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Running head: Work Psychology 0

Work Psychology 1

Table of Contents
Types of Stress.................................................................................................................................3
Causes of Stress at workplace..........................................................................................................4
Motivation at workplace..................................................................................................................6
Perspective of Motivation................................................................................................................6
Necessity of the Understanding about Stress and Motivation.........................................................7
Placement Diary...............................................................................................................................8
Work Psychology 2


This report summarize about the work psychology and the factors which affects the

functionality of an employee. In this report two topics are selected for the analyses which are

stress and motivation. The report is designed during the internship program in the pre-school.

This report also consist the background information of the school and the time period of the



There are many ways which are used to define term stress; basically it can be defined as

the pressure which an individual gets from the environment which develops strain in a human

being. In other words it can be explained that it is the physical and psychological state where a

person is not able to manage the demands by the available resources (Maheshwari, 2019).

However little stress is important for an individual because it maintain the focus of that

individual towards the goals and targets. It is not bad to keep the stress if it helping person to

remain motivate and provide ability face the challenges at the workplace (El Sayed, Sanford, &

Kerley, 2019). But the restlessness schedule of the organization where the employee has to work

for long hours, compact deadlines and the increasing demand leads the employee towards stress,

if the stress of an individual crosses the limits of cooperation than it start creating issues rather

than helping or motivating. Increasing of the stress becomes the reason of damage. In most of the

countries in which rules are proposed for the employees to take care of their health and they must

have to ensure about their safety first. These rules are introduced for the management of the

stress-related problems, in which results of mental and physical both are considered (Ercolani,

Varani, Peghetti, Franchini, Malerba, 2019). Stress at workplace can occurs in different ways but
Work Psychology 3

the situation get worse when employee in an organization start getting realizes that they are not

getting support from their supervisors. Due to immediate demands of working environment in

the organization the pressure at workplace cannot be avoided. Stress is the result which is

obtained due to mismatch of the demand and pressure upon the person, on the skills and ability

of that person (Clough, March, Leane, & Ireland, 2019).

Types of Stress

There are several categories in which the stress is categorized and these categories are

described below:

1. Task Demands – This category explains about the condition of the individual who is not

having any information or knowledge about the workplace and action which he/she has to

perform (Stich, Tarafdar, Stacey, & Cooper, 2019).

2. Role Demands –This type of stress is observed when the individual or the employee is

going through an inconsistent issue or the difficult expectations (McNamee, 2019).

Basically the role demand is also divided in the sub categories which are descripted below:

i. Inter role conflict: This term explains when there are more than two

expectations for single person for the different job roles.

ii. Intra role conflict: When the expectations keep on varying for the individual

for one job role is known as Intra role conflict.

iii. Person-role conflict: This term is specifically observed when the ethics of the

individual are challenged by the expectation or demands at the work place.

iv. Role ambiguity: When the confusion arises related to the expectation of other

individual at the workplace.

Work Psychology 4

3. Interpersonal Demands – The type of the stress which can be examined due to emotional

concerns such as offensive coworkers, sexual harassment or due to lack in the leadership

(Harris, Strom, Erbes, & Ruzek, 2019).

4. Physical Demands –There are many work in which a work has to perform under the

extreme working condition which requires the physical efforts and sometimes there are

risks in which the individual might cause hazard Chandra, & Rashmi, 2019).

Causes of Stress at workplace

The way in which the jobs are designed, the way of managing the work and the system

care the major cause factor of the work stress. The demands which are unmanageable and

excessive demands at the work place will leads employees towards inappropriate design of work,

low management and working conditions are not satisfactory (Hancock, Müller, Stricker, Wang,

2019). The employees who not receive any kind of support at their workplace they lose their

control over their targets and goals which are provided them for their work. The categories

which defined the reasons of stress are defined below (Bartlett, Martin, Neil, Memish, 2019):

Work related stress: The problems which are observed because of stress affect the

employee and employer both. There are two types of symptom of stress which are related to

work i.e. Psychological and Psychological. The stress which is related to work they arises due to

external and internal demand or pressure of the workplace (Pronk, Bender, & Katz, 2019); It is

obtained due to unpredictable issues or concerns when the individual start facing issue

completely related to job such as difficult expectations, interpersonal issue or physical demands.

According to the researches which are performed by the scientists; that by ignoring the skills or

ability of the individual may lead the person towards the stress. Such evidence argues that
Work Psychology 5

working conditions are a key source of job stress and job redesign should be used as a primary

prevention strategy (Kruskal, Shanafelt, Eby, Meltzer, 2019).

