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DNA activation- a download Thu, October 4, 2007 - 8:51 PM

Yah, I've had firsthand experience with DNA activation.

We as humans in this time are SO BLESSED,

because now, more than any other time in history,

we have the ability to consciously activate our chromosomes.

The more we activate and open our strands of DNA,

the more we are able to ground the frequencies of love into this dimension.

The way that we can live a life that will gradually and inevitably activate us at a genetic level is simply to
live in love. Feelings of joy, admiration, sweetness, and light feelings such as those, are what opens up
and unlocks the strands... and of course, feelings of jealousy, anger, hatred and resentment are feelings
that will literally lock up and compress your DNA. The result of "dark" or "light" feelings on a tangible
level of physical well- being is documented scientifically. When you feel dark, your immune system is
hardly effective... when you live feelings of love, your immune system boosts up to 1000%+ what we
consider a "healthy" immune response. There's so much more to say about it... The CONSCIOUS
activation is possible through the intention to do so... the use of a combination of things I have found
the most success with. Intention (the relaxed kind, flowing with ease and knowing Grace...), focus,
SOUND (any kind of sound, but especially tones brought up from the muladhara and belly), and all in
sacred space... medicines are helpful if you use them with intention. Also it helps to have others around
who are aligned with the intention to evolve. We can help each other so much! When you go to open to
the current of love running through your DNA, what has been holding the flow in check will inevitable
break loose and come to light. Miasmic imprints from all lives, cellular memory of trauma and hereditary
karma all will come into the here-and-now experience. Sometimes it can be terrifying, because things
come pouring into your awareness that are SO intense, and for no apparent reason.... The important
thing is to know that it is a blessing to have it moving, and that it will pass when it is acknowledged and
then let go of. This is why I say it's good to do it in groups, so that we can hold the light for each other
when the phlegm comes coughing up... and it does come coughing up, literally. I have seen some really
spectacular releases- none more than my own... I will save stories for another time. BUT once moved
through, the space can be filled with light, and in this process, more unlocks within your DNA. Look at it
this way... Most people in the last century were having a very limited existence, mostly only aware of
the 3-D body, and having only a little experience of the Universe within their heart. These people have 3
strands active, maybe part of four. They lived primarily in the second and third chakras, yes? The more
we bring our lives up into the higher chakras, the more we activate our DNA. Twelve strands, yes? # 13 is
the unified helix in full-blown activation... this = master, avatar, world bridger. The recent experience of
humanity has pushed the awareness up into the fifth and sixth strands. There are people everywhere
now who are resonating strongly through 8 strands and more. It may be all in the eyes, but with eyes to
see, you can see people who are LIT UP walking in the health-food store and on the beach, as if they're
normal people... He hee. like me, I'm incognito. But- I'm a mutant. {:-] So is my son... he had an
amniocentesis when he was unborn that tested his DNA, and he was found to have an "abnormality".
His sixth strand is inverted. What's that mean, right? that's what we asked... and they did not know... It
was only the twelfth documented case of an inversion. His mom then took the test, and was found to
have it also. So, the answer was, he'll be special, like her... Mixed feelings about that at this point, but
ANYWAY, point is, we as a race are changing, and all that "junk" DNA is coming into play... and we do
have the ability in these times, to affect HOW we change... the free will, if you will, to change in any way
we see fit. I have some good ideas as to how I would like to see humanity change, how about you? Let
me just turn that around and start with ME, because I've got no say in what another's will would do... I
can only hope to inspire the change I'd like to see by providing an example. So far, it's working pretty

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