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Mathematical Excalibur Volume 1, Number 4 Olympiad Corner ‘The 36th International Mathematical Olympiad wad held in Toronto, Canada ‘on July, 1995, The following six problems were given to the contestants. (The country inside the parantheses are the problem proposers) _-Eeditors First Day Question 1. (Bulgaria) Let 4, B, C and D be four distinct points onaline, in that order. The circles with diameters AC and BD intersect at the points X and ¥. The line XY meets BC at ‘the point Z. Let P be apoint on the line XY different from Z, The line CP intersects the circle with diameter AC at the points C and M4 and the line BP intersects the circle with diameter BD at the points B and N. Prove that the lines AM, DN and XY are concurrent. Question 2. Russia) Let a, 8 and ¢ be positve real numbers such that abe=1. Prove that a PO+e) Pera) (continued on page 4) Feattors: Chaang, Pac Hong, Gar Studien HKU Ko, Tez-Mei, BEE Dept, HKUST ‘Leung, Tat Wing, Appt Mah Dot FPO Li, Kin-Yin, Math Dept, HKUST 1Ng, Keng Po Roger, TNC, HKPU Artist: Yeung, San-Ving Camille, MEA,CU Acknowledgment: ‘Thanks to Debbie Leung for er help in typesetting The editors welcome contributions from ll teachers and students. With your submission, please include your name, adres, school, email, | telephone and fax numbers (Gf avelable) Electronic submissions, especially in TeX, MS| Word und WordPerfect, are encouraged. The deadline for receiving material for the next issue is October 15,1995, Send all comeapondence to: De.Tex-MeiKo Department of Hectical and Hltronic Enginering Hong Kong University of Science and Technolgy ‘Clear Wate Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Pax: 2358-1485 Email eetszmei@uxmail stk __September-October, 1995 Descartes’ Rule of Signs Andy Liu University of Alberta, Canada Let P(2) be a polynomial of degree with complex coefficients. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra tells us that it has exactly » complex roots ‘We are interested in the number of real roots in the case where the coefficients are real. We may assume that the leading coefficient is 1 and the constant term is non-zero. ‘As an example, consider PO) = A602? 32 He 12 As ittums out, it has four real roots -1, 2 (Gwith multiplicity 2) and 3, and two non-real roots i andi In general, we may not be able to find the roots of P(x). However, we can obtain some information about the number of positive roots from the number of sign-switches of P@). Ifwe consider the sequence of the signs of the + non-zero coefficients of P(x) in order, a sign-switch is said to occur if a + is followed immediately by a - or vice versa, For p(x) above, the sequence is +--+ +. Hence the number of sign switches is 5. The first part of Descartes’ Rule of ‘Signs states that the number of positive roots of P(x) has the same parity as the number of sign-switches of Pt). Clearly, the later is even if and only if the constant term of P(x) is positive (because the sign sequence begins and ‘ends with-+), What we have to prove is that the same goes for the number of positive roots of P(x). From the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, PG) is a product of linear factors “and irreducible quadratic factors. Now the constant term of a quadratic factor with a negative discriminant must be positive. The constant term of a linear factor is positive if and only ifit corresponds to a negative root. It follows that the sign of the constant term of P(x) is positive if and only if the number of positive roots of P(x) is even. Since the number of sign-switches of (2) is 5, we can tell that it has an odd ‘umber of positive roots without trying to find them, ‘The second part of Descartes’ Rule of ‘Signs states that the number of positive roots of P(x) is less than or equal to the mumber of sign-switches of P(x). We shalt build up P() as follows. Start with the product of all irreducible quadratic factors and all linear factors cosresponding to negative roots. What wwe have to prove is that the number of sign-switches increases every time we introduce a linear factor corresponding 10 a positive root. For any polynomial Q(x) with real coefficients, leading coefficient 1 and a rnon-zero constant term, we group consecutive terms of the same signs together to express Qt) as an iterating sum of polynomials of positive coefficients. ‘Then the sign- switches occur precisely between summands. We claim that when we multiply Q(e) by x~ #for some positive number f, the original sign-switches are preserved, while at