Power and Stress: There are different levels of the stress which can be seen because of

the status of the person or individual. Individual of every level or the designation has to face

some challenges at their work place related to demand including the managers, and all the other

employees get affected by the stress. The authority in an organization is also one of the important

role on which the stress is based. The individual with less authority has to face more challenges

and will lead towards the stress rather than the individual who has the more number of

authorities at work place (MacDonald, Kelly, & Christen, 2019).

Economics and Stress: The factor of economy is one of the major factors which is responsible

for the major level of stress amongst employee. According to the researches which are conducted

by the experts due to introduction of technology and because of its diversification the

organizations prefer to work with the more efficiency and due to advancement the productivity

of organizations are increased along with the competition in market. All of these factors

increased pressure and expectations from employees which is leading them towards the stress

(MacDonald, Kelly, & Christen, 2019).

The economic factors which are responsible for the stress are described below:

 The investors who withdraw their money from the stocks of the company quickly also

create pressure.

 When at the workplace there is lack of professional and trade unions.

 Due to global competition the inter-rivalries may cause the stress and pressure.
Work Psychology 6

Motivation at workplace

The factor which helps to maintain or to control the behavior of any individual

motivation plays a dominant role at the work place. There are always several challenges that

have to be face by the employee and sometimes these challenges may affect the productivity and

working efficiency of the person. Motivation is that factor which helps the person generate the

good values and which can person can achieve the higher levels of goals (Renninger, & Hidi,


The researches which are conducted over the motivation reflect the results on employees which

are described below:

 The employee will always select the appropriate way to complete the task.

 Employee will always found as quality oriented.

 The motivated employee will provide the high productivity and efficiency.

Perspective of Motivation

According to the perception of managers there are very less number of ideas which are

crucial than the dynamics of the motivation. There are some responsibilities of manager which

pushes an employee towards efficiency and fulfillment of their goals. There are some theories

introduced which are dependent upon the psychology. These theories are announced to

determine the factors which plays important role in contributing for the motivation, these

theories are classified as follows (Muir, Silva, Woldegiorgis, 2019):

i. Need-Oriented theory

ii. Cognition- Oriented theory

iii. Behavior- Oriented theory

Work Psychology 7

iv. Job- Oriented theory

Necessity of the Understanding about Stress and Motivation

The reason behind selection of Stress and Motivation is that these are two very important terms
which are affecting most of the employees at their workplace. There are many reasons due to
which an individual is facing the challenge of stress. In these factors the shift of work, payroll,
working pressure etc. are included. However the problem of stress can be examined at small
work place. In the report the factor of stress and motivation are examined at kindergarten pre-
school. The school is not very big or with large staff, the school is providing the education to
children of age 4-6 years. The staff of the school is not big including principal there are total 3
teachers who are providing their services. I am teaching two subjects in which English and
Mathematics are included.

As it is a primary school and due to internship I am not able to expect the good stipend or
payment from the authority of school. However I am working in school for 14 hours from 9 am
in the morning to 11 pm at night. The hectic schedule of the school creates a pressure in these 14
hours I have to make project and research paper of the internship as well. I have to teach children
and while teaching to children of age 4- 6 years. While teaching I cannot be so treat them hardly.
It is the responsibility of teacher to manage such situation with the grades teacher has to make
changes in their attitude and behavior. I provide my service in the school for almost 480 hours in
which I prepared the presentation file and placement diary.
Work Psychology 8

Placement Diary

The steps which are to be considered and should be completed are defined below:
 The duplicate documents required for the meeting with Manager.
 Arrangement of the material which are required for the meeting.
 Presentation of slides- customer satisfaction.
 Meeting with the head of the CRM manager
The first day I start analysis about the factors which are important for the satisfaction of the

customer for an organization. I go through the study of the methods which are useful for the

customer satisfaction by the support of the customer relationship department. A report file of

almost 25 pages is prepared for the presentation to my managers and other high authorities of the



I was happy as I got to understand facts about the other department and I also get to know about

some new people with new skills and abilities.


General Work

 The slide presentation was done for the meeting with the management

 Work on “correct behavior, correct nature, and positive results.”

 Meeting with customer experience manager.


I ask to make a report on the customer experience and factors which are used to measure it so

that in case during meeting with the manager I should also have some knowledge. I was glad that
Work Psychology 9

my team was dedicated and it was the second day to support and to collect information about the

growth and compatibility of organization.


It was movement of proud for me that I am leading team of dedicated members who are

concerned about my instructions and with the patience I managed the whole work.


In general:

 Preparation of the slide presentation- customer satisfaction

 Meeting with the business analyst team


I was providing assistance to my team regularly with the facts and information which I was

collecting from departments so that we can prepare the presentation with the correct statistics and



The business executive team provides motivation by helping me with the all operational works

and the ways to control them. They provide me the necessary pattern which they used to follow

when there are any challenges with the resources and clients.


