents and the poles to 500 m.y. ago, or more. The of an unscripted and over-illustrated talk, and
theory, which explains phenomena previously unexplain- many illustrations discussed have not been
able, is supported b y a mass of persuasive evidence. There reproduced here. The tape was transcribed and
is no doubt that the theory is a success, but it has been
so successful thot i t has become a ruling theory, and sub-
edited by A. A. Meyerhoff, and I thank him for
servience to a ruling theory never has sewed science well. converting my spoken words with an English
There are data which do naf seem to fit the theory. We accent into grammatical American prose.
should strive to keep open minds and to search for alter- No attempt was made to compile a complete
nate solutions to fit all of the data. The record is clear:
today's history was yesterday's model. Dare we conclude
bibliography. Those interested in more de-
that at last we know the answers? tailed reviews and bibliographies can find them
in books by Drake ( 1970), Maxwell (1970).
and Wyllie ( 1971a, b) and in several of the
U.S. Quadrennial Reports to the Fifteenth
Theories come and go, but during the last General Assembly of the International Union
12 years one theory has come along very of Geodesy and Geophysics (published in 1971
rapidly-so rapidly, in fact, that we now are in issues of Transactions of the American Geo-
the position of having a single ruling theory- physical Union).
the new global tectonics (Hess, 1960, 1962;
Dietz, 1961; Morgan, 1968; Heirtzler et al.,
1968; Isacks et al., 1968). The global scheme is The earth sciences have been shaped by a
illustrated schematically in Figure 1. Unfor- series of great controversies and a host of minor
tunately, there is no competing theory. Thus, disputes. It has sometimes seemed that geolo-
we are far from the method of multiple work- gists enjoy the excitement of debate more than
ing hypotheses-the method which we geolo- they enjoy getting together to define their terms
gists (in fact, all scientists) are supposed to fol- in an effort to resolve a dispute. The great debate
low (Chamberlin, 1890). I do not mean to of this century is about continental drift, which
imply that it is time to discard the new global is an old idea formulated originally to explain
tectonics-far from it. A large body of data the striking parallelism between coastlines bor-
has been gathered from the ocean basins and dering the Atlantic Ocean. This parallelism was
from studies of paleomagnetism to demonstrate noted first by Alexander von Humboldt (1801 ) .
A book by Snider (1858) seems to have been
Manuscript received, August 7, 1972. (This manu-
script was submitted originally to The Geological So- the first of several works in the 1800s in which
ciety of America on December 16, 1971.) continental drift is explicit or implicit. Con-
Department of the Geophysical Sciences, University tinental drift certainly is implicit in the classic
of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637. works by Suess (1908, 1909) and Taylor

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Mid- Atlantic

LLi t hosphere ~ithospherej

FIG. 1-Schematic representation of seafloor spreading and continental drift. Large plates of lithosphere
containing continents migrate away from midoceanic ridges as if on a conveyor belt, and plates are carried into
earth's interior along boundaries where plates collide.

( 1910). However, Wegener ( 1912) generally New York City in 1926. The papers from this
gets the credit for originating modern concepts symposium, published by the AAPG (van der
of drift. What Wegener really did was to pro- Gracht et al., 1928), in essence discredited con-
mote the idea more fully and forcefully than tinental drift. In most parts of the United States
anyone before him. the ideas received little further attention, al-
Wegener's 1912 paper apparently was not though interest remained high in many other
well received, and he went off to the Green- parts of the world. A major problem was that
land ice cap on an expedition led by J. P. the physicists could find no mechanism for pro-
Koch. After spending the winter at a base in pelling the continents, even though Holmes
northeast Greenland, they trekked 700 mi published a convection hypothesis in 1928 and
(1,120 km) across the ice cap with a team of then proposed convection as a continental-drift
ponies. During the long winter night at lat. mechanism in 1931. His model was similar in
77"N there was little to do but complete the many respects to recent schemes (see Fig. 1 ) .
chores necessary for subsistence, admire the In 1930, Wegener was in Greenland again as
stark beauty of the surroundings by moonlight, leader of the German Inland Ice Expedition. A
and cogitate. Wegener's cogitations bolstered major objective was to determine the thickness
his faith in the idea of continental drift, and of the ice cap by using a new technique now
he renewed his efforts after returning home and known as "explosion seismology." Wegener
published a book (Wegener, 1915). The great perished tragically on the ice cap at the age of
debate was under way. 50. Although he did not live to see general
The topic was sufficiently novel and challeng- acceptance of his hypothesis, when he died he
ing that it became the subject of varied discus- was pioneering a technique which later gave it
sions. Advocates of Suess's (1908, 1909) strong support. Seismic data from oceanic
Gondwanaland found the hypothesis particu- ridges, active mountain chains, and volcanic
larly appealing, and Wegener's views quickly island arcs now provide persuasive evidence for
gained wide acceptance in the Southern Hemi- the new global tectonics.
sphere. The arguments pro and con raged until By the late 1930s, about all that could be
the 1930s, but they waned after the first syrn- said for continental drift had been said, not
posium on continental drift, held by The Amer- once but many times, and either one believed
ican Association of Petroleum Geologists in it or did not.