least one additional sign-switch occurs. Consider each summand in tum. The leading coefficient is positive, This does not change after multiptication by x. However, we may have to combine it with + times the last term of the preceding ‘summand. Since there is a sign-switch (continued on page 2) Mathematical Excalibur, Vol. 1, No. 4, Sept-Oct, 95, Page 2 Descartes’ Rule of Signs (continued from page 1) ‘between the two stemmands, the term with which itis to be combined is also positive This justifies the first claim. The second lain follows since the constant terms of Q(x) and (x-)O(e) have opposite signs. ‘This completes the proof of Descartes’ Rule of Signs. Let us illustrate the proof of the second part with PO) = (2+1)GHIY(-2FO-3). We first let 9G) = (PHO) = Poteet Since the mumber of sign-switches is 0, there is only one summand. We have 4G) =@-2)q@) = (2) (PAH) eee 2x") = (yt P= .7 8) nate et tg, ‘Note that we have combined the terms -<* and -2x' which have die same sign. Finally, PA) = 3) a3) = BWP (&-3)G) + OH TEPAH) * 3x) Gx' 9x) Ha De Bx 12) = Gx? +) P= 3+ d= 12. We point out that using the same argument, we can prove that the mumber of negative roots of Ps) is not greater than the mumber of sign-switches in P(=), and differs from it by an even number. For example, the mumber of sign-switches in glx) =3P46 #10y4 42034012 is 1, and we can conctude that pt) has cexactly one negative oot. FAST BBR PAR, SER, Ete Form 5, St. Paul’s Co-ed Coitege SMT 5 Ba » RYT 38 geometria » 3 tr" geo-" 422 "Hs (SE geography, geology *} "geo-" 4) BEL — Be)» Th “metria” BHU 4p 5K BE 3C "meteic” FA Wis ftde MERE, + AYRRED ROR» Bt sO OES, —I BOER XK WTI th Bota « BCR ENO ARAL RR » DUEL Ba AR Ri MBM FEMS - HC EAST ATL « ENA ERE » Fel I 5}1 UnGHH : 5 — BE ‘eR MR Ome BA AAU BIG AL: BUSA ROI » CEST FUCA MEGS Ab + RRA RES ELK Ce m- 2 — Bune IC MS A We Hp De Ty He Ay eT Pythagoras BREA » (ITY HB ‘EOE, (Pythagorean Theorem)! 05} BHT - ENG» BS MBIT REARS » RGAE — REN BR MS ATMA SaREL TRAP ARTD + BUS RAMESH IS (Wes FO Encl) - eae SRA AT AAWTER » ARATE» WSR T > (Elements) —W » > AMET SRAM + HE 163785 j-F Descartes) A st AL Bi EARNERS EH, BLE TB RE SRA — FREE) + IRE KROABT UES » AMDAREREY SPE Hi» RSP AMET OHERREMORER » TRA RL BRR aS MOT AD | ELAM A — tre AMES SEATED - AUR Ai [ps BRERA IPT He RADU PEED = Wen <3), « Siete PRI 1 REA + SERA A ARTE» FORTE RDT 6» HOLRAD AFL $9 3+ + FIA IARE » TRA OE RUS 3.4641 « HITE, FORTIER + + RCPS) SE AA ISN + TAINO LN FRA Si x SRR + SEAS FUINIEY AODRABATA BH RB By > HSER Be HLT AD IMUSHOTL AE + TER PRE ROTTS + AERA WER - MATE RETR PUBROE RS Res ene ae LT a FOE (ct A* AB Mathematical Excalibur, Vol. 1, No. ¢, Sept-Oct, 95 Page 3 Problem Corner We welcome readers to submit solutions to the problems posed below for publication consideration. Solutions should be preceded by the solver’s name, address and school affiliation. Please send submissions to Dr. Tsz-Mei Ko, Dept of EEE, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon. ‘The deadline for submitting solutions is October 15, 1995. Problem 16. Let a, 6, ¢, p be real numbers, with a, b, e not al! equal, such that e+topstecs pre =P a all possible values of p and rove that abe + p = 0. (Source: 1983 Dutch Mathematical Olympiad.) Determi Problem 17, Find all sets of positive integers.x, yand z such that rsyszand vtyes, Problem 18, For real numbers a, b, c, define Slade)=a%b-la-H-[a+d + [a=W -24, Show that 7(o,b,¢) > 0 if and only if Ab,e,a) > 0 if and only if le,a,b) > 0. Problem 19. Suppose 4 isa point inside a given circle and is different from the ‘center. Consider all chords (excluding ‘the diameter) passing through A. What is the locus of the intersection of the tangent lines at the endpoints of these chords? Problem 20. For n > 1, let 2n chess pieces be placed on any 2n squares of an zrxn chessboard, Show that there are 4 pieces among them that formed the vertices of a parallelogram. (Note that if 2n ~ 1 pieces are placed on the ‘squares of the first column and the first row, then there is no parallelogram. So 2n is the best possible.) Solutions Problem 11. Simplify (There is an answer with two terms involving tan1, tan1996 and integers.) Solution: Independent solutions by Iris CHAN Chau Ping (St. Catherine's School for Girls, Kwun Tong), CHAN Chi Kin (Pak Kau English School), CHAN Sze Tai, Angie (Ming Kei College), CHAN Wing Sum (HKUST), CHOW Chak On (HKUST), CHUL Yuk Man (Queen Elizabeth School), LEUNG Ka Fai (Ju Ching Chu Sceondary School (Yuen Long)), LIU Wai Kwong (Pui Tak Canossian College), Alex MOK. Chi Chiu (Homantin Government