In general

 Study on the available data

 Combing the data and comparing them

Work Psychology 10


I started analyzing the facts and researches which I performed from past days, it was work due to

which I started felt tired.


Analyzed the importance of the resources, products and customers.

Day 5

In general

 Training was arranged with the customer relationship management department


The training office who was assigned for my training set some goals which helps me to work in

the right direction also provides me the methods to measure the accuracy of my research.


The training session was good and full of new experience I was overwhelmed to meet with well

dignities of my organization who are working for the organization with dedication.


In general

 Research on the available data


I started browse some facts which are in trend with the current market. The statistics which are

obtained by the study and all the previous researches performed with different department.

Work Psychology 11

I understood the preference of customer and services of the organization are correlated with

each other.


In general

 Visit to production team


I visit to the production which looks after the productivity of the service which company is

delivering in the market. I analyzed the process which the team over their working has to follow.


The production team was very polite and they explain every process and step with brief when

they get to know the importance of their work they were very happy also they appreciate my and

work of my team.


In general

 Re-visit to customer relationship department


I went to customer relationship department so that they can check the analytical report which

was prepared by till now.

Work Psychology 12

Supervisor from the customer relationship department appreciate my work although they provide

me some feedback related to it. I was happy and overwhelmed, I was feeling motivated. After

that I also appreciate my team by discussing the topic which has to amend in the work.


In general

 Analyze right behavior, right attitude and positivity amongst employees.


There are many circumstances where employee faces challenges with the work place so I want to

analyze the methods which organization performs to manage them.


I understand the challenges which often observed in the organization and the methods by which

they can be managed.


In general

 Combining the data and information


I started the research with my team on the different types of behavior amongst the employees and

the factors which are responsible for the behaviors.

Work Psychology 13

I get to learn new factors and I also understand the reasons which are causing them. I learned

about the stress at the work place.


In general

 Preparation about the facts for stress at work place

 Understand how stress can impact the organization


A meeting was arranged with the employees and workers and discussed them with the challenges

which they have to face. I also discuss about the topic with the different level of supervisor.


I learned about the stress which arises in the employee regarding the workplace and I was also

little depressed when I understand the facts where the employee in an organization faces



In general

 Preparation of report related with the stress

 Meeting with the management and supervisors

Work Psychology 14

I instruct my team to prepare the report which is based upon the discussion conducted with the

employees or workers related to stress. I also went to the meeting with the management and

supervisor of the organization.


The meeting was conducted successfully and I was now satisfied that every organization

consider about the stress that may rise in the employees and they also tries many methods to

remove the stress and pressure from their employees.


In general

 Collection of Data

 Visit to Human resource department


I instruct the team to collect the data and compare them with the facts with the different theories

which are proposed by the researchers. I visit to human resource department where Ii spoke with

the HR’s of the company and asked them about the attrition rate due to dissatisfaction.


It was a totally different experience as I understand the procedure of the recruitment process and

the action which they have to follow. I also get the many statistics related to hiring and attrition

in the organization.


In general

 Analyzing the report

Work Psychology 15


I started the analysis of the facts and information which were collected and discussed in every

department of an organization and I started to connect them with the growth of the organization.


It was totally hectic work to collect all the data, to relate them and ensuring that not any single

point get left because it may affect the complete study.


In general

 Visit to the departments of the organization


Now almost everyone was familiar with me so I was also start feeling comfortable in that

environment. I discussed about the report before the submission if the collected information and

data which are prepared are correct or any changes which can be made.


It was the second time when I was feeling proud on my dedicated which combine every aspects

in such way that all the data and information which were analyzed by the authorities of

management they start appreciating the work.


In general

 Preparation of the final slide presentation

 Visit to CRM department

Work Psychology 16


I inform my team to prepare the slide presentation by considering the feedback. I visited to CRM

department to invite the manager for the slide presentation.


I was overwhelmed as it was moment of proud the hard work by me and my team was

appreciated and also everything was getting finished in flow.


In general

 Support team in cleaning the department.


After cleaning the department it was a new looks in the surroundings. All the files were placed in

organized manner.


This session and practice helps to unite us an to complete the task with dedication.


In general

 Provide support for the printing and completing the documentation for the training



Get to know about other staffs and department.

Work Psychology 17

It creates the good rapport amongst the all department


In general

 Printing of the final documentation and Labeling with the department


It was great experience and I am glad that I was part of the project. I helped many departments

and at some stages I felt the stress due to data analysis.


I realized that every department in the organization have their own specific role for the growth

and development of an organization.

Total working Hours: 480 Hours

Work Psychology 18


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