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Plate Tectonics, Seafloor Spreading, and Continental Drift 7

In the 1950s, interest was revived by ex- consequences of these movements and interac-
ploration of the ocean floor and the develop- tions through time. It is thus concerned largely
ment of paleomagnetic studies. In 1960, the with the surface and crust of the earth, although
late Harry H. Hess (1960, 1962) revived the causes of plate movements are within the
Holmes's ( 1931 ) model of mantle convection earth.
and introduced the hypothesis of seafloor The surface features of the solid earth are
spreading. Hess considered the idea so fanciful shown in Figure 2. There is a primary distinc-
that he called it "geopoetry." In the mid-1960s, tion between two levels, the continental plat-
an increasing variety of evidence lending sup- forms and the floors of the oceanic basins. In-
port to the hypothesis was reported, and a cluded with the continents are the epeiric seas
bandwagon atmosphere developed. and the submerged continental shelves. The
In January 1970, a full page in Time mag- primary tectonic features are the oceanic ridges,
azine explained how Hess's geopoetry had be- the geologically young mountain ranges and
come geofact, and the heading declared "It's a volcanic island arcs, the oceanic trenches, and
revolution." At about the same time, the Jour- the major fracture zones that transect the
nal of Geophysical Research-another respec- oceanic ridges.
table publication-also was telling us that con- According to plate tectonics, the earth is
tinental drift was proved fact. However, in covered by a small number ( 6 to 20) of large,
1968 articles had appeared in the Journal of stable lithospheric plates moving relative to
Geophysical Research referring to the theory of each other and having boundaries delineated by
"plate tectonics." Plate tectonics, as depicted in belts of tectonic activity. Signals of activity in-
Figure 1, incorporates seafloor spreading from clude earthquakes and volcanism. The oceanic
the oceanic ridges and accounts for continental trenches and ridges are well correlated with
drift. Therefore, I begin here with a review of world tectonic activity, and more accurate in-
plate tectonics and proceed to show how the formation becomes available each year. The re-
other concepts are related. markable concentration of earthquakes along
narrow belts is apparent from the maps of Bara-
zangi and Dorman ( 1969, 1970) showing world
Figure 1 shows the general global scheme. seismicity in a recent 8% -year period (January
The outer shell of the earth, about 100 km 1961 to September 1969). The earthquake belts
thick, is composed of relatively cool, rigid rock are represented in Figure 3 by the heavy lines;
called the "lithosphere." This overlies the these belts are considered to delineate the bound-
"asthenosphere" which, being warmer and less aries of the rigid aseismic plates that are about
rigid, is capable of slow convective motion in 100 km thick (Fig. 1 ) and as much as
the solid state. Convecting material rises be- thousands of square kilometers in area. The
neath the oceanic ridges and carries the litho- bounding earthquake belts can be correlated in
sphere away laterally as if on a conveyor belt. Figure 2 with active oceanic ridges, oceanic
The seafloor is thus spread apart, and the ten- trenches or subduction zones, and strike-slip
sional gap is filled with new ocean crust gen- faults of the transform variety (Wilson, 196.5).
erated by the injection and eruption of magma Thus, according to the theory of plate tec-
rising from the depths. Where convection cells tonics, the apparent, natural division of the
converge, a slab of lithosphere is carried into earth's surface into continents and ocean basins
the earth's interior in a subduction zone, where (Fig. 2 ) is a relatively insignificant feature of
it is heated, partially melted, and eventually the surfaces of the thick lithospheric slabs. The
assimilated. These locations are sites of com- slabs themselves, however, are remarkably thin
pression characterized by mountain ranges or in contrast to their surface areas.
volcanic island arcs and oceanic trenches. Fig- Distribution of earthquakes locates the bound-
ure 1 shows that the continents form part of the aries of lithospheric plates, and the depths of
lithospheric layer; as the lithosphere moves, so earthquake foci provide information about the
the continents drift. extension of rigid plates into the earth's interior.
Plate tectonics is concerned with the relative Intermediate- and deep-focus earthquakes are
movements and interactions of the plates of considered to delineate subduction zones like
lithosphere shown in Figure 1, and with the that depicted beneath the Andes in Figure 1.