Secondary School), TAM Tak Wing (Delia Memorial Schoo! (Yuet Wah)) and WOO Chin Yeung (St. Peter's Secondary School), From tant = tanf(nt1) ~ ni) = (an(r+1)-tanny(Hanntan(nt), we set ca 2 unens — tt Edy z +p wel) _) 1221956 — an tsn1956 = ERS tet 595 = M05, Comments: This problem illustrates the telescoping method of summing a seties, Lc. by some means, write a,as by, ~ by» then summing a, will result many cancellations yielding a simple answer, Problem 12. Show that for any integer n> 12, there is a right triangle whose sides are integers and whose area is between m and 2n, (Source: 1993 Korean Mathematical Olympiad.) Solution: WONG Chun Keung, St. Paul's Co-ed College, Consider triangle A with sides 34, 4, ‘Sd, which has area 6d2, So for n in the interval (a+ 1, 61), triangle A has ‘an area between n and 2n. Ford2 3, 6d° =1- [3@#1)' + ]=3(@-1)' - 8> 0. So the intervals (3+ 1, 6c — 1) with d= 3, 4,8, .. cover all positive integers ‘geater than or equal to 28. Ford = 2, ‘wiangle A has area 24, which takes care of the cases m= 13, 14, ., 23. Finally, the cases n = 24, 25, 26, 27 are taken care of by the triangle with sides 5, 12, 13, which has area 30, Other commended solvers: CHAN ‘Wing Sum (HKUST) and LIU Wai Kwong (Pui Tak Canossian College). Problem 13. Suppose x, yx (k= 2, uy 1995) are positive and x, +x, +--+ 4 xio95 =H HAF Vins = 1 Solution: Independent solution by CHAN Chi Kin (Pak Kau English School), CHAN Wing Sum (HKUST), KWOK Wing Yin (St. Clare's Girls School) and LEUNG Ke Fai (Ju Ching (Chu Secondary School (Yuen Long), Since xy) s Crtyd/4 (is equivalent to (x,- y)? 2 0 by simple algebra), we get 1995 Fae Bate te Other commended solvers: Iris CHAN ‘Chau Ping (St. Catherine's School for Girls, Kwun Tong), CHEUNG Lap Kin (Hon Wah Middle School), (CHOW Chak On (HKUST), LIU Wai Kwong (Pui Tak Canossian College), Alex MOK Chi Chin @¥omantin Government Secondary School), TAM ‘Tak Wing (Delia Memorial Schoo! (Yuet Wah)), WONG Chun Keung (St. Paul's Co-ed College) and WOO Chin Yeung (St. Peters Secondary School). Problem 14. If A4BC, Aa’B'C’ are directly) similar to each other and ‘A44'4", ABB'B", ACC'C” are also Girectly) similar to each other, then show that Ad"B"C", AABC are @irectly) similar to each other. Solution: Independent solution by CHAN Wing Sum (HKUST) and LIU Wai Kwong (Pui Tak Canossian College). We will use capital letters for points and small letters for the corresponding complex mumbers. Since AAA‘A", ABB'B", ACC'C” are (directly) similar to each other, Then a= ra'+(1-r)a, B= ro44(1-P), et = re't(I-ne. Since AABC, Ad’B'C’ ae (det) similar to each other, bea oe (continued on page 4) Mathematical Excalibur, Vol. 1. No.4 Sept-Oct. 95. Pays Problem Corner Olympiad Corner ‘Question 6. (Poland) (Continued from page 3) (continued from page 1) Letp bean odd prime number, Find the which is equilvalent to Ad"B*C™ number of subsets A ofthe set (1,2, (directly) simlar to A4BC, Question 3. (Czech Republic) 2p} such that Determine al integers n > 3 for which () A hus exactly p elements, and Problem 15, Is there an infinite there exist m points A,, 4, ~~, A,in the Gi) the sum of all the elements in A is SeqUeNCE dy dy, dy -~ of non-zero real plane, and real numbers ry ry ~, 7, ivisibleby p. ‘numbers such that for n= 1,2,3, the Satisfying the following two conditions! | === polynomial @ ne tre ofthe pln 4,4, IMO-95, Toronto, Canada icon ling, in ¥. Li PAaY= ast aye ax! +a" Gy For each tiple |, j, KL SI or Question 4. (Poland) arrival, the team was interviewed by Find the maximom value of x for which ~2asx—+ a depending upon whether of local Chinese media, ‘The Canadian 4, is positive or negative. Suppose the W*#C exists a sequence of positive real host certainly publicized the event very rots of P,(x) isin the interval (7,7), "USES X x, “> Zips Satisfying the well, During the entire period, the eam Let dguy= (1)"YM, where Mis chosen '*0 conditions: stayed at the beautiful York University to beVvery large so that P/M is very @ %=¥an 5 campua, The quarters provided were small, Then Py)=Pi2)*(2)"/M Gi) x44 = 22,41 foreach i= Yet comfortable; each person had his is very close to Pa) on [-7,7] because Xa ‘own room! PysGe)— Py) TM for every x0n 4,2, -, 1995, ‘ ae EFT. So, Pyu(s) has a sign change Pea pos very close to every root of P@) and has Question 8, (New Zealand) Test cacy Pa asp eudca eae the same sign as PG) at T. Since Pa) LetdBCDEFbeaconvecheragon with yajuser sal tenance sen and P.,(#) take on different sign when = an ~a0-c0 Saitama on

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