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FIG. 2-Surface of solid earth. Stable continental platforms (diagonal shading) and stable ocean-basin floor
(white) are traversed by active mountain belts (black) and submarine ridges (stipple). Rifted crest of midocean
ridge system (thick black lines) is displaced into segments by fault zones (thin black lines). Heavy dotted lines
show deep ocean trenches adjacent to volcanic island arcs or to continental margins. Earthquakes are associated
with mountain belts, midocean ridges, oceanic trenches, and island arcs.

FIG. 3-Plate-tectonic model. Distribution of major rigid plates of lithosphere, relatively free of earth-
quakes, bordered by active earthquake belts. Compare plate boundaries with features in Figure 2. Line between
continent and ocean is not significant with respect to lithospheric plates unless it coincides with active earth-
quake belt Based on Isacks et al. (1968)and Morgan (1968).

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Plate Tectonics, Seafloor Spreading, and Continental Drift 9

The relative motions of adjacent lithospheric

plates have been determined by the study of
focal mechanisms of earthquakes. The average
orientation of slip vectors for the earthquakes in
a given earthquake belt defines the motion, and
the arrows showing the directions of movement
of some plates in Figure 3 are consistent with
the idea of seaRoor spreading from the oceanic
Recent seismic activity defines the present
boundaries and relative motions of the litho-
spheric plates, but this activity does not indicate
how long the movements have continued o r
whether t h e movements have remained con-
tinuous in direction and speed. The inferred
existence of lithospheric slabs extending 700 km
into the earth's interior implies that the process
continued at least long enough to transport the
lithosphere laterally through 700 km. Rates of
movement must be known before times can be
estimated, and to determine these rates one
must study seafloor spreading.

The lithospheric plates move because the sea-

floor is spreading away from those belts of
seismicity that follow the oceanic ridges and as-
sociated transform faults. I have already re-
viewed the convection-cell-conveyor-belt model
in Figure 1. By analysis of the stages of seafloor
spreading, geologic history can be traced back-
ward in time.
The critical evidence for the model is based
on the history of polarity reversals in the earth's
magnetic field. These changes are imprinted on
the newly generated lithosphere at the oceanic FIG. 4-Lines of force associated with earth's mag-
netic field: A, with normal polarity; B, with reversed
ridges. The process of imprinting has been com- polarity. C shows geomagnetic polarity-reversal time
pared with the imprinting on magnetic tape by scale determined by directions of fossil magnetization
a magnetic tape recorder. The concept was pub- of radiometrically dated lavas.
lished first by Vine and Matthews (1963), but
was developed independently by Morley in
1963 (see Morley and Larochelle, 1964). comparison to Figure 4A, and this requires re-
versal of the hypothetical dipole magnet as well.
Magnetic-Field Reversals and What is the evidence that polarity reversal has
Geomagnetic Time Scale ever occurred?
The earth behaves as if it encloses a large Lava becomes weakly magnetized as it cools,
magnet with a magnetic axis almost parallel and the direction of magnetization preserves a
with the earth's rotational axis. Figure 4A shows fossil record of the direction of the earth's mag-
schematically the hypothetical dipole magnet netic field at the time and place of solidification
and the distribution of lines of force around of the lava. Figure 4C shows the polarity-re-
the earth at the present time. The present ar- versa1 time scale that has been established from
rangement is, naturally, defined as "normal." paleomagnetic studies of rocks from vertical
Figure 4B shows the magnetic field reversed in sequences of radiogenically dated lavas at the

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10 Peter J. Wyllie

earth's surface. The lava flows range in age c-d produces a positive anomaly above it, and
from the present to 4 m.y. (Cox et al., 1964; the older crust, now separated into the two
Doell and Dalrymple, 1966; Cox, 1968). The blocks a-c and d-b, produces negative anom-
magnetized directions of the lavas, which are alies in the earth's reversed magnetic field. In
from various parts of the world, show a pattern this way, the sequence of polarity reversals for
of alternating polarities termed "polarity the earth (Fig. 4C) is believed to become im-
epochs" and shorter intervals termed "polarity printed on the spreading oceanic crust. Figure
events." The error in the dating method be- 5C is a cross section of the sequence of mag-
comes too large to extend this time scale back- netized strips resulting from the polarity re-
ward beyond about 4 m.y. ago, because the versals of the past 3 m.y. The alternating direc-
error exceeds the total duration of many polar- tions of magnetization of the strips produce the
ity events. However, using a similar approach series of positive and negative anomalies, sym-
and measuring the age and polarity of a wide metrically disposed about the ridge crest. Each
range of rocks, McElhinney (1971) presented a anomaly boundary in Figure 5C, when cor-
reversal pattern through the whole of Phanero- related with the appropriate reversal time in
zoic time. Figure 4C, gives the time taken for the oceanic
crust to spread laterally to its present position
Magnetic Anomalies of Ocean Basins from the ridge crest, where it was generated.
The hypothesis of seafloor spreading became The magnetic anomalies parallel with the
theory when the sequences of weak, linear mag-
netic anomalies which at the present time
parallel the oceanic ridges were measured and
correlated with the time scale for the earth's
polarity reversals. Vine and Matthews (1963)
proposed that the magnetic anomalies were
caused by the magnetization of alternate strips
of the ocean floor in opposite directions, and
they explained the existence of such strips by
correlating the anomalies with seafloor spread-
ing and polarity reversals, as illustrated sche-
matically in Figure 5; this is the "magnetic tape
recorder" analogy.
If one assumes, quite arbitrarily, that sea-
floor spreading began at a ridge 3 m.y. ago,
then eruptions of lava during successive polarity
epochs before that time would have produced
no directional magnetic properties in the
oceanic crust, and no systematic magnetic-
anomaly pattern would be expected. Figure 5A
shows the effect produced during part of the
Gauss normal epoch (Fig. 4C), between 3 and
2.75 m.y. ago. as the new crust a-b was gen-
erated from magma and spread laterally from
the ridge crest. This rock was magnetized in the
direction of the existing (normal) magnetic
field, producing a positive magnetic anomaly
along the ridge crest. The Matuyama reversed- FIG. 5-Schematic representation of sequence of
polarity epoch began about 2.5 m.y. ago (Fig. inagnetization of new ocean floor generated at mid-
4C). Continued spreading for 0.25 m.y. pro- ocean ridges as lithosphere is transported laterally
duced the situation in Figure 5B, where the away from ridge. Blocks of crust (with directions of
block of new crust c-d is shown to be mag- magnetization alternating as reversals of magnetic field
take place; see Fig. 4C) produce alternate positive
netized in the direction opposite to that of the and negative anomalies o n earth's ambient magnetic
original block a-b in Figure 5A. The block field as measured at sea level.

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Plate Tectonics, Seafloor Spreading, a n d Continental Drift 11

Reykjanes Ridge, a part of the Mid-Atlantic Geomagnetic Scale

Ridge southwest of Iceland, show good sym- Magnetic Dated
metry about the ridge, and the ratios of the
widths of successive anomaly bands correlate
Time Scale anomalies polarity
closely with the successive polarity epochs and (radiomet r i c l (extrapolated) epochs
events. The publication of these results by
Heirtzler et al. in 1966 was hailed as proof of
seafloor spreading (Vine, 1966).
Average rates of spreading from various
ridges as determined from magnetic-anomaly
bands range from about 1 cm/year to more
than 6 cm/year. Thus, the time scale in Figure
4C shows that the distances of the oldest dated
rocks from ridge crests range from 40 km to
more than 240 km. The pattern of recognizable
linear magnetic anomalies extends much farther
than this in many areas; therefore, if the as-
sumption is made that spreading rates have re-
mained constant, the spacing of the linear Earth
anomalies can be used to extrapolate the polar- formed
ity-reversal time scale beyond the 4-m.y.-B.P. x logyr.
limit imposed by the dating method (Fig. 4C).
In this way, the time scale has been extrapolated
backward to about 80 m.y., as shown in
Figure 6.
Easily identifiable anomalies have b,-en num-
bered for reference purposes and for correlation
from one profile to another. Each numbered FIG.6--Radiometric geologic time scale compared
anomaly is thus assigned a provisional age, as in with geomagnetic time scale. See Figure 4C. Scale for
each successive column is increased by factor of 10.
Figure 6, and the distribution of anomalies in
the ocean basins corresponds to the distribution
of isochrons for the ocean-basin floor. The JOIDES Drilling Results
distribution of magnetic anomalies in many The Glomar Challenger (Fig. 7) began its
parts of the ocean is far less symmetrical and cruises in 1968. Already, results of the JOIDES
more complicated than for the Reykjanes Deep Sea Drilling Project have been hailed
Ridge. It is a long extrapolation from the ac- widely as confirmation of the theory of seafloor
curately dated period of 4 m.y. ago (Fig. 4C) spreading and plate tectonics. In the South
to the Cretaceous (80 m.y.; Fig. 6), and such Atlantic Ocean, the paleontologic ages of the
extrapolation involves numerous assumptions. deepest sediments above basaltic basement
Unfortunately, the assumptions and the tenuous rocks agree very closely with the age of the
nature of the extrapolated geomagnetic time basement according to the magnetic anomalies
scale-although stated in earlier papers on this and the geomagnetic time scale back to almost
topic-tend to be overlooked in some of the 80 m.y. It has not been established, however,
subsequent publications and reviews. that the basalt which was penetrated is definitely
Despite the provisional nature of the ages and basement rock. Deeper drilling may reveal more
the large amount of magnetic mapping still to sedimentary rock below basaltic layers.
be completed, the ability to contour the ocean The need for prudence is indicated in a recent
basins with isochrons provides the prospect of paper by Macdougall (1971 ). He dated basaltic
unraveling the history of these basins, and the basement in one of the drillholes of the western
resultant movement of the continents, with a Atlantic Ocean basin as 16 m.y. old; it lay
precision inconceivable during the debate about beneath fossiliferous Late Cretaceous sedimen-
continental drift that occupied the first half of tary beds! Hopefully, the device illustrated in
the century. Figure 7 which permits removal of a drill core,

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12 Peter J. Wyllie

surfaces $hi!\
;':Glomar Figure 1 shows the South Atlantic Ocean in-
creasing in width by seafloor spreading. The
'------:--Challenger I lithospheric plates are about 100 km thick, and
the continents range in thickness from 35 to
70 km. They move with the plates like logs
frozen into an ice floe; this is the common
analogy drawn. Wegener's ( 1912, 1915) origi-
nal concept of continents "sailing" through a
sima (mafic) sea was discredited in the van
der Gracht et al. (1928) symposium. In the
new concept of plate tectonics, however,
Wegener's mechanism need not be invoked, and
thus one of the greatest obstacles to the con-
tinental-drift idea no longer exists.
Continental Fits
Therefore, continental drift is simply a result
FIG. 7-Sketch of Glomar Challenger with drilling
rig, dynamic positioning system, and reentry system of seafloor spreading during the course of plate-
o n ocean floor. tectonic activity. If the spreading process il-
lustrated in Figure 1 were reversed at th- same
replacement of a worn bit, and reentry of the half-rate of 2 crn/year, then 4 cm of ocean
drill string into the same borehole on the ocean floor would disappear each year, and in less
floor will lead to more detailed studies of the than 150 m.y. the South Atlantic Ocean would
nature and age of the basaltic rocks described be closed and the continents of Africa and
as basement. South America would be in contact. A glance at
the map of the Atlantic Ocean (Figs. 2, 3)
Subduction Zones makes it obvious to the drifter that the con-
If large volumes of lithosphere are being tinents on either side of the Atlantic, and the
generated at the oceanic ridges and the rigid Mid-Atlantic Ridge, were once joined. How-
plates are spreading away from the ridge crests, ever, Dietz (1967, p. 73) presented a sketch
where is all the material going? If one assumes showing how one does have to stretch th: evi-
that the earth is not expanding, lithosphere dence a little to make the apparently obvious
must be removed at the same rate it is gen- fit work.
erated. The Pacific plate moving northwest Bullard et al. (1965) were tired of the re-
from the East Pacific Rise (Figs. 2, 3 ) ob- peated criticism by nondrifters that the con-
viously must disappear in subduction zones ex- tinents did not fit across the Atlantic. Therefore,
tending beneath the oceanic trenches that fes- they put the computer to work and came up
toon the northwest Pacific Ocean. with an objective fit designed to satisfy every-
The accepted interpretation is that the litho- one; and even if it does not satisfy everyone,
spheric plate is continuous, in a tectonic sense, it certainly seems to have satisfied the majority.
and that the lithospheric slab bends at the However, geometric fits are not really good
trenches and moves down beneath the island evidence for or against drift, as Voisey (1958)
arcs (or marginal mountain range, as in Fig. 1) . and Lyustikh (1967) showed only too well.
This interpretation presents mechanical prob- Therefore, it is logical to seek an independent
lems. Lliboutry (1969) proposed one of sev- line of evidence to determine whether con-
eral solutions that have been published. He tinental drift has taken place. Is there an in-
postulated that the continuous oceanic plates dependent line of evidence? Fortunately, there
are sheared into vertical fragments beneath the is.
oceanic trenches, and that the contiguous frag-
ments move down into the asthenosphere in Paleomagnetism
such a way that the overall picture is one of an The earth has a magnetic field (Fig. 4A)
inclined plate dipping into the interior. and, if it can be assumed that the approximate

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Plate Tectonics, Seafloor Splreading, and Continental Drift 13

axial dipole field of today has predominated at different times, extending back to more
during the whole of earth history, then one can than 500 m.y. ago (Fig. 6).
use some of the principles of paleomagnetism
Reconstruction of Pangaea by
to see whether continents have drifted. If they
have, it is possible to determine their "wander- Dietz and Holden
ing" paths. The theory is based on the fact that Wegener had outlined the breakup and dis-
a rock becomes magnetized in the direction of persal of the original supercontinent called
the magnetic field prevailing at the time the "Pangaea." In 1970, Dietz and Holden posi-
magnetic material in the rock was formed. tioned Pangaea for the first time in absolute
From oriented rock specimens collected in the coordinates on the earth's globe. Their guiding
field, one may then determine the ancient paleo- rationale for the reconstruction was the drift
latitude and the distance from the magnetic mechanism associated with plate tectonics and
pole of the rock when it was magnetized. If seafloor spreading (Figs. 1, 3, 5 ) . Using these
the magnetic axis of the past coincided with the same guidelines, they prepared four maps il-
rotational axis, then one has, from paleomag- lustrating the breakup and dispersion of the
netic measurements, a record of the locations continents during the past 180 m.y. Absolute
in the past of the rotational axis. The whole geographic coordinates were assigned for the
collection and measurement process is one continents, as well as for the active oceanic
which requires great delicacy, care, and pre- rift zones and the oceanic trenches, as the con-
cision. tinents migrated to their present positions.
Studies of oriented rock specimens ranging They also extrapolated present plate move-
in age from the present to 20 m.y. old show ments to predict the appearance of the world
that the paleomagnetic pole has not moved 50 m.y. from now. Among the anticipated
much during these 20 m.y. relative to the rock changes are northward movement of Australia
locations. Statistically, in fact, the pole has not into contact with the Asian plate, easterly shift
moved at all. There is a wide spread in plotted of India, the virtual closure of the Mediter-
pole positions; that is to be expected in paleo- ranean Sea, and some significant changes in the
magnetic studies. The spreads are so wide that geography of California. They estimated that in
elaborate statistical procedures must be applied about 10 m.y. Los Angeles, on the Pacific
to the results in order to determine an average plate, will be abreast of San Francisco, on the
pole position. American plate (Fig. 3 ) , and in about 60 m.y.
Rocks older than 20 m.y. show that the Los Angeles will start sliding into the Aleutian
paleomagnetic pole-and by inference the ro- Trench south of Alaska. The nice thing about
tational pole-has moved relative to the con- such predictions is that it will take millions of
tinents, or vice versa. In fact, the farther back years to prove or disprove them!
in time one goes, the more divergent are the
pole positions. Rocks measured from a single
continent give a path of polar wandering Those who still feel somewhat dissatisfied
through time, showing the position of the paleo- about the evidence for lateral movements at
magnetic pole relative to the position of the the earth's surface might be happier if the
continent. causes of these movements were known-but
If continents have held the same relative posi- the causes are not known. With this fact under-
tions with respect to one another through time, stood, we can speculate. One basis for specula-
the polar-wandering paths of all continents tion on the dynamics of the earth's interior is
should coincide. They do not. The polar- a study of the effects of surface movements.
wandering paths for North America, Europe, Studies of effects such as earthquakes may pro-
Asia, Africa, India, South America, and Aus- vide clues to the causes.
tralia diverge from each other. Therefore, on According to the theory, earthquakes result
the basis of these paths, one may conclude that when plates collide at the margins. Most of the
the continents have moved with respect to each major earthquakes around the Pacific are at-
other. Some reasonably consistent pictures now tributed to the subduction of oceanic plates
seem to be emerging from attempts to recon- beneath island arcs or mountain ranges. For
struct the relative positions of the continents example, a disastrous earthquake in the Peru-

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14 Peter J. Wyllie

vian Andes in 1970 killed 50,000 people. It better than any previous hypotheses on the
caused half a mountainside to move downward matter.
a distance of 4 km and laterally a distance of I think that we should work the theory of
15 km. Within a few minutes, this mass of the new global tectonics for all it is worth-just
earth, rocks, and melting ice, rushing at veloci- as we should do with any theory or model,
ties on the order of 300 km/hour, buried the for it is through such intensive studies that we
village of Yungay in the valley below, in places obtain large quantities of valuable informa-
to a thickness of 15 m (Browning, 1973). tion. We should reexamine the geologic data
I have illustrated elsewhere (Wyllie, 1971a, within this new conceptual framework, but we
p. 354) four mechanisms that have been con- must not assume that we have arrived at the
sidered. The first is a simple convection cell in final solution-because geology just is not that
the asthenosphere-the conveyer-belt model simple. Wegmann (1963) wrote: "Commonly
(Fig. 1). The second shows a passive plate the motions, concepts, and hypotheses control
being underridden by a cold downgoing plate; the selection of facts recorded by the observers.
gabbro is converted by polymorphic transition They are nets retaining some features as useful,
to denser eclogite, and the slab sinks, pulling letting others pass as of no immediate interest.
the plate behind it. The third shows a slight The history of geology shows that a conceptual
slope from the flanks of the ridges, and the development in one sector is generally followed
oceanic lithosphere slides toward the continents by a harvest of observations, since many geolo-
under the action of gravity. In the fourth model gists can only see what they are asked to record
the plates are being pushed; it has been suggested by their conceptual outfit." What we have to
that a sort of magmatic head is built up beneath do now is use the conceptual outfit but not
the ridges, and that the resulting stress pushes be hampered by conceptual blinkers.
the plates to either side. The ardent advocates of plate tectonics as a
None of these models really works. Not one panacea for all problems in earth science are
of the processes proposed can work to the ex- wont to say something like this. They say that
clusion of the others and, if a mechanism ever certainly there are minor details which we can-
is worked out, it probably will involve all of not yet fit into the model; however, we can
these processes. attribute these details which do not fit to a
At the University of Chicago, where I teach present lack of understanding rather than to
and do research, mantle motions have attracted any flaw in the new global scheme. They say
the attention of several experts in fluid dy- to themselves that all will become clear in due
namics. Experimentation and theoretical re- course. Perhaps this is true. Nevertheless, we
search with their familiar convective systems surely owe it to ourselves and to the ghostly au-
in water or air have not been directly applica- thors of theories past to examine critically all
ble to material with the properties of the mantle, evidence which appears to support the hy-
but the experts faced the challenge. Their con- pothesis, to consider carefully any evidence
clusions to date are that there is no complete which does not fit the hypothesis, and to con-
mathematical or dynamic theory of seafloor tinue to seek alternate explanations for all of
spreading, and they see little prospect of for- the evidence.
mulating one until more data are available. Of the following articles in this volume, some
There seems to be some doubt as to whether are strongly for the new global tectonics, some
the critical data ever can be obtained. are strongly critical and present data which do
not appear to fit, and others are neutral. One
DISCUSSION article presents a new interpretation of the
This, then, is today's ruling theory and the linear magnetic anomalies of the ocean basins;
status of its model. I think it is important to I have noted that these anomalies have pro-
remember that many other models and many vided one of the strongest arguments in favor
other hypotheses have been proposed. Yester- of the new global tectonics. Hopefully, the
day's model is of historic interest only-al- reader will find these papers stimulating and
though within it one may find the clue for the thought-provoking, and will strive to combat
model of today. One must also remember, how- the ". . . natural coldness toward those [facts]
ever, that today's model is tomorrow's history. that seem refractory" to his preferred theory
Today's model of global tectonics looks far (Chamberlin, 1890).

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Plate Tectonics, Seafloor Spreading, and Continental Drift